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The slime of my life with the Avatar!
Hello everyone sorry for not writing ever since I got back but I have been really really tired!!!!!!!!! And I got too much sun and my skin is peeling off!!!!And thats not a lame excuse for not blogging. Ok so here we go, this is how my trip went.
My whole family, my nanny, aunts, cousins, sisters all went to Nickelodeon!!!!!!!! We had the best time ever!!!!!!!!!I have to give a shout out to my girl Ally she is the B-E-S-T!!!!!She got me a personal meeting with the Avatar, so I need to shout out to Aang too!!!!But it wasn't such a personal meeting after the mob of kids came!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah the mob was pretty big!!!! Anyway, I am putting a picture here of me and Aang and me and Ally too! !!!!!She is the greatest!!!!!!! Aang and the Nickelodeon people gave me a thank you card for being an inspiration to them with my Jaylens Challenge. It was awesome. Me & Aang can save the world from bullying with the element of air !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We also did the Nick Studios Live with our team called Jaylens Challenge!!!!! We wore our shirts that mom says the Sacramento shirt shop gave to us!!!!!!!!!!My friend AJ's brother named Shawn had to get slimed with the ultimate slimilator!!!! My mom just HAD to have a picture of it. It was hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!My mom is putting some of the pictures on here for me for you to see!!!!!And the card too!!!! And Lexi got a P-I-E in her face too by my cousin DK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh mom wants me to tell all of you that we are going to have a big party thing on September 12 and she said she will get on and tell you all about it soon!!! But its a really really big party and some celebrities are coming and some people are singing and jumpy houses and painters for your face and a dunking tank so we can all dunk a bully!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I want to give shout outs to JoJo Camille and Uncle David!!!!! Also I want to tell Nana and Kayla that everything will be alright!!!! Kayla I will be praying for you until you get better and please email me when you get better!!!!!!!!! And MRS. Barbara Doyle thank you for supporting me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Oh and my special MRS. Sunshine I saw your shout out to me on my kids hero page and you are following me on Twitter!!!!!!!!!!!Mom says she hopes that everyone can contribute for wristbands to help us have the big party for ALL the kids that ever wanted to come. It is going to be sooooo much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and Selena Gomez made a really good music video called Magic!!!!! Eveyr time it comes on, I just have to sing along and I love her new hair style!!!!And guess what???? My little sister is having tics but she acts like she's not but she is having lots of them and mommy needs to take her to Dr. enett!!!!!!!!!!!!
"tic" ya later!