Stand Your Ground Laws are often expansions of the Castle Laws. Senate Bill 24 proposes eliminating language from the state's criminal codes requiring a person to retreat, if possible, before using deadly force in self-defense. Arkansas: Stand Your Ground Legislation Could be Heard as Early as Tomorrow! A local unit of government (a county, city of the first class, city of the second class, or incorporated town) may not prohibit a sport shooting range or sports facility that was in existence as of August 12, 2005, from expanding or enhancing its membership or opportunities for public participation, or reasonably expanding or increasing facilities or activities, or making repairs, reconstructing, rebuilding any of its buildings or improvements within its existing geographic boundaries if the work is necessary in the interest of public safety or to secure the continued use of the range or facility, or rebuilding and resuming activities where the facility or building was damaged by fire, collapse, explosion, act of nature, or act of war occurring after August 12, 2005 and the rebuilding or reconstruction occurs within one year of the date of the damage or settlement of any property damage claim. However, in every neighboring state, were found to become more likely to die by gunfire in the wake of such laws. Pursuant to Ark. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Ark. Under Ark. No state permit is required for the purchase or possession of a rifle, shotgun, or handgun. Code 14-1-101(c) allows a local unit of government to regulate the location and construction of a sport shooting range or sports facility as permitted in that section. As reporter John Moritz summarized it, The amendment would have allowed someone with a gun who was illegally trespassing in an area where guns are prohibited to use their weapon inself defense, as long as they were not in the process of committing a more serious felony. The amendment was opposed by state prosecutors, but the change appeased the Gun Owners of Arkansas, and the bill passed out of committee on February 23, 2021. (d) Rules adopted by any state agency for establishing levels of noise allowable in the outdoor atmosphere shall not apply to a sport shooting range exempted from liability under this subchapter. Updated: Mar 3, 2021 / 03:59 PM CST. Tomorrow, the House Judiciary Committee is scheduled to consider self-defense expansion legislation, Senate Bill 573. Code 5-73-120(a) makes it a crime to carry a handgun, knife, or club on or about the person or in a vehicle or otherwise readily available for use with a purpose to attempt to unlawfully employ the handgun, knife, or club as a weapon against a person.. - Senate Bill 24, the Stand Your Ground Bill, was passed out of the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday. What has happened in the past with Arkansas stand-your-ground legislation? (1) Common carrier means any vehicle used to transport for hire any member of the public; (2) Deadly physical force means physical force that under the circumstances in which it is used is readily capable of causing death or serious physical injury; (3) Dwelling means an enclosed space that is used or intended to be used as a human habitation, home, or residence on a temporary or permanent basis; (4) Minor means any person under eighteen (18) years of age; (A) Occupiable structure means a vehicle, building, or other structure: (i) Where any person lives or carries on a business or other calling; (ii) Where people assemble for a purpose of business, government, education, religion, entertainment, or public transportation; or. This does not apply to persons with a valid concealed carry license, law enforcement, center-fire weapons at a firing range maintained for the discharging of a center-fire weapon, and the discharge of a firearm in defense of a person or property within the areas. YOU MUST ABIDE WITH ALL LAWS: STATE, FEDERAL AND LOCAL. (iStockphoto) A "stand your ground" law states that a person may use deadly force in self-defense without the duty to . Generally, "stand your ground" laws allow people to respond to threats or force without fear of criminal prosecution. In states with stand your ground laws, rather than requiring a victim to put forth a self-defense argument at trial, trial is avoided altogether, by granting immunity for such situations. Arkansas Code 5-2-615 is amended to read as follows: 5-2-615. Stand your ground laws authorize the use of deadly force to protect yourself or others from threats of force or bodily injury without being required to try to escape. Arkansas: Stand Your Ground Legislation Sent to the Governor's Desk for Signature Today, the Arkansas House marked the final vote on Stand Your ground Legislation, Senate Bill 24.. Generally, "stand your ground" laws allow people to respond to threats or force without fear of criminal prosecution. Special thanks to the Department of Arkansas Heritage. Many Republican lawmakers support the bill. - Governor Asa Hutchinson has signed a bill bringing a "stand your ground" law to the state of Arkansas. With time, the definition of our "home" expanded into the space around us . It is unlawful to shoot from or across a public road or right of way. A local unit of government shall not enact impose any restriction on firearm ownership or possession during a declared state of emergency. The justification for Stand Your Ground and laws addressing targeted crimes are the same: the fundamental right of all citizens to feel safe, Hutchinson said. An application for a license to carry a handgun concealed is made to the Arkansas State Police. However, this law does not in any way grant a self-defender the right to act outside of all other law governing self-defense. Stand your ground laws are provisions under self defense laws that justify the use of deadly force under imminent threat of harm regardless of whether a safe retreat is possible. For example, an armed robber cannot shoot someone during the robbery and then claim they were defending themselves. Creating an account gives you access to all these features. An amendment to 14-16-504(c)(1) in 2011 deleted an exception for emergencies and now reads: The governing body of a local unit of government, following the proclamation by the Governor of a state of emergency, is prohibited from enacting an emergency ordinance regulating the transfer, transportation, or carrying of firearms or components of firearms. A person who has his or her firearm seized in violation of this prohibition may bring an action in the circuit court having jurisdiction for the return of the seized firearm. Texas law states that you have no duty to retreat when there is a reasonable belief you are in danger and it extends to your home, vehicle, or job. Licensees without a license endorsement and others cannot carry a concealed handgun into any of the places listed in Ark. State Capitol Building500 Woodlane StreetSuite 320Little Rock, Arkansas72201-1090, State Capitol Building500 Woodlane Street, Suite 320Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1090, In Session: 501-682-2902Out of Session: 501-682-6107. Code 5-73-119(e), including lawfully hunting, or participating in a school-approved educational course or sporting activity involving the use of firearms, or engaging in a lawful marksmanship competition or practice or other lawful recreational shooting under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian (or traveling to or from this activity with an unloaded handgun or firearm accompanied by a parent or legal guardian), or possession within the minor's own dwelling or place of business or on property in which the minor has a possessory or proprietary interest, or while participating in a certified hunting safety course or a firearm safety course recognized and approved by the State Game and Fish Commission or by a state or national nonprofit organization qualified and experienced in firearm safety. Citizens in Arkansas may use force to protect themselves from any threat, or to protect someone else, so long as the force used is reasonable and proportional to the threat they are facing, but includes deadly force if required. What does stand your ground" mean? It would make permanent the temporary allowances initiated by executive order last year, at the start of the pandemic. Arkansas law wont take effect until 90 days after the Legislature adjourns this years session. told her that she needed to stop, she replied, No, I dont. The stand your ground defense is also known as the Castle Doctrine. App. You can justify the use of deadly force if you believe it was absolutely necessary to prevent a violent crime like sexual assault, kidnapping, murder, or robbery. Technically, there is no stand your ground law in Arkansas. In other news, the Senate approved legislation to complete the merger of Henderson State University at Arkadelphia into the Arkansas State University System. Asa Hutchinson's. 1013 and S. Res. The information is not intended as legal advice or a restatement of law anddoes not include: restrictions that may be placed on non-resident permits, individuals under the age of 21, qualifying permit classes, and/or any other factor which may limit reciprocity and/or recognition. Courts have interpreted this as r. he possessor of a handgun to have an unlawful intent to employ it as a weapon against a person in order to make that possession a criminal act. Most self-defense laws state that a person under threat of physical injury . Rate and review titles you borrow and share your opinions on them. The bill removes the duty to retreat from Arkansas' self-defense laws. Your email address will not be published. Hutchinson said Sunday, Feb. 21, 2021, he will not back former President Donald Trump if he runs for the White House in 2024, saying its time to move on to different voices in the Republican Party. Neither these AP materials nor any portion thereof may be stored in a computer except for personal and noncommercial use. Florida's "stand your ground" law, then you can seek a dismissal of the charges against you. This billeliminated the duty to retreatprior to the use of physical force, even lethal force,in an act of alleged self-defense. (2) However, the person may not use deadly physical force except as provided in 5-2-607. Stand-your-ground laws are a subject of considerable interest to concerned citizens who fear they might one day need to use force, including lethal force, in defense of themselves and their families. (1) Curtilage means the land adjoining a dwelling that is convenient for residential purposes and habitually used for residential purposes, but not necessarily enclosed, and includes an outbuilding that is directly and intimately connected with the dwelling and in close proximity to the dwelling; and, (A) Physical harm, bodily injury, assault, or the infliction of fear of imminent physical harm, bodily injury, or assault between family or household members; or. 1A, 5A. Health insurance companies are using step therapy in more plans nowadays, as a method of holding down costs of prescription drugs. (accessed June 5, 2021). Yesterday, the Arkansas House passed pro-gun legislation, Senate Bill 573. There is a presumption of an offensive or aggressive purpose in certain circumstances listed in Ark. Code 14-1-101 directs that a sport shooting range or sports facility that is not in violation of a state law or an ordinance of a local unit of government prior to the enactment of a new ordinance affecting the range or facility may continue to operate even if, at or after the time of enactment of the new ordinance affecting the range or facility, the operation is not in compliance with the new ordinance. Georgia Stand Your Ground Statute. It needed 18 votes in the 35-member Senate for approval. Rand Corporation, 2018. (accessed June 5, 2021). Following a more than three-hour long debate, members of the House Judiciary Committee voted Tuesday (Feb. 2) against SB 24 - a proposal to end the duty to retreat. As a result of the opposition, the bill did not make it out of committee. Encyclopedia of Arkansas (B) Occupiable structure includes each unit of an occupiable structure divided into a separately occupied unit; (A) Any bodily impact, restraint, or confinement; or. Code 5-73-309(5) makes any person convicted of a felony ineligible for a concealed carry license, but this does not apply to an applicant who has been granted a pardon by the governor or the President of the United States explicitly restoring his or her ability to possess a firearm; or an applicant sentenced prior to March 13, 1995, where the record of conviction has been sealed or expunged under Arkansas law; or to an applicant whose offense was dismissed and sealed or expunged under 16-93-301 et seq. Arkansas has long been a state with reliable self-defense laws that definitively assert citizen's right to defend themselves and others against the unlawful use of force. Republicans in the Arkansas Legislature have introduced a "stand-your-ground" self-defense bill for consideration this session after past efforts failed. The Arkansas governor spoke about the legislation during a "Pen and Pad" session in his office with reporters. BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. Online at (accessed June 5, 2021). 21 SECTION 2. Ultimately, the bill stalled in committee after a single Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee joined with the committee's three Democrats to vote against the measure. The Republican governor signed the measure that removes the duty to retreat before deadly force can be used, despite past concerns hes raised about changing the states self-defense law. Almost always, police and prosecutors will err on the side of caution. (B) The threat of any bodily impact, restraint, or confinement; (8) Unlawful physical force means physical force that is employed without the consent of the person against whom it is directed and the employment of the physical force constitutes a criminal offense or tort or would constitute a criminal offense or tort except for a defense other than the defense of justification or privilege; and. A stand your ground law is typically Incorporated into a state's statutes governing the use of force in self-defense, . Despitethe fact that Zimmermandisobeyed the request of authorities that Zimmerman not follow Martin, as well asinitiated the conflict with Martin, police in Sanford, Florida, initially refused to charge Zimmerman with any crime, citing the states stand-your-ground law. Right To Carry Reciprocity and Recognition, Right to Keep & Bear Arms State Constitutional Provisions. A black Arkansas lawmaker made national headlines after she made impassioned remarks to her white colleagues about a proposed "stand your ground" law. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. See the section on "Carrying," below. (c) The justification for using physical force or deadly physical force against another person to protect a pregnant womans unborn child is not available if: (1) The the use of the physical force or deadly physical force for protection was used by a person other than the pregnant woman; or. Some conservative lawmakers tried unsuccessfully to loosen the restrictions even further by expanding where lethal force could be used in self defense. Stand your ground laws have not reduced violent crime across the US. Republicans in the Arkansas Legislature have introduced a "stand-your-ground" self-defense bill for consideration this session after past efforts failed. Read our guide to the General Assembly.). Texas Law. Res. Private property owners/proprietors may post their premises as places where carrying a handgun is prohibited with signage as required by law. For example, Stand Your Ground law states that no one should feel forced to leave a premises they have every right to be in. SB 116 would abolish the Board of Trustees of Henderson State and vest its duties to the Board of Trustees of the ASU System. Stand-Your-Ground Laws: For a Man's House is His Castle. Castle Doctrine With that phrasing, English common law reinvented the Castle Doctrine, the concept that one may be safe and protect one's home. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, a person who operates or uses a sport shooting range in this state shall not be subject to civil liability or criminal prosecution for noise or noise pollution resulting from the operation or use of the range if the range is in compliance with noise control ordinances of local units of government that applied to the range and its operation at the time the range was constructed and began operation.