bikers against drunk driving raffle

jdgm.loadCSS(jdgm.CDN_HOST+"widget/base.css"):jdgm.loadCSS(jdgm.CDN_HOST+"shopify_v2.css"))})}(document); type: 'text/plain' More. FLORIDA REGISTRATION: CH18378. Pictured: Camaro Z/28, Firebird, Charger, Ford F100, Hellcat Jailbreak, Cadillac Blackwing iframe.role = "presentation"; e.detail.BOOMR.init({ ", I implore the governor to shut this charity down. var __st={"a":5031817,"offset":-18000,"reqid":"d9b924e4-9dc6-4971-a5fe-87fbacdc553f","pageurl":"\/blogs\/news\/18644067-you-won-t-believe-what-this-biker-charity-is-doing-with-your-money","s":"articles-18644067","u":"42c4670d412b","p":"article","rtyp":"article","rid":18644067}; return false; BADD (Bikers Against Drunk Drivers), Ormond Beach, FL. enabled: true, 'trackForm', } else { Bill Greer From Gadsden, AL, 1951 Ford F1 Truck Giveaway if (link.relList.supports('prefetch')) { (Less). According to records filed with the State of Florida in the three years prior to 2014, the organization collected just over $2.6 million dollars. He said the drawing was sponsored by a charitable group, Bikers Against Drunk Driving. s.src = urls[i]; var script = document.createElement("script"); } (function next() { return trekkie; if (window && window.navigator && typeof window.navigator.sendBeacon === 'function' && typeof window.Blob === 'function' && !Monorail.isIos12()) { (Bikers Against Drunk Drivers), to get contact information and to buy . This ratio is an indicator of an organizations solvency and/or long-term sustainability. This policy establishes guidelines for the handling, backing up, archiving and destruction of documents. 2023 OFFICIAL BIKE WEEK MOTORCYCLE DRAWING 1312 Tickets Sold as of 3-3-2023 Check Out the New Photos & Video Below. But we still need your help! Register Account? Is most of the money going to victims or to pay its staff? SHARE. Collect. an average of 1.51 accidents per 100 main two-wheeler drivers and per year. window.BOOMR.themeVersion = ""; } // XHR beacon } } bikers against drunk drivers ","widget_review_submitted_text":"Review Submitted! This policy protects the organization and by extension those it serves, when it is considering entering into a transaction that may benefit the private interest of an officer, director and/or key employee of the organization. function addListener(element, type, callback) { return true; } (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), var key = trekkie.methods[i]; Mothers Against Drunk Driving is more than just mothers. parentNode.appendChild(link); var res = resources[index++]; July 07, 2018, Sign up for the latest news, offers and styles, Copyright 2023, The Biker Nation. While driving our Harley Davidson Heritage Softail Classic, I and my wife were hit, The driver, of the vehicle was under the influence and just about killed me and my wife. function boomerangSaveLoadTime(e) { sendRequest: function sendRequest(endpointUrl, payload) { window.ShopifyPay.apiHost = "\/pay"; Enter for a chance to win a shark dive trip for 2 from Islander Charters and $20,000 cash towards your summer adventures. source_url: ""}); 2022 Bikers Against Drunk Drivers - All Rights Reserved. #dynamic-checkout-cart { these guys need to be shut down NOW !!!!! "if" : "i"; })(); Find Bikers Against Drunk Drivers stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. ofJuly, at a little after 6 pm. window.performance && window.performance.mark && window.performance.mark('shopify.content_for_header.end'); COME SEE US, February 18, 2014 Those same records indicate the charity has returned just $20,300 to victims of drunk drivers, less than 1% of the money it collected. Orlando news station investigates BADD and finds it comes up short. } } twoMonthsFromNow.setMonth(twoMonthsFromNow.getMonth() + 2); Ticket # a430001825336 if (win.addEventListener) { Read the IRS policies for compensation reporting, Source: IRS Form 990 (page 7), filing year 2019, Below are some key data points from the Exempt Organization IRS Business Master File (BMF) for this organization. In substance, WESH TV claims that B.A.D.D. if(href && href.indexOf('/checkout') >= 0) { 'identify', iframe.src = "javascript:var;d.domain='" + dom + "';void(0);"; }, March 5th, 2022 Drawing. data download. Prize options for other drawings: . var Shopify = Shopify || {}; When asked how donations are spent, Perkins told WESH in an email the charity speaks for itself,claiming BADD has sent out 5 million flyers and used Facebook posts to encourage people not to drink and drive. window.attachEvent("onload", boomerangSaveLoadTime); Change Password? ","verified_badge_text":"Verified","verified_badge_placement":"left-of-reviewer-name","widget_hide_border":false,"widget_social_share":false,"widget_thumb":false,"widget_review_location_show":false,"all_reviews_include_out_of_store_products":true,"all_reviews_out_of_store_text":"(out of store)","all_reviews_product_name_prefix_text":"about","enable_review_pictures":true,"enable_question_anwser":false,"widget_product_reviews_subtab_text":"Product Reviews","widget_shop_reviews_subtab_text":"Shop Reviews","widget_sorting_pictures_first_text":"Pictures First","floating_tab_button_name":" Reviews","floating_tab_title":"Let customers speak for us","floating_tab_url":"","all_reviews_text_badge_text":"Customers rate us {{ shop.metafields.judgeme.all_reviews_rating | round: 1 }}/5 based on {{ shop.metafields.judgeme.all_reviews_count }} reviews. Bikers Against Drunk Drivers. "+y+".js",s={src:i,async:!0,onload:function(){if(e){var a=window.webPixelsManager.init(e);n(a),{a.publishCustomEvent(e[0],e[1],e[2])})),[],}},onerror:function(){var n=(e.storefrontBaseUrl?e.storefrontBaseUrl.replace(/\/$/,""):self.location.origin)+"/.well-known/shopify/monorail/unstable/produce_batch",a=JSON.stringify({metadata:{event_sent_at_ms:(new Date).getTime()},events:[{schema_id:"web_pixels_manager_load/2.0",payload:{version:t||"latest",page_url:self.location.href,status:"failed",error_msg:i+" has failed to load"},metadata:{event_created_at_ms:(new Date).getTime()}}]});try{if(self.navigator.sendBeacon.bind(self.navigator)(n,a))return!0}catch(e){}const o=new XMLHttpRequest;try{return"POST",n,!0),o.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","text/plain"),o.send(a),!0}catch(e){console&&console.warn&&console.warn("[Web Pixels Manager] Got an unhandled error while logging a load error. bootstrap(); else if (element.attachEvent) { Continue shopping. Don't Threaten. } else if (document.attachEvent) { trekkie.factory = function(method) { 2665 N Atlantic Ave Ste 126 Daytona Beach, FL 32118-3205 . var scriptFallback = document.createElement('script'); bikers against drunk drivers Nov 2009 - Present 12 years 8 months. win.addEventListener("load", win._boomrl, false); In December 2014, a number of Facebook pages using car brand names such as Audi, Range Rover, Mercedes, and Camaro (among others) posted . Threats of harming another person will not be tolerated. }); var resources = [].concat( function prefetchAssets() { iframeLoader(false); } (function(t,e){window.lion=e;var n,i=t.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];n=t.createElement("script"),n.type="text/javascript",n.async=!0,n.src="//",i.parentNode.insertBefore(n,i),e.init=function(n){function i(t,e){var n=e.split(". }; The Form 990 is a document that nonprofit organizations file with the IRS annually. 2665 N Atlantic Ave Ste 126 Daytona Beach, FL 32118-3205 386-788-2675. var target = || event.srcElement; A good many Multimillion dollar charities are nothing but scams. window.BOOMR.snippetMethod = wasFallback ? } The post You Wont Believe What This Biker Charity Is Doing With Your Money appeared first on USRiderNews. } As a result, the Accountability & Finance score for Bikers Against Drunk Drivers is outdated and the overall rating may not be representative of its current operations. }); } window.BOOMR.snippetMethod = "s"; var args =; Bikers Against Drunk Drivers has earned a 40% for the Accountability & Finance beacon. A good many Multimillion dollar charities are nothing but scams. } ""; if (element.addEventListener) { iframe.src = "about:blank"; enrich charity founder . Im a disabled vet on a pension and I thought I could give alittle back and mabe pay alittle forward Shit I fell like I JUST GOT FUCKED AND DIDNT GET KISSED. If you wish to donate, please refresh the page. if (dom) { }, window.BOOMR.snippetExecuted = true; Shopify.theme = {"name":"Minimal with Installments message","id":121448366163,"theme_store_id":380,"role":"main"}; trackedResourceTypes: ["script", "img", "css"] window.ShopifyPay = window.ShopifyPay || {}; Claim this business (844) 427-2233. While hitting 4th gear heading on a narrow road in the suburbs a drunk taxi driver swerved over and hit Danny head on at about 60 miles an hour. Bikers Against Drunk Drivers is a 17 year old Non Profit Organization currently on the road selling raffle tickets for a 2003 V8 powered Boss Hoss motorcycle worth 35,000. var s = document.createElement('script'); var event = { !function(e){window.jdgm=window.jdgm||{},jdgm.CDN_HOST="", This policy outlines procedures for handling employee complaints, as well as a confidential way for employees to report financial or other types of mismanagement. Try more general words. }; s.async = true; function asyncLoad() { Learn more about our criteria and methodology. min-height: 180px; = "script"; ga('send', 'pageview'); Shopify.theme.handle = "null"; })(); xhr.send(payload); (BMF affiliation code: 3). This works against us as too many charities/foundations/etc. World's Biggest Bike Draw from Bikers Against Drunk Driving (B.A.D.D.) We are exposed to over 200 Million people a year. window.BOOMR.themeName = ""; Skip to product information Open media 1 in modal 1 / of 2. session_token[1] : "",page_type: "article"};window.navigator.sendBeacon("", JSON.stringify({schema_id: "online_store_buyer_site_abandonment/1.1",payload: payload,metadata: {event_created_at_ms: currentMs,event_sent_at_ms: currentMs}}));}}window.addEventListener('pagehide', handle_abandonment_event);}}()); window.addEventListener("load", boomerangSaveLoadTime, false); } var parentNode = where.parentNode; Sounds like the IRS needs to check into this so called charity. What is the percentage of motorcycle commuting accidents? Matt McFarland From Wichita Falls, Texas function iframeLoader(wasFallback) { } s.href=d,s.onload=function(){"all",t&&setTimeout(t)},e.body.appendChild(s))}, Nonprofits act in the public trust and reporting publicly on activities is an important component. Check out our site @ We are in immediate need of Road Warriors who can sell raffle tickets at Bike . leads the fight against drunk driving. We leverage finance and accountability data from it to form Encompass ratings. Teddy Morse is also providing the winner with $1,000 worth of custom updates of your choice and will even take your first ride on this . This overall score is calculated entirely from a single beacon score: 100% Accountability & Finance. iframeStyle.border = 0; return false; Ticket # a430003029038 @-webkit-keyframes jdgm-spin{0%{-webkit-transform:rotate(0deg);-ms-transform:rotate(0deg);transform:rotate(0deg)}100%{-webkit-transform:rotate(359deg);-ms-transform:rotate(359deg);transform:rotate(359deg)}}@keyframes jdgm-spin{0%{-webkit-transform:rotate(0deg);-ms-transform:rotate(0deg);transform:rotate(0deg)}100%{-webkit-transform:rotate(359deg);-ms-transform:rotate(359deg);transform:rotate(359deg)}}@font-face{font-family:'JudgemeStar';src:url("data:application/x-font-woff;charset=utf-8;base64,d09GRgABAAAAAAScAA0AAAAABrAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABGRlRNAAAEgAAAABoAAAAcbyQ+3kdERUYAAARgAAAAHgAAACAAMwAGT1MvMgAAAZgAAABGAAAAVi+vS9xjbWFwAAAB8AAAAEAAAAFKwBMjvmdhc3AAAARYAAAACAAAAAj//wADZ2x5ZgAAAkAAAAEJAAABdH33LXtoZWFkAAABMAAAAC0AAAA2BroQKWhoZWEAAAFgAAAAHAAAACQD5QHQaG10eAAAAeAAAAAPAAAAFAYAAABsb2NhAAACMAAAAA4AAAAOAO4AeG1heHAAAAF8AAAAHAAAACAASgAvbmFtZQAAA0wAAADeAAABkorWfVZwb3N0AAAELAAAACkAAABEp3ubLXgBY2BkYADhPPP4OfH8Nl8ZuJkYQODS2fRrCPr/aSYGxq1ALgcDWBoAO60LkwAAAHgBY2BkYGDc+v80gx4TAwgASaAICmABAFB+Arl4AWNgZGBgYGPQYWBiAAIwyQgWc2AAAwAHVQB6eAFjYGRiYJzAwMrAwejDmMbAwOAOpb8ySDK0MDAwMbByMsCBAAMCBKS5pjA4PGB4wMR44P8BBj3GrQymQGFGkBwAjtgK/gAAeAFjYoAAEA1jAwAAZAAHAHgB3crBCcAwDEPRZydkih567CDdf4ZskmLwFBV8xBfCaC4BXkOUmx4sU0h2ngNb9V0vQCxaRKIAevT7fGWuBrEAAAAAAAAAAAA0AHgAugAAeAF9z79Kw1AUx/FzTm7un6QmJtwmQ5Bg1abgEGr/BAqlU6Gju+Cgg1MkQ/sA7Vj7BOnmO/gUvo2Lo14NqIO6/IazfD8HEODtmQCfoANwNsyp2/GJt3WKQrd1NLiYYWx2PBqOsmJMEOznPOTzfSCrhAtbbLdmeFLJV9eKd63WLrZcIcuaEVdssWCKM6pLCfTVOYbz/0pNSMSZKLIZpvh78sAUH6PlMrreTCabP9r+Z/puPZ2ur/RqpQHgh+MIegCnXeM4MRAPjYN//5tj4ZtTjkFqEdmeMShlEJ7tVAly2TAkx6R68Fl4E/aVvn8JqHFQ4JS1434gXKcuL31dDhzs3YbsEOAd/IU88gAAAHgBfY4xTgMxEEVfkk0AgRCioKFxQYd2ZRtpixxgRU2RfhU5q5VWseQ4JdfgAJyBlmNwAM7ABRhZQ0ORwp7nr+eZAa54YwYg9zm3ynPOeFRe8MCrciXOh/KSS76UV5L/iDmrLiS5AeU519wrL3jmSbkS5115yR2fyivJv9kx0ZMZ2RLZw27q87iNQi8EBo5FSPIMw3HqBboi5lKTGAGDp8FKXWP+t9TU01Lj5His1Ba6uM9dTEMwvrFmbf5GC/q2drW3ruXUhhsCiQOjznFlCzYhHUZp4xp76vsvQh89CQAAeAFjYGJABowM6IANLMrEyMTIzMjCXpyRWJBqZshWXJJYBKOMAFHFBucAAAAAAAAB//8AAngBY2BkYGDgA2IJBhBgAvKZGViBJAuYxwAABJsAOgAAeAFjYGBgZACCk535hiD60tn0azAaAEqpB6wAAA==") format("woff");font-weight:normal;font-style:normal}.jdgm-star{font-family:'JudgemeStar';display:inline !important;text-decoration:none !important;padding:0 4px 0 0 !important;margin:0 !important;font-weight:bold;opacity:1;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale}.jdgm-star:hover{opacity:1}.jdgm-star:last-of-type{padding:0 !important}.jdgm-star.jdgm--on:before{content:"\e000"}.jdgm-star.jdgm--off:before{content:"\e001"}.jdgm-star.jdgm--half:before{content:"\e002"}.jdgm-widget *{margin:0;line-height:1.4;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch}.jdgm-hidden{display:none !important;visibility:hidden !important}.jdgm-temp-hidden{display:none}.jdgm-spinner{width:40px;height:40px;margin:auto;border-radius:50%;border-top:2px solid #eee;border-right:2px solid #eee;border-bottom:2px solid #eee;border-left:2px solid #ccc;-webkit-animation:jdgm-spin 0.8s infinite linear;animation:jdgm-spin 0.8s infinite linear}.jdgm-prev-badge{display:block !important}