He also says that letters addressed to the mayors fund often contain profanities. He owns over a hundred cafs all over the world but likes financing small independent cafs in order to help them become successful. Tips and rewards: Selling to Fernando costs 25 diamonds. Elsa is going on a date with her mysterious crush, having made their relationship official. Three options, probably all 3 lead to giving him Bahraini Coffee with Rose, Cardamom, and Saffron. With no way out and without the distraction of her phone, Jennifer falls asleep until she's accidentally freed by Petrovich on his way to the gym. They went on a first date to the movies, and while neither of them liked the movie they saw, they still had an enjoyable evening. Unfortunately, when Lucas tests Mike's food from a restaurant in another town, it turns out to be completely harmless. Level 11: Humor Coaching & the theft of Mona Lisa, Level 15: Green Moon Fund & Mayoral Election, Theft of the Mona Lisa II & The Telephone Terrorist. If you choose Clyde's Cadillac or Donald's limousine, both of them will ask for Equilibrium Tea. Mike goes with Ryan and Watson to rescue her. He requires a cup of Tea with Cardamom, Milk and Lemon. You discover that Olivia is currently working for Felicia Sturm, who's married to a young man named Alphonse, but it turns out he's in cahoots with Felicia's ex-husband and they are trying to steal her fortune. Give Elsa a Donut with Chocolate syrup, honey, and Star Anise. Dinosaurs, gold and jewels! At level 5 Watson Holmes mentions there are two Koffskys although he is not sure whether he is one person or two. It turns out he doesnt have anything suitable to use and says Petrovich might have something. Clyde has some bad news: his and Koffskys show isnt doing too well, but they say theyve got a plan in the works to bring it back. Bill says he'll propose with the ultimate marriage proposal. You talk to Margaret about this, who claims that the ghosts tales are a bunch of fake tales designed to scare children. A childhood friend of his, Charlie Choke, got into shady business while Petrovich married and settled with his wife. Clyde agrees to rent part of Koffskys house, despite his reservations about Koffskys evil twin brother. If today were Elsa's last day on earth she would like to dance the night away with a hot stud. Answer from: MightyBearYou'll get the cafe back and 5diamonds from Donald. When you talk to Bill again, he tells you a name-based search didnt turn up any results for Clyde's children, although there have only been two children raised by single mothers in the town in the last 20 years. Mike uses blackmail, bribery and forged documents to win back the doctor and building, but this ended up implicating Jennifer in corruption, and the townspeople petitioned for her immediate resignation. How is that possible? During the hypnosis, Watson starts to remember that he was attacked by someone looking like Koffsky. After coming back from China (see Level 17), Alice is hit by bad luck. To find out which idea is better, Clyde wants to challenge Koffsky to a battle, old versus new. Alice goes to a mental health clinic where she undergoes a series of tests, while under hypnosis, that should help her deal with her problems(bad luck). The first problem she has to face is the missing of Bobby, the only bus driver in town. There, Petrovich proposes to her with a little help from Felicias mother who hands him the proposal ring he nearly forgot. The more people live on it. Donald cracks easily and admits he became Donutman to undermine the current administration so he would do better in the upcoming mayoral elections. Bill had told him hes quitting soccer, so Ron told him if he beat Bill in chess he would have to rejoin the team, something the hacker found hilarious. Mary asks for a Tea with Saffron, Galangal and Anise and tells you that while trying to compete with the robot, Bill has hurt his foot. He mentions that whoever slandered his reputation was someone whom he had always gotten along with and while they were competitive, they were always honest before becoming too caught up in emotion and needing a break. Petrovich ends up tagging along to escape some of his own problems. She wants a divorce but he doesn't. Margaret says that Alice can't be talked out of thrill-seeking unless Koffsky wants her to lose all interest in life. Then he lets on he may have tampered with Cleo's flight. He'll reveal who in town sold him the ring if you get a Tier 3 or 4 interior item, depending on your shop's theme. *, From this you get to choose one of the three couches and keep it for the cafe! She keeps the cat Ben gave her. After pressing the button, nothing has happened. She feels better, but is convinced that shell never become popular. Bill and Mary goes to a circus, quarrel, and break up. Someone else, a man wearing lots of cologne, was also involved in the murder. His reunion with his parents doesnt seem to be going great until they catch a whiff of the cinnamon buns that Watson baked. Also her ideas of marriage are tainted by parents. It turned out they were just taking bets on the baby's sex. *Notice* -Please add the updated picture of Max. He asks for an Americano with Saffron and Cardamom to help his aching muscles. He masks his corruption well using smooth words and good lawyers but some inhabitants are not fooled. When Petrovich was younger, he was a locksmith. Margaret asks for a sofa in exchange for providing you with an exotic animal (a sloth). Margaret told her to take the initiative for it surprisingly. For her help, Margaret requests a Sweet Roll with Cinnamon and Caramel Syrup. Requirements: Tea with Galangal for Mary, Tea with Saffron, Milk, and Honey for Margaret. First you need to ask Ben if he remembers how does the gang leader looks like. Ron admits that he has a crush on Cleo, and wants you to tell him. Lucas is in a weird funk after talking to Emily, so you enlist the help of Henry instead, who agrees to mentor Ron. Unable to take care of her child, she decided to put Mary up for adoption. He begs you to talk to Watson since hes worried the town will never trust him again, but the cop knew all along that Donald was just pretending and hatched this scheme to make him admit it. Ann noticed that all of your customers are acting strangely; apart from Lucas, who seems the same old Lucas. Requirements: an Aphrodite Tea with Nutmeg, Rose, and Cinnamon for Margaret; a Guarana Arctic Iced Tea with Mint and Lemon for Henry; a Bahraini Coffee with Rose, Cardamom, and Saffron for Mary; a slice of Chocolate Cake with Tapioca, Hazelnuts, and Honey for Lucas (and remember to follow the tip! Bill tells you he and Mary nearly got divorced, but at the last moment their feelings did a complete one-eighty and now theyre happily in love once more. Answer: sign language, 2) What sickness can u never catch on dry land? Say you will forget the whole thing if he sends you the list. #my cafe#level 27#answrs all questions#serve spiced recipes Legend has it that Bloody Penny haunts whoever dares say her name three times. Not used to the mechanics of basketball, Bill performs horribly in the game and Mary says she will never date him now. You remember about his vicious brother Edward. One moved away about a decade ago, but one still lives in the town: Emily Roberts. Requirements: Tea with Saffron, Ginseng, Lemon and Honey for Donald, Lassi with Honey, Saffron and Cardamom for Clyde, Canel with Rose and Cardamom for Cleo, Tapioca Tea with Milk, Vanilla and Cardamom for Watson, Bahraini Coffee with Rose, Cardamom and Saffron for Bill. Alice is tired of her humdrum routine and wants to find something to be passionate about. Hola chicos..pregunta, nivel 28 a quien vender la cafetera Donald o Fernando??? Talk to Elsa and help her figure out the circuit breaker locations for Petrovich. He thinks Carl could be of help considering his criminal past and the antique dealer suggests setting up surveillance cameras to catch the thief in action with the help of Bill. Margaret wants Nordic Romance Latte. He is the town's mayor, but unfortunately a corrupt one. Although he wasnt able to track her down himself, Cleo saw Clydes childhood sweetheart. After Koffsky introduced him to Simone, Clyde played the new song he had written. Recycle plastic furniture - recycled plastic engagement ring. Seeing her so depressed, you offer to make her a Canel with Vanilla and Saffron. You'll ask Felicia, then Carl, then Emily for help. Once you talk to Watson, if you qualified for Gold Gift, he will also offer you a Red Gift for 899 diamonds. Bill manages to find an old photo with Koffsky, a Koffsky-clone called Edward and a server called Alice Carroll. Talk to Watson to see if he's gonna do anything about her statement. You then ask Bill to do some research on his tablet, which suddenly loses connection. Could one of your customers suggest a decent plan? You find out the only other location for the mall would be where the coffee shop currently is. We ask why she stole it, and she says to wait because she's getting a call. Ron says that one of the mayors funds was collecting money to develop their soccer club. Mary says she had a good childhood and wonderful parents. On the quest side of things, she and Lucas decided putting a carburetor back together would be too difficult for their customers, so they need to come up with something new and asks you a new riddle. There's no other flights to take. The girls parents forbade them from being together as she was from a wealthy family, and the two teenage lovebirds lost contact. So she suffocated Mary and Bill concern. The story stops as the police don't have any lead or evidence. Thankfully, Bill gave him a taste of his own medicine and distracted him right back, winning the chess championship. Meanwhile, Lucas discovers an encrypted message from the other Emily explaining everything. The haunted house attraction Donald and Daisy based off of Bloody Penny has been lucrative, but Daisy is interested in breaking ground on a new quest and needs help thinking of the perfect theme. Gives you 10 diamonds. Say you know the dress mix-up was his fault and he could be fired over it. He says he didn't steal the ring even though Cleo said he did. Mike will ask you for an equilibrium tea. Answer from: FallinLeavesJezinka: Yes, I think having a conversation with felencia she will give you gold gift then she will ask you to talk to fernando and gives your cafe back. Bill tells you that the foot will heal, unlike his pride. Rewards: 10 diamonds, 3500 Prestige Points, 1 Simple Gift for the Fish Tank and 1 Blue Gift for keeping him on the right path from Petrovich. Mike confirms all of this but the bad food part. Mary was won over by the simplicity and the red and golden colors of the Chinese Style. Ben and Mary had a quick wedding by the Justice of the Peace at town hall and Ben promptly decided he could no longer live with a different name than Mary and changed his to Ditt as well. But it turns out, in this parallel universe, Rons team stopped playing soccer and now plays basketball. When you talk to Clyde, he asks for a Canel with Vanilla, Nutmeg and Tapioca because he got so hungry running around all night. The initials are: B. I. L. L. Then ask Bill for riddles. When Watson successfully (thanks to the dog) finds Koffsky's wallet, there is a woman's photo in it. Even if you say no, the story will still progress. In exchange for helping him find the missing pieces, he promises to give you a Supercupcake Display Case. She wont reveal the details of why she did it, however, unless she gets a Supercupcake with Nutmeg, Cardamom, Saffron and Salt. Cleo isnt very happy, especially now that shes being called the Queen of Scandal by the media and is on the verge of firing Mike, but her ire for her producer dissipates when she gets a call from Cream Hall, asking if shell perform in her own solo show. Koffsky also told Clyde that there would be a surprise waiting for him at home. Talk to Bill, he is worried about something his mom said. Ann states that Koffsky is acting strange. Answer from: Wawa AqilahI'm stuck at level 28. When you talk to Fernando, he says Cleo has already borrowed the chess pieces. Watson agrees to work with Ben and yoi have to ask Bill to trace Michaela's phone. Petrovich adores the Loft style because of how abstract it is and how easy it was to create a Loft-themed decoration. *: Donald, Fernando( 25), Donald , , 5 Fernando , x1 Mike Jennifer, Jennifer , , , x1 Clyde is pretty beat up by what happened because, not only was his pride for his music hurt, he put so much effort into his music for the show and all Koffsky did was buy some shiny new gadgets. Petrovich concludes they lied to him and have been together this whole time, spending the money they stole. At level 4 Bill revealed he had been in love with Mary Ditt for 2 years. I have mary vote for Donald, and in return, Donald gave me 25 gems plus a blue gift containing galangal and ginseng spices and 250 gems. He is the president of the Caf and Restaurant Society and one of its founders. Emily arranges a hammer throwing race asking Jennifer to be the judge. By talking to customers, you learn that she is a competent and hard-working young woman. Note: Some story titles are not official. He asks you to enlist some help from your customers so he can find her once again. Emily is confused upon hearing this, especially when theres so much more testing to be done, and decides to get to the bottom of things by speaking with Lucas herself and straightening things out. Answer: It 's a grandfather, a father, and a son. She believe in her dreams and make a way to be the best grandmother and needs to learn the basic skills by asking the customers opinion.