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Hello did you miss me? SPRING BREAK!
Hello my wonderful people!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm very sorry I haven't been on but I have been sooo busy!!!!
First of all it was spring break for me last week and I don't need to explain that to you!!!!! AND Uncle Dash came down here from L.A. and surprised me and we did an intervew for our Today Show !It will probably be on next Monday all day long and again on the weekend replaying! Then we went to a park where disabled kids play with normal kids (WHO IS NORMAL BY THE WAY?) and we gave out my wristbands!!!!!!
Then Uncle D surprised me by taking me to a REAL LIVE NEW YORK YANKEES GAME!!!!!!! I have NEVER been to a real baseball game and I never been to any kind of pro games ever!!!!! It was the BEST!!! But I wanted to catch a ball because we were on the front row at the dugout but the big kids an adults keep getting them!!!! Uncle D got me a new hat too!!!!
It was AWESOME seeing the CHAMPS!!!! I got to see Derek Jeter #2!!! #2 is MY number!!!!Mom and Nina went to the girly place and got their feet rubbed on while we were gone!!!!!
Anyway now it's back to school and tons of homework!!!! I also had a project to work on over spring break. On Wednesday I have to go to school and pretend that I am Martin Luther King, Jr and give a speech for 5 or 10 whole minutes!!!!!!
Well I better go mom wants me to go to bed as usual!!!! But I will write back sooner this time and I want everyone to still write to Oprah! Can you believe after all of my friends and people emailed her that she didnt' call me yet???? I bet if I give Ellen a shout out taht she would call me because after all she does follow me on Twitter!!! HI ELLEN!!!!!!
goodnight friends out there wherever you are today!!!! Oh and I had a GREAT Easter! Went to church and then my aunt Misty surprised us and came to visit with all my cousins!!!!!!
"Tic" ya later