san gorgonio trail conditions

Trails remain very icy due to daily freeze/thaw cycles and compaction from hiker traffic, so spikes are recommended throughout the trail system above about 8000 ft (lower in places). For example, the Cautious navigation is strongly recommended everywhere. Forest, San Gorgonio Wilderness, San Jacinto Wilderness and State Park. On the morning of Wednesday 11th January, getting an Alpine start, I broke trail the entire way from Humber Park to San Jacinto Peak via Devils Slide, PCT, Wellman, Peak, and East Ridge trails. UPDATE Friday 20th January: Overnight Idyllwild had a very light dusting (<0.25 inch) of snow, but the high country was above the cloud so existing tracks should be unaffected. Snow depths are currently suitable for snowshoeing everywhere above about 8000 ft, possibly lower in places. PCT Mile 181.8 (9070 ft): 4-5 inches (5.5 inches on 12th December), Marion Mountain Trail at junction with PCT (8700 ft): 4-6 inches (6 inches on 12th December), Long Valley (8600 ft): 3-4 inches (5-6 inches on 12th December), Strawberry Junction (8100 ft): 3 inches (4 inches on 12th December), Saddle Junction/approx. In combination with the four inches of rain since Saturday, not to mention the many inches of rain earlier this winter, the mid elevations, including the mountain communities, are now best described as a very soggy and slushy mess. Fresh snowfall, melting, and freeze/thaw cycles will all combine to change trail conditions and potentially the preferred equipment for the terrain over the next week or two. Icy snow cover is 60% overall, becoming increasingly patchy below about 7000 ft, and again in the sun-exposed areas above 8000 ft. Spikes are useful, especially for descending. Spikes at least, but preferably crampons, plus an ice axe (and thorough knowledge of how to use it) are currently required for traversing these slopes. The trail descriptions list this route as being 16 miles round trip. I kept those on for the rest of the ascent, and almost all of the descent, finally removing them most of the way down Devils Slide Trail. In the meantime, a lengthy video discussion of the current situation recorded at the Peak is available here, and a brief panorama video from the Peak proper is available here. Amrhein said searchers had seen "not a thing, not a thing." Some 37 trees are down on the Forest Service section of this trail between Skunk Cabbage Junction and the State Park boundary (23rd September 2022 survey). South Ridge Trail is now functionally clear of snow to Tahquitz Peak with only 1-2% icy snow cover overall. Every year seems to have unique challenges and 2023 is already proving to be no exception. Spikes are recommended, at least for descending. Be trail aware Watch your surroundings, the trail looks different when you are coming back down. Watch for trail junctions, dont just follow your feet without looking up. There is already a moderately traveled posthole track on Devils Slide Trail, and I was surprised to find that below 7000 ft some of the trail was already slushy simply due to relatively warm air temperatures as there was no direct sun. Spikes are recommended. Section C/D: As mentioned above, crampons (always in conjunction with an ice axe) are currently recommended on certain moderate and higher angle slopes, notably the Peak Trail above Wellman Divide, and uppermost South Ridge Trail, especially on the north face of Tahquitz Peak. It warmed last night to just above freezing below 6000 ft, with a mixture of rain and sleet falling on top of the prior snow, turning it increasingly to wet slush at mid elevations (we measured about 0.25 inch rain in Idyllwild). As discussed above, multiple additional snowfalls forecast for 14th-18th January will further complicate the trail conditions. Note that average depth is given; due to strong winds there has been drifting, often particularly accumulating in the trails. per winter back then. Conversely in some places scouring by the wind means the depths are well below the average. Check out pictures on SGWA member John Flippins website, High Lake Photography. Ernie Maxwell Trail [checked 23rd and 26th January] has good tracks to follow along its entire length, through the shallow icy snow (still >90% snow cover). Conversely in places scouring by the wind means the depths are well below the average. "They're going to slip and fall thousands of feet, like these other hikers, if they're not properly prepared. Hikers should expect to encounter new treefall hazards due to the enormous weight of ice from freezing rain associated with the early November storm, followed by recent Santa Ana winds, and after the passage of Tropical Storm Kay in September. Vehicles not parked in these spaces may be ticketed and/or towed. Print/PDF map. UPDATE Tuesday 13th December 2022: This morning Anabel and I broke trail up South Ridge Road and South Ridge Trail to Old Lookout Flat (7600 ft). The average snow depth in this area is only about five inches, but on this slope it is heavily drifted in places at 10-12 inches. Best, We surveyed the PCT where it crosses Highway 74 (approx. If there are Road Closed signs further down at the junction with Forest Drive sometimes the case at weekends and holidays when snow is present then those nine spaces are also unavailable for legal parking. At the Peak on Monday 12th December 2022 at 0715 the air temperature was 9.7F (-12C), with a windchill temperature of -13.4F (-25C), 100% relative humidity, and a sharp WSW wind sustained at 12 mph gusting to 21.2 mph. Details of snow depths measured at various locations on the trail system are given at the foot of this posting. My Alpine start meant that all layers remained firm throughout the ascent. I've climbed it many times during winter and have found myself to be the only soul on the mountain. A key feature of this sequence of storms will be the relative warmth of the air masses which will lead to high freeze levels. This is a summary of conditions following the tenth and eleventh Pacific storms of winter 2022/23 to impact the San Jacinto range, that were basically a double atmospheric river event spread across 14th-17th January. Note however that snow depth itself is rarely indicative of the difficulty (or otherwise) of hiking a particular trail. Prior to this storm, conditions had been extremely unsettled for about ten days, with four storms in a week, although only one of those was a significant snow-producing system. It is a difficult hike, to say the least, and is recommended only for hikers who have adequate experience. Spikes will likely become more increasingly useful over the next few days and weeks as established trails become consolidated by hiker traffic and undergo freeze-thaw cycles. Pack your camera and your taste buds for this delicious adventure to see the sights and explore the food of Southern Italy! Devils Slide Trail has an excellent compacted track to follow to Saddle Junction. The high-pressure, bright, sunny weather system in recent weeks has created icy conditions with no snow covering it." So we recommend getting your permit in advance! The flow of atmospheric river storm systems continues unabated across California. There are no significant changes to snow/ice conditions, and advice below basically spikes recommended throughout the high country remains valid. At about 10K feet we began seeing our fist snow obstructing the trail. Spikes not required to that elevation. At 11,499 feet, San Gorgonio Mountain is the highest peak in California south of the Sierra. Zelle, Venmo, and PayPal are all options. Only 2.5 inches of snow fell at San Jacinto Peak (10,810ft) decreasing to 0.25 inch in upper Fern Valley (at approximately 6000 ft). The second system may be more substantial, with precipitation expected most of the day and night of Saturday 31st December into Sunday 1st January. Steady melting is expected with warming temperatures this week, especially at mid elevations and on sun-exposed slopes. Spikes tend to be especially useful for descending trails. Snow started in Idyllwild at about 1015 on Sunday 29th, ultimately accumulating about 3.5 inches (at 5550 ft) by the afternoon of 30th, while San Jacinto Peak (10,810 ft) added only two inches of powder. And as a reminder, self-issue permits are only good for that day. Vivian Creek is popular because it's the shortest and most accessible route, but it's also the steepest, so expect a good workout on your way to the summit. (909) 382-2682 (Voice) Snow expected in the high country in the early hours of Wednesday 28th is not expected to be sufficient to obscure some of the higher elevation trails and complicate navigation. The advice above should be used with this in mind, and if in any doubt carry the necessary traction devices that you will be most comfortable using. However the snow conditions may not be suitable for snowshoeing on certain slopes, as described above. Such unseasonably warm temperatures led to rapid snow melt everywhere, despite the low sun angle at this time of year, while in many areas freeze/thaw cycles have resulted in icy trails and roads especially in the early mornings. Spikes are recommended especially in the morning as the snow is now hard, compacted and very icy in places. My track largely follows the established trail routes, with some modifications for the conditions. However the high country has been largely above this precipitation, with the sun even trying to peek out at times in Long Valley, and only about another inch of snow was added there this morning. On 24th and 28th we barebooted to the Peak on well-traveled and compacted tracks through light icy snow. Above Little Round Valley in particular my track down from the Peak is very direct, steep, and would be a challenging ascent. For day use a permit is required on any of the trails in the San Gorgonio Wilderness. Day hiked on 12/22/22 - Very nice snow and weather conditions with little wind. No longer required at all the San Gorgonio Trailheads - only South Fork, Vivian, and Momyer still require it. An excellent track is easy to follow to Little Round Valley. 805-579-1116 The fourteenth and fifteenth storm systems of winter 2022/23 impacted the San Jacinto mountains back-to-back on 13th and 14th February, as discussed in the previous Report available here. Rain has continued solidly today in Idyllwild, with another 0.90 inch since 0700 this morning. . The total snow accumulation was ultimately very close to that forecast in the days immediately prior to the storm. San Gorgonio are popular peaks year-round with Southland hikers, and receive snowfall above roughly 7,000 feet in winter. They are not however required, depending upon your comfort level hiking on shallow variable snow, potentially mixed with slushy and/or icy patches (depending upon time of day). However, snowshoes will become increasingly useful as conditions warm sufficiently for snow to become soft above about 8000 ft, especially on sunny slopes and afternoons. All in all, I found the Fish Creek Trail to be a great way to go. The intensity of snowfall at San Jacinto Peak this afternoon is the best Ive seen since late 2019. Although good tracks are now in place for most major trails (details below), cautious navigation is recommended everywhere. Conversely in places scouring by the wind means the depths are well below the average. Dan Hendley, a colleague of Kumm's at Kiewit Industries in Long Beach, said he was surprised to learn that his friend had taken on the 11,500-foot-high mountain by himself. but her friend Joyce Schwartz took some short videos from which this still image is taken. The storm forecast for 29th-30th January looks less dramatic than previously predicted, with the high country largely above the storm (only an inch of snow forecast), and only 2-4 inches now expected at the elevation of Idyllwild. Devils Slide Trail has a traveled and largely compacted track to Saddle Junction in place already. At San Jacinto Peak (10,810ft/3295m) on Monday 6th February 2023 at 0930 the air temperature was 11.1F (-12C), with a windchill temperature of -11.0F (-24C), 59% relative humidity, and a frigid NNW wind sustained at 12 mph gusting to 20.2 mph. Moderate snow has continued for the past few hours at San Jacinto Peak, with a storm total so far of about 7.5 inches. There are several campgrounds in and around the area and at several of the trailheads. On Friday 20th I broke South Ridge Trail to Tahquitz Peak. Please check this page for periodic updates (the most recent is at the top). The forecast for the last ten days of December differs radically from what was predicted just a week ago, and a major warming trend is expected rather than another cold Pacific storm. Estimated Distance: 17 miles. As always after storms in the San Jacinto range be aware of considerable ice fall from overhead trees. A well-traveled snowshoe track is in place up to Strawberry Junction. SNOW DEPTHS measured on 23rd January 2023 (unless otherwise indicated) are as follows. My track from last week largely followed the established route of the trail, especially below the Fuller Ridge junction, but higher up the track is much more direct in places. Instead they end up miles from where they should be. Devils Slide Trail has a well traveled and compacted track to Saddle Junction in place already. This will likely continue to be the case for several weeks, given fresh snowfall expected. Note that average depth is given; due to strong winds accompanying the storm there is extensive drifting, often particularly accumulating in the trails. The Ernie Maxwell Trail [surveyed 10th January] has minor patches of snow along its entire length, however it is largely clear for long sections, and the remaining snow is rarely icy. The first number is the depth of fresh snow from this latest storm, followed in parentheses by the current total snow depth. Marion Mountain Trail [updated 22nd December] has a well-defined but lumpy posthole track throughout. Time of day, temperature, and sun exposure all have significant impacts on the nature of the snow, in turn changing the conditions underfoot, and hence both the hiking difficulty and the preferred traction device (if any). The first number is the current average total snow depth at that location, followed in parentheses by the depth of fresh snow added by the latest storm on Tuesday 10th. A second forecast storm system may bring some light precipitation to the San Jacinto mountains on 2nd December, and possibly again on 4th-5th. From near Miller Peak I put in a track up the East Ridge, rather than continuing on the Peak Trail round to Summit Junction, but this track was being partially erased by spindrift within minutes. There is an average of 9-10 inches of fresh powder so far today at San Jacinto Peak, and about 5 inches in Long Valley. WEATHER UPDATE Thursday 26th January 2023: Wild Santa Ana (north-east) winds today in the San Jacinto mountains have included gusts of 69 and 73 mph early this morning at automated stations at each end of Bonita Vista Road. In related (but frankly much more positive) news, today I had a long but spectacular day snowshoeing to San Jacinto Peak. South Ridge Trail [hiked 13th and 17th December] has a well-traveled posthole track through shallow snow as far as Tahquitz Peak. The traversing slopes above Wellmans Divide were very firm and relatively tricky in snowshoes, and some hikers may prefer to use spikes (or probably crampons) plus an ice axe above about 9800 ft. As I descended past Saddle Junction I was surprised not to see any other tracks as of early afternoon on Friday 6th, which I mention only because of the lack of broken trails this indicates. Marion Mountain Trail (surveyed at least weekly in past month) now has only about 20% icy snow cover, largely in the central section between about 7400-8200 ft elevation which is less sun-exposed. In Idyllwild (at 5550 ft) additional light rain this morning has added up to 0.1 inch. That said, the going was extremely easy as the rain layer on top of the snow remaining for earlier storms had completely frozen, so I was only having to break trail through an inch or two of fine powder. San Gorgonio Mountain is the highest peak in California south of the Sierra at 11,499 ft. Note however that snow depth is rarely indicative of the ease (or otherwise) of hiking a given trail. This was a very mild system, producing rain to 9000 ft elevation (and consequently very icy conditions), and one inch of fresh snow above about 9000 ft elevation (increasing to 1.5 inch >10,000 ft). There are two new treefall hazards to pass on the upper trail. (406), Comments We talk about his top SoCal mountains, tips & advice for long day hikes and newbie hikers, salsa dancing up Half Dome, redemption on San Gorgonio, disappearing on Ontario Peak, completing the Six Pack of Peaks challenge in one month, Cactus to Clouds vs Iron Mountain, summit cypher, dance origins, and the one hike he would re-live all over again. Thankfully it was relatively straightforward in crampons as the underlying snow was very solid due to freeze/thaw cycles, and the overlying powder was generally shallow. Reliable tracks are in place (at least) for Devils Slide Trail. Note that temperatures fluctuating either side of freezing are forecast for mid to upper elevations (at least >6000 ft) for the foreseeable future. The USGS benchmark on the summit reads 11,501.6 feet and is dated 1989. On my ascent I put crampons on at Wellmans Cienega (9300 ft) and they were more-or-less essential for traversing the icy slopes of the Peak Trail. There was a further 0.5 inch dusting of snow above 8000 ft on Thursday 29th (as I describe in this video). I'm guessing an additional few hundred feet at least. . Spikes are currently usefulthroughout the trail system above about 6000 ft, possibly lower in places on cold (icy) mornings. The South Fork Trail is over 10 miles one-way. Temperatures will be below freezing (max 28F on Mon night, min 25F on Wed morning). He had taken ice climbing equipment he'd been given for Christmas, but had never used it before, authorities said. On the morning of Wednesday 15th February I ascended via the east side (Devils Slide, Wellman, Peak, and East Ridge routes), descending the western side via roughly Deer Springs Trail. Zelle, Venmo, and PayPal are all options. Storm number 20, and the last of a stunning first two months of 2023, produced another major snowfall with 10 inches overnight in Idyllwild, and it is still snowing heavily. They are not however required, depending upon your comfort level hiking on shallow variable snow, potentially mixed with slushy and icy patches. The system averaged colder than the November storm, with more snow at lower elevations, although it was still notable that it initially rained as high as 9500 ft on the morning of Sunday 11th. UPDATE Saturday 17th December 2022: Early this morning we hiked South Ridge Trail to Tahquitz Peak, and I broke trail from Tahquitz Peak to and from Chinquapin Flat through moderate snow. Some hikers will find spikes preferable. Otherwise, reliable posthole tracks are in place from Saddle Junctions through to San Jacinto Peak via Wellman Divide, but parts will become obscured by drifting snow. This started as low as Devils Slide Trail and continued all morning. Spikes are not needed yet, but that will change soon with increasing compaction and freeze/thaw cycles. There were no visible hiker tracks on Marion Mountain, Seven Pines, or Fuller Ridge trails, as of 15th February.