Although the pace of job creation slowed, monthly job gains remain elevated and above pre-pandemic norms. The consequences of the revelation go far beyond what anyone expected. It's humor and romance and also kind of icky. OF COURSE THERE IS OBAMA MPREG. Panic grips her as the realisation hits that her Healer is last man she had hoped to see, Draco Malfoy. Written for an mpreg headcanon on tumblr. Love conquers all. The share of prime-working-age Americans (arguably a superior measure to the unemployment rate) is just a little below where it was pre-pandemic. The child who could do no right. On the other hand, key indicators point to a job market that is holding up pretty well. After S2 Skinwalkers. However, there is evidence that the labor market is cooling, beyond the ongoing layoff announcements from industries that saw massive over-hiring during the pandemic (i.e. Description: The drama can be compounded by other circumstances. The number of job openings has overtaken the number of candidates, and it is very much a job seekers market. -m (Some grammatical mistakes) Technology, information, and media workers have become more averse to leaving their field despite heightened distress in the industry. The ratio of job openings to active applicants in these industries is well below the pre-pandemic baseline. Title: The Long Journey Back to Smallville (48 K) andSequel: Somewhere I Belong (44 K) Author: Innusiq Archived On: 03/26/03 Category: Alternate Universe, Established Relationship, Hurt-Comfort, Romance Rating: PG-13 Summary: Clark and Lex's life takes a turn. Across the U.S., hiring on LinkedIn was 0.7% percent lower in January 2023 compared to December, and is down 23% compared to January 2022. For the 2009 Smallville Big Bang, ladydreamer and herohunter teamed up for the lovely Title: QuicksandRating: NC-17Summary: One cold November evening, twelve years after Lex Luthor left Smallville and Clark Kent behind, the two meet in Centennial Park as Lex is walking home with his daughter. Title: My Secret Identity (20 K) Author: Luthorminion Archived On: 08/08/05 Category: Alternate Universe, Angst Rating: G Summary: it's a bird, it's a plane, a pregnant's super gay man! Not to mention the question of just how the baby is going to get delivered. He gets himself into a hopeless situation and cuts all ties with people he knows, all because he feels unwanted, disrespected, a seventh wheel. The direct links below may not work because you need to verify age of consent. Hiring continues to slow down from the record highs weve seen last year. Katie Notopoulos is a senior technology reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in New York. This was most pronounced in Ireland (-27.2%), India (-25.1%), and Singapore (-24.6%). What about like, regular guys photoshopped to look pregnant? Gibbs must come to terms with many things, along with the loss of his long-time Senior Field Agent and the circumstances that led up to Tony leaving NCIS and their lives. Author: Title: Aces (36 K) Author: Smallvilles Girl Archived On: 03/01/07 Category: Alternate Universe, Established Relationship, Romance Rating: R Summary: Aces is a slang term for perfect . Wackiness and jealousy ensues. - We measure job openings as the stock of open job positions on the last business day of the month. The combination of slower growth and tighter financial conditions, amid high levels of debt, has increased the risk of fiscal pressures and led to heightened risks of a global recession. Contact this reporter at In the third category are accommodation, oil and gas, hospitals and healthcare. Cute Au That has Mari and Adrien being childhood friends them growing up!!! After hell, labor is a walk in the park for Sam. Title: Of workers who leave this industry, their top destinations are the same as in the past: professional services (the destination for 19.5% of those starting a new job in Jan 2023), financial services (7.17%), and manufacturing (7.09%). Friday, June 10, 2022posted by 6:53 AM . Sequel/follow-up fic to Sleep Well, My DarlingOn the most magical day of the year, its finally time for you and Piers bundle of joy to come into the world. M(ale)Preg(nancy). And I can't believe I just typed that. -Anonymous Prompt, I really want an mpreg fic in which John is close to dying in labour and Sherlock is freaking out because he's so scared of loosing John and the doctors say he may have to make the choice between John or the baby but in the end they both pull through by the skin of their teeth. The internet (yes, the very one you're on right now) is literally festering with mpreg. Title: Tender Bedfellows (60 K) Author: Quiet Tiger Archived On: 04/03/08 Category: Drama, Established Relationship, Humor Spoilers For: All episodes Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Clark/Lex Summary: Clark and Lex reminisce about events surrounding Clark's pregnancy with Logan. I'm definitely subbing to King_Ivan, because he/she managed to pull off a reader/character or character/reader that I actually enjoy reading. Title: Tangled WebsAuthor: MahaliemRating: RSummary: Clark decides to leave earth. The overall picture nevertheless remains especially uncertain, with the war in Ukraine continuing to take a growing toll on Europes economies through a worsening energy crisis. ", but I mean, COME ONE. While conditions in some industries have cooled down significantly, some are still struggling and unable to return to being fully staffed. HET OMG SAVE US and mpreg. 1 deviation Overdue Edward x Jacob MPreg Short Story 4 While out shopping for new, maternity wear for a heavily pregnant Jacob, the unlikely duo ends up in a sexual situation that jump-starts the overdue werewolf's labor, cutting their shopping spree short. LinkedIns data shows that industries fall into three categories: The first category includes industries with job markets experiencing some slack. Really cute fic!!! Ruby and Graham are finally tying the knot and Killian and nearly nine months pregnant Emma are here for the wedding. It is mpreg (because today is Mpreg Day), but probably not very typical of the genre. Labor market conditions in these sectors are tight by historical standards. He was told that his parents didn't want him. 26th, 2008 at 9:13 PMCheaper By the Dozen oneshot - 30 Moments in the lives of the ever-growing Luthor Clan. They had prepared for this very thoroughly which should have been the first indication that things wouldn't go as planned. Also it's kind more like dog sex or wolf sex with "knotting" and stuff. Separately, in the technology, information and media industry, conditions appear to have returned to the pre-pandemic baseline. The industries where its toughest to find talent are accommodation, hospitals and healthcare, and oil and gas, while in government administration and consumer services, employers are swimming in quality applicants. Story diverges into AU from Stray. Took me a while to find again!Bookmark #146. Please consider turning it on! If somethings wrong with Clark, of course Lex would hire the best specialist to make the diagnosis, Title:the unexpected Author: tobywolf13 Rating: I reserve the right to take it to an R but so far not so muchPairings: Clana (yes), Karimmy, and eventual ChlarkSummary: There are a few things about Kryptonian biology Kara neglected to tell Clark before he finally consummated his relationship with LanaMy comment: A leading candidate (with Ripley's) for most unusual pairing. Everyone else panics (bonus points for nervous Mycroft or Lestrade, or both! It's winter and showing really hard, Sherlock goes into labor and John and Mrs. Hudson have to help him deliver the baby. eric and wendy schmidt foundation; port protection gary muehlberger family; fort peck tribes covid payment 3; how painful is cancer reddit +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. In the U.S., continued macroeconomic policy tightening to contain inflationary pressures this year is envisaged to compound the lagged effects of substantial interest rate increases in 2022 and further weigh on U.S. activity. What could possibly go wrong?,,, This is a really cute series featuring a pregnant Mari!! Title: Cheaper by the Dozen AUAuthor: Supercaptain182November 16, 2008 (G)The idea of Clark and Lex with 12 kids just seems so awesome. The current layoffs could present an opportunity for young-tech startups or other companies in different industries to gain access to new talent in a less competitive market. In contrast to what we are seeing in the U.S., labor markets in Europe appear structurally tighter as evidenced by the higher ratio of job openings to active applicants. A Lex-mas Coda. For example, there was this big rise in hiring appetite for the technology, information, and media sector, and now things are swinging the other way in almost every country. Draco's marriage to Astoria failed before they could have an heir. Within weeks he's right back where he started, penniless and alone. Chapter 12: Birth: Dean's stomach twisted and turned with a burning ice that he couldn't describe. Work Search: you leave requests and I write them out. All those years he had been hiding. Post a journal. Warning: Alien!Clark Tentacle Porn with Mpreg X3, Title: Code M Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l Part 4 l Part 5 l (Part 6 - FINAL)Author: tragicllyhipRating: R, maybe NC-17?Summary: Clark and Lex are thrown back into each other's lives after a tragic event, and the result is a bond that can't ever be broken between them. In the aftermath of the alien encounter Lex receives some startling news, Title: Kryptonian SeasonAuthor: MahaliemRating: R? The story starts where Park Jimin was saled to Jeon Jungkook for one night stand. ("naturalWidth"in a&&"naturalHeight"in a))return{};for(var c=0;a=d[c];++c){var e=a.getAttribute("pagespeed_url_hash");e&&(! Without a baby to feed and care for, he struggles to find people sympathetic enough to hire an omega, let alone a kid. Take a look at this totally scientific drawing from DeviantArt. )Summary: Clark needs some attention.Warnings: Futurefic. The LinkedIn Hiring Rate (LHR) is the number of LinkedIn members who added a new employer to their profile in the same month the new job began, divided by the total number of LinkedIn members in that country. Title: Dealing With the UnexpectedAuthor: JennRating: RSummary: Being knocked up by Lex Luthor is awesome.December 16, 2006, Title: Rich Man's Darling (84 K) andSequel: Well Baby?Author: LastScorpion Archived On: 12/21/06 Category: Crossover, Drama, Established Relationship, Futurefic, Humor, Hurt-Comfort, Romance Rating: R Summary: Crossover with House. "),c=g;a[0]in c||!c.execScript||c.execScript("var "+a[0]);for(var e;a.length&&(e=a.shift());)a.length||void 0===d?c[e]?c=c[e]:c=c[e]={}:c[e]=d};var l=function(b){var d=b.length;if(0