John's passion for what he does and strategic know-how is really inspiring. I am a strategic asset who thinks about more than my areas of responsibility. A good place to start is to write your self-performance review using our sample comments and phrases. When applied in an organizational strategic management process, strategic thinking involves the generation and application of unique business insights and opportunities intended to create competitive advantage for a firm . State everything objectively and clearly. He is very sharp and thinks strategically. "She is always seeking opportunities to be more productive." In order to ensure collaboration, you need a healthy team environment. For this blog post, I define strategic thinking as: "A thinking process applied by an individual in the context of achieving a goal." Note: I am not taking credit for this definition. Cause, he has the strategic capacity to see things before anyone else. Has reached the level for promotional consideration. Tim was promoted to the global role a year later and was ultimately better equipped to navigate the role. Your team members respect and appreciate you. What is your plan to achieve them? "Your communication skills are great, and you can make others understand your point clearly." We witnessed a lack of transparency and accountability in how you functioned. I am curious and engaging, and demonstrates strategic thinking in every discussion. 2 (1979): 8-14. 1. To suspend critical judgment in an effort to think more creatively, Liedtka proposes a strategic thinking model of interrelated attributes: 1. You are a great team player. Why ask strategic-thinking interview questions. 2022 Tous droits rservs. And last but not least he is able to connect the dots with an strategic thinking. 66. e. "Instead of completing the urgent assignments first, she does the easier ones and puts off the urgent ones.". I am a strategic and forward thinking individual who is driven by success. Improve on your performance reviews even further and take our course on How to Turn Painful Performance Conversations into Positive Results. Your direct and impersonal approach to handling discussions is ineffective in boosting the morale of those around you. He knew that barely having time to collect his thoughts before going into meetings made him unprepared, less vocal, and less capable of synthesizing and sharing his knowledge. Is making a strong effort to acquire greater experience and skills to increase potential for advancement. You remain constructive and open to ideas and compromise in situations where opposing ideas . Mikko Arevuo, PhD. Tims efforts began to pay off over time, and he was able to shift his contributions in senior executive meetings from operational input to strategic input. g. You acknowledge accomplishments and recognize employees fairly., a. I am also very strategic and has always created value for me stakeholders. And success is the result of a . His thinking is strategic, but still can be tactically executed, which is not found in many. d. You exceeded our expectations by delivering more than assigned work despite the tight schedule., a. I am an exceptional leader, who thinks and acts strategically. You get frustrated with new hires easily and dont coach them properly. Strategic Thinking Exercise: Simulation and Role Playing. Start by acknowledging your shortcomings and explain that you want to address them. Give constructive feedback. In addition, it will also direct them towards the areas where they need to improve. Tim had a good reputation for responding to business unit leads, and he worked tirelessly and effectively to keep the supply chain functioning well. When given the opportunity he is capable of strategic thinking. Uses training opportunities to develop creative people, innovative teams, and profitable revenue streams. Listens openly and encourages feedback while creating and maintaining an inclusive work environment. Ho hum . Now, instead of having reactive discussions with his HR business partner, he was able to engage in forward-looking discussions about strategic hiring and leadership development opportunities for his team. Your vision might be a long-term plan that sets goals for the next 5 to 10 years, but those goals need to be realistic. Strategic Thinking Sample Phrases To Write A Performance Appraisal Feedback. =strategic management - involves building and allocating resources both to meet the needs of today and to fulfill the vision of the future.-competencies - characteristics associated with successful performance. "He is regarded as highly credible by those working with him." c. "She is very punctual and understands the value of others time. They are realistic optimists. He also continually provided strategic thinking for our company. Here are a few overall performance review comments to discuss employees' creativity. Not only is he strategic, but he never settles for less than the best. Tim was a strong strategic thinker, but he wasnt doing it in a way his bosses could see it. 68% of employees who receive accurate and consistent feedback feel fulfilled in their jobs. Vantage Circle. John is strategic in his thinking and always comes up with new ideas. I am strategically strong and has the ability to push thinking forward. And of course for other core competency descriptors, look no farther thanThe Performance Appraisal Tool Kitor Paul Falcones bestselling2600 Phrases for Effective Performance Reviews. 1. All employees can assess their strengths and weaknesses, evaluate themselves and find relevant strategic thinking self-review comments that supervisors would like to see in self-appraisal form. I am very adept at thinking conceptually and anticipating obstacles during my strategizing. e. He maintains a culture of transparency and knowledge-sharing across all levels in your department. Creativity and the free exchange of ideas can only flow when employees have a healthy work environment. c. "You schedule your time off in advance and can be relied upon for completing your tasks on time.". c. You are honest and always admit when you dont have the knowledge about something. This type of thinking is tactical. John him what you want and he'll not only make it, but create it beautiful, and strategically. b. e. Your approach to problems is often rigid and conventional.. This made him more focused, more strategic and definitely more successful. But with appraisal comments, you can help employees overcome their personal conflicts and contribute to the team. He is very good both at strategic thinking and at getting things done on the ground. Vision is your forward-looking starting point it establishes where you want your company to be in the future and why it matters. A clear, focused vision is a critical skill for strategic thinking . Focuses team on not getting bogged down in analysis paralysis. Strategic thinkers do not ignore that achievement is a long-term ride. "When given any kind of feedback, you dont take it in a positive manner." Simbline can help you write a self-evaluation performance review using phrases prepared for you. Understanding the environment and providing answers underneath the surface of the issue. I am a forward-thinking visionary with an incredible knack for strategizing. 2. Structures projects and assignments with clear goals and measurable outcomes so that team members can creatively individualize solutions. Ensures that new hires work their plan and plan their work consistently on a day-in, day-out basis. a. Strategic bent of thinking- our company has a natural flair for thinking strategically. Analysis of strategic thinking reveals common themes about the interconnectedness of ideas and a regard to new possibilities. Self-evaluation phrases for strategic thinking highlighting your areas of improvement and give you opportunity to pave the way for future growth. John is innovative in his operational and strategic thinking. It comes straight out of Wikipedia. His strategic vision set him apart from others as he is always thinking big. I am able to pivot my priorities and come up with new ideas based on changes in a project requirement 39. I am always a highly reliable, strategically forward-thinking colleague. John's strategic thinking was the driving force in our department. " You lead by example. They brainstorm ideas in order to arrive at a decision and generate these ideas together. I am always thinking about who can make good strategic alliances within the groups. Great strategic thinker and someone who can do just about anything you ask of him. d. You have a unique imagination and have come up with some of the most creative ideas weve ever seen., a. What have you done to achieve them effectively? e. "You abide by the companys rules and policies. e. "You are equal in your treatment to everyone and communicate with your peers respectfully. For more insights and business strategies,sign upfor our free leadership newsletter. He has an aptitude for critical thinking, but also for strategic thinking. Communication is one of the core functions of dynamic work culture. He thinks strategically, yet he knows how to be diplomatic so that his suggestions are considered. Communication Self-Appraisal Comments. David fails to translate long-term objectives into clear action plans. In project work, an effective strategy can greatly reduce the level of tactical effort required. He is strategic in his thinking looking many moves ahead beyond his opponents. d. He rarely comes up with concrete solutions that will help the team complete the project. He is also very responsive and strategic in his thinking and execution. I am dynamic, and my thinking is both visionary and strategic. I am an intuitive and an agile business person who is always thinking about the next strategic step. Allows for open and free discussions regardless of each person's position within the company but does not let one person dominate the session. c. "Your positive attitude to your work encourages others to perform well too." Strategic planning is a process (see above, RE: report that sits on a shelf), while strategic thinking is about vision, intuition, and creativity. Self-appraisal is a significant part of your performance review, because it reflects your self-awareness and professional development. e. She often creates a communication gap and withholds information from her subordinates. An employees work ethic involves everything from coming in time, working diligently, being honest to respecting everyone in the workplace. The performance review comments listed below are simple, descriptive and effective to help in putting the right message across in every situation. d. You support others in fulfilling their tasks and are always ready to help others. I was very much impressed with his strategic thinking. d. "You dont tend to listen to and take other peoples opinions into consideration." b. In order to advance in your career, you need to demonstrate them. Well done! I have a strategic mind and thinks about things that the rest of us overlook. c. She lacks a sense of urgency. Many sample performance appraisals seen in various industries define Leadership as follows: Leads effectively by providing appropriate feedback and direction to staff. hitman 2 isle of sgail shovel location & Academic Background; advantages of dynamic scoping vs static scoping. Think about the difference between NASA in the 1960s, when they - and the nation - were . If you were assigned a new project, what are the steps you would take to get the project moving and on track? Constructive feedback is a delicate balance between both. Strategic thinking is the process of determining the direction you will take to achieve your vision. I am always thinking about strategic opportunities that can better an organization. d. "He needs to focus more on the details and nitty-gritty before handing over a project." Punctuality is one of the strongest virtues an employee can possess. I encourage my team to indulge in self-learning and attend training constantly. c. You try to use your seniority to dominate your team members. Try to use these positive, negative and strategic thinking evaluation phrases and examples to write a performance appraisal feedback. About The Author How does your current position affect the overall goals of your company? He added significant value through this, but also through his strategic outside the box thinking. Defines, delegates, and directs work in a flexible manner. He is dedicated, always thinks out of the box and is strategic in his approach. Check them out and get the evaluation and then let him know what you think. 3. Tim made efforts to update his understanding of trends and to refresh his network but realized that he wasnt putting the knowledge learned to good use. John thinks more strategically than the people who are hired for that purpose. Every job requires a level of out-of-the-box thinking to best use of any situation. Sometimes there's a vast difference between what they say and what they want to convey. He not only thinks strategically, he fosters that kind of thinking in others. You ought to provide a diverse customer experience., A much-required skill, its importance becomes more prevalent among higher authority employees. John's thinking is always strategic, open-minded, and well presented. I am able to see strategically, where most see only tactically. Vision . 1. Empowers teams to embrace change opportunities. c. He provides no recognition to a team members effort and hard work. Strategic thinking is simply an intentional and rational thought process that focuses on the analysis of critical factors and variables that will influence the long-term success of a business, a team, or an individual. This paper helps project managers step back from the trees to see the forest and lays the foundation for better strategic thinking within project teams, departments, and overall organizations through changing focus . John can be both strategic and tactical - both of which were definitely needed. They must arrive on time, take the designated time breaks to ensure efficiency and productivity. ". 26. He thinks both strategically and creatively. On the other hand, feedback that mostly dwells on negative aspects of one's performance can make employees feel unappreciated. John is very effective in his strategic thinking. What tips would you offer anyone who is taking a role that involves strategic planning and accountability for decisions? I have interacted with me on some of the strategic initiatives. John has an ability to undertake strategic thinking and identify well with blue sky thinking. She is never late to a meeting." Many people conflate these two concepts. b. I am a strategic thinker that is not bound by "current" thinking. Take the initiative on new projects that show how your understanding extends beyond your current function. John truly gets the value of strategic alliances across an organization. He could look for strategic advantage and see it through to its conclusion. While interpersonal skills come naturally to some people, for others, they can be cultivated with experience and knowledge. c. She expertly prioritizes work without getting tangled in endless details. All performance feedback phrases for critical thinking: 100+ Performance Evaluation Comments for Attitude, Training Ability, Critical Thinking. Serves as a model of cooperation, sharing, and goodwill. Phase 2: Your Guide to the Strategy Development Process. Similarly, it gives you a way to encourage those who aren't being able to manage their time. This is great for becoming an effective leader, as you focus on the development of others rather than your own. Provides an appropriate amount of structure, direction, and feedback to ensure a high level of group performance. In corporates, both big and small, where pressure is insurmountable, employees often have a hard time finishing work in time. Strategic thinking includes careful and deliberate anticipation of threats and vulnerabilities to . What goals have you set for your career? " Your team consistently meets their goals often exceeding expectations. Mission captures at a high level what you will do to realize your vision. Benefits of Being a Strategic Thinker. SAMPLE PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS. I am the best of the best and was my strategic partner over two decades. Strategic Planning is a technical fix that gets at only part of the question of organizational effectiveness and only deals with some of the dilemmas of organizations.