When he called me I was busy and asked him if i could call him later. Blah blah blah. The fact is, it takes a good person to spread good, there are many jobs out there that are good with bad people running, working for them. I seem to have ulterior motives? never said what I would be doing . In another spot on their website, they suggest that part-time agents may expect to earn about $500/mo (which is also $6000/yr). if I say anything bad about them, he gets so upset. Apparently these Primerica folk are misusing LinkedIn profiles for their slimy deeds. Financial Educator (Current Employee) - United States - March 12, 2019. . He was strange, deceptive and refused to answer why he supposedly left this well-known company which had me a bit concerned. They are not now and I feel a offended that they would think I was interested in an MLM style business which I didnt find out until later. I got a call a little while again and it seemed very odd. A common line youll hear from Primericans is that, at the very least, they will offer you an inexpensive way to learn about the financial industry. When I called her back to ask about the position and wages, she said, again, the position was a leadership role. I literally didnt know the name of the company or the position until i walked into the interview. I shook my head, frustrated again, starting to wonder how long it would take til I would really succeed at this. After that she was with very little interest to meet again. I AM a great manager and I have been offered legitimate opportunities in the past, so yes, we exchanged numbers. Pyramid scheme organizers may pitch the scheme as a business opportunity such as a multi-level marketing (MLM) program. I got a call and they scheduled an interview for today without letting me know for what position they are hiring. As of this morning, the morning after, I wrote an appology text to my 5 references and also a warning that they may be hearing back from this company asking them to get involved as well. I questioned it but thought oh well go for it. Ive read a ton of comments on other sites as well, and this is just not cool! Im generally really polite and dont want to hurt feelings, and I knew that my current work may expire in December, so I figured Id hear him out and then should I need work in December, maybe Ill give him/them a call. She asked me a few questions about some displays and such before asking how I liked working there. I suffered through the classes only to never hear about my financial planning budget ever again because my reps had no idea how to put one together. She the. Primerica is a very old company that for over 40 years has been selling insurance and financial products by way of the network marketing model. i joined primerica, i drank the kool-Aid thank god i did!!!!! They prey on the uninformed, they want your warm market, and your warm markets warm market. What a waste of time?! Period. Primerica IS A PYRAMID. They contacted me, offered to meet me to just talk, and sat me down at a coffee shop (they wanted my husband to come to but he wasnt interested). The business of Primerica Reps is recruiting other reps. DO NOT give them the time of day AT ALL. Pingback: Why Do People Join MLMs? He spoke and I listened. I first indicated, I was not interested in selling financial products and not sure I wanted to apply. Some guy came up to me at the grocery store today and without provocation introduced himself and told me he worked helping people through financial services and teaching people what they should have been taught in school. He gave me the address and time for the meeting andthats it. I told her the store and began to walk away until she stopped to ask me if I was currently employed. People are recruited into multiple levels in the pyramid. Of course, I find that it is a scam and a pyramid scheme. And now I am here. They are a scam! She gives me, the son she never had, an enthusiastic hug and promises to call me tomorrow with all of the details. By the time he is licensed, he has alienated many of his friends, made some money for his upline, and is now expected to trick others into doing what he was duped into doing. Like the other RVPs were worse off for working with people who didnt have it. Looking for any advice to be offered before the impending interview.. Down below is a tiny non-referent asterisk that tells us to check their claims against the DISCLAIMER portion of the book. So I went to the interview and when I left feeling like they just tried to sell me something and like they settled for offering me the next phase in the interview process I thought let me do some research. Thanks for this website, now I know its a scam and Im calling off the interview!! In public. also I asked for what position ? (Formerly pre-paid Legas Services, membership I have had for 16 years. Many, many years ago, when it was A. L. Williams, I was approached, and even attended one of their informational sessions. (The Primerica reps will tell you their payment structure is no different. Its a legit company, but its practices are garbage. Big giveaway: when an interviewer asks you questions about who you live with, and if you have a lot of family and friends that live in the area I mean, come on! After realizing her main focus was getting recruits I began to question this whole Primerica thing. I had really lost interest by the time he had gotten to the bottom of the first page. life insurance pyramid scheme companiesvictoria serie temporada 1. Like everyone else here, I also got the call and the woman said that I was Highly qualified for some positions she was offering. I can feel itll just be a waist of my time and I would rather work for a company with a good reputation. Even the classes were weird and subpar. I though I was going on a great interview in my early twenties when I strolled into Prime America! She had a nice dark tan and spiky hair with maroon tips and very pale yellow roots. Conversation went out and he tells me he likes my personality in which Ive been told many times over. I told her I dont have friends, so Im just telling her anything so shell drop it but she was so persistent it was ridiculous. And thats why I have not fell prey to their scheme of getting people to recruit. But the way I see it, is that why should I care about what other people are saying about this company. My old coworker had me sit through a lecture for her (I thought I was just helping her) then he asked if I was interested. I just got a call tonight from someone who started to ask me about my resume. Thats an MLM just you stay broke. Please dont contact me again. Ta da. I mean, what was taken from them? Because MLMs are pyramid schemes in which 99%+ are guaranteed to fail. I tried asking where they got my information from but they said they didnt have that information with them I have an interview tomorrow Not sure what to do HELP! I knew to avoid them but because of how fast she mumbled the name i didnt research. http://www.cisro-ocra.com/publications/LLQP%20Provider%20Results%20(Jan-Dec%202014)%20EN.pdf, Anyone who can defend the morality of the scum who works and represents this company is just as bad. He had rushed through the call, creating the perception that he was a busy man with many interviews to call for a much-in-demand position, and when I asked the company name he rushed through that part as well. I knew that a job selling insurance wasnt really up my alley, and my intention was to leave the first opportunity I got, but that opportunity came when they asked me to put down $99 for an investment licensing class. Got approached at a random target by a lady commenting on what I was wearing not a job. God am I hungover. The big guy stated he made over $500,000 last year. I attended a presentation and just decided it wasnt something I really wanted to do. Multi-level marketing is a scheme by which people who are in first make money from those who come later. He collects his clients resumes and he did it in front of me. ones that are not MLMs), you will keep the majority of the commission on the sales of products. As he hung up the phone I exhaled to release the tense feeling I felt, then realized I had been holding my breath for most of the call. Dont spread lies when you failed at the business. I didnt want to wright to much, sadly it got away from me. Also this company has to be licensed in each state by the Insurance Comissioner. My friend joined this because the company we work at now isnt good and this company made her feel good about herself. As soon as I seen it was a power point presentation I knew money would be involved. It was odd that the individual wouldnt tell me what the position was and that it wasnt sales. Randomly the thought popped into my head, he also said working 2-5 hours a week would mean an extra $1-2000 a month for your family but I quickly dismissed that thought. She gets so defensive when anyone questions her work. So glad everything that I was concerned about has been confirmed. I stopped giving out leads once I realized that I wasnt getting paid at all. 4. Sitting there listening, my mind went back to the phone call that him and I had, when my interview was booked. It was sure better than his you guys arent doing anything, youre being a bunch of losers talks he usually gave at training meetings. Everything else followed was muffled. Thats how I found this site. I had an interview yesterday with the regional Vice President. I am considering doing Primerica, but I am first doing my due dilligence. Just had an interview todayit stated just as everyone elses with a phone call from a lady stating someone gave me your name and advised me you were looking for work and you have a background in administrative work and customer service she said she wanted me for an office manager position. To those who did not get what they expected, please ask yourself if you did what you were told, if you persisted, if you actually did the work. Expectations low (as I am VERY cautious) I agreed to meet with him. Just before the session started I looked at the guest book and noticed that John had put his name beside most of the new guests, though 4 were a result of my resumes. She asked if the woman and I interviewing would be interested in receiving our free financial health check as well as a follow-up appointment for the orientation session so I can get out there and start making money. Lever term is obtainable from top rated companies for far less money. The second warning sign was she didnt have a business card, but rather took my phone number down on a notepad and advised her business partner would call me. GREAT!! Representatives of PFS troll the internet for job seekers, harvesting resumes from job sites. My fellow employees are a wonderful group to work with. If I attend, will I experience a pressure tactic laden recruitment presentation? Glad I already have a good job! Needless to say, not going. So this nice, well-put together woman is kind of a nice change to talk to. He called me again and I ignored the call. He finally emailed me back saying that 10 works great but I would be speaking with David because he was busy busy busy! Tameka All insurance agencies are NOT pyramids. There was a Prime America in the office building I currently work in, and I cant tell you how many young, eager, looking people would pull up looking nervous right before their big job interview. Thanks for all the information. I start to feel under-dressed in my khaki pants, short-sleeved button-down shirt and silk tie. I dismissed the thought as finally, after several minutes, John opened his door and beckoned the man in, intruding himself again. I did not like that and that was a red flag. About a week later she calls me. Attitude goes a long way idiots from primerica, be forthcoming and maybe one day youll be able to be human again. As soon as I saw Primerica I KNEW it was a scam. Like many before me, I too received a call by a young woman, Jasmine, stating that my number was forwarded as someone ambitious and hard working, seeking employment. It is a pyramid scheme. He called me the next day and I missed his call. Thank you for the information. He acted surprised that I had not. * If Primerica is a scam, how have they been in business for almost 40 years? But to shut down a business just because over 100 of you said it was crap and the rest followed after you did your own research. But I again dismissed the thought, feeling a bit guilty for doubting John. Third, my agent told us that he much preferred to bring in people to work just part-time, and he had for his first 18 months with the company, because it takes a while to support oneself in this or any commissioned sales position. She has put no pressure on me, and she first spoke to me about the companys functions, as if I were wanting to be a client with them,m and then we discussed the business end. He also mentioned talking with a number of people at Lowes about how bad the schedule is here as I realized later, he makes the rounds at stores like this, trying to entice unhappy people into a get rich quick scheme. I told him I usually work in the summer but this summer didnt work out so I started taking some summer courses. I wouldnt say I was victimized. BBB is here to help. I just got off the phone with some one by the name of Kelly Marie from prime America she was very anxious to have me come in for an interview. Do not get suckered in, I was lured in by a friend that saw I was making pretty good money and figured 100 dollars to start isnt too bad for me. im so agree i wonder how they got my info. And a sidenote when I exchanged info with the wife in target her android phone had an app on it where my full name showed up on her phone. At the time though, it didnt sit right with me. Would you like to travel around the world if you got rich? It unfortunate that anyone that has been told that theyre having a job interview and later feel that they got taken. With traditional firms (i.e. The funny thing about all this is that no one mentioned that Primerica is a NYSE company. I worked HARD at the business, I have had success in other businesses in my life but making money at Primerica is a joke. I ask because my husband is a real estate agent and his broker always gets a piece of the action (along with everyone else in the office) the broker recruited, hired, licensed, and trained my husband my husband works his ass off the broker doesnt how is this not a form of an MLM? they said a position in the company. Im not in huge need of anything, Im just exploring my options. Call away, I figured. He hasnt paid in 3 months! I know of plenty of people who need a job but now I dont think this company is legitimate despite the nice phone call. Vanguard, Smith Barney, Fidelity, etc are all good. Brokerage Firm Regulated by FINRA (Atlanta district office) IA. I informed him this job sounds just like the foolishness I mentioned above, and that I will continue to research the company before I consider whether Ill go to interview Friday which I highly doubt I will do thanks to this page! Then she texted me and asked to meet her this week for coffee. But dude. He never mentioned the name of his company, only that he was impressed and wanted to figure out if I was a good fit the sort of leading language Ive seen others report thats meant to make you feel desired and special. The company with the highest growth in NYSE last year, where tesla motors had the second highest growth, is a scam to you all, who is having trouble surviving and stuck in a JOB (Just Over Broke). Peace and blessings to you. Just my two cents worth. Yes, the fake interviews have occurred. She asked for my number that way her trainer would contact me to set up an interview. I noticed other people my age, mid-20s, walking into the office fronts around my destination. All of this is broken into ordinary conversation somehow. What Primerica does, is after they sign up a new trainer, they get their list of friends, and the new trainer and his upline trainer go down the list of friends and make appts. It is a legit MLM business opportunity that has been around for more than 40 years, and it's possible to make real money if done right. Wow was not expecting it to be such a rabbit whole. One last question: Might you also direct me to the financial services provider anxious to hire a gray-headed, chicken-necked, bifocaled old cronewhose work ethic and ethics generally are strong?! No, I never joined Primerica and walked away. Anyway so disrespectful will not be going tomorrow and glad my parents raised me the way thy did because I couldve signed my life away. I can see where some think the avenue of recruiting equates to MLM but Id argue thats simply due to lack of knowledge. Some of my friends work for Primerica and do VERY well! Second, it was I who contacted my Primerica agent recently, not the other way around, to inquire on an IRA rollover for my husband. I fill out an application. So the First 20 minutes seemed normal, but then it got suspicious. Im glad I didnt give them the $99 dollars, they told me it was for a background check, plus $25 a month to access your account through their website. So, I was interested and I REALLY loved the couple and was glad to see and hang out with them after so long. if you dont have the internet, you hear about my place. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. very dumb. So what you are saying is that the other insurance companies must REALLY over elevate their prices. Yes, education is important. I received a call and was told someone left my name and number on his desk. ..so i asked her if its such a legit company why do I have to pay for my background check and why is there so much secrecy and then sign of primerica is most outside. She went thru a 45 minute pitch for their pyramid scheme. I proceeded to ask him how he could make me a job offer without a resume and he gave a decent answer saying that he cares more about the character of a person and that a resume is just a piece of paper yada yada. Yes, Atlantis the mythical Hellenic city submerged in ancient times. Most of the money on the financial products you sell will go to YOU, rather than some pyramid. And this made me laugh what he said next. http://www.sequenceinc.com/fraudfiles/2015/03/multi-level-marketing-is-not-a-business-its-a-pyramid-scheme/. She asked if I was interested in working with them, and I said yes. I got a call from somebody in Primerica named Curtis. I was looking for a receptionist or something. Good servant leaders in Primerica do not trick people. Financial investments 6. He sat next to me while the guy gave a speech on how much money people were making and talking bad about my job. Their higher up had done that for them. I thought everyone wanted/needed our products and opportunity. One can only hope they were having a dinner party in the back and not a Donner Party If this company asks you to come in for an interview, bear in mind they are only after your money. He then tried to get my bank account info right after and I just barely made it out of that. He handed me a flyer that said Primerica was waiving licensing and application fees for active duty and veterans in November 2018, but I cant find anything on it on the Primerica website. Was this review helpful? Primericas site is for the people they con into buying insurance. Thank you for participating. Investment Adviser Firm Visit SEC Site. I am so glad I found these comments it saved me the time of going to somewhere that was not what it was suppose to be. Your financial situation is unique and the products and services we review may not be right for your circumstances. My only concern is these two know where I work. At the time I was desperate for anything that could get me more money. A pyramid scheme does not refer to the layers of management that you see. It has been at least 15 years. I dont see any suggestion there that newbies may expect six-figure earnings? If you join Primerica your commission schedule is ridiculously LOW. I wonder if the experiences shared here are indicative of the company as a whole or just unchecked human behavior that isnt managed from senior corporate leadership. You should really just target people who dont mind selling this way instead of rounding up a large number of people to attend presentations. Write by: . You are describing practices that are barred from current procedures, and the law. I went to all of the trainings thereafter, but it was the most painful thing to do. Known as a co-founder of EarthLink, the internet service provider that . Also they said they would need to talk to my parents, remember Im a student in school so maybe it might of been valid for parental consent, but to me this was bit fishy as this may have been a way for them to start getting business off me. I almost felt like filing a complaint with the DuPage County States Attorney, at best make them aware. Then he went even further to explain that he could help my parents lower their insurance, debt, and help me pay for my college textbooks. Im canceling my interview for tomorrow. The recruiter may actually be vague in most cases when trying to get people to come check out the company but that doesnt mean they the information you will get about saving for retirement, etc is false or lies. From that, I just wonder why he wants my wife to get involved on this.. Lol! Only one company filed a lawsuit in a failed attempt to prevent these upgrades. Customer Service PFS Investment clients with Legg Mason, Invesco,Fidelity, American Century, Amundi Pioneer, Nuveen and Franklin Templeton funds may check their accounts here. He said that josh said a ton of great things about me and he wanted to interview me for a position. From then he sent us to different people to ask us some questions. It is really not an insurance company, it is a distribution company that relies on a pyramid to fund the upper class there. Its performed nicely and Ive never had any problem with the company from my standpoint as a customer. Now, the warning flags were popping up like crazy! I gave him my phone number and when I asked him for a business card he said he did not have one and went on to talk about how he makes 3-4k a weekyeeeaaaah. LOL Alex. Plus, I knew I had read somewhere on POL (online website for reps) that it was against compliance to block the number. Suck my ass. It just all seemed very cheap and tacky, like the trinkets around the office. So glad I ran into this, a man at a store who was very charming said they were looking for employees, I have had a bad feeling about him for about 2 years now and he has called like 3 times since, every time he gives me a little more information, it all seemed very fishy, finally said I would meet up this week but would google them first. (Kind of like someone asking you out on a date and then you saying I have a girlfriend, they should get the hint) The guy keeps talking and says something like we should have a discussion when youre free about the position. 5. Competitive compensation.. I made to RVP , sold alots of policies yes made money but when my comminity questioned 35 year term beeng level term company simply forced me to step down . While often legal, taken to the extreme, multi-level marketing becomes a Ponzi scheme. I would not call it a scam, but they are overly persistent and do not take a hint unless you are forceful. 90% of Primerica income made by 304K student training recruits that will never be licensed. I finally ended it telling her Im sorry but no and she said thank you and turned her back on me. This business is in a unmarked building near a woods, although that was scary enough I reasearched and found this. Some will say yes, not to be recruited, but to take control of their finances. . I agree with your assessment that Primerica is not by definition a pyramid scheme. I got a call after meeting with someone from the workforce. As a matter of policy, BBB does not endorse any product, service or business. I returned her call on Monday and it was all very vague. Thats why they havent been charged. Had a local resident from Primerica call me as I often leave my card at the nearby supermarket as I offer computer repair services. Id really like to figure out if it is the company that is the problem, or just some of the people in it. On the day of the interview, I drove to the adress of where the interview was, I expected a big company with a sign of the name or something. Glad I didnt waste my time. Presumably because the recruiting pool is getting less and less educated. I felt paralyzed with indecisiveness. Tameka Bell, How did they make you feel captive? File a complaint about an investment or an investment account with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). My biggest issue with most of these posts is the fact that the reps are approaching people in random public places(i.e., work, grocery shopping, launder-mats, job seeking seeking sites, etc.) You are effectively a franchisee paying a franchise fee plus a percentage of your profits to the tier above you. P.S.Also, as to objections from some of the above posters concerning licensure fees charged by Primerica, any financial services company must ensure that its agents are licensed, just like real estate agents (or engineers or accountants) must be licensed. Now what?! Other Mutual Fund/insurance companies invest in them. No, the only logical answer is that they somehow benefit from this revolving door. After reading these comments I can say I will not be showing up Wednesday at 6:15 for my interview. Ive been disabled for four years and i finally got a job release in feb 2014.Since i had to change job careers,its been hard drawing my former job skills to be applied to another field.Im currently in a job program called DVR(from the department of labor)in the state i live in.For the past 2 months,ive applied to many jobs thru them and gone out of my own with little success..lol.Ran into alot of companies like primerica.So now before I have the interview with any marketing/sales company,I do tons of research on the computer.Had a person contact me from bankers life and casualty say that im good to be part of his team and told me to come to his office at 6pm for the interview.Only to find out that its a presentation with 14 others,10 left after an 1 1/2 hour presentation(only surpose to be a 40-mins).i was one of the 4 and he liked me and set up an second interview.Took 2 weeks to get back to(and only got set up due to my ongoing calls to him for it)me and set up the meeting the next day-they did the same thing as primerica only they actually had a call list from the do not call listings they use for their referrals for me.A $99 dollar fee plus $149 for inside training upfront.I said NO and that was it.My DVR supervisor gave me a reference for a job that turned out to be a primerica rep.I had to follow up this time and called her-she contacted me that nite at 9:30pm(odd time)and told me that her supervisor would call me tomorrow-he never did.A week went by and out of blue the primerica rep called me and said that she was sorry about her supervisor didnt get back to me.But this time i was ready(i did my research and found tons of very bad reviews and some good reviews from primerica corp. officers..lol lol.When we talked,her excuse was that her supervisor is better to answer my questions and would do so when he calls.He hasnt called but i already know the truth(on the surface and the deep inside shadly truth)about primerica-what they represent and who benefits from their company.I need a job now and need money soon before im forced to live on the streets with my wife.I cant start a new position on empty promises and payment upfront to pay to go to work to make alittle money in the first month after i work 80 to 100 hours a week..lol.Doesnt make sense and its just a waste to put forth lots of effort,time,gas,sweat and patience to make little money just to barely live onlol. Im just worried if I tell him I thought about it and wouldnt want to proceed, he has basically ally information, Im in the same position as you i dont want to recruit others and im scared with the info they have.
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