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Hello & I am done with that terrifying thing at the hospital!!!! They put needles in me that hurt and put me in a deep sleep like they were witches and I was Snow White!!!!!!!
I am soooo glad that is over with now!!!!!But my mom says they don't have the answers yet!!! Thank you to all of my friends and family that prayed for me to be safe and feel good!!!!! IT WORKED becasue I am feeling F-I-N-E, FINE with a Z formation SNAP!!!! he!he!
Now about Oprah!!!! I've been giving her so much time to put me onher show and I need to go on there before she retires!!!!!!!!!!!So, please, lets all still email her tomorrow on 2/19 Friday at this website And tell her all about me and then give her these two websites. One is my CBS news katie couric American Spirit and then please give her my website address www.JaylensChallenge.Org After all that hospital put me through Oprah will want to hear what I have to say!!!!!!!! I want EVERYONE to email her on the same day to MAKE her know who I am!!!! My mom thought that was one of my best ideas!!!!!!!So please everyone help me!!!! It's just like when I beg my mom for a cookie and she says no. If I beg a thousand times, she will end up giving the whole box and saying "take two if you have to"!!!!!!
Tahnk you again everyone for praying for me and keep praying still that my anwers on my brain will be very good!!!!!!!
"Tic" ya later!