Life Income Gift

If you wish to make a substantial gift but you wish to receive some income for the property, you might consider a charitable trust in which you irrevocably transfer cash or property to a trustee. The trustee in turn will distribute a certain percentage or amount of the annual income available from the assets back to you or Jaylens Challenge Foundation,Inc.


By naming Jaylens Challenge Foundation, Inc. as an irrevocable
beneficiary of your life insurance policy, you can make a sizable gift at relatively low cost and
your annual premiums can be tax-deductible. Jaylens Challenge Foundation, Inc. may also be
designated as a secondary or contingent beneficiary of a policy if you wish to keep control of the
policy during your lifetime.

Property GIfts

 Gifts of personal property, such as works of art, furniture, equipment or
collections, must be used for a purpose related to our charitable mission. In considering whether
to accept a gift of real estate, Jaylens Challenge Foundation, Inc. would determine if the property
is marketable so that it can be sold, or whether it should be kept as an investment.
