And tree diversity is the key to a rainforest. We must rewild the world!" David Attenborough This unique feature documentary is his witness statement. In this time-jumping dramedy, a workaholic who's always in a rush now wants life to slow down when he finds himself leaping ahead a year every few hours. So it's very profitable in the short term. It's happening already. When it comes to the land, we must radically reduce the area we use to farm, so that we can make space for returning wilderness. The forest is growing, flowers and fruit trees blossom, and wild animals visit. Every human can make a difference, but we have to come together internationally, and support the many people already hard at work to save our planet. [Attenborough] It was a stark contrast to the world I knew. 2020 WORLD POPULATION: 7.8 BILLION CARBON IN ATMOSPHERE: 415 PARTS PER MILLION REMAINING WILDERNESS: 35%, Science predicts that were I born today, I would be witness to the following. Japans standard of living climbed rapidly in the latter half of the 20th century. The ocean covers 70% of our planet's surface, and it's where all forms of life began. A broadcaster recounts his life, and the evolutionary history of life on Earth, to grieve the loss of wild places and offer a vision for the future. The fishing quickly became so poor that countries began to subsidize the fleets to maintain the industry. While the future of our planet may look bleak, Attenborough offers us hope and a vision for restoring our planet. On current projections, there will be 11 billion people on Earth by 2100. A line in the rock layers. David Attenborough is a famous British naturalist. Attenborough is now 94, and throughout his long life, has watched the natural world wither before his eyes. Jonnie Hughes served as director and producer, as he has on Attenborough's documentaries since 2000. By and large, its a story of slow, steady change. And a few years later, that idea became obvious to everyone. Did you know that 1.8 trillion plastic fragments are currently drifting like a garbage site in the northern Pacific? Um, and I certainly would feel very guilty if I saw what the problems are and decided to ignore them. [young Attenborough] We heard a crashing in the branches ahead. SIMON: So what gives you hope? Accuracy and availability may vary. Planet Earth. As a child, Attenborough enjoyed studying fossils. The Maasai word Serengeti means endless plains. To those who live here, its an apt description. The 50,000 large dams in the world, change the water flow and temperature of rivers. Without large fish and other marine predators, the oceanic nutrient cycle stutters. A determined detective continues his search for the truth behind Asia's largest drug organization and its elusive boss he has unfinished business with. In the process, they also provide us with simple solutions to saving our planet before it is too late. And the songs have distinct themes and variations which evolve over time. And because we would be then dedicated to raising plants, we could increase the yield of this land substantially. Whole habitats would soon start to disappear. And in less than 48 hours, the city was evacuated. How do we reclaim farmland but also increase the food supply for a growing population? But we can make them the only source. For much of its expanse, the ocean is largely empty. They are the best technology nature has for locking away carbon. So, what do we do? After the death of their father, two half-brothers find themselves on opposite sides of an escalating conflict with tragic consequences. Estimates suggest that no fish zones over a third of our coastal seas would be sufficient to provide us with all the fish we will ever need. [Attenborough] They lived in small numbers and didnt take too much. In his latest book and film, "A Life on Our Planet," he offers a grave and alarming assessment about . They charted them as they moved across rivers, through woodlands, and over national borders. Tired of the small-time grind, three Marseille cops get a chance to bust a major drug network. At 93, Sir David Attenborough has spent a lifetime studying the natural world, and been knighted for his efforts. urgency ? Each generation able to develop and progress only because the living world could be relied upon to deliver us the conditions we needed. Why wouldnt we want to do these things? They have a symbiotic relationship; the algae absorb sunlight, which provides the polyps with the energy they need to snap up their passing prey, and expand their coral colony. It was a feature of all five mass extinctions. on the Internet. 1937 WORLD POPULATION: 2.3 BILLION CARBON IN ATMOSPHERE: 280 PARTS PER MILLION REMAINING WILDERNESS: 66%. The planet cant support billions of large meat-eaters. And ways to harvest our forests sustainably. The killing of whales turned from a harvest to a crime. However, half the world's rainforests have been destroyed, and the orangutan population in Borneo has reduced to a third of what it was. And that completely changed the mindset of the population, the human population of the world. There were twice the number of people on the planet as there were when I was born. By burning millions of years worth of living organisms all at once as coal and oil, we had managed to do so in less than 200. David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet. The natural world will survive. If we all had a largely plant-based diet, we would need only half the land we use at the moment. [indistinct chatter] These simple statistics speak as eloquently for our planet as our author does. It was a brutal and unpredictable world. Environmental economists are trying to address this. A key reason the population is still growing is because many of us are living longer. The Plant-Based Gut Health Program for Losing Weight, Restoring Your Health, and Optimizing Your Microbiome, Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are, An Introductory Guide to Deeper States of Meditation, Or Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun, 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind. We now have the opportunity to create the perfect home for ourselves, and restore the rich, healthy, and wonderful world that we inherited. Ten thousand years ago, as hunter-gatherers, we lived a sustainable life because that was the only option. As with the citizens of Pripyat, we carry on with our daily lives, unaware that our carelessness and lack of planning will ultimately destroy us, and our natural world, unless we alter our self-destructive trajectory. I'm quite sure. By 1975, the average was two. A story of global decline during a single lifetime. Vast forests. Two legendary Go players, once student and master, face victory and defeat as they inevitably come face to face as rivals. Its all happened within the last 2,000 years or so. Starring: David Attenborough Watch all you want. Unlike land chains, which may have three food chain links, such as grass, to wildebeest, to lion, the sea has about five, so if we overfish at one point, we collapse the entire system. A thick belt of jungles around the equator has piled plant on plant to capture as much of the suns energy as possible, adding moisture and oxygen to the global air currents. I noticed that in this transcript the years of the population, carbon & wilderness miss: 1937 & 1954 & repeat the year 1997 twice the last should be 2020. A 12-year-old boy learns he's the returned Jesus Christ, destined to save humankind. Oil and gas companies represent the largest businesses globally, heavy industry uses fossil fuels, and there's a hefty stock market investment in these companies. The film's grand achievement is that it positions its subject as a mediator between humans and the natural world. [Attenborough] By the time Life on Earth aired in 1979, I had entered my 50s. We are Canadian. Thats the sort of commitment you need if you want to even begin making a portrait of the living world. [Attenborough] At the turn of the century, Morocco relied on imported oil and gas for almost all of its energy. Preparation task . ATTENBOROUGH: Well, I think it changed everybody's view. And all of them completely undisturbed by your presence. Many new plant-based foods are on the market, and in the future, biotechnology may be able to use microorganisms to provide us with proteins. In this world, a species can only thrive when everything else around it thrives, too. For some time, climate scientists had warned that the planet would get warmer as we burned fossil fuels and released carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. I advocate that there should be zones, parts of the ocean where they should be absolutely sacrosanct, where, in fact, populations of fish can build up and actually from that, colonize the rest of the seas that we've stripped. Life cycles on, and if we make the right choices, ruin can become regrowth . SIMON: I - forgive me, but I feel the need to quote a movie in which your brother starred (laughter), "Jurassic Park," where the scientist says, nature finds a way. [groaning] Those beneath can get crushed to death. Instead, cover crops are planted after harvest to protect the soil, and crops are rotated. They discovered that the Serengeti herds required an enormous area of healthy grassland to function. Saving individual species or even groups of species would not be enough. Leading lives that interlock in such a way that they sustain each other. SIMON: You're 94, but I have to ask, for all you have seen - almost a century - in times that have been bleak, where does this moment rank? And we understand that it's going to cost something if you put it right and that the Western and developed countries had more than their fair share. There just isnt the space. For. Tasks . The point for me was simple: the wild is far from unlimited. Since the Second World War, what's known as the "Great Acceleration" has brought us many progressive things, as our GDPs indicate. Even as some of us were setting foot on the moon, others were still leading such a life in the most remote parts of the planet. Clean energy has to replace fossil fuels. The Second World War was over, technology was making our lives easier. The thing we rely upon for every element of the lives we lead. Phytoplankton at the oceans surface and immense forests straddling the north have helped to balance the atmosphere by locking away carbon. Yet the way we humans live on Earth now is sending biodiversity into a decline. Pripyat tells us otherwise. Focusing on a specific period, from the birth of Black Wall Street to its catastrophic downfall over the course of two bloody days, and finally the fallout and reconstruction. We must immediately halt deforestation everywhere and grow crops like oil palm and soya only on land that was deforested long ago. But that rainforest is one of the key elements in the whole of the weather patterns of the world. Many people regarded it as the most costly in the history of mankind. Our closest relatives. Whales were being slaughtered by fleets of industrial whaling ships in the 1970s. ATTENBOROUGH: Yes. We also need to rebuild our seas to capture carbon, increase biodiversity and food supply. If the ice disappears, so does the algae that grow underneath. But lines blur when a key informant makes a big ask. Uh The Human beings have overrun the world. Summer sea ice in the Arctic has reduced by 40% in 40 years. Hence, if we suffer the fallout of a natural disaster, we take notice of the planet. This docuseries delves into one of our greatest modern mysteries: Flight MH370. Many of the millions of species in the forest exist in small numbers. This trajectory is unsustainable, and the Great Acceleration will inevitably result in a "Great Decline.". When I was a boy, I spent all my spare time searching through rocks in places like this for buried treasure. Its quite straightforward. [snorting] Whenever we choose a piece of meat, we too are unwittingly demanding a huge expanse of space. There are signs that this has started to happen across the globe. Nature is our biggest ally and our greatest inspiration. You and I belong to the most widespread and dominant species of animal on earth. In just 25 years, the forest has returned to cover half of Costa Rica once again. This most pristine and distant of ecosystems is headed for disaster. You can see it. This unique feature documentary is his witness statement. 70% of the mass of birds on this planet are domestic birds. The government decided to act, offering grants to land owners to replant native trees. Instructions Preparation David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet | Official Trailer | Netflix Watch on Transcript Task 1 Task 2 Discussion Have you seen any of David Attenborough's films? It seems possible for us to feed ourselves quite happily using half the land we currently use. In 1950, a Japanese family was likely to have three or more children. As a result, the average global temperature today is one degree Celsius warmer than it was when I was born. But Ive had unbelievable luck and good fortune. The natural world is fading. Which is why weve cut down three trillion trees across the world. We had worked out how to produce food to order. So, I had the privilege of being amongst the first to fully experience the bounty of life that had come about as a result of the Holocenes gentle climate. This city in Ukraine was once home to almost 50,000 people. we would keep consuming the earth until we had used it up. Recent surveys indicate that one-third of the population has either stopped or reduced their meat consumption in the UK, and 39% of Americans are trying to eat less meat. However, as it does this, carbon dioxide changes into carbonic acid. The evidence is all around. And you see this curtain of green with occasionally birds in it, and you think its perhaps okay. Its entirely possible for us to apply both low-tech and hi-tech solutions to produce much more food from much less land. The living world is essentially solar-powered. His book, "A Life On Our Planet: My Witness Statement And Vision For The Future" - and the highly honored broadcaster, historian of nature and best-selling author joins us now. The global air temperature had been relatively stable till the 90s. In my time, Ive experienced the warming of Arctic summers. But its possible to slow, even to stop population growth well before it reaches that point. But whether it will survive in the form that will include us in it is just another question. In international waters, the UN is attempting to create the biggest no fish zone of all. In the 1960s, families often had five children, but today the average is 2.5. We can start to produce food in new spaces. It's not too late. And when the government of Brazil is saying that that's what they actually want to happen because knocking down the rainforest is a very good (ph) way to get a quick buck. A marked change in atmospheric carbon has always been incompatible with a stable earth. Boo! And if you knock down the whole of the Amazon rainforest, the whole of the climatic systems of rainfall and other climatic factors will be - go off balance. We cut down over 15 billion trees each year. Its finite. Theyd never seen sloths before. If we continue on our current course, the damage that has been the defining feature of my lifetime will be eclipsed by the damage coming in the next.
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