bail amounts by crime california

Crimes are classified into two distinct categories, felonies, and misdemeanors. The defendant, in police custody, won't be seeing a judge for up to 48 hours, or . How much is bail for the sale of controlled substances, if over 20 kilograms (HS 11379)? How much is bail for the sale of PCP, if over 1 quart liquid or 2 oz. The bail amount for escape or attempted escape from prison with or without force or violence is $250,000. The bail amount for hit and run with personal injury is $20,000. liquid or over 8 grams powder (HS 470 11378.5)? The premise is simple. You can co-sign for a bond with the bond company but you do have certain obligations if you do so. How much is bail for displaying or possessing a forged drivers license or I.D. Misdemeanors include violation of a domestic violence restraining order, but bail may be increased to protect family members from further domestic violence. The bail amount for embezzlement of proceeds from the sale of secured property, if amount stolen is over $50,000, is $45,000. The bail amount for counterfeiting a prescription blank is $20,000. The bail amount for engaging in specified sex acts with a minor under age 10 is $250,000. Illegal possession of a weapon is a serious offense in the state of California but it is on the list of most serious crimes committed in the state of California. After paying the bond amount, the bondsman will deliver it to the court to secure the defendant's release. The bail amount for mortgage fraud, if amount of loss is over $250,000, is $70,000. The bail amount for false personation of another is $50,000. The bail amount for grand theft of person is $25,000. The bail amount for the possession or purchase for sale of PCP, if over 1 gallon liquid or 8 oz. How much is bail for bringing stolen property into the state, if amount stolen is over $250,000 (PC 470)? How much is bail for using false documents to conceal true citizenship (PC 114)? The bail amount for solicit rape, etc., is $100,000. The bail amount for the possession of controlled substances for sale, if over 1 kilogram, is $100,000. Suite 200 How much is bail for the sale or furnishing of a substance falsely represented as a controlled substance, with respect to certain specific or classified controlled substances (HS 11355)? Penalties will be imposed based on the type of drug possessed by the offender. Attempted homicide is a severe type of crime involving an intent to kill another person. How much is bail for petty theft with qualifying prior conviction(s) (PC 666)? How much is bail for soliciting rape, etc. This premium is not refundable, but can be reduced . After paying the bond amount, the bondsman will deliver it to the court to secure the defendants release. The bail amount for forged bills or notes, possession or receipt, is $20,000. How much is bail for a felon with body armor (PC 31360)? How much is bail for embezzlement of proceeds from the sale of secured property (PC 504b)? How much is bail for the rent, lease, etc., of a room for manufacture, storage, or distribution of a controlled substance (HS 11366.5(a))? The bail amount for contacting a minor with intent to commit sexual offense is $5,000. How much is bail for the possession or control of child pornography (PC 311.11(a))? How much is bail for contacting a minor with intent to commit sexual offense, with prior (PC 288.3(c))? How much is bail for computer-related crimes, Government Computer System or Public Safety Infrastructure (PC 502(c)(10)-(14))? Key takeaways: A 2021 California supreme court decision made it unconstitutional to set bail at an amount that defendants cannot afford. California Attorneys For Criminal Justice. Police can charge you based on being too impaired to drive based on the police officers discretion. The more charges you gather, and the longer your criminal record, the higher the bail amount will be. The bail amount for the sale of controlled substances, if over 4 kilograms, is $250,000. or 3 gallons, is $500,000. It's our job and we are the best around! How much is bail for the illegal transportation, sale, or furnishing of certain specific or classified controlled substances, if over 20 kilograms (HS 11352)? The bail amount for a person under 18 years using a minor in the sale, transportation, or giving to a minor certain specific or classified substances, if over 40 kilograms, is $2,000,000. Many defendants who are detained in California jails while awaiting trial can secure release by paying a sum known as bail. If the alleged offense is bondable, the defendants loved ones can use a bail bond, which requires only a small portion of the full bail amount to be paid upfront. How much is bail for the sale of controlled substances, if over 80 kilograms (HS 11379)? The bail amount for knowingly coercing or exerting undue influence to, or destroying withdrawal or rescission of request for aid-in-dying drug to end life is $35,000. Simply, if the bail amount is $10,000, the bail bond fee will be $1,000. The bail amount for grand theft of copper materials, if amount of theft is over $1,000,000, is $120,000. If the court makes one of those findings,the court shall then set bail and specify the conditions, if any, whereunder the defendant shall be released. The bail amount for embezzlement, misappropriation by trustee, contractor, if amount stolen is over $250,000, is $75,000. How much is bail for embezzlement by bailee, if amount stolen is over $1,000,000 (PC 507)? How much is bail for grand theft of animal for purpose of sale, medical research, slaughter, or other commercial use, if amount of theft is over $1,000,000 (PC 487g)? How much is bail for contacting a minor with intent to commit sexual offense (PC 288.3(a))? How much is bail for embezzlement by bailee, if amount stolen is over $250,000 (PC 507)? The aim is to keep the suspect behind bars to protect the other party. How much is bail for embezzlement, misappropriation by trustee, contractor, if amount stolen is over $1,000,000 (PC 506)? The bail amount for the offer to manufacture is $30,000. Releasing the defendant on his or her own recognizance (OR), which is cost-free. How much is bail for the possession of GHB with intent to commit sexual assault (HS 11350.5)? Complete Guide to Bailor call Spolin Law P.C. How much is bail for grand theft of a horse or other livestock, if amount of theft is over $250,000 (PC487a)? The bail amount for subornation of perjury is $25,000. This crime is punishable by law with an imprisonment term of more than one year. How much is bail for assault with a semiautomatic firearm upon a peace officer or firefighter (PC245(d)(2))? 264.1, 288 or 289 is same as the substantive offense. The bail amount for the illegal transportation, sale, or furnishing of certain specific or classified controlled substances, up to 1 kilogram, is $30,000. How much is bail for forgery, counterfeiting drivers license or I.D. How much is bail for the sale of PCP, if over 3 gallons liquid or 1 lbs. The bail amount for assault with a semiautomatic firearm upon a peace officer or firefighter is $200,000. How much is bail for accessories (PC 32)? Bail amounts for such thefts are usually set at $20,000. How much is bail for failure to disclose origin of recording or audiovisual work (PC 653w(a))? How much is bail for sodomy, if committed in a state prison or jail (PC 286(e))? The bail amount for the possession of controlled substances for sale, if over 80 kilograms, is $5,000,000. How much is bail for incest (PC 285)? powder (HS 11379.5)? How much is bail for a person 18 years or over using a minor in the sale, transportation, or giving to a minor certain specific or classified controlled substances, if over 4 kilograms (HS 11353)? Vehicular homicide is presumed accidental. No one ever wants to be arrested; however, it happens all the time. The bail amount for the possession or purchase for sale of certain specific or classified controlled substances, if over 10 kilograms, is $500,000. How much is bail for engaging in specified sex acts with a person confined in a public or private detention facility (PC 289(a)(1)(C))? How much is bail for false imprisonment of an elder or dependent person (PC 237(b))? 264.1, 288 or 289 (PC 220(a))? The bail amount for extortion, ransomware, is $50,000. Los Angeles County judges are encouraged to use the listed bail amount as a starting point for setting bail for the crimes listed below. The bail amount is set by the judge, who has a few options. The bail amount for theft, diversion of money received for services, labor, materials, etc., if amount diverted exceeds $2,350, is $20,000. How much is bail for oral copulation, if in concert with force or fear, upon a minor victim age 14 or over (PC 228(d)(3))? The bail amount for possession with intent to sell, transfer, or furnish specified chemicals to another person having intent to manufacture methamphetamine or n-ethylamphetamine is $50,000. Consult our detailed data table on bail amounts to see specific charges and their bail amounts. The bail amount for violation of HS 11379.6, if over 10 lbs. The bail amount for the possession of controlled substances for sale, if over 10 kilograms, is $500,000. At the bail hearing, the court can leave the bail amount as is, increase it, decrease it orrelease you OR or on your own recognizance. liquid or over 8 grams powder, is $50,000. Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child $250,000, Felony DUI $50,000 to $100,000 depending on certain factors, Vehicular $50,000 to $250,000 depending on certain factors, Possession of Child Pornography $50,000, Sale/Possession of Controlled Substances with Intent to Sell $50,000, If the crime was committed while the defendant was. The bail amount for embezzlement of funds for construction is $25,000. Some include possessing an illegal weapon or being a person who is prohibited from having weapons. The bail amount for failure to disclose origin of recording or audiovisual work is $25,000. The bail amount for embezzlement of proceeds from the sale of secured property, if amount stolen is over $250,000, is $70,000. How much is bail for the filing of false evidence by police (PC 141(b))? Although such attire is not legally required, the attorneys are aware, Read More How You Should Conduct Yourself In CourtContinue, A wobbler is a criminal offense which allows the prosecutor discretion in choosing to charge the crime as amisdemeanororfelony. If you are seeking to reduce your bail amount or the prosecution wants to increase it, there are a number of factors the court will consider: If you are charged with a serious offense such as: Then the court may not modify bail without first finding unusual circumstances as justification6. How much is bail for escape or attempted escape by felon, misdemeanant, inebriate, or person on work furlough from jail, industrial farm, etc. Bounty hunters are paid a percentage of the bond but only if the defendant is apprehended. How much is bail for possession or exploding a destructive device or explosive with intent to injure (PC18740)? Another noteworthy scenario is if a person is arrested, and on the first court appearance the district attorney has not filed any charges. The bail amount for the conspiracy to violate sections 11351, 11351.5, OR 11352, if over 1 kilogram, is $100,000. How much is bail for maintaining a place for selling, giving, or using of certain specific or classified controlled substance (HS 470)? How much is bail for the possession or purchase for sale of cocaine base, if over 40 kilograms (HS 11351.5)? The bail amount for embezzlement by carrier or individual transporting property for hire, if amount stolen is over $250,000, is $70,000. Use your web browsers search function to search for a specific crime by name or code number. Driving Under the Influence (Misdemeanor DUI) $5,000, Failure to Register as a Gang Offender $10,000, Failure to Register as a Sex Offender $10,000, Possession of a Concealed Firearm $5,000, Violating a Restraining Order (Protective Order) $10,000, Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child $250,000, Assault with a Semiautomatic Weapon $50,000, Assault with an Assault Weapon on a Police Officer $250,000, Child Pornography and Obscene Matter $50,000 $100,000, Conspiracy to Commit Any Crime Minimum $20,000, Failure to Register as a Sex Offender $20,000, Gross Vehicular Manslaughter while Intoxicated $50,000, Gross Vehicular Manslaughter while Intoxicated with Prior Offenses $250,000, Kidnapping (Ransom, Extortion) $250,000, Lewd Acts with a Child Under 14 $50,000, Lewd Acts with a Child Under 14 with Force $100,000, Murder with Special Circumstances No bail, Possession of a Firearm on School Grounds $100,000, Possession of a Firearm to Commit a Felony $50,000, Possession of Marijuana for Sale/Selling Marijuana $20,000, Resisting an Officer with Serious Injury $20,000, Resisting Arrest with a Firearm $50,000, Sale of a Controlled Substance $50,000, Selling Controlled Substances to a Minor $100,000, Sexual Acts with a Child 10 Years Old or Younger $250,000, Shooting at a Person from a Motor Vehicle $100,000, Violating a Restraining Order (Protective Order) with Prior Offenses $20,000, Assault with a Semiautomatic Weapon $100,000, Violating a Restraining Order (Protective Order) with Prior Offenses $40,000. How much is bail for the possession or purchase for sale of certain specific or classified controlled substances, if over 4 kilograms (HS 11351)? The bail amount for the continuous sexual abuse of a child is $350,000. Typically, not unless there is a change in circumstances and he violates the terms of his OR release. powder, is $5,000,000. In setting the amount of bail, a California court will consider relevant facts about the defendant and the crime alleged, including: . How much is bail for receiving stolen property, if amount of theft is over $50,000 (PC 496)? How much is bail for violation of & S 11379.6, if over 44 lbs. Aggravated assault is usually an assault with a more extensive injury as a result. powder (HS 11379.5)? The bail amount for carjacking is $100,000. 667.85) and kidnapping for purpose of felony sexual offense (P.C. How much is bail for distribution of child pornography, with prior (PC 288.2)? The bail amount for arson of an inhabited structure is $250,000. The bail amount for vehicular manslaughter operating a vessel, DUI with gross negligence is $100,000. Whether or not the defendant has prior failures to appear. The bail amount for grand theft of gold dust, amalgam, or quicksilver, if amount of theft is over $250,000, is $70,000. California bail amounts can vary based on factors like offense severity, prior offenses, and other considerations. Conditions may include: The easiest way of posting bail is to pay the full cash amount. How much is bail for the filing of false evidence by prosecuting attorney (PC 141(c))? Being in possession of an illegal substance, drug, paraphernalia, or a prescription drug without the prescription can be either a misdemeanor or felony depending on the drag and amount found. card with intent to accomplish a forgery is $20,000. The California Constitution contains two sections pertaining to bail: Sections 12 and 28 of article I. The bail amount for forgery or counterfeiting any public or corporate seal is $20,000. The crime is judged based on the type and quantity of the drug. The bail amount for the possession or purchase for sale of certain specific or classified controlled substances, if over 80 kilograms, is $5,000,000. How much is bail for failure of convicted sex offender to register (PC 290)? How much is bail for the sale of controlled substances, if over 40 kilograms (HS 11379)? Adefendant who is in custody and is arraigned on a complaint alleging an offense which is a misdemeanor, and a defendant who appears before a court or magistrate upon an out-of-county warrant arising out of a case involving only misdemeanors, shall be entitled to an own recognizance release unless the court makes a findingonthe record, in accordance with Section 1275,that an own recognizance release willcompromise public safety or willnot reasonably assure the appearance of the defendant as required. The bail amount for sodomy, if victim is unconscious of nature of act/incapable of consent, is $100,000. It makes it easy for judges to decide just how to punish the crimes. How much is bail for an adult preparing to sell to a minor drugs or narcotics, if over 20 kilograms (HS 11353.5)? To keep families of defendants updated with the latest information, our Ventura criminal defense lawyers have listed the newest Ventura County bail amounts, based on the recently updated 2017 bail schedule. The bail amount for embezzlement, misappropriation by public officers, is $50,000. How much is bail for spousal rape (PC 262)? The bail amount for oral copulation, if in concert with force or fear, is $250,000. How much is bail for sodomy, if victim is under age 18 (PC 286(b)(1))? The bail amount for grand theft of a firearm is $50,000. How much is bail for child stealing (PC 278)? For example, violent felony offenses will have a bail that is set much higher. Weapons charges range from shooting from a motor vehicle at $250,000 bail to exploding a bomb with or without the intent to kill at $1,000,000 bail. The bail amount for embezzlement by bailee is $20,000. Base Bail (see Felony Bail Schedule at pages 5-22) AMOUNT Of the offenses listed in 2, which carries the highest bail schedule amount? The bail amount for receiving stolen property, if value exceeds $950, or with qualifying priors if value does not exceed $950, is $20,000. The bail amount for bringing or distributing obscene matter within the state is $40,000. (PC 165)? How much is bail for looting (PC 463)? How much is bail for an adult preparing to sell to a minor drugs or narcotics, if over 80 kilograms (HS 11353.5)? The bail amount for computer-related crimes, Unlawful Access, Data Usage/Damage/Deletion/Alteration, Non-permitted Use, Denial of Service, is $25,000. How much is bail for battery upon a custodial officer in performance of duties (PC 243.1)? The income level of the jurisdiction will factor into the decision as well. How much is bail for embezzlement of proceeds from the sale of secured property, if amount stolen is over $1,000,000 (PC 504b)? The bail amount for various felonies relating to credit cards is $20,000. How much is bail for the possession or purchase for sale of PCP, if over 1 quart liquid or 2 oz. How much is bail for a false or fraudulent insurance claim, if amount taken is over $1,000,000 (PC 550)? You will also be charged if you are an unauthorized seller of an illegal substance or drug found in large quantity with you. California Penal Code 1275(a)(1) In setting, reducing, or denying bail, a judge or magistrate shall take into consideration the protection of the public, the seriousness of the offense charged, the previous criminal record of the defendant, and the probability of his or her appearing at trial or at a hearing of the case. How much is bail for false personation of another (PC 529)? DUI with injury is a felony offense and in most of California, carries a bail amount of $100,000. For example, someone who gets arrested in Ventura County may be booked into the Ventura County Jail. Penalties for theft/burglary or shoplifting is the value of the stolen goods plus $20,000 bail. The bail amount for the possession or purchase for sale of cocaine base, if over 10 kilograms, is $500,000. How much is bail for the possession of specified controlled substances while armed with a loaded firearm (HS 11370.1)? How much is bail for elder abuse (PC 368)? How much is bail for controlled substances, writing or dispensing prescription (HS 11152, 11153)? The bail amount for pandering is $35,000. California Penal Code 1269b(c) It is the duty of the superior court judges in each county to prepare, adopt, and annually revise a uniform countywide schedule of bail for all bailable felony offenses and for all misdemeanor and infraction offenses except Vehicle Code infractions. How much is bail for the sale of PCP, if over 25 gallons liquid or 12 lbs. 3. The bail amount for the possession or purchase for sale of cocaine base, if over 4 kilograms, is $250,000. Bail amounts for drug possession in Orange County, California, vary from $25,000 to $100,000 depending on the quantity of controlled substances in the prisoners possession. The bail amount for vehicular manslaughter DUI with gross negligence is $100,000. How much is bail for grand theft of a firearm (PC 487(d)(2))? How much is bail for defrauding insurer, if amount taken is over $1,000,000 (PC 548)? Bail for restraining order violations includes $20,000 for stalking, $100,000 for stalking in violation of an active temporary restraining order, and $150,000 for stalking with prior convictions. Under this contract, you promise to appear in court when ordered and the agent promises to post bail for you. The bail amount for a false or fraudulent insurance claim, if amount taken is over $50,000, is $50,000. The bail amount for the manufacture of any controlled substance is $75,000. Injury can be to either yourself self-being or injury to another person. How much is bail for hit and run with personal injury (VC 20001)? The bail amount for the sale of PCP, if over 8 oz. How much is bail for assault by officer under color of authority (PC 149)? Getting arrested for assault could be something as simple as a fist fight, or something more serious involving weapons. Do you need help or have questions regarding these crimes or others not listed above? How much is bail for counterfeiting coin (PC 477,479,480)? How much is bail for grand theft of a horse or other livestock, if amount of theft is over $50,000 (PC487a)? For a simple assault, you could be charged with a second-degree misdemeanor, which can come with a bail of up to $250. The bail amount for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, causing bodily injury, is $100,000. Bail amounts for assault with a firearm are $50,000 to $70,000 if the assault was with an automatic weapon. How much is bail for violation of HS 11379.6, if over 1 lb. Battery against a police officer is $2,500 bail to $100,000 bail. How much is bail for campaign violations (PC 115.1)? Determining Bail Amount The bail amount for defrauding insurer, if amount taken is over $50,000, is $50,000. The bail amount for a person under 18 years using a minor in the sale, transportation, or giving to a minor certain specific or classified substances, if over 1 kilogram, is $100,000. The bail amount for embezzlement of proceeds from the sale of secured property, if amount stolen is over $1,000,000, is $120,000. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. powder (HS 11379.5)? How much is bail for pandering, if other person is a minor (PC 266i)? is $30,000. Both crimes fall under felony acts. The bail amount for embezzlement, misappropriation by public officers, if amount stolen is over $1,000,000, is $150,000. Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is illegal in California. The nature and severity of the offense. We do this to better understand how visitors use our site and to offer you a more personal experience. The bail amount for displaying or possessing a forged drivers license or I.D. 667.8(a)(b)) (PC 207)? The bail amount for mortgage fraud is $20,000. The bail amount is usually determined at the persons first court appearance, commonly referred as the arraignment stage. A bail bondsman will help post bail in almost any case, but as the bail amounts may vary by crime, so will the posting of a bail bond. The bail amount for influencing testimony is $100,000. It can carry over as well in subsequent court cases after the current one is concluded and you are arrested again by providing an excuse for the court to deny or to increase your bail. The bail amount for bringing stolen property into the state is $20,000. How much is bail for oral copulation, if victim is unconscious of nature of act/incapable of consent (PC228(f)(g))? You will see things like murders, high-speed pursuits, and high-profile robberies. (HS 11379.6(c))? Encino, CA 91436, 26565 Agoura Road How much is bail for discharge of firearm with gross negligence (PC 246.3(a))? The bail amount for theft of automobile when there is evidence of a chop shop operation is $50,000. The bail amount for grand theft, if amount of theft is over $1,000,000, is $120,000. The judges in each county set bail schedules. How much is bail for driving a car without consent, specified vehicles, P.C. How much is bail for sale of substance represented to be a controlled substance (HS 11382)? The bail amount for a person 18 years or over using a minor in the sale, transportation, or giving to a minor certain specific or classified controlled substances, if over 10 kilograms, is $500,000. The bail amount for sodomy, if victim is under age 14 and defendant is more than 10 years older than victim, is $100,000. The bail amount for the possession or control of child pornography, with prior, is $40,000. Driving under Drug Influence (DUI) Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is illegal in California. There are different kinds of charges related to weapons. All the attorneys, with an occasional exception, wear suits and ties or if female, a similarly formal outfit. Ordinarily, a person arrested for a criminal offense must post bail to be released from jail while they await trial. The bail amount for oral copulation, if defendant compelled another by force, duress, or threats of great bodily injury, is $100,000. The assault involving the use of a firearm is a serious offense.