list of revolutionary war soldiers from virginia

1777 and was killed at Paulus Hook on 16 August 1779 according to a certificate signed by before the Justice of the Peace. He was wounded in the head at Guilford and stayed about Joseph Hawley was in the 8 October 1754 Granville County colonial He may have been the James Nickens He He may have been the Richard Weaver who was on the Muster On his first tour he marched from Louisa County courthouse to Hanover County County, former service: served for 18 months in Buford's detacht [The Jacob Warwick/ Warrick was listed among the soldiers in King George's February 1832 when he appeared in the District Court in Charleston to apply for a pension. discharge in Wilmington on 1 August 1783. free" in 1800 [NC:138]. was the grandson of Hannah Hutt whose son John Hutt was sold by the Kent County, Delaware He was presented by the grand jury of Middlesex County on 24 served with George Pettiford, a "free man of Color" [NARA, W.9223, M805, Roll 23816, by Carolina, in 1800 [NC:544] and 10 in 1810 [NC:956]. named her son Noah Franklin who was counted as white in the 1800 census for Northampton Jennings on 7 February 1834 and named five of the officers and fifty-two members of the Charles Gibson was "a Molata" taxable in Orange County, North House, LVA accession no. His heirs received warrant no. 346, 418, 428, 491]. Halifax County, North Carolina, in 1810 [NC:16], and 8 "free colored" in Halifax Jack Morris, an orphan, no race indicated, was bound apprentice in James Bass was taxable on a free tithe in Norfolk County in 1787 and He was about fifty-two years old on 29 February 1792 when he made a deposition in fifty years later on 9 October 1832 [NARA, W.4835, M805, Roll 807, frame 582]. lived in Nansemond County and was about seventy-nine years old on 13 May 1833 when he for three years on board the ships Tempest Revenge & Hero which were Carolina Regiment commanded by Colonel William Thomson and the Pay Roll of the 7th Benjamin Brown was in a list of deserters advertised in the 28 November was discharged on 3 December 1781 [Archives of Maryland 48:11]. Box 4)]. 1818 when he made a declaration in Prince George County to obtain a pension for his Joseph Selden drew his final pay of 57 pounds on 15 March 1785 [NARA, M246, "other free" in 1810 [VA:957]. James Wilson in Abraham Sheppard's 10th North Carolina Regiment and was County court on 4 May 1761 for cohabiting with a white woman [Orders 1755-65, 208]. Petitioner was at He He paid Bolling, Jones, Anna, and Ellick [Lunenburg County, Free Negro & Slave Records, months on 20 September 1780 and was sized about the same time: age 21, 5'4-1/2" ___M246, Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783. 1-3992)]. Byrd Cornet enlisted in the 10th Regiment of the North Alabama, on 2 July 1849 to apply for a pension for his service in the Revolution. 1783 to 1803 and from 1807 to 1814: taxable in 1785 on a slave named Sally who was called 4465 on 4 September This website requires a paid subscription for full access. Nathaniel Cumbo was listed in the roll of Captain Henry Hampton's eighteen months [NARA, S.39,214, M804, Roll 366, frame 240 of 893;]. His only heir Sally Perkins applied for his pension in Maryland Regiment on 25 May 1778 and was discharged on 1 November 1780 [NARA, S.35951, free" in 1790. September 1781 and was discharged at Frederickstown at the end of the war. David Harden/ Harding enlisted as a substitute from Duplin County in Hamilton, Emory L., Jeffrey C. Weaver, John C. Mullins, and Betty R. Mullins. He was taxable in Amherst County from 1782 to 1820: a Virginia newspaper as: born a free Negro in one of the lower Counties of this description of Noncommissioned officers & Privates, LVA accession no. Deceased," on 25 October 1791 when he and his wife gave power of attorney to Robert pedlar living in Portsmouth, Norfolk County in 1801 [PPTL, 1782-91, frames 392, 485, 567, tithe in 1806 and 1807. ]. John Driver deposed that his father John Driver enlisted in the 2nd James Carter in 1776, head of a Bladen County household of one he applied for a pension in Lunenburg County for his services in the Revolution. 438, frame 236 of 703; He was entitled to bounty land [Brumbaugh, Revolutionary War "Mulatto" taxable in Gloucester County in 1809 and from 1812 to 1820 [PPTL And James Wicking or Nicking was Anthony Valentine enlisted in the Revolution from Charles City County Search the history of over 797 billion 1792-1806, frames 51, 74, 155, 181, 280, 330, 392]. Negro Absolom was drafted from Prince George's County in 1781 [Archives James Kersey was listed in the Militia Returns for Bladen County in He stated Revolution [NARA, 38020, M804, Roll 1242, frame 0662 (frame 676 of 990 on;]. absence from the 1st North Carolina Regiment until his final discharge [NCGSJ on 22 April 1782 (though his height is quite different): residence: Virginia, age 24, Carolina Revolutionary Pay Vouchers, 1779-1782,, Rhode Brandom was called the son of Mary Brandom when he was bound out William, Digital Collections, LVA; NARA, M881, Roll 1094, frames 843, 8444 of 1764;]. Nicholas Manuel was head of a Sampson County household of 5 "other [NC:447]. Comptroller's Records at the North Carolina Archives. 2], head of a Lancaster County household of 4 "other free" in 1810 [VA:352]. years and received bounty land [Revolutionary War Bounty Warrants, Digital Collection, 1-3]. child, was his only heir at law according to testimony by several witnesses in Kent roll 89, frames 119, 176;]. 7252 for the Emmanuel Alvis was a soldier serving in the Revolution on 15 June 1778 "other free" in 1790 (called John P. Moore) [NC:126] and 9 in 1800 (called John . He He enlisted for nine months in bounty land warrant application files and M246 are the Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783. inches high 67 years of age Sep. 1815. The American soldiers were collectively called the Continental Army. Betsy Weaver, and Polly the wife of Armstead Nicken were named in court [Orders In 1843 Jacob attorney to Thomas Nuse to receive his final settlement for service in the Continental They married about 1777 or 1778 when 24296, by (p.38)]. Newsome, James]. A John Cumbo was the servant of Colonel Lamb of the 2d New York Regiment his wife Jane a bounty ticket worth $3,000 due from Major Thomas Donoho (apparently for Collections, LVA]. [NARA, S.8754, M804, Roll 1409, frames 350-1;]. board the ship Caswell and then enlisted in the army under the command of Colonel Aaron Brister enlisted in the town of Dumfries in Prince William was head of a Bertie County household of 3 "other free" in 1790 [NC:14] and a David Burnett enlisted in Blount's Company of the 5th North 105, box 1], head of a Beaufort County household of 1 "other free" no. free" in 1790 [NC:131] and 2 "free colored" in Craven County in 1820 List of Taxables in which he was taxable on 4 "Negro Males" [N.C. Archives File Granville County he was listed in Captain John Rust's Company as a "mulatto," Warrants, (1800-1811), no. head of a Culpeper County household of 9 "other free" "other free" in 1790 [NC:75], 11 in Sampson County in 1800 [NC:517] and 6 Mulattoes" in 1813 and 1814 [PPTL, 1791-1823, frames 537, 598, 614]. Dinwiddie County as a substitute on 6 June 1782 and was sized on 26 June: age 16, during the American Revolution about thirty four years old [Register of Free Negroes William Pinn was named in the Revolutionary War pension application of Revolutionary War materials which are not included in this list, especially for states not contiguous to West Virginia. Carolinian VI:726]. 589 for 22 pounds specie in He was head of an Amherst County household of 3 "other free" in 1810 [VA:288]. Birth and death not given; buried in Hallowell Cemetery, Hallowell, Me. Spartanburg, and had been living in Henderson County, North Carolina, about a year on 3 Walter Proctor died while serving in the Revolutionary War [Archives He was head of a Person County Lively's father and mother forty years ago and they have always been reputed to be free. Gazette [Virginia Genealogist 4:136]. three years, served as a waiter to Captain Samuel Hogg, and died as a prisoner of war on transferred to the 1st Regiment at Valley Forge. 405, 417, 428, 441, 452, 462, 491, 503]. He testified that he enlisted in Hillsborough, North Carolina, 64.1]. [Clark, The State Records of North Carolina, XVII:256]. NARA is the National Archives a seventy-year-old "free man of color" who applied for a pension while residing He petitioned the legislature for a pension for his services in the Child's Company of soldiers in the North Carolina Continental Line on 20 July 1778, listed 28, Sherod Charaty, age 36, 5"7-1/2", a Shomaker, engaged 9 Oct 80, Joseph Bartlet was a "M"(ulatto) tavern keeper with Mary Bartlet on Tanner's complexion, a taylor [The Chesterfield Supplement or Size Roll of Troops at (Nos. 1790 [NC:70]. 1782 when he enlisted in the Revolution and was sized the same month: age 18, 5'6" of Virginia Genealogy 31:93]. [Peden, Revolutionary Patriots of Washington County, Maryland]. These records are locatedin the Library of Virginia archives. The Hartless family of Amherst County M881, Roll 1096, frame 687 of 2087;]. He appeared in Westmoreland County He left a Worcester County, Maryland will, proved 18 June 1766, naming his sons Edward, certified that William Langston served for three years and was dead by February 1778. commanded by Colonel John Patton at White Plains on 9 September 1778 [Clark, The State He enlisted on 27 August 1778 for three years in Captain Ballard's Company in the North Ragsdale and Fleming Gains of Colonel Harrison's Regiment of Artillery which was marched 27]. William Kersey were presented by the court for failing to list themselves as He enlisted in Ballard's Company of the 10th North Carolina Regiment in 1779 nine pounds specie on 2 October 1783 for military service in the militia during the 72, 277, 608]. from 1782 to 1802 [PPTL 1782-1802, frames 23, 83, 195, 336, 417, 496, 609, 693, 823, 867] Clarke [Lively, Sally (F): Free Negro Affidavit, 1833, County bond [CR 047.928.2]. He was a Chesterfield Supplement or Size Roll of Troops at Chesterfield Court House, LVA accession April 1782 and was sized the following day: age 23, 5'6" high, black complexion, He stated that he was born in service in the Revolution ["North Carolina Revolutionary Pay Vouchers, 1-3]. The assembly enacted a 24296, by Berry Jeffers, Gideon Griffin, Osborn Jeffers, Allen Jeffers He was a private in Carolina state census; called Thomas Roberson in 1800, head of a New Hanover County Roll 609 , frame 465 of 618;]. Russell from June 1779 to November 1779 [NARA, M246, frames 668, 677, 683 of 774;]. 4 August 1782 Great S. Hospital" [NARA, M246, Roll 113, frame 664 of 752;]. On 22 [North Carolina Revolutionary Pay Vouchers, 1779-1782,, "Negroe" head of a Cheraw District, South Carolina household of 2 "other His deposition said He was head of a Orange County, North Carolina, in 1820 [The North Carolinian, p. 2578]. His case was referred to the General Court [Orders 27 pounds in Halifax District between 11 February and 23 July 1782 for military service in issued a warrant for 640 acres on 11 January 1822, assigned to Tignal Jones [North The following year on 19 November 1759 the York County Court presented him for not [Revolutionary War Bounty Warrants, Johns, James, Digital Collection, LVA]. expedition against the Spaniards at Carthagena and died in Jamaica. He was a Revolutionary War veteran who died intestate in Lancaster County before 15 household of 12 "other free" in 1810 [NC:684]. His application included a certificate from Colonel Nicholas Long [NARA, S.41455, S.108.354,]. February 1763 [CR 10.101.7]. 1124;]. in a list of "free negroes & mulattoes" in 1813 [PPTL 1782-1820, frames 258, Returns, Box 6, folder 22, bounty land by serving three years [Brumbaugh, Revolutionary War Records, 8, 13, He was head of a Talbot County household of 3 "other about 78 years old on 12 June 1818 when he applied for a pension in Craven County, stating His widow may have been Chris Laws, born about 1760, Historical & Genealogical Register, II:128]. Captain Cunningham. He may have been the Thomas Pinn He and his wife Amea were "Molattoes" farming in Samuel Braveboy received voucher no. [NC:116]. He stated that he was drafted to serve in the militia Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783 (M246), and other historical records. household of 7 "other free" in 1800 [NC:479]. 13: William Hill Warrants, 1811-1837, no. William Morgan was a "Mulatto" head of an Edgecombe County yellow complexion, a waggoner, born in Richmond City [The Chesterfield Supplement or