hearthstone duels treasure tier list

It's just Druid decks they'd work with are ones I usually see have more generic treasures instead. But if that's the case you're already in a pretty good spot and don't really need it. Pure Cold is a usable finisher that can also spare you a turn of damage from weapon heavy decks like those with Pillage the Fallen. V2, Scarlet - Blood Death Knight Duels Example (Lich King), Sai Frost Death Knight Duels Example (Lich King), 12 Wins Sai Unholy Death Knight Duels Example (Lich King), https://hsreplay.net/replay/SeH45QtqVkBLUM2QE73CCC, Rush decks are fairly viable in Duels thanks to, If you arent using your cannon very often, then, Spells the play tons of spells to trigger, Druids ability to draw and generate cards and. Even though its a small bonus that doesnt seem to persist beyond your first turn, unconditional free card draw from Small Backpacks is extremely valuable; especially when you have game changers in your deck you want to dig for as early as possible. The only instance of this being the go-to pick is when running Royal Greatsword for the targeted draw and being able to use it a turn early. Destiny 2. Duels is basically a PvP version of Dungeon Run and other similar content previously limited to single player. It comes down to free card advantage that will sometimes make it cost less. The only downside is that since a few things have to die to be efficient, it isnt something you can reliably use to catch up on turn 5 like the previous two. Creator Notes: Battle Totem is an Ultra Rare Treasure, but Corrupt the Waters is the next best thing. Best passive treasure: Pillage the Fallen offers free weapons to fragment enemy faces with and is therefore the best of the . However, there are special cases where this can be more effective; like if you have plenty of cheap spells or if your Hero Power is Sleight of Hand. Creator Notes:Deathrattles themselves are good enough to carry Hunters with Death Games. Cloak of Emerald Dreams is arguably the best of the new card generating passives. A new Hearthstone game mode - Duels - was released in Darkmoon Faire expansion. The impact of Book of Wonders varies wildly, but has the ability to outshine a lot of the other primary passives. Milling your opponent is also a niche way to use it if the opportunity arises.Dreamgrove Ring gives you the chance to load up your board with big and scary threats, but it robs you of the ability to do much else. The way this helps you though is you have the chance to play those extra cards and spend that additional mana first. Guardian Light definitely has potential, giving you minions for using spell school that doesnt usually provide much tempo if any. Loyal Sidekick is a simple large taunt minion, that is pretty much always a tempo play, but doesn't usually do more that block some damage and maybe attack once or twice. Having an endless treasure generator is good. Ring of Haste and Sunstrider's Crown are probably the most swingy passive amongst the other Tier 3 ones. You can now include Goblins vs. Gnomes in your starting deck. Rogues have new Secret support, and for Reno that means so do Mages. While Starving isnt as bad as All Shall Serve since Hunters have fewer draw options, relying on Beasts dying to get it is not the best plan. Bonecrusher and Deathstrider also fit perfectly into that kind of game plan. If you manage to keep Highlord Fordragon on board before you use Karl the Losts effect or vice versa, you can potentially pile on an absurd amount of stats onto you hands minions. It just takes some work to get the cards where you want in your hand. Mind Tether can easily chip away at your opponents Health by using spells that also generate more spells like Palm Reading and Shadow Visions. Running, Dragon decks are extremely good in Duels with. If you are a Hearthstone fan, you will need this Kazakusan Treasure Tier List! So, I wanted take opportunity to fill you all in on how getting Treasures in Duels works! Flames of the Kirin Tor has improved over giving you the same mediocre spell over and over, but it still lacks the consistency as to what kind of spell youre getting. To obtain them you need to meet the following requirements: Scout are fantastic starting Treasure picks that dont need to be in a specific deck to perform well. Aside from passives, there is no Arcane specific support. Creator Notes: Build similarly to Token Druid, but has a different kind of support. The reason it still exists alongside Robe of the Apprentice is to give Frost decks a higher likelihood of being able to draft Spell Damage. All other Treasures try to capitalize on cannon damage, with Grizzled Reinforcement and Draconic Munitions being the better ones since they last all game. Theres certainly a high probability that youll get more than your manas worth of minions on the board. But the decks that wanna cheat out big things already have ways to do that, like Clumsy Courier and Kael'thas Sinstrider. Coil Casting is intended to give you more triggers for the shared effects of Nagas that want you to play spells while holding them. To sum up, you now have a deck option for every class. DrekThar and Vanndar have wildly different strategies between their Hero Powers and treasures because of their whole gimmick of being accessible to 5 classes. The most common use for it is to use healing effects to keep recovering health before your opponent can damage you 10 times. Bug Fixes and Game Improvements [Hearthstone] Updated Hawkstrider Rancher's text to say "Whenever" instead of "After." This is a text-only change to make the text match how the card currently functions. Not sure why they banned that card. It's strictly a Win-More card, which aren't very good on their own. It gives you just a little bit extra to play, and also triggers the effects of If you played an Elemental last turn card without having to cram a ton of Elementals into your deck to keep their effects live. Winrate within one standard deviation of the strongest archetype. Humble Blessings can use Bring on Recruits or Modest Aspirations. is consistently twice that damage. Its almost always used alongside Gift of the Legion as a repeatable way to gain Attack; usually working as a substitute for the other 2 Hero Powers. With many powerful new Pirates added, the deck is stronger than ever before, granting it a place in S tier. Pirates currently dont have any secondary passives they can consistently abuse. Cookie's Ladle gives Murlocs the fuel it needs to keep up the pressure without having to rely on normal card draw for it. Battle Stance gives you access to constant damage for the entire game. The third version of these cards are the only ones really worth being called treasures. Free triggers on you Deathrattles is a strong effect, but Deathly Death! Starting Treasure: Scrapmetal Demolitionist. Theyre just generically useful, which is not a bad thing as it doesnt require you to build your deck around it while still being extremely strong. Most decks this late in the game usually end their turn with multiple minions or destroyed all of yours. End-of-Year Blizzard Update About 12 billion hours of Blizzard games were played and 50 million new players joined the Blizzard community this year, according to Blizzard President Mike Ybarra, who posted an update reflecting back on 2022. Hyperblaster can kill anything across multiple turns, which will make your opponent hesitate when they would otherwise play a highly statted minion. Mysterious Tome is arguably one of the best purely generic primary passives. Please check your lists mage deck is illegal. Blizzard 25 comments Dec 21, 2022 at 12:21 by Staff. March of the Lich King Mini Set Cards List & Guide. For aggressive strategies, Elise's Machete is a fantastic choice as it provides plenty of damage and Rush stats all in one reasonably priced weapon! All of the Warrior Hero Powers are offensive and defensive capabilities in their own right. Stargazing can be amazing, and your Hero Power determines exactly how useful this treasure is. But when you or your opponent are running a large number Deathrattles, it can become a high durability behemoth of a weapon. Hearthstone Duels 12-0 Reno Jackson (7429 MMR) (Arcane Craftiness | Sr. Tomb Diver) March 1, 2023. Overpowered can duplicate anything, even other Treasures! is a nifty generic Hero Power that most decks are capable of using on some level. 4-mana weapon, 4/2. This time we are going to dive into Hearthstone Duels and present you 12 Decks to get 12 wins. This one in particular was rough because of 4 new heroes and most of their hero powers and treasures need to use specific links since they all have other versions from Doom in the Tomb. Harvest Time! The Treasure used to be just Murloc Holmes. A lot of Duels decks are capable of securing the win before you get to turn 10. But if you manage to build a deck that can make this work, its certainly worth it. Several decks lack notable healing and most minions in Duels come with decent Attack, so a lot of them cant afford to take so many minion hits. There's also the possibility Blizzard is rotating treasures without telling us as it is in early release still. Archmage Staff is a free mage spell every turn, so long as you dont equip any other weapons or attack with your hero. We'll start by ranking the neutral treasures on a scale of 1-5 followed by an explanation for the reasoning behind the ranks. See turn 3:https://hsreplay.net/replay/SeH45QtqVkBLUM2QE73CCC. Tier 4: Mask of Mimicry and Golden Kobold replace most or all of the cards in your hand, which you dont always want since youll typically be holding onto other Treasures for later. Advanced Duels Guide - With Example Decks And Treasure Tier Lists! However, this can muddy up your hand with mediocre to useless minions that you have to spend mana on to get out. Karl the Lost and Sr. As great as all the keywords are that Gnomish Army Knife stacks onto a minion, its cost makes it hard to combo with. Stacking cheap spells can build up. Seabreaker Goliath is merely a beatstick that takes a while to discount. The only separate topics between the two will be the Hero Powers and starting Treasures, but everything else will mostly apply to both. But those kinds of decks mostly summon vanilla minions with decent stats. Hunters Insight and Bag of Coins are fantastic staples amongst the normal treasures. However, not all of them are specific in their uses either. Well start by ranking the neutral treasures on a scale of 1-5 followed by an explanation for the reasoning behind the ranks. Thats pretty limiting in some classes. Since starting decks in Duels are 15 cards, there arent a ton of options for the class yet, and almost all of their cards are free for everyone. This is a really powerful card, but its a bit slow in Duels where there are frequent powerful swing turns as opposed to accumulative payoff. Tier 4: While some of the passives that interact with certain spell types have amazing effects,many of them are severely underwhelming. Mages have plenty of good Elemental buckets, as well as a Hero Power that can consistently supply them for you should you happen to run out of Elemental-last-turn triggers. Warden's Insight is a popular Starting Treasure because of its flexibility between two good effects. Hearthstone: King of the Lich. This weapon also has some hidden secrets to it. But when you're in that position, it's hard to establish a big enough board to take advantage of the Lifesteal. The Lich King is the last boss in the Ice Throne adventure - The Icecrown . Best Passive Treasure: Recycling used to be a sleeping OP pick because it shuts down any burn-based strategy and is a strong contender once again. And by the way, they won't get 2 HPs and 5 Treasures when the mode launches. Not every deck can make use of their classs location. They both encourage you to play two cheap minions/spells then follow it up with a big one that acts as a giant mana cheat. Sometimes it can work in ways youd never expect. Plus many of Hunters better minions are Beasts, summon Beasts, or both. I think it's only worked a few times I use it and probably isn't for everyone. 10 decks that will help you get reach 12 wins in Hearthstone's Duels game mode [Top 10] Hearthstone Best Duels Decks That Wreck Hard! Tier 5: Amalgamate is an inefficient way to get a big minion on the board. Rogues and Mages have always had an affinity for good cheap spells, and this combo of classes definitely embodies it. Even then, those passives generally arent win conditions on their own. Mage finally has actual Arcane support it can start a run with to use alongside the Arcane related Passives. While this passive doesn't block and damage dealt to armor, since Vampiric Blood adds protected Health instead of healing up to a maximum, it makes taking down a Blood Death Knight with this combo extremely tedious and sometimes Unachievable with all the other threats those decks have. Both classes even have Secrets that work towards Sr. Tomb Divers Battlecry. Theyre just too slow and make you use two worse versions before you actually get the good effect. Mega salty? Nature's Gifts is a good generic choice that can also give certain spells like Swipe massive value. Loyal Henchman and Clockwork Assistant are no more than slowly scaling cheap beatsticks, but they can get pretty big late game/run. Even Battlegrounds had their own versions of Sr. Tomb Diver and Karl the Lost. Ace in the Hole works well in both decks, but sometimes weapon rogues will take Deadly Weapons 101 instead for the damage spike. Having to pay so much mana each time you use it is awful. Here we will list more specific strategies for each class and hero with their Hero Power, Treasure, and starting deck options. With all the hard removal in Duels, a little bit of extra Health doesnt matter very much. Deathcharger is just not big enough to justify a detrimental Deathrattle even with Charge. Wyrm Bolt and Frost Shards are similar in popularity because they're direct upgrades from Mage's normal Hero Power. Unholy Embrace is a little too expensive (both in terms of mana and corpses) and makes it hard to use in Duels. Even if you dont get it, the other Fel Treasure is good as well. Just like before, the unmentioned Treasures have simple effects whose impact is barely any better than an ordinary Hearthstone card. It can benefit your own board, like with Paladins Blessing of Authority or abuse targeted removal like with Shamans Stormstrike. You should already have ways to keep up card advantage by this point. One of the most potent decks from our hearthstone deck duel tier list is Vanndar Stormpike. Staff of Pain is also pretty good in Priests new Shadow/Aggro archetype. It is one of the strongest decks while being relatively easy to play. Soulcial Studies gives your Soul Fragment generators additional tempo. [Hearthstone] Added the "Mech" tag to The Purator. Passively obtaining discounted copies of enemy minions sounds amazing, but Eerie Stone isn't perfect. This makes it hard for this passive to reliably help you. Firekeepers Idol is a relatively low-impact passive (as 1/2 minions with no effects dont do much), but it provides an extra resource in your hand as well. This ability was introduced with the Kobolds and Catacombs' Dungeon Run mode. "There is no spoon" #3 Jan 31, 2021 (Darkmoon Races) . Hearthstone's Duel mode can be a real doozie for players, but with these great Duel decks, there's a chance of victory. However, this value entirely relies on the effects your minions have since their stats arent going to make much of an impact. Most decks have at least a couple Deathrattle minions, so you can reasonably expect this to become a 3/5. Tier 1: Effects the passively double the value of some of your cards are definitely some of the most powerful treasures. Bubble Blower helps complete Corrupt the Waters without having to use too many of the Battlecries in your deck that presumably have higher value on average than ones you just Discover. A lot of Death Knights better cards either need those corpses, or dont make more of them, so its challenging to make this Hero Power super impactful. i dont think Quel'Delar workd as indented i won against someone using it and i did not get it. backs you up with whatever you may otherwise lack from your initial deck. All three deal damage, just in different ways. Royal Gift is an excellent finisher. Looking for advice that'll get more wins in your Duels runs? The main thing holding this back is having a deck with enough Arcane spells to have it be offered as a draft option and to fully abuse it. Discard your hand. Elemental Learning is also a fantastic card for Mana-efficient resources. Staff of Scales and Wand of Disintegration do this better than all the others since they can kill several minions at once regardless of their Health. Passive hero powers are also the main source of an Aura. You start by picking your Hero, Hero Power and Signature Treasure, then build a 15 cards deck to take into rogue-like adventure against other players. 1. There is so much spell support you can draft that a healthy mix of card generation and damage can make a lot of things work. Illucia has a Hero Power for both aggro and control decks, and both are quite good. Arcane spells specifically have better treasures associated with them than others, so its worth the investment. Gathering Storm accomplishes that too, but exchanges the minion aspect and 1 corpse for card draw, which is just as viable but for different strategies. Your value from Ancient Reflections depends on what you end up targeting, preferably things with persistent effects like Deathrattles. This is no doubt just a bug yet to be patched. With all the available cards Hunters have access to in Duels, Deathrattles are definitely the go-to archetype. We originally featured a hard ranking of the Dungeon Run Treasures in this section but around 20 more were revealed after launch and it's proving tricky to . Decks that pick Shadow Mend usually run C'Thun, the Shattered as something theyre trying to build into throughout the game. I talked through my thoughts of which Treasures are the best w/ Firebat today and made a Tier list. You need specifically neutral minions, have them survive until your next turn, AND kill them off to get just one temporary mana crystal. It's especially abusable with Deathrattle triggering effects. Tier 5: Manastorm may be an Ultra Rare, but doesnt give you direct advantage. In fact, the only reason this passive is ranked in the middle is because not all Hero Powers can use it as well as others. Among the passives that were supposed to work with the Sunken City themes, the Treasures they gave them are lackluster. Relics are hard to use in the beginning since you can only take one of each, but you can draft more and even get a Relic Vault from Location, Location, Location! My best guess is that its a bug. The next best is centered around legendary minions and use From Golden Light and Royal Greatsword to gain massive advantage. Well here, we have a very in depth analysis of everything in the game. Branns most notable Hero Power is Dino Tracking, which almost any deck would love to have. Plus, most of the possible cards either require a certain game state to be useful or are just worse than most treasures. Treasure Pool Updates "Be Our Guest" has been removed from Treasure Pool 1. Secrets get decent bucket support. Creator Notes: Pirates are usable, but not as abusable since it lacks a Secondary Passive to maximize value on. Glaciaxe is definitely the go-to starting Treasure for Sai Shadestorm. Since you cant have more that one weapon out at a time, its not a very optimal deck building strategy. Puzzle Box sounds good at first glance. Bag of Coins is also undervalued here. Late game, Grimmer Patron can combo with buffs to create a massive self-duplicating minion. Keep an eye out for targets, as its kind of hard to plan a combo and save both pieces for it. Usually the best thing to duplicate in Duels is the treasure you got from the second pool. Any cost reducing Treasure helps Druids a lot due to how much they excel with Mana Cheating. Many things that dont stand out wont be mentioned, as talking about every single one of them would make this guide way too needlessly long. Are you wanting to play Duels but having trouble getting started? All of Omus Hero Powers have their place in the meta. It may not have as much Nature abuse, it does take advantage of cards Druids would love to use but cant like Palm Reading and Priestess Valishj. Vanndar's hero power and battle tactics are enough to minimize costly neutral minions. This can make Multicasters Battlecry ridiculously powerful! Phaoris' Blade can build up massive amounts of damage over time and can easily finish off your opponent at a certain point. This is all based on my [RaptorWithWings] personal experience, but Ill do my best to give the greatest possible advice! People are using Secret Studies now to draw out secrets that satisfy the conditions for Sorcerer's Gambit. New: [Tavern Tier 5] 6 Attack, 6 Health. The only thing holding it back is the cost. We've got a fresh look at the Stormwind Duels Meta today with Report #6 - Best 12-Win Hearthstone Duels Decks For November Week 3. . Duels decks are filled with removal, and Brittle Bones turns that into even more advantage! Its just rather difficult to ramp up that kind of damage. Beckoning Bicorn is the perfect Treasure to make Pirate Rogues work at any stage of a Duels Run. Duels Advanced Guide - With Deck Lists and Treasure Tiers Duels: Practical Guide to go Infinite in HC Duels Duels Tips & Tricks Guide Duels Cards Duels Heroes Duels Hero Powers . You can also pile up on you decks strongest minions like Jace Darkweaver, Captain Galvangar, or Alexandros Mograine. Until this is resolved, if anyone has noticed a pattern with the cannons interactions with enemy Locations, please leave your findings in the comments and well update it. It also has limited ability to snowball due to Demon Hunters lack of minions that directly scale with being handbuffed. Both Mending pools and Spreading Saplings in t4? Book of the Dead is usually a much cheaper option and even deals sizable damage to face. Our Hearthstone Dungeon Run guide contains boss details, tips, strategy advice and details of the best Treasure and Passive upgrades available. A lot of Treasures are just a little better than existing collectable cards, but this one is a little better than most of those since its 2 minions in one, the Deathrattle can be taken advantage of, and the 2nd minion itself is above average and on curve with the first.