Humanists and existentialists both agree that: a. psychological dysfunction is caused by self-deception. b. support the ideas of positive psychology. It exists in the nucleus of each cell, packaged in threadlike structures known as chromosomes, for which we have 23 pairs or 46 total. d. latency stage. Throughout this book, we will discuss several treatment strategies used to change unwanted, maladaptive cognitions, whether they are present as an excess such as with paranoia, suicidal ideation, or feelings of worthlessness; or as a deficit such as with self-confidence and self-efficacy. Abnormality results from the interaction of genetic, emotional, and cultural influences. If a behavior is not memorable, it will not be imitated. a. Fritz Perls b. Joseph Wolpe c. Abraham Maslow d. Aaron Beck, 123. So I kept doing it and doing it until one day, another kid grew tired of hearing about my other identity and punched me in the face. b. modeling. What if? d. integrate new behaviors to compensate for other damaging behaviors. a. id b. ego c. superego d. personality. She has developed depression due to a serotonin deficiency. d. quaternary prevention. 66. Individuals in this situation are unsure of what they feel, value, or need leading to dysfunction and the need for therapy. The same is true of borderline personality disorder. Outside of phobias, desensitization has been shown to be effective in the treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder symptoms (Hakimian and Souza, 2016) and limitedly with the treatment of depression when co-morbid with OCD (Masoumeh and Lancy, 2016). Chances are you are already accepting the unknown in some areas of life and identifying these can help you to see why it is helpful in these areas, and how you can apply this in more difficult areas. As you might expect, if reinforcement occurs after extinction has started, the behavior will re-emerge. A therapist identifies a biological factor in a patient with depression. 15. b. Existentialists believe that research isnt necessary, because the effectiveness of existential therapy is already apparent due to its widespread success. 27. What is learning? What is that factor? Thorndike also said that stimulus and responses were connected by the organism, and this led to learning. How so? As such, he continues to steal her toys. With this knowledge, a plan is developed and consists of numerous strategies to act on one or all these elements antecedent, behavior, and/or consequence. These therapies have proven efficacy for the treatment of depression (Kalibatseva & Leong, 2014) and schizophrenia (Naeem et al., 2015). A psychologist from which background would agree MOST strongly with this statement? The results of this study led him to conclude that _____ greatly affects mental illness. 18. A therapist who assumes this describes a phobia acquired from classical conditioning MOST likely favors which model of abnormality? Finally, Freud used dream analysis to understand a persons innermost wishes. How so? Little Albert made no response outside of curiosity (NSNR not shown). b. early childhood trauma. Learning has two main forms associative learning and observational learning. c. double-blind studies. All while doing this, we will identify areas of concern for psychologists focused on the treatment of mental disorders. When the individual is accepted as they are, they receive unconditional positive regard and become a fully functioning person. After several conditioning trials, the child responded with fear to the mere presence of the white rat (Panel C). c. maintenance. Describe the role of bacterial and viral infections in mental illness. For example, to be diagnosed with separation anxiety disorder, you must present with three of eight symptoms for criteria A whereas for a major depressive episode as part of Bipolar II disorder, you have to display five (or more) symptoms for criteria A. c. depression. Second, we must remember what a model does to imitate it. However, people can build up a tolerance to benzodiazepines if they are taken over a long period of time and may need higher and higher doses to get the same effect. Side effects include drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, difficulty urinating, and irregular heartbeat, to name a few. c. psychodynamic The structure of personality. The hope is that the client will engage in self-examination with acceptance and honesty. 75. Mood stabilizers are used to treat bipolar disorder and, at times, depression, schizoaffective disorder, and disorders of impulse control. Bacterial and viral infections. They are a means of reprocessing information necessary for survival. 32. According to psychoanalysis, which statement is TRUE of psychological conflicts? 114. Examine the evidence both for and against your thought. Reinforcement can either occur continuously meaning every time the desired behavior is made the subject will receive some reinforcer, or intermittently/partially meaning reinforcement does not occur with every behavior. None of the models are complete within themselves. a. b. negative transference. Skinner talked about contingencies or when one thing occurs due to another. In science, the perspectives used to explain events are known as: According to a 2018 report (Prochaska & Norcross), the dominant approach used by clinical psychologists is: a. existential. d. propositions. It provides the strength to fight back or to flee (fight-or-flight instinct). Which is an example of a biological treatment for this condition? c. emphasize health. 138. 59. They are sexual in nature. d. disengaged. No one form of couple therapy stands out as superior to others. Also, many treatment techniques have been developed and proven to be effective over the years. The defense mechanism that BEST explains your behavior is: a. denial. c. manifest content. If my father seems genuinely happy and pleased with himself after bagging groceries his way, then I will be more likely to adopt this behavior. 76. Step 1 Neurons waiting to fire are said to be in, Step 2 If adequately stimulated, the neuron experiences an, Step 3 Once the action potential passes from one segment of the axon to the next, the previous segment begins to, Step 4 After the neuron fires, it will not fire again no matter how much stimulation it receives. d. frustrating the client. d. the way in which the mental health profession is moving. Finally, the sociocultural model indicated the role of socioeconomic, gender, environmental, and multicultural factors on abnormal behavior. d. people who avoid responsibility for their lives and decisions live inauthentic lives. We may think so, but a review of the evidence for and against this statement will show that it does not and reduce how threatening it seems. I know my grandmother used to. c. insert RNA into genes. She died shortly after this interrogation on May 28, 1936. They then realize their worth as a person but also that they are not perfect. Second, the participants in his studies were not representative of the broader population. Females are at higher risk for developing an anxiety disorder than men. a. gestalt theorist b. psychodynamic theorist c. existential theorist d. evolutionary theorist. Anne has distant parents, failing grades, and insufficient funds for basic necessities and also develops depression. b. existential c. neurons. Outside of biological and psychological factors on mental illness, race, ethnicity, gender, religious orientation, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, etc. A therapist who believes people often hide from their responsibilities and therefore often feel alienated, depressed, and inauthentic would MOST likely be described as: a. humanistic. b. During CBT a therapist will actively work with a person to uncover unhealthy patterns of thought and how they may be causing self-destructive behaviors and beliefs. CBT attempts to identify negative or false beliefs and restructure them. 22. She ultimately decided not to copy, knowing that doing so was wrong. These words have no affective connotation to them, meaning they do not imply good or bad. A theorist who believes that the multicultural perspective is the correct way to think about abnormality comes from which paradigm? Clarify what psychodynamic techniques are used. c. humanistic-existential d. conflict between underlying psychological forces. a. focused primarily on unconscious thoughts, instincts, and conflict. d. psychodynamic. What, according to Freud, fuels the id? This thought is an example of: Which statement is NOT an appropriate criticism of the sociocultural model? As noted earlier, the idea of people being machines, called mechanism, was a key feature of behaviorism and other schools of thought in psychology until about the 1960s or 1970s. Obviously then, with partial, a response continues being made for a while. 1. 52. 42. a. humanistic Then there is the self-serving bias, which is when we attribute our success to our own efforts (dispositional) and our failures to external causes (situational). 166. David Rosenhan sent pseudopatients to a mental hospital, where they pretended to be disturbed. The superego is partly conscious but mostly unconscious, and part of it becomes our conscience. Someone who studies the _____ model of abnormality focuses on how values and choices affect behavior. DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is our heredity material. 150. 149. c. The client is operantly conditioned to associate sobriety with happiness. Gestalt therapy is similar to mindfulness techniques in its emphasis on: a. using I language. During a meeting, Shondas manager asks her to free associate about her coworkers performance. A man has cheated on his partner and he feels very guilty, but soon he begins to make excuses, saying that his partner has nagged him for years. This led to a cognitive-behavioral perspective that combines concepts from the behavioral and cognitive models, the latter discussed in the next section. c. increased participation in very high-risk activities. a. Negative means that something is being taken away good or bad. According to your reading on abnormal psychology, which term is defined as "the inability to perform in one or more important areas of functioning" and is a consideration in identifying the presence of a mental disorder? c. the id, ego, and superego. Dogs do not enter the world knowing to respond to the ringing of a bell (which it hears). Examples include abnormal blood levels, damaged cells, and abnormal gene expression. Where do you sit in class, if you are on a physical campus and not an online student? Students also viewed PSY 381 Chapter 2 Biological theorists view abnormal behavior as a(n): a. illness. Over time, the temper tantrums become more and more common. A feminist therapist would MOST likely focus on: how prejudice and discrimination impact women. b. ethnographic studies. There is not a leader, and everyone is equal. She works very hard to do things that other people would like and to make people like her. "What an individual views as abnormal behavior in public may be the only way to effectively interact with family members.". The diathesis-stress model of abnormality emphasizes that: abnormality arises from an interaction between stress and predisposition. b. a severe mental illness and who is not a candidate for brain stimulation therapy. First, libido is the psychic energy that drives a person to pleasurable thoughts and behaviors. Examples of secondary punishers include a ticket for speeding, losing television or video game privileges, ridicule, or a fee for paying your rent or credit card bill late. The effectiveness of biological treatments cannot be objectively evaluated. a. losing the dog b. having the dream over and over c. feeling panicked in the dream d. feeling stress about her mothers illness. b. resistance. According to Freud, our personality has three parts the id, superego, and ego, and from these our behavior arises. Over time, he begins to understand how events in his early life have impacted how he functions now. The humanistic perspective. d. people who are more devout are also psychologically healthier. According to cognition-focused therapists, all of the following can be sources of abnormal thinking EXCEPT: a. illogical thinking. In terms of operant conditioning, strategies include antecedent manipulations, prompts, punishment procedures, differential reinforcement, habit reversal, shaping, and programming. 88. The sociocultural model has contributed significantly to our understanding of the nuances of mental illness diagnosis, prognosis, course, and treatment for other races, cultures, genders, ethnicities. I bet the bad behavior ended too. Communication in the Nervous System. With time, Anna O. did recover from her hysteria and went on to become a prominent member of the Jewish Community, involving herself in social work, volunteering at soup kitchens, and becoming House Mother at an orphanage for Jewish girls in 1895. The Structure of the Nervous System. The type of reinforcer or punisher we use is crucial. With mindfulness-based therapy techniques, clients would MOST likely be encouraged to: a. focus on setting goals for the future. a. sociocultural b. biological c. cognitive d. demonological, 4. 157. c. unconditional positive regard. The patient might change the subject, stop talking, or lose his/her train of thought. c. social networks. Right before his death, Skinner (1990) reminded psychologists that the only thing we can truly know and study was the observable. This is an example of: a. shaping. You have likely heard about Pavlov and his dogs, but what you may not know is that this was a discovery made accidentally. More on this throughout the book as we discuss each disorder. This is called the, Step 5 After a short time, the neuron can fire again, but needs greater than normal levels of stimulation to do so. a. depression b. Huntingtons disease c. social anxiety disorder d. schizophrenia. C) It is caused by genetics, chemical influences, and brain structural defects. 54. d. synapses. Our focus will be on partial/intermittent reinforcement. b. 143. These are the same four discussed under respondent conditioning. 2. They would salivate at the sound of a bell, footsteps in the hall, a tuning fork, or the presence of a lab assistant. What is the effect of genes, hormones, and viruses on the development of mental disorders? 79. a. psychodynamic b. multicultural c. cognitive d. humanistic. d. understand how beliefs and values are related to behaviors. This form of behavior therapy is widely used in clinical, business, and classroom situations. Influential on the development of Skinners operant conditioning, Thorndike (1905) proposed the law of effect or the idea that if our behavior produces a favorable consequence, in the future when the same stimulus is present, we will be more likely to make the response again, expecting the same favorable consequence. An important factor to consider when prescribing drugs for the treatment of abnormality would be that: some people do not benefit from drug treatments. Figure 2.8. Todays techniques are much more sophisticated and have been used to treat schizophrenia, depression, and some personality and anxiety disorders. The motivation to form relationships with others is a central theme of: Nari was taking the bar exam and was concerned that she didn't know the answers to many of the questions. The answer is continuous. b. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord; the former we will discuss briefly and in terms of key structures which include: Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of structures found in the brain but gives you a pretty good idea of function and which structure is responsible for it. Western society was in turmoil in the 1960s and 1970s, which led to the rise of humanistic and existential therapies. A girl values her self-worth even when she fails at something. d. libido. This therapy is BEST described as: a. relational psychoanalytic therapy. 2.2.2. Another option to treat mental disorders is to perform brain surgeries. There are times when we learn by simply watching others. Evaluating the behavioral model. A theorist who believes that someone who is labeled a hard worker will, in fact, become a hard worker is MOST likely a _____ theorist. Divorce or the death of a spouse can lead to anxiety disorders. 165. The paradigm, or model, adopted by people in the Middle Ages to explain abnormal behavior was the _____ model. According to cognition-focused therapists, which is a factor in abnormal behavior? Individuals describe this feeling as an out-of-body experience where you are an observer of your thoughts, feelings, and physical being. 68. b. humanistic. Its key figures were Abraham Maslow, who proposed the hierarchy of needs, and Carl Rogers, who we will focus on here. A therapist who describes her client as someone who has yet to fulfill his or her full potential, rather than as someone with a disorder, is MOST likely what kind of theorist? A patients initial reaction to being told she has a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is to insist that the nurse made a mistake with the test. The four main models to explain psychological abnormality are the biological, behavioural, cognitive, and psychodynamic models. b. 3. a. cognitive-behavioral b. psychodynamic c. sociocultural d. humanistic-existential, 8. a. tertiary b. mutual-help c. cognitive-behavioral d. integrative behavioral. Which is an example of latent content? c. denial. Bertha, known in published case studies as Anna O., was expected to complete the formal education typical of upper-middle-class girls, which included foreign language, religion, horseback riding, needlepoint, and piano. When Mathias did not get a job for which he applied, he was sure that everything was going wrong, that his life was completely off track. Cognitive-behavioral therapy has not been able to help her get rid of them. For operant conditioning, this means that if I make a behavior, then a specific consequence will follow. Second, the response is made, and a reinforcer is delivered. b. ego. d. classical conditioning. b. unconditional self-regard. b. map, or sequence, genes. They act as the instructions to make proteins, and it is estimated by the Human Genome Project that we have between 20,000 and 25,000 genes. The body has two coordinating and integrating systems, the nervous system and the endocrine system. c. ego. A) illogical thinking patterns. According to Freud's psychodynamic theory, the part of the personality that operates by the morality principle is the: Which statement is TRUE regarding electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)? What happened to that bad behavior that had disappeared? The BEST explanation for this trend is that these theories: The earlier that treatment begins, the more effective it can be.,, In relation to women: Some disorders are more common in women such as depression and anxiety. Rogers stated that the humanistic therapist should be warm, understanding, supportive, respectful, and accepting of his/her clients. Humans have several of these reflexes, though not as many as other animals due to our more complicated nervous system. d. caution the patient against using religious-based counseling services. If you recognize your worth as a person, Carl Rogers would say that you have developed: In the 1960s and 1970s, social upheaval and soul-searching in Western society gave rise to humanistic and existential therapies. 37. c. irrational patterns of thinking. None of the models are complete within themselves. A cognitive-behavioral therapist would MOST likely recommend: d. only one factorstress or predispositionis necessary for abnormality to occur. For more on psychosurgery, check out this article from Psychology Today: Personalizing Blaming yourself for adverse events rather than seeing the role that others play. The greatest strength or appeal of the behavioral model is that its tenets are easily tested in the laboratory, unlike those of the psychodynamic model. d. object relations theory. Marvin is very afraid of dogs. All of the following are leading kinds of biological treatments used today EXCEPT: a. drug therapy. b. overgeneralization. Please note that a person may become fixated at any stage, meaning they become stuck, thereby affecting later development and possibly leading to abnormal functioning, or psychopathology. To address this unique factor, culture-sensitive therapies have been developed and include increasing the therapists awareness of cultural values, hardships, stressors, and/or prejudices faced by their client; the identification of suppressed anger and pain; and raising the clients self-worth (Prochaska & Norcross, 2013). c. how prejudice and discrimination impact women. The humanistic perspective focuses on positive regard, conditions of worth, and the fully functioning person while the existential perspective stresses the need for people to re-create themselves continually and be self-aware, acknowledges that anxiety is a normal part of life, focuses on free will and self-determination, emphasizes that each person has a unique identity known only through relationships and the search for meaning, and finally, that we develop to our maximum potential. c. Beck. Next, a fear hierarchy, or list of feared objects and situations, is constructed in which the individual moves from least to most feared. b. existential therapy. Hormones are important to psychologists because they manage the nervous system and body tissues at certain stages of development and activate behaviors such as alertness or sleepiness, sexual behavior, concentration, aggressiveness, reaction to stress, and a desire for companionship. Some commonly used strategies include cognitive restructuring, cognitive coping skills training, and acceptance techniques. Really, the sky is the limit with reinforcers in particular. Techniques might include weighing the pros and cons of fighting uncertainty or change. The psychologist who would MOST closely agree with this statement would be described as: Brooklyn learns to turn on the TV by watching her older brother turn it on. They protect us from anxiety and operate unconsciously by distorting reality. Whenever she has to attend a party, she only speaks to people she knows well.