va spouse letter example for sleep apnea

He began throwing things and hiding under tables. On evidence. Your greatest fight after you serve is to fight to get what you deserve. There are some nasty habits in VA that are part of the institutional culture. I need a sample nexus letter that a Dr. would provide . Again, I filed for anxiety disorder and VA listed through my records seizures due to talking to my wife (lay person). A personal statement you write on the VA Form 21-4138 documenting how you think your current non-combat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is due to an in-service sexual assault and stressor event that occurred 20 years ago IS lay evidence. As a Veteran Coach with VA Claims Insider, I deal with dozens of clients who suspect they have sleep apnea. You must keep on top of your claim all the time. He or she is the only one who can give an medical (rationale) opinion, only after reviewing your smr's . I have been asked to write a letter in support of Williams R's claim. I need an updated award disability letter since the bank i am applying for a loan doestn want to work with my original one i need help. The easiest way to do this is by obtaining a nexus letter. They have always been paid in U.S. dollars before April 1 every year. Lewis Sanders Retired First Sergeant, I am a veteran that has continue to file claims for service connected disability and continues to be denied bases on not making my appointments with QTC here in the metro Atlanta office located on Peachtree Street downtown Atlanta. Today I have not received reimbursement for my January 19, 2011 filed claim for 2010 medical. Be sure to get a copy of your file using the Freedom of Information Act request letter. Were here for disabled veterans exploring eligibility for increased VA disability benefits and who wish to learn more about that process. A long, rambling letter just obscures why you are writing. Ask for your military medical record if you do not have any copies of ir (i hope you do) and go to the nearest VA place to submit the claim. I dont know what the outcome will be nor do I have my hopes up. I hope you are going for SSI / SSDI benefits as well, even their approval will help your case..send in every emergency room visit..if possible prove nobody in your family has the same proble with their permission and medical exam..prove severity It is not known what happened to the breeder of Rebel Starfighter Prime or why Galactic Magic Seeds is no longer available. One year for the whole claims process. No va claim will get approved without this link. Contact your Senator in Wash., DC. Copyright 2023 VA Claims Insider, LLC. Click Go Elite Now below to get started today and a member of our team will be in touch within minutes. We have the form sf 95 but not sure where to send it, I need assistance, any help would be greatly appreciated. I live in Anderson, IN This is not the first time Ive heard this erroneous claim from a veteran service officer who is not educated in the law but instead shilling for the agency by spreading dysinfo myths. AMEN!! Appreciate the site, and and ideas you have on this subject. Carrie, I hear you. to this date, i have lost my wife and kids from dealing with my siutation that the military discharged me with no help. I am a 30 year old OIF Veteran who is currently going through the whole claims process for PTSD. I appreciate any help anyone may have. Thank you for creating this website. A Medical Nexus Letter from a private provider can help you prove the Nexus, which is that logical link to an in-service injury or event that led to your current disability or condition. I have shrapnel in my right knee from a grenade that got me just outside of Camp Dobol and the nightmares from the bodies in mass grave sites. Proving service connection for these is very hard, because the doctors never diagnosed, or documented. Even children know of his fakeness. The entire disability claims package, including documentation, was approximately 70 pages. For reference, see the example buddy statements for PTSD for reference about how to structure buddy letters about PTSD and what to include. Additionally, watering daily with s, This website uses cookies for functionality, analytics and advertising purposes as described in our. Stanley J Jenczyk. Click to Read Davidson v. Shinseki, 581 F.3d 1313 (Fed. Paige Ingram is an Associate Attorney at Gang & Associates, where she focuses her practice on representing disabled veterans before the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. It was a terrible, tragic incident, and John was never the same afterwards. I always tell my clients; no VA disability claim has ever been denied because there was simply too much evidence! Agent Orange was standing in puddles so full, it could be splashed, by stepping in shallow puddles, no perk to the ground. Click to Read Jandreau v. Nicholson, 492 F.3d 1372, 1377 (Fed. Thousands of other Veterans in our Community are here for you. Click on Trace Your Claim Did you know that sleep apnea, has been medically proven to be a secondary to. If you have problems sleeping go to the va and request a sleep apnea test! Now the VA after turning me down for PTSD because I cannot give them names I again am fighting the system. Domestic Violence Records can be helpful if it describes your behavior bizarre crazy off his/her medication I cannot hire an attorney at this time due to needing my decision and no matter what, I am planning on suing for one million plus due to non disclosure. My psychotherapist is thinking that I might be suffering from PSTD. This is very common in a VA Sleep Apnea claim - this condition may begin with an event today, but not develop into full-on Obstructive Sleep Apnea for years, or decades. As I tell all my clients, just having a condition does not merit a disability rating from the VA. A large percentage of denied VA disability claims are later overturned on appeal. could you please provide that salary compensation format ASAP. Com DoD codes your DD Form 214, Block 26. my claim is going on almost 2 years with a congressman backing me an nothing has happen. While each VA buddy statement will be slightly different, here is a VA buddy letter example to consider. And overall disabilty stays the same, Im 80% disable and have been sine 1997. Rory R Jones 100 North Main St. He worked as a chef in a local restaurant, and cooking big meals was one of our favorite things to do together. I cannot performed the PRT since then due to various knee and back problems. However, a year later, we attended a neighborhood party on the 4th of July. After his left ankle surgery in 1996, he was unable to regularly exercise and he gradually gains weight. I submitted my claim online in May 2010 (received a confirmation number) and inquired in Aug 2010 only be told that the claim have been erroneously closed and would be reopened. I am also having those close to me and those who I have worked with write letters as well stating how these have had an affect on me. I would like to know if some one can advise me on how to proceed. Here is just one of them. Mr. Ben Find a state veterans claim service officer. Even if it does feel like a hot needle being moved back and forth. Sleep apnea secondary conditions have been a very hot topic as of late. Google searches can provide inform, Harvest Delicious Red Tomatoes with Red Rocket in Hot Climates South of Memphis, Tomatoes are a popular and versatile crop that can be grown in many climates, but it is important to choose the right variety for your climate. I had gone to the coaches and to no avail, they stated that the C&P evaluator has precedence over anyother info. When I tried to question him, he became angry and yelled louder than Id ever heard him before. One to two pages is ideal but not a hard and fast rule. He was a happy guy, and I was glad to deploy with him. If accepted into our ELITE membership program, youll get free up-front access and permission to use $13,119 worth of proprietary VA claim resources, including access to our network of independent medical professionals for medical examinations, disability evaluations, and credible Medical Nexus Letters, which could help you get a HIGHER VA rating in LESS time. All that is on top of a diagnosis of Sleep Apnea requiring a CPAP machine and back pain, from my spinal surgery. He saw XXXXXX MD (pulmonologist) and had a sleep study on September 30, 2011. need a VA layer to represent me in a denial of disability claim 2012 ?/ help please Joseph.A.G. thank you for letting me vent. I have written both my Senators and both have responded to some tired old writing from the VA that I failed to make my QTC appointment. He recently agreed to attend group therapy sessions at our local VA, and it seems to help him recognize that he needs help. I received 90%. An attorney with NSLVP , told me , how impossible it is to get VA to pay compensation. That was my only proof of an accident and it was accepted. Below is wife statement, please comment if it is good to go. Have the doctor do a test for everything you are complaining about. How is it the veteran takes less . Russell ONeal: Stop being a jailhouse lawyer! [font=&AMP]My name is XXXXX. He would not return phone calls e-mails ext upon looking into this-I decided to enlist the help of Sen.Carl Levin from our great state of Michigan. He refused to see a psychologist because he insisted he could care for himself and went back to work as a chef. When this case hit the BVA - actually twice, within three months of . From 1986 thru 2007 I kept my claim of sinusits alive by new material evidence, appeals, de novo reviews and anything else I could think of. If you are not familiar with secondary conditions. Thank you. It turns out the doctord never annotated my medical records. I have processed several requests for upgrading my service connection percentage. I hope that helps push your claim along by greasing your wheels in at least one way to present your claim to a VA claims adjudicator. The problem though is that RVSRs at the VA dont interpret this properly, and frankly, neither do the courts. Claims for disability compensation based on service connection of PTSD are one of the most commonly filed claims, but such claims are not without pitfalls. LOL, this John B sounds like the same F**ktard spewing his hatred of veterans all over facebook. Examples Templates. Anyone with any knowledge about breathing issues knows that these conditions overlap to some degree But the sleep specialist at Lackland tells me that none of my medical issues contributed to my sleep apnea so my question is.. ( short of going to a private doctor) how do I prove that my sleep apnea is secondary to my allergic rhinitis/sinusitis, and lung conditions. May 17, 2018. And immediately I noticed he began to snore very loudly. It helped me after 34 years of being in denial, misunderstood, missinformed and receiving the run around with no help. Youll learn about the Forgotton ones and how the veterans have been screwed by the system. 2007). I do not want something for nothing. to this date, i submitted a claim in on feb 3, 2010 in for numerous illness, and have contacted my congressman john lewis for help. I recall almost on a regular basis where it sounded as if he was choking in his sleep and gasping for air. This information is especially important if your service treatment records lack sufficient medical evidence of any in-service disability or condition. Referencing. I have sleep Apnea and report states most my family of 10 brothers and sisters have it when in fact none do. I need to talk about it and she needs to hear it. The most trusted name in education-based resources for Veterans. Decision Date: 07/15/15 Archive Date: 07/21/15 I am fortunate I type 80 WPM which helps my cause. Here is what I have done, I ask my VFW rep to provide me with a letter specifically what to state on her letter for my claim, he told me he would give IRON CLAD, evidence to win my case. Eight different sessionsview them all! As of December 1st, 2022 the VA disability rate benefit amounts are as follows: 30 percent disability rating: $508.05 per month. Buddy Letters (Buddy Statements), also known as Lay Statements, can serve as valuable pieces of evidence for VA claims. Mulching and Watering 49, 53 (1990). I also explain how to use lay evidence to service connect your VA disability claim, even if youve already filed or been denied. Those from Iraq seem to come first. This one head surgeon here in California stated I compressed my vertebra falling down a flight of stairs when I stepped off one stair, I was lucky to spot this when I pulled my Clinical reports. Two months later I received another eval letter granting me the 100% P&T! Buddy letters can bridge gaps in a veterans service records, corroborate events, injuries, illnesses, and stressors, or illustrate the extent to which the veterans disabilities interfere with his life and work. Mind you I constantly have my private physician mail statements about my conditions which seems to be overlooked, lost intra office at the local VA or the VSO doesnt send the file with the new informationb. He never drank much, but he loved to eat. Thats all I got to say about that! I am also going through the compensation process for my issues related to service. Typically, normal breathing then starts again, sometimes with a loud snort or choking sound. For some unknown reason, they were given a 15 day period to reply with a decision and id approved, a rating. Im not ready to give up yet. When we request some types of evidence, claimants get 60 days to respond-other types of evidence we only give 30 days. I will welcome any other suggestions you might have on my case. As a fellow disabled Veteran this is shameful and Im on a mission to change it. In this post, I provide veterans with a real VA lay statement example. Even better, use his or her letterhead to write it. That lets them win. One thing I found is my doctors never did Blood sugar tests on me in-service, My diabetes was diagnosed post discharge by the VA, but since I have diabetic family members, they said Non-service connected. Thanks again and Regards appreciate you, VA wants me dead bedfore they have to pay compensation to me. Below are the samples VA nexus letters for sleep apnea. I was 10% SC for hypertension but not snoring. Good luck! (2) an in-service occurrence; and I would suggest you contact your service organization, VFW, etc which is ususally located in the same VA Regional Office, Winston-Salem and have them make contact on your behalf. My doctor told me this levetiracetam was for anxiety when quoting it in my record for 5 years as seizure medication. I have rad this whole article by mistake whille searching info for a fellow veteran. Definitely push the issue. I hope that the apeal wont take forever. That is currently the max that the VA will pay veterans with SLEEP APNEA, if at the 100% rating . They arent in any hurry, either. The value accorded to other types oflayevidencedepends on such factors as. Hi, my name is Chris Narcoman, over at the Veterans Law Blog, and if you watch today's video, I bet you have a lot of questions about getting a sleep apnea disability claim, listen, veterans ask me more questions . I was told that nothing is owed to me that my disability for anxierty. constantly. Williams redden. I, Jane Doe, hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge: I married my husband, John Doe, on June 17, 2001. Statements from a spouse are rarely effective. Just a couple of quick questions as I venture into this spiders web! _____________________________________________________________, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print Veterans this week were outraged when they learned how much DAV executives are being, Read More VSO Exec Pay Shocker: Veterans OutragedContinue, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email PrintThe U.S. Army has put together a video to encourage the hiring of veterans by, Read More Army Video Debunks Myths About Hiring VeteransContinue, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print A shake-up within the Board of Veterans Appeals has resulted in former general counsel, Read More Big Data Insider Takes Over Board Of Veterans AppealsContinue, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print The Dept. Click Go Elite Now below to get started today and a member of our team will be in touch within minutes. I am sure your family and friends could testify about your symptoms post and pre war conditions. They were the ones who loaded and unloaded the canisters of agent orange. Signup to never miss a beat with special offers, blog updates, exclusive trainings, and more delivered right to your inbox! In your letter, you point out many references to daytime somnolence but there is no mention of OSA being observed by health care professionals. 8 years worth. See 38 C.F.R. Email: [hidden email], National Organization of Veterans Advocates. Now, I am just trying to understand, that it is a lawyer and not VSO rep., correct??? VFW Department Service Officer I read that they can get claims decided a lot faster if you have a qualified medical professional MD, PhD etc,. U S Army retired SSgt 101st Airborne Division, Fort Camnpbell, Kentucky 1972. This aint anything but red tape. Fax: 336 714-0901 The thought of the VA letting vets die before they decide a claim makes me want to punch whoever is in charge. On, "date if possible" I was with, "the veteran" while we were stationed on I put in a claim for my left lung. I received no complaints from doing that. How does his opinion over rule a board certified immunologist? SSA.GOV have a form that doctors could fill out for back injuries, very specific and a rating of prognosis. A congressman is great, but the senator is even better. The doctor indicated that it was likely that the Veteran first developed sleep apnea around 1970. Dear Veteran, Heres the brutal truth about VA disability claims: According to our data, 8/10 (80%) of veterans reading this message right now are underrated by the VA. It was initially thought that Blane Horton was the breeder for Rebel Starfighter Prime but this has been proven incorrect. So the question again, how to prove service connection for sleep apnea secondary to either asthma/allergic rhinitis or sinusits short of going through another sleep study and a private doctors opinion. I could probably get benefits for seizures, but itwould be illegal to claim and I do not need this stigma on my record. I wrote a bunch about each thing I claimed. Citation Nr: 1530215 i am disheartened reading many of your stories.. All I can add to the conversation is that I am service connected 100%+ for multiple gunshot wounds and PTSD, The VA has been very good to me over the course of my life and I domt have many complaints outside of the times I have seen people who I thought were deserving of compensation and unable to recieve the benefits they earned, often times in blood.. Good Luck to all of you and God Bless. Use any workman comp awards after your served and it pertains to your present claim, espeically if you believe that the military cause the issue in the first placelike mental health issues, some work settings can worsen symptoms with PSTD, Major Depression and insomonia If your SLEEP APNEA claim is approved, you may receive up to $3,350.87 per month. I requested my other doctor to write a letter for the VA but he requested that I give him a sample letter that would be sufficient in wording for the VA, and he would be more than willing to help me out. (Quote from Forrest Gump). One thing your evidence should have is a Nexus letter (hopefully from a doctor or your in your SMRs) explaining how the evidence in your file is relevant to the condition you have now . They also had to clean the planes. A Disability Benefit Questionnaire (DBQ) can help you prove your medical diagnosis and your current symptoms of the disability or condition. 3.303(d). Try to keep the letter one page in length or shorter. Have questions? Contact Us Now (888) 883-2483 . I try to strike my husband and call out his name to awaken him up. Thanks, I have filed a claim with the VA Feb 8th 2009. Look up Woods and Woods Legal Group on the internet, they are pretty good. Many VA hospitals and clinics have in-house SOs from the DAV, state, etc to help guide you. Jerel L. York, National Pre-Discharge Claims Representative Have you found yourself waking up to your wife, telling you to roll over because of your incessant snoring? When you need Ptsd Buddy Letter From Wife, don't accept anything less than the USlegal brand. A current co-worker's statement in support of a claim describing the severity of your current PTSD symptoms IS lay evidence. Then in the spouses own words, talk about the change noticed in the veteran. Most of the time, the evaluating doctor will complete the NEXUS letter, however, sometimes the veteran must do it. In an August 2010 letter, the Veteran's private physician, Dr. A.G., affirmed the Veteran's diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea and noted it was of a severe nature. When the Veteran suffers the whole family suffers and it is not fair to the family to have to struggle to take care of the veteran when the VA Government should be providing for them without all of the red tape. I also believe that another way for the VA to cut the budget will be to re-examine and reduce existing approved claims, thus using valuable manpower to save a cent or two out of every dollar, when that manpower could be used on the fair handling of current pending claims and appeals. He didnt speak to anyone, he showed up late to assigned duty locations, and he got into a few fist fights with other soldiers. So, I did not benefits for about 2 years. Hello fellow vets, First time posting and I had been denied by the VA since 2006 for reason the sleep apnea is not service connected. I file a disability claim in 2003 for IBS and was granted 0%. MSG VAM. Later, I completed a tour in Thailand, then another tour in South Vietnam. *A non-combat Veteranslaystatements may be acceptable for establishing service incurrence or aggravation but must be weighed against otherevidencein the claims folder including the absence of military records documenting or supporting the statements. For a limited time, you can book a free, no-obligation VA Claim Discovery Call with one of our experts. I would tell anyone considering a military career forget it it just aint worth it. All Rights Reserved. This could be beneficial for the wife or spouse of a veteran who would like to write a VA buddy letter. This is absolutely amazing documentation. When get this form I will share with you the forms # and what specically needs stated.Good luck to all of you, Have A Nice Turkey Day! Usually the service organization has an ongoing relationship with the VA Claims person who is working your file and they can either speak on your behalf or you can submit a letter or e-mail with your exact words and have your service organization submit it directly to the VA RO Winston-Salem. Taking the study whereas sample apnea va will hike a copy of the sleek door. Is there some advice you can give me or some where to look for some more information on this. Trust me your spouse will enjoy discussing how your snoring affects them! I have a similar claim for PTSD and unemployability and have been denied even after the PTSD rules have been changed. She wanted to know if I wanted to wait till she got my c-file? I am attaching a copy of my DD 214 to reflect my service with the veteran. Hello, I am 87 years and my principal, among others, malady is CS F rhinorrhoea which means that the brain containing sack was punctured in a fall and the fluid continues to flow every minute every day. Contact us today to discuss your VA disability appeal or your first application. Now here in 2011 Im still battling with them and it seems like they are trying to build a case against me. 2 if you are unable to find your form here you may want to visit. If youve heard anything about the VA Claim process before, you know that youll need outside evidence to get what you deserve for your VA claim. Click on the above link to get a copy of that letter. The reason for the length of my disability claims package was because of the Veterans Administrationsincompetence. When determining whether to obtain a buddy letter, consider the specifics of your case and the information needed to substantiate it. Importantly, obstructive sleep apnea is not one of the conditions that are listed under 3.309(a), and the Veteran must otherwise show that his sleep apnea is due to an event, disease, or injury incurred during service. Then I served in Air Force Reserves from 1985 to 1990. I have asked my VSO to file a letter of disagreement along with a second letter from my immunologist stating that I was not born with this disease but rather developed it in while in the military. I did the Notice of Disagreement and was turned down. I have seen that very much so I know what I am talking about. I am 40% service connect thru the VA for loss of hearing, athuritis, + eczema. I have working with the VFW, however, they have had quite a bit of turnover, and the person helping me, more or less files the forms and really doesnt give me any guidance. I cannot receive much needed help as these people expect cash at the moment of service. *A medically untrained individual is not usuallycompetentto offer a medical opinion regarding the etiology of disorders and such an opinion is generally assigned little probative weight. of The VA. Research: http://www.VA I had a hearing with a judge and my VSO back in May 2007 and have still not had a denial or approval for my claim. I also deal with many clients who have been diagnosed with it, post-military-service and do not know how to establish a service connection for sleep apnea. Could you possibly e-mail me a good sample letter were my Dr. can fill in the necessary information. Ben, can i ask where you found the information on the epa reports and such for the buildings you were stationed in? Westley Thomas / USMC / Vietnam Veteran 1966-1968. Thank you for any help that you can give me. sleep apnea and allergic rhinitis should help get your claim going VA Buddy Letter Example. Below is wife statement, please comment if it is good to go. the va had done x-rays and mris and the va apointed doctor stated that basically this guys back is beyond repair. Fmf so you. If not, did you have a verifiable stressor statement? A veterans own statement, covering in sufficient detail a condition that is within his/her ability to describe, such as his/her own symptoms, may to that extent constitutecredible and competent lay evidence. Can prevail in spite of the absence of official records showing incurrence or aggravation of the disease or injury during service. How they come to this conclusion is beyond me, because as far as I know I didnt know you could joint the military as a cancer patient. To update this-I finely got my claims corrected with much effort and the help of Sen.Levins office. My immunologist reviewed my medical records and had written a supporting letter saying this happened during time in service. I was as thorough as possible with the original application, with assistance from the local rep. Other than the notification of receipt, Ive received no requests for additional documentation, ect. Estimate your 2023 VA Rating & Compensation for FREE! I would go now if asked to defend her. so now i have to go through the apeal and no telling how long that will take. Have you already filed an appeal? Want to see a real VA lay statement example? Click HERE. 251 North Main Street My husband was almost killed and he gets nothing. This time, Im assuming due to clerical error, they were sending all of my paperwork to the wrong address! Does it mean anything to the VA that I was medically discharged from the Reserves and in those discharge papers make reference to active duty medical records for the same heart problem? there are Disabilities SC and CR that are not evaluated yet I would rather die which I will do as a result of malpractice at the hands of an incompetent foreign doctor in the VA emergency room, than to go thru this arduous and torturous dog and horse show and reems of paperwork to add to my misery before I die and then wait an enormous amount of time which I do not now have thanks to the VA uncaring attitude. 4. Main Office Bross & Frankel, P.A. I put in a claim was denied any suggestions. Service connection may also be granted for any disease diagnosed after discharge, when all of the evidence, including that pertinent to service, establishes that the disease was incurred in service. My x-ray yesterday explained why I was hurting so bad, one of the screws broke in half, so part of it is secured in my spine the other part is just floating around causing even more scar tissue. Yes got it: The former Secretary of The VA!!!! A well-written statement or buddy statement can be the difference between a grant of service connection for your VA claim and a denial. Draw your signature, type it, upload its image, or use your mobile device as a signature pad. Even though lay evidence can help you prove service connection, you still need competent medical evidence by a credentialed medical professional to help establish service connection. Far too many of the VA claims people act like the money is coming from their own pockets. Read up on OTC (Millions)and Diamond Bar Company (Billions). His tone was very matter of fact. thay gave me a rating of 10%. examinations for the VA. Who was leading the VA prior to the current Secretary He spoke of the bodies and carnage he saw, and the smell of burning oil. Not every VA claim needs a nexus letter because in some cases, the link to service is undeniable. Post Apr 17, 2011 #1 2011-04-17T05:25.