To report an ADA accessibility issue, request accessibility assistance regarding our website content, or to request a specific electronic format, please contact the County ADA Coordinator (772) 320-3131, Florida Relay 711, or complete our ADA Accessibility Feedback Form. We are dedicated to providing all our students with an exemplary educational experience. Al hacer clic en "Acepto", acepta renunciar a cualquier prdida que pueda causarse al condado de Martin al confiar en la traduccin proporcionada por Google. ACCORDING TO THE DRESS CODE, STUDENTS HAVE THE RIGHT TO LEARN WITHOUT BEING OFFENDED OR DISTRACTED BY THE WAY OTHER PEOPLE ARE DRESSED. Bibb County School District. Dress Code - Port St. Lucie High School Skip to content Monday - Friday 7:33AM-1:41PM Home About Us Academics Athletics School Counseling Students and Parents Transcript Requests School Pay PSLHS Spirit Store Jag TV News - Daily Dress Code You are here: Home Students Dress Code Recent Posts GEORGETOWN, Ky. (LEX 18) A group of students at Scott County High School are speaking out about their dress code, calling it sexist and demanding it be changed. The policy bans clothing like shorts, skirts, or dresses that are too short, holes that fall below fingertip length, crop tops, and thin straps. 3. Martin County students start petition to change school dress code. Privacy Policy The Muscogee County School District's handbook and Code of Conduct is written to provide information to create a safe and secure learning environment. These standards of dress and grooming apply to all students in the public schools of Orange County, unless a specific exemption is granted by the principal. No, maybe teach your boys to not be so distracted.". No bare midriffs, bare backs, halter tops, mini-skirts, tank tops or cut-offs. Le comt de Martin s'est efforc d'assurer l'exactitude de la traduction. "We're all smart enough to know what is right and what is wrong," said 11th grader Olivia Martin. Warfield Elementary School. Stacie Dunn's daughter recently got sent to the principals office for failing to wear a shirt that covered her collarbone, a violation of the school dress code at Woodford County High School. They collected pictures of violations, hung posters in the school hallway, and Walter started a petition. she continued in the photo's caption. I APPRECTEIA HER. All shorts, skirts, and dresses MUST be at "finger-tip" length or beyond. June, 2018. This environment, however, should not exclude female students from wearing fray jeans or showing their collar bones, Gorton said. En cliquant sur le bouton "J'accepte", vous acceptez que les pages de ce site Web soient converties dans des langues autres que l'anglais. Sounds like I have some work to do! Terms of Use. Students should always take pride in their appearance and keep in mind that the way they dress should demonstrate respect for one's self and the safety and integrity of the school learning environment. 2022-2023 Dropout Prevention Plan. I couldn't focus in class,'" said Gorton. >> WE WILL LOOK AT EVERYTHING AROUND THIS. Log onto to complete the district's online registration through Parent Self-Serve and upload all required documents listed below. >> THE OUTFIT SHE REWO TODAY WAS DRESS CODED THE FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL. Martin County is committed to ensuring website accessibility for people with disabilities. According to the dress code, students have the right to learn without being offended or distracted by the way other people are dressed. Our faculty to student ratio is 1:19. She said when that happens a student must leave the classroom. Copyright 2021 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Student Dress Dress Code: A student's conduct is related to his/her dress. According to the dress code, students have the right to learn without being offended or distracted by the way other people are dressed. Follow writer Eun Kyung Kim on Twitter. The appropriateness of a student's dress for school environment should dictate the choice of clothing and grooming practices on each given day. IE 11 is not supported. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. We are going to look at it. Once Gorton spoke in front of the school board, they told her they will reach out to her to set up a meeting with the superintendent. According to the high school's dress code policy, shirts must have crew-neck collars that do not dip below the collarbone. Cependant, aucune traduction automatique ou informatique n'est parfaite. School Protocols / Dress Code. According to Woodford County High School's dress code policy, all shirts must have a rounded crewneck . 7 /10. Warrick Dunn is a former NFL player who has dedicated years to his "Home for the Holidays" and "Warrick Dunn Charities" programs. As a reminder, in observance of Veteran's Day, District schools and . Jensen Beach High School Unclaimed. Theres nothing magical about the collarbone itself other than thats just a point of reference, kind of like your knee would be for the length of shorts, or the length of a skirt, Hawkins said. The district's current dress code policy states that the torso cannot be shown and that shorts must be no shorter than 4 inches above the top of the knee. She said when that happens a student must leave the classroom.You have to leave the learning environment and you have to go into this closet at South Fork and put on one of the shirts they have if it can make your outfit 'more appropriate' as they call it, Gorton said.She said she wants to see changes to policies that dont allow clothing to have tears or holes such as ripped jeans at the ankles. However, bedroom shoes or slippers shall not be worn. The Board of Education approved the changes Monday. El condado de Martin no es responsable de la traduccin proporcionada por Google. Please note that individual schools may have additional requirements that are not included in the link above. Florida Jensen Beach Martin Jensen Beach High School. San Pablo Elementary follows the Duval County Public Schools dress code: Administrators and teachers of Duval County Public Schools enforce dress and grooming guidelines that promote the successful operation of schools. The senior at South Fork High School, Mackenzie Gorton, who created the petition to reform the current dress code spoke in front of the Martin County School board on Tuesday about her concerns. El condado de Martin no puede garantizar la precisin del texto convertido y no asume ninguna responsabilidad que pueda derivarse del uso o la confianza en la traduccin proporcionada por Google. She said she wants to see changes to policies that dont allow clothing to have tears or holes such as ripped jeans at the ankles. "Yoga pants and leggings I guess are, what, distracting? Our school administration has been very open with students and parents alike, that if they feel like changes need to be made, they are open to suggestions," he told The Dress Code is policy 4303. The waistband of shorts, slacks, skirts, and similar garments shall not be worn below the hips. 2022-2023 Escuelas Del Condado Cumberland Codigo De Conducta Estudiantil. While standard, the girls feel like the rules unfairly target them as females. Le comt de Martin n'est pas responsable de la traduction fournie par Google. 3. That includes wearing tank tops, a style of clothing that was, until recently, off limits to girls at her high school in St. Johns County, Florida. >> THIS SHOULD NOT EXCLUDE FEMALE STUDENTS FROM WEARING JEANS OR SHOWING THEIR COLLARBONES. THROUGH THE EFFORTS OF ALL, EVERY STUDENT WILL BE COLLEGE AND CAREER READY, INSPIRED TO ACHIEVE LIFELONG DREAMS. Por ejemplo, la traduccin no es sensible al contexto y no puede traducir completamente el texto a su significado completo. We are not a distraction, and we are not a sexual object," said Martin. Student dress and grooming shall be neat and clean, and follow the general guidelines below. Ellie Simmonds is a former Paralympian swimmer who earned gold medals for Great Britain during the 2008 and 2016 Paralympic Games. NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION & INFO Spring Registration begins January 3, 2023 from 8:00am - 11:30am and 1:30pm - 3:00pm. Dress Code. Dress Code. Wallet chains are not allowed. Inez Elementary School. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. 2023, Hearst Television Inc. on behalf of WPBF-TV. Revisions to the Student Dress Code (4303) were approved during the January 25, 2022 work session of the Martin County Schools Board of Education. So far, their online petition has close to 500 signatures. 4. Examples of such extremes include, but are not limited to: Shoelessness. Walters is frustrated by those rules. Other attire may be allowed for special school activities with the approval of the school administration. Controversial school dress codes repeatedly make the news. For copies of individual ordinances, please submit a public records request by selecting the "make a public records request" button. When we asked the school about this, a spokesperson sent us this statement: The students tell us they had a chance to meet with their school's administration, and they listened. Complete our 2022-2023 Satisfaction & Engagement Survey today. Safe Schools Dress Code. The policy bans clothing like shorts, skirts, or dresses that are too short, holes that fall below fingertip length, crop tops, and thin straps. Eden Elementary School. 2023 Martin County. Vsyon orijinal sitwb sa a disponib nan lang angle. STUDENT APPEARANCE & DRESS CODE POLICY Students are required to wear appropriate clothing according to the situation and the grade level involved. 2021-2022 SMDP Dress Code 2021-2022 SMDP Uniform List Powered by Juicer Loading. For Elementary and Middle Schools. >> ONCE SHE OKSPE IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL BOARD, THEY TDOL HER THEY WOULD REACH OUT TO HER TO SET UP A MEETING WITH THE SUPERINTENDENT. El condado de Martin ha hecho todo lo posible para garantizar la precisin de la traduccin. L w klike sou bouton "Mwen Aksepte", ou dak ke paj yo nan sit entnt sa a pral konvti nan lang ki pa angle. Two South Fork High School students said they will go before the school board at Tuesday's meeting to speak about the current dress code in schools. MCHS Construction. In this 2013 photo, Mary Beth Tinker, 61, shows an old photograph of her with her . We will look at all the facts around this, Millay said. FY22 Summative Evaluation/Common Data Elements, Community Eligibility Provision/Comunidad de Elegibilidad Provision, District Parent and Family Engagement Plan, Student Records and Privacy Notice (Spanish), Assistant Superintendent of Student Affairs, Elementary and Secondary Education Act Complaint Procedures, 2022 - 2023 School Social Worker Directory, Meet our Middle School Athletic Coordinators, Career, Technical and Agricultural Education, GA Department of Education Dual Enrollment, Internship Bibb Beyond the Classroom Newsletter, Youth Apprenticeship Program GA Department of Education, Work-Based Learning GA Department of Education, District Effectiveness & Federal Programs, Assistant Superintendent of District Effectiveness, Elementary and Secondary Education Act Complaint Procedures (en Espanol), Title I, Part A - Family Engagement Program, Title I, Part C - Migrant Education Program, Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Information, Title IX, Part A - McKinney-Vento Education, English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Miller Fine Arts Magnet Middle WAIT LIST Application, Central High School IB and Fine Arts Magnet WAIT LIST Application, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, eLearning Resources for Teachers, Parents, and Students, School Assignments (Instructional Technology Team), 75 Digital Tools/Apps for Formative Assessment, The Midday Menu for Central Office & School Based Office Personnel Spring 2023-Flyer, The Midday Menu for Central Office & School Based Office Personnel Spring 2023-Schedule, Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS). The following items are considered improper . Pajamas nor slippers shall be worn to school-they are out of dress code. Students must wear shoes at all times. Sunday 31st July 2022 New Obion Co. Schools Dress Code Policy Released April 9, 2019 @11:59 am Shannon McFarlin Union City, Tenn.- The Obion County Schools board of education unanimously voted to revise the district's dress code policy, effective immediately. Middle and high school students are to wear solid "polo" style shirts that are black, gray, or their school color (navy blue for Riverside; Purple for South Creek). Martin County high schools starting earlier, ending later in 2018-19 Andrew Atterbury Treasure Coast Newspapers 0:00 1:12 MARTIN COUNTY Come early, stay later. The district's current dress code policy states that the torso cannot be shown and that shorts must be no shorter than 4 inches above the top of the knee. "When I got there I found a group of female students standing in the office due to being out of dress code also. Despite initial skepticism from upper management, whose job it was to . 4. ANYTIME A STUDENT COMES UP AND SPEAKS, IM PROUD THAT THEY HAVE CONVICTION AND GREAT PUBLIC SPEAKING SKILLS. To help keep our students focused on learning without distractions, we expect each one to dress appropriately. "I've talked to my male friends and none of them have been like, 'Oh wow, that ankle right there, that's really distracting.' "School's a lot better this year because I love wearing tank tops," said O'Keefe, 16. Martin County te f tout ef posiblite pou asire tradiksyon an presizyon. Belts, suspenders, and straps should be worn in place and fastened. Elementary School, W.S. A copy of this policy can be found in the documents section of our webpage. To view Martin County ordinances, please select the "Martin County Code of Ordinances" button below to access the Municode website. "If you think that pulling a girl out of class because her bra strap is showing or her shorts are a little too short, then you're just proving to her that making sure that the males in the classroom have a distraction-free zone is more important than her education," said Young. When Flagler Schools put a uniform-type dress code policy in place in the 2012-2013 school year, the number of referrals went from 468 the previous year to more than 1,571, with 75% of them dress . Para comodidad de los usuarios, este sitio web del condado de Martin utiliza el servicio gratuito de traduccin de idiomas de Google. Dress Code Policy; Cell Phone Policy; Broadcasting Policy ; Calendar; Curriculum . Colors: White, Royal Blue, Baby Blue, Navy, and Gray. Click HERE to submit a school choice application for the upcoming school year. SBDM at 4:30pm. Dunn, who did not immediately respond to requests for comment, noted on her Facebook page that her daughter's principal had recently called her to set up a meeting. A page from the Orange County school district's proposed 2020 student code of conduct that shows new dress code rules. Elementary School 3889 Highway 127 South | Crossville, TN 38572 Phone: 931-456-8344 Dress Code Dress Code Students shall dress and be groomed in a clean, neat and modest manner so as not to distract or interfere with the educational process or cause a safety hazard. To identify standards of conduct for students from the time the student leaves home to go to school until she/ he returns home and any time a student is on school grounds. Students in violation of the Dress Code will be asked to comply or receive appropriate consequences. Shoes must be worn at all times. Skirts, skorts, and dresses may be no shorter than two (2) inches above the top of the knee. Millay said the code of conduct was approved by the school board back in May or June after two readings, both of which allowed for public comment. Middle and high school students are to wear solid "polo" style shirts that are black, gray, or their school color (navy blue for Riverside; Purple for South Creek). The perfect tummy control bodysuit, a popcorn gadget, more bestsellers starting at $8. L w klike sou "Mwen dak", ou dak ke nenpt dezak nan tradiksyon an pa pral obligatwa epi yo pa pral gen okenn ef legal. Dress Code (Policy 5500.04) In General. I appreciate her. See-through clothing. The dress code is typical for K-12. Gentleman's shirts that are longer than mid-thigh must be tucked into pants/shorts with a belt. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Marion County Public Schools Dress code requires all shorts, dresses, and skirts to fall mid-thigh. DCPS has policies and procedures in place to protect its employees, students and anyone associated with the District from discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment or retaliation. According to the high school's dress code policy, shirts must have crew-neck collars that do not dip below the collarbone. AP Offered Gifted Prog. Hats, rollers, visors, caps, do-rags, and bandannas are not allowed. Our Student Dress Code prohibits disruptive, provocative, revealing, profane, vulgar, offensive, obscene or unsafe clothing or bodily appearances. ", RELATED: J.C. Penney employee sent home for wearing shorts she bought at J.C. Penney, She criticized the school for enforcing a dress code that forbids girls from showing their collarbones "because it may distract their male class mates. "I think what we have is a minimum expectation and that's pretty consistent with other districts surrounding us in the state of Florida, said Dr. John Millay a superintendent at Martin County School District. "You can't wear a tight shirt and you can't wear a loose shirt," said Cooper. A LOT OF THE DRESS CODES, IF GIRLS COME TO HOOLSC WITH RIPPED JEANS WILL GET DRESS CODED INSTANTLY, BUT MEN ARE GETTING AWAY FROM IT. Wondering who to contact with your questions? Click on a school below to view the dress code. >> SHE IS A SENIOR AT SOUTHPORT HIGH SCHOOL AND BEGAN THIS PETITIONN O FRIDAY, WHICH NOW HAS MORE THAN 2000 SIGNATURES. Par exemple, la traduction n'est pas sensible au contexte et ne peut pas entirement traduire le texte dans son sens complet. Martin County pa ka garanti presizyon tks konvti a epi li pa sipoze okenn responsablite ki ka rive l w svi ak oswa konte sou tradiksyon Google bay la. He said he would be willing to amend the dress code if I was willing to put together a proposed dress code that was realistic, measurable and professional that everyone, including lawyers could agree too! 555 W. Martin St., Apopka, Florida 32712-3544. They canceled their planned walkout protest and will have a small meeting to talk about changes next week. Pour la commodit des utilisateurs, ce site Web du comt de Martin utilise le service de traduction gratuit de Google. Copyright 2023 District. "They're asking females to raise their arms above their head to see if the midriff shows if they're wearing a shirt and it seems a little shorter, like at your belt line," said Ryann Cooper, a senior at South Fork High School. This environment, however, should not exclude female students from wearing fray jeans or showing their collar bones, Gorton said. DRESS CODE DEBATE: A group of students say Scott County High School's dress code is sexist and unfair. Some students at Albert Einstein High School in Kensington, Md., are unhappy about a new dress code. Click on a school below to view the dress code. All rights reserved. Principals may use their discretion in implementing the dress code, including making reasonable accommodations on the basis of your student's religious beliefs or medical conditions. Martin County School District1939 SE Federal HighwayStuart, FL 34994(772) 219 -1200, Building Hours: Pembroke Lakes logo printed lanyards are available as an option for purchase at PLE's Front Office through our PTA for $3. She said the principal also has met with a group of high school students about making a reasonable dress code change proposal to take before the school board. Elementary school students are not allowed to wear shoes without closed heels or back straps. Find Us . Please note the revisions to the policy and keep in mind all students will be expected to adhere to the updated policy. Welcome to Ravenwood High School for the 2022-2023 school year! 484 Mulberry Street, Macon, GA 31201 . "I think what we have is a minimum expectation, and that's pretty consistent with other districts surrounding us in the state of Florida," said Martin County Superintendent Dr. John Millay. 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. En cliquant sur "J'accepte", vous acceptez de renoncer toute perte pouvant tre cause au comt de Martin en vous fiant la traduction fournie par Google. Copyright 2023 Martin County School District. A school dress code can help students dress for safety. District300 N. Watts St.Williamston, NC 27892Phone: 252-792-1575Fax: 252-792-1965. The petition called, Reform the Current Martin County School District Dress Code, now has more than 2,000 signatures. "I signed it. One reason Riley O'Keefe prefers 10th grade to ninth is that she can dress more comfortably. Hutchings College and Career Academy. The dress code is typical for K-12. She has flown to space a total of four times. Please click the appropriate photo above to access the Martin County School District's Dress Code for the 2022-2023 school year. En cliquant sur "J'accepte", vous acceptez que toute divergence dans la traduction ne soit pas contraignante et n'ait aucun effet juridique. Bare midriffs. Most court rulings support this idea when instituted fairly because there is a legitimate use of them to keep kids safe. "Nowadays with what the stores are selling like Hollister or Aeropostale, their shirts are either crop tops or huge baggy t-shirts.". We should try to push on education on why we shouldnt sexualize women, but I also think we should make a dress code that is more comfortable for students and less focused on objectification, Gorton said. For safety reasons, tap shoes, shoes with cleats or shoes with wheels may not be worn. "You can't wear a tight shirt and you can't wear a loose shirt," said Cooper. Here are some examples. According to the dress code, students have the right to learn without being offended or distracted by the way other people are dressed. "Our dress code is sexist.". The following represents examples of clothing and . School. The school district confirmed that 31 girls received dress code violations on Friday. (For school list and more information, click here.) Martin County ne peut garantir l'exactitude du texte converti et n'assume aucune responsabilit pouvant dcouler de l'utilisation ou de l'utilisation de la traduction fournie par Google. ", It was never my intent to bash anyone, merely to draw attention to what I feel was an injustice in our school system, she said in a subsequent Facebook post. We shouldn't be treated like an object; we're not there to impress the boys and distract them. Elementary students in grades K-5 may wear any solid color "polo" style shirt. Footwear must be worn at all times. Martin County High School | Home Martin County High School Every student will graduate college and career capable. Florida's Reemployment Assistance Program. We ask that all students and parents read through the content of this agenda to familiarize themselves with school policies and helpful information about RHS. I had to come to the school because according to her school principal what she is wearing is out of dress code and inappropriate for school," she wrote on her Facebook page, posting a picture of her daughter at school wearing jeans, a tank top and a white cardigan. She wore a cropped white shirt with "Education Not Sexualization" written on it, along with ripped jeans. Specific rules, exceptions, and violations are at the discretion of the school . Home - Martin County Schools Departments BOE Services Continuous Improvement Online Registration Campus Portal Employment Links Duties Password Reset WE LEAD WITH PASSION, EMPOWER WITH PROMISE, AND EQUIP FOR EXCELLENCE. District 300 N. Watts St. Williamston, NC 27892 Phone: 252-792-1575 Fax: 252-792-1965. . Students at Martin County High School in Inez, Ky., say that the school is unfairly targeting them for wearing LGBTQ-themed T-shirts for class. Please note the revisions to the policy and keep in mind all students will be expected to adhere to the updated policy. "They're asking females to raise their arms above their head to see if the midriff shows if they're wearing a shirt and it seems a little shorter, like at your belt line," said Ryann Cooper, a senior at South Fork High School. Appropriate undergarments must be worn but shall not be exposed, i.e., boxer shorts, underwear, bras. School Counseling Department - Course Selection Live Feed See All Posts Important Info Two South Fork High School students said they will go before the school board at Tuesday's meeting to speak about the current dress code in schools. Saatva Mattress Review: Our Pick for the Best Overall Bed of 2023, We Found 12 Cute Planters and Flower Pots That Cost Less Than $25, Here's Where to Watch and Stream Marvel's 'Ant Man and the Wasp: Quantumania' Online. High School Writing; Poetry Unit for Middle School; Old Week By Week Pacing for 3rd-5th; . CCS Homepage. Website. The petition called, Reform the Current Martin County School District Dress Code, now has more than 2,000 signatures. Students may not wear hoods on their heads in the building. JAN 31, 2022 Revisions to the Student Dress Code (4303) were approved during the January 25, 2022 work session of the Martin County Schools Board of Education. One of the first things General Motors' now-CEO Mary Barra did after being promoted to vice president of global human resources was to whittle an extensive 10-page dress code down to two words: dress appropriately. The petition has gained nearly 2,000 signatures since it was published Friday night. 2401 SE Monterey Road, Stuart, FL 34996Phone(772) 288-5400. Martin County High School. Outerwear may not be disruptive, distracting, display offensive language/symbols, etc. His mother, who was a police officer, was killed in the line of duty when he was 18. Anytime a student comes up and speaks, Im proud of them that they have conviction, and thats a great public speaking skill, so I appreciate what she did. Head coverings are allowed if they are an expression of a sincerely held religious belief (e.g., hijabs or yarmulkes) or cultural expression (e.g., geles) or to reasonably accommodate medical or disability-related issues (e.g., protective helmets). 2875 Northwest Goldenrod Road, Jensen Beach, FL 34957. En cas de divergence entre la version anglaise de ce site Web et la version traduite, la version anglaise prvaudra. Si hay alguna discrepancia entre la versin en ingls de este sitio web y la versin traducida, la versin en ingls prevalecer. "I signed it, my husband signed it, my son signed it," said Michelle Jacobs, a parent. PDF Google Martin County Google , Bathtub Beach closed until further notice, Other Government & Constitutional Offices. You can also find them on the Martin County Schools webpage ( "Our education is way more important than our bodies and the way they look in our clothing. Anytime a student comes up and speaks, Im proud of them that they have conviction, and thats a great public speaking skill, so I appreciate what she did. Superintendent's Newsletter. Martin County Area Technology Center. In almost every way, school dress codes single out girls. Pants, skirts, or shorts must be khaki, navy blue, or black. A group of students at Scott County High School are speaking out about their dress code, calling it sexist and demanding it be changed. On-site administrators determine apparel that is appropriate, disruptive, distracting, or in violation . Pants, skirts, jumpers, or shorts should be khaki, navy blue, or black. While. Appropriate dress and grooming can help to create a positive learning environment. They are now speaking out against what they consider . Cooper said male students have been receiving dress code violations, but not as many as female students. "We can't remember the last time we saw a guy get dress coded," said Young. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. "That's all decided by the student code of conduct and we take that very seriously just like every issue," said Dr. Millay. Instructional Technology and Library Media, Wake County Board of Education District 4 Vacancy, Wake Early College of Information and Biotechnologies, Farmington Woods Magnet Elementary School, Reedy Creek Magnet Middle School Center for the Digital Sciences, Wake Early College of Health and Sciences, Wake Forest iSTEM Magnet Elementary School, Board Policy 4309-G.I-5: Code of Student Conduct, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated), see-through or excessively short, tight or revealing clothes, clothing with lewd, indecent or vulgar messages or illustrations, clothing that advertises products or services illegal to minors. SHE SAID WHEN THAT HAPPENS A STUDENT MUST LEAVE THE CLASSROOM. The school's dress code starts with a note saying Scott County High School works hard to make sure that their dress code policy is free from gender bias and equal for all. Contact info. "We should try to push on education on why we shouldn't. Martin County students start petition to change school dress code Petition has gained nearly 2,000 signatures since it was published Friday night Two South Fork High School students said. >> WE SHOULD TRY TO PUSH ON EDUCATION ON WHY WE SHOULD NOT SEXUALIZE WOMEN, AND MAKE A DRSES CODE MORE COMFORTABLE FOR STUDENTS AND LESS FOCUSED ON OBJECTIFICATION. 8. "Parents are being called away from their important jobs and students are missing important class time because they are showing their collarbones!
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