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Hey hey I just wanted to tell everyone thank you for writing to Oprah for me to be on her show!!!
She hasn't called yet but I did get Ellen and about 25 celebrities suporting me on Twitter!!! My Bullying No Way is being heard all over the world!!! You never know, Ellen might just call me because alot of other talk shows are!!!
I want to give Karla a huge shout out!!! Ya'll need to check out www.FansGivingBack.Org If you are a "fan" of any celebrity and you give back somehow by helping out or making a difference somehow, contact them so they can add you to their website!!! Celebs you need to check them out too and have your own page put on there!!!
I also want to thank all my Twitter tweeps for retweeting and helping me and suporting me because YOU Rock and are AWESOME!!!
I also wanted to give a little shout out to my dads new friend. Mrs. Nicki and her kids Isaac and Mia. Isaac and Thomas I hope you have good luck at your basketball games!!!Make sure you keep wearing those wristbands I gave you because they are alot of money!!! I have a feeling we will be spending a lot of time with them at my dads!!!
Before I stop writing I want everyone to say a prayer for alot of things that happened this week. For the ladys family that got killed by Shamu and all the people going through earthquaks and tsunami's (mom had to spell that)!!!
I hope you have a GREAT week and remember to stay together and tell someone if you are getting bullied!!! Spread the word Stand up and Be heard!!!
"Tic" ya later,