martin county school board members

There is no doubt that there must be agenda consent items in order not to have meetings that run for hours and hours. Board Members and Superintendent During the 2016-17 fiscal year, Laurie J. Gaylord served as Superintendent of the Martin County Schools and the following individuals served as School Board Members: District No. This brings the total up to $4,044,820.60 which is comfortably within the four-to-five-million-dollar range to not have to come back to rehash these later. Yet there was some pushback on the proposal. The number has been adjusted removing the Port Salerno Elementary components, adding a Prevention Intervention Specialist to Warfield Elementary School with the K, 1, 2, and 3 staffing expansion plus the VPK addition of 40 students in two classes at Warfield Elementary School, and moving the Apptegy item on page 7 to page 8 to be with the Lets Talk item. Ive utilized Florida School Board Associations (FSBA) training in School Finance, Governance, Bargaining, Advocacy, Leadership and Knowledge completing the 96-hour requirements for Certified Board Member designation, now held for six years. The design of these schools needs to be reconsidered. The other was a half mill increase for property taxes for four years. Working together, we can create a stronger future for Martin County students. I just had hard working people who believed in me., She called her win over Andersona vote for the people., I think the people spoke and they are very concerned and want our schools to be better. Amy is also the Chairwoman of the Martin County Moms for Liberty and a regular volunteer at the Humane Society. All students registered with the district will attend class every day. So instead of reading about the upcoming budget and what the board rated Millay and what Millay rated himself, you are reading a story about not knowing any of it. The District seems to be stuck in a mid-20thcentury model which increasingly may not be what their customers want. Fences and locked doors are the rule. That tax was for a term of seven years and will expire in 2025. Should there be a place for Art in Martin County? The interesting part of the meeting had to do with enrollment. Public education is at a crossroads. How will Jen do as a new school board member? The entire detailed budget can be foundhere. It looks like training in welding, nursing, and HVAC will be expanded. We should also continue to expand our career and technical education and invest in school safety. She is from somewhere else too. This is all supposition, and the district should be contemplating a different academic world. The Spotsylvania County Public School Board is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination with regard to sex, gender, race, color, national origin, disability, religion, ancestry, age . I guess we will see. For that reason, I often include in my pieces the entire presentation so that you to can see the information. Whether that means driving to Palm Beach or St. Lucie Counties to find school jobs or to begin in a new profession, this is how markets work. I do think the Board, staff and all students would be served by diversity training. The school board should encourage Dr. Millay to continue meeting with not only those who agree with him but also those that do not. The last I heard is that it was supposed to have started the official process in December to open. When making motions and seconds, rarely does anyone clearly spell out what is being voted on. Tyson Waters, the boards attorney, gave members an update on the county CRAs wanting to allow bars within 50 feet of schools. Licata cared about the wide-angle approach that even in A schools, there were students who were underperforming and should not be left out. According to Powers, the district spends more than $20,000 per student. Apparently, Jensen Beach and Hobe Sound also want the same. However, the district did file a required plan with the state to reopen schools earlier that the state approved. Meetings are usually located in the board room of the Central Office located at 105 E 5th Street, Sherburn, MN 56171. He described how their emails and incivility when speaking is disturbing. The remote learning piece can continue with a new caveat. Without the calmer and more professional atmosphere that Gaylord fostered, anything that the first appointed superintendent does would not be possible. A minimalist approach was recommended so that the already-enrolled students would have as little disruption to their lives as possible. I needed a missal to help me decipher staffs explanation of the Martin County School District Success Plan. It is a measure of the worth of those children. Martin County High School; Martin County Middle School; . Realtors you need to stop using that in your sales pitches. Mr. Anderson stated that Mrs Gaylord, the last elected superintendent, did a great job of bringing back the district from chaos. The union has reimbursed the district for all wages and benefits but there has been no verification of reimbursement of any of the millage payment that every teacher received including Resciniti. Since both are county-wide and based on population, it makes sense. Unfortunately, I didnt have all the employee evaluations from the district until now. The school board is not there to make sure that teachers and administrators are happy. Diversity training is different from sex education in any form. District 4. If a student is unable to attend school because of being in quarantine or sick, instructional materials and coursework may be accessed online by signing into ClassLink and then accessing either Schoology, a learning management system, or Google Classroom depending on the course. I dont blame them, but their point of view does skew in a particular way. Some of the speakers, though were a bit uncivil One speaker threated the members with someone running against them. There is a shortage of work force housing for teachers. There was some concern about car lines and parking. They vary from tony private day care to places like Gertrude Walden in East Stuart. Public education is currently organized using a 19th century model in a 21st century world. It has 18,140.62 students or a loss of 783.78. Anderson has devoted himself to education. However, the bulk of the money goes to every teacher and other employees for a total of about $11 million. Attendance for those registered is 95.2% for in person and 92.7% remotely. In the past four years, Roberts was chair for two terms and Powers was chair for two years. It sounds like a good policy to me. From June 29th (the day after the meeting) until the morning of July 5th nothing was on the website that I could find. Powers moved that Russell be vice-chair, and it was seconded by Pritchett. Li Roberts said that the sequential subjects such as math are harder online. I have written that the district itself should have a charter in the TCCA mold. (Every government should utilize this procedure for employees that have Covid.). This possibility has been in the contract since 2007/2008 but it was only requested by the union in mid-2022. What comes with the territory of sitting on that dais (and taking a taxpayer funded paycheck and benefits) is taking criticism from the public and the press. Martin County Schools. 2017 Minutes. There are 5 members of the school board. Powers and Defenthaler withdrew their motion. The silence was deafening. The district will follow a voluntary mask policy as recommended by the Florida Department of Education in 2021/22 school year. To see the outlines of the budget you can gohere, *From Understand Financial Analysis by Noah Glenn. Powers believes what Defenthaler wrote about representing the children which would include the parents. Children and their parents have a big stake in the outcomes, and to them, all of this is much more than validating experts theories. He also claimed that I am a figment of my imagination. She thought it was important that those students should feel that they were part of the school family. This would be the time to make sure it is designed to meet state mandates and be used by the public. Marsha Powers and Mike DiTerlizzi were sworn in for their new four-year terms after running unopposed in the recent election. I believe that with all my heart. Instead of buying/constructing housing or being in a partnership with some non-profit, it would make more sense to provide vouchers worth $500 a month for 24 first-year teachers to help them transition to Martin County. Chair Roberts wants to know what the increase in both money and personnel for district administration has been by department over the past five- and ten-year periods. Martin County School Board Member, District One. The cent initiative for salaries was for four years while the cent initiative for capital improvements was for seven years. The rest of the anticipated $13.7 million collected from that tax would go to pay for teachers and all other employees. That should not take away from her years of dedication to the county as an employee and elected official. Again, no transportation is provided. If you are going to teach a health curriculum as dictated, then the money must come from somewhere. However, I do believe that they are woefully underpaid. At the BOCC last meeting, Smith talked about engaging the Treasure Coast Planning Council to do a charrette whether the district wanted to participate or not. The current cent expires in June. If their board were as involved as Martins is, they would do nothing more than act as a big HR department. 2014 Minutes. I am enclosing ithere. While Item 4.02, which was approved on consent, calls for her to work under the supervision of a deputy superintendent. Its purpose was to build two new schools and perform deferred maintenance. The BOCC thinks deputies and fire fighters should get every raise and benefit they want. As the next few months progress, the district will know more and more about what mandates the state will dictate including how much to spend on categorical lines such as textbooks. Perhaps he would have been if there were broader parameters. JBHS will become an open school choice high school next year to hopefully alleviate more overcrowding at the other two high schools. The Martin County student population in 2022 is less than 52% white. The newsletter stands guilty the same as the thousands of newsletters, newspapers, news magazines, television stations, and blogs. His report you can findhere It shows how he is moving the district forward. The board continued with their update of policies. Last year, the legislature gave $600 million to the districts to bring starting salaries to $47,500 and to boost veteran teacher pay. 2022-2023 Board of Directors . Millay has not been the change agent that some thought he would be. One of his successes has been a reorganization of the district administration. Anthony George, the boards attorney, wrote a memo laying out the facts uncovered by him and related below. The education of the students was not to be discussed. The org chart will be updated to reflect that decision. SUPERINTENDENT SELECTION MEETING SEPTEMBER 2, 2020. You can see the information here, IF YOU ARE NOT A SUBSCRIBER DO SO FOR FREE HERE. A few other facts were mentioned. It appears they would be more willing to move school boundaries for the lower grades if they were doing so for high school. And I am glad Tony Anderson said that. I will be an advocate for them by listening to their concerns, and making sure they have the resources they need to succeed in the classroom. Whether to wear a mask, have remote learning, or to shutdown are no longer in the hands of the locally elected officials. This is who we are. In November, the decision was made to have students make up two (2) of the four (4) missed days of school. Perhaps they are unable to get the buy-in needed from the district staff. The school board was under a legal constraint and could not discuss the incident. 2015 Minutes. If you would like to contact the entire board, please use the following email address: Yet the scourge of believing that ones race, ethnicity, or religion makes one individual better than another has been allowed to resurface in the guise of replacement theory or other such conspiracy nonsense. Health insurance is an extremely complicated subject but one that is especially important to those covered. For those who want a technical career, they should be in a program by junior year where they can be learning subject matter for their intended occupation (e.g., science or math) in the morning and being in apprenticed jobs in the afternoon in the work force where their training can be subsidized by the district but with real world experience. The school boundary advisory committee will present its findings at the November 2nd workshop. Perhaps this may be the first steps for this to occur again. The real surprise, however, was Amy Pritchett who eked out a victory over Tony Anderson with less than 1% of the vote. The board does control how much the district will expend on health care instead of going against the employees wishes in choosing a company. There are now several states that mandate such classes. Charters, both public and private, must explain what they are selling to their consumers. Where did the children go? The school board and BOCC used the same district election boundaries in 2010. It passed 5-0. This is important because, unfortunately, all school districts, including ours, are facing budgetary challenges that will require innovative solutions. He had taught college courses on education and was a mentor to other district superintendents. If Amy had the same support as Jen, then she too could have had a much larger victory. One thing is certainthere is money coming in from the additional millage that was approved four years ago. In the preceding months, the Board had put into place with the guidance of the Florida School Board Association (FSBA) parameters for choosing that person. Someone must have told them that the outdated form was there. Every child has a right to a quality education Every teacher should follow school board and superintendent policies in the classroom and be accountable Every citizen has a right to review curriculum offered in the schools It all starts with new leadership! It appears that they will keep the recommendations of the redistricting committee for Options 4, 5, 6 for high school students only. Miller explained that the district, through committees and the board, takes months and months to review what is going to be taught and what materials will be used. It makes one wonder why given what appeared to be a parental return to school board control, this would pass. Kathleen Watts, Director of Transportation, created two memos outlining why the bus depot was closed. That should give him time to work with Gaylord and the rest of the administration to understand the District. There were a few who spoke in favor of the proclamation who were mostly students. There is a severe shortage of bus drivers. The ballot will read as follows: Shallthe Martin County School Districtcontinuetheexisting ad valoremmillage up to one-half mill per year beginning July 1,2022,andendingJune30,2026, foressential operatingexpenses (School SafetyandSecurity, Mental Health Programs, Recruiting and Retaining Qualified Teachers and Support Staff, Professional Development, Academic Initiatives); providingcharter schoolsfunds proportionate to student enrollment as required by law with annual reporting to citizens. The space cannot exceed the master plan for Stuart Middle which leaves about 2 acres for the Council. 772.600.8062; DONATE; Online Store; My Account; Login; View Cart (0 items) Follow Us. Perhaps the school district should look at obtaining grants to have the high school turned into housing for teachers and other employees instead of grants for paintings. Asking political boards to write evaluations is usually not helpful to ascertaining what each board member really thinks about the superintendent or manager. (You can see ithere. No one is ever happy! I am several years older than Anderson, and I remember being a 10-year-old visiting my grandparents who lived in Lake City at the time, and how crazy it seemed to me that there were separate facilities and entrances for black and white. DiTerlizzi wanted to know cost associated with moving forward. Search results are not intended as legal advice for you or your organization and are not a substitute for obtaining legal advice from a qualified attorney in your jurisdiction. CTE, once known as vocational education and before that as manual education, has been around since the mid-19thcentury. One of the sticking points was that Florida Blue had no cap in the 2nd year but United had an 11.5% cap. The Martin County School Board voted 3-2 Tuesday to appoint Dr. John D. Millay to become the new superintendent of schools. Every voter must look at the situation and determine that for themselves. The newsletter asked each candidate to provide a statement on why they wanted to be elected or re-elected. This deal has already been agreed to by the unions. Pritchett has raised more than $8,935for her campaign. I dont know. We need to give him the authority and flexibility to serve as such.. Millays preliminary estimates suggest that it would cost about $165 per foot to build. The Board has promised that the new playgrounds will be better. When considering this fact and the learning gaps associated with pandemic-related disruptions, addressing lost instructional time is an extremely pressing concern forSuperintendent Dr. John D. Millayand theMartin County School Board. Well Mr. Anderson this figment has certainly bore down into your brain. The entire budget next year is nearly $487 million. Other schools will sell other individualized educational brands. You can see Mr. Morrisons presentation here. Millay has recently begun to look at his administrative staff in a different way than previous superintendents. Elizabeth Bernstein, an economist and Martin County native, faces Jennifer Russell, a former Christian school administrator from Virginia, for the District 3 seat. On November 16th, the county will be updating its boundaries. There are assigned seats in the classrooms. Facebook; A; A; A; top > About Us > Board of Directors. One speaker stated that he would run a candidate against any school board member who would vote in favor of the proclamation. She also received a $500 donation from the local American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees. The staff has sent out approximately 1500 letters to the homes of students that may be affected by changing the boundaries for high school. She also received $1,000 from Vero Beach podcaster Dennis Lynch. Local Moms for Liberty co-chair Amy Pritchett, 66, of Stuart, beat Port Salerno resident Anthony Tony Anderson, 65, in his District 4 reelection bid, whileJennifer Russell, of Hobe Sound, won the School Boards open District 3 seat over rival Elizabeth Bernstein, of Tequesta. I also believe that the move toward kids attending non-traditional public schools will only grow. So, either the district needs to engage in better communication with parents or show that to be true by raising the scores. The board discussed open enrollment for those schools (Crystal Lake, Seawind, and Hobe Sound) that have space available. Children must swipe their ID cards when they board and as they depart. As an example, one bill just passed that mandates health education and in what grade it can be taught. It would only invite more public comment that has nothing to do with the business of the district. Defenthaler and Anderson are more in line with the existing model. He was also not on any of the final lists of any of the other 30 plus members of that committee. This includes student instructional resources, AVID training, additional CTE programming, communication/customer service/accountability platforms, mental health programs, and teacher assistance solutions. Greg Black of Waypoint Strategies, the boards lobbyist, brought the board up to date regarding the bills that passed in Tallahassee. (During COVID-19) School Board Meeting Archives; Nassau County School District; School Board Members; Nassau County School Board . , Url: Go Now, Schools Details: WebSCHOOL BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 21, 2023 Dr. John Millay, Martin Countys first appointed superintendent, surprised the board, staff, and citizens by resigning effective , Url: Go Now, Schools Details: WebBoard Members. It should not be this hard for lay people to understand what the school district is proposing and doing. Bernstein, a Martin County native who attended public schools here until going off to college where she earned an advanced degree in economics, could have been an excellent addition. "I want to continue to try and bring some civility and a common-sense approach to these contentious times, because I don't think we're done yet," he said. Secondly, considering that the two-senior people in that department are in the Drop Program, they would not hire a Transportation Manager as requested. You can reach him at or 813-545-9113. Stay Connected But he believes in service and that is what is making him stay in the fight. Perhaps if the state sent more money, its dictates would be more acceptable. John Millay has brought some great skills and educational background. Parents should consult and weigh any advice they recommend. I did not communicate your position as well as I thought.