4 components of health care delivery system

A child born today can expect to live more than 75 years, and advances in medicine have also extended the life spans of earlier generations. d Bindman AB, Grumbach K, Osmond D, Komaromy M, Vranizan K, Lurie N, Billings J, Stewart A. The persistently large proportion of the American population that is uninsuredabout one in five working-age adults and one in seven children is the most visible and troubling sign of the nation's failure to assure access to health care. Over the same period, medical and surgical bed capacities were reduced by 17.7 percent, ICU bed capacities were reduced by 2.8 percent, and specialty bed (including burn bed) capacities were reduced by 3.4 percent. However, the high out-of-pocket costs faced by individuals who pay for their own treatment discourage many who need care from seeking it. 2001. In that same year, $6.4 billion was spent on treatment. Health insurance coverage is associated with better health outcomes for adults. (more). The committee cautions, however, that systems dedicated to a single use, such as bioterrorism, will not be optimal; systems designed to be comprehensive and flexible will be of greater overall value. The Surgeon General's report on mental illness (DHHS, 1999) estimates that more than one in five adults are affected by mental disorders in any given year (see Box 56) and 5.4 percent of all adults have a serious mental illness. Hence, more people can seek proper medication. This loss of trust in the idea of managed care is also the loss of a great opportunity to improve quality and restrain costs. The emergency departments of hospitals in many areas of New York City routinely operated at 100 percent capacity (Brewster et al., 2001). This reflects the divergence and separate development of two distinct sectors following the Second World War. 1996. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Medical screening. Insurance. Low-income Hispanic children and adults are less likely to be eligible for Medicaid than other groups, so even the limited Medicaid benefits are unlikely to be available to them. g 2000. In its report This chapter focuses on the actions that health care organizations can take to design a work system that supports the diagnostic process and reduces diagnostic errors (see Figure 6-1). As seen in Figure 1, there are four standard components of healthcare information systems: operational, financial, administrative, and patient information. Americans now live longer. To support the system, the United States spends more per capita on health care than any other country ($4,637 in 2000) (Reinhardt et al., 2002). Although assurance is a core function of public health, governmental public health agencies often do more than assure that people can access health care services; public health departments may become providers of last resort in areas where no other services are available for low-income, uninsured populations and when managed care services to Medicaid and uninsured populations are discontinued. Legal, Regulatory, and Policy Interventions to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care. The aging of the population means an increase in the number of patients who require skilled care for chronic diseases and age-related conditions, but the growth in the pool of nursing professionals is not keeping pace with the growth in the patient population. Yet the public and many elected officials seem almost willfully ignorant of the magnitude, persistence, and implications of this problem. (2001), citing the American Hospital Association (2001a). 1994. Consumer demands for more choice and greater flexibility are weakening restrictions on access to providers and limitations on services. However, closer integration between these governmental public health agencies and the health care delivery system can help address the needs of the uninsured and underinsured. Disease surveillance and reporting provide a classic exemplar of essential collaboration between the health care system and the governmental public health agencies. Given its potential to reach such a high proportion of the nation's neediest children, the program could have a very positive, widespread impact on children's health. Boufford (1999) has suggested a Community Health Improvement Strategy that identifies a number of steps that provider organizations can take in such community-based efforts (see Box 59). Between 1991 and 1996, the number of children eligible for the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) program increased by roughly 5.7 million, with (more). Inequities in health services among insured Americans: do working-age adults have less access to medical care than the elderly? This oversight is often reflected by health insurance coverage restrictions that exclude oral (more). Identify a defined population (community) and develop links to that community, Assess health status and need, and adjust the volume and types of services provided to respond to the health needs of the community, Develop effective intervention programs in partnership with the community, Address the health status of the institutional workforce, Develop staff as an effective force for community health, Serve as an advocate in the community to increase healthy choices available to the population, Use economic leverage within the community for health-related changes, The Future of the Public's Health in the 21st Century. CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Of the 22.9 million children eligible for EPSDT in 1996, only 37 percent received a medical screening procedure through the program (Olson, 1998) (see Box 55). The committee fully endorses the recommendations from America's Health Care Safety Net: Intact but Endangered (IOM, 2000a), aimed at ensuring the continued viability of the health care safety net (see Box 52). In theory, managed care offers the promise of a population-based approach that can emphasize regular preventive care and other services aimed at keeping a defined group as healthy as possible. 1998. 2001. Embedded in these demographic changes is a dramatic increase in the prevalence of chronic conditions. Also, poor oral health can lead to poor general health. Welch WP, Miller ME, Welch HG, Fisher ES, Wennberg JE. Burn care beds and other special care beds intended for care that is less intensive than that provided in an ICU and more intensive than that provided in an acute care area. First, as noted earlier, AHCs are an important part of the safety-net system in most urban areas. Avoid fragmentation of health plans along socioeconomic lines. In 1988, about three-quarters of adults with employment-based health insurance had a benefit package that included adult physical examinations. f Access to care for the insured can also be affected by requirements for cost sharing and copayments. Reports of sentinel events have proved useful for the monitoring of many diseases, but such reports may be serendipitous and generated because of close clustering, unusual morbidity and mortality, novel clinical features, or the chance availability of medical expertise. A number of major insurance plans have announced that they will begin to offer defined-contribution options.2 This may be attractive to employers, whose liability will be defined by a specific premium amount rather than by a specified set of benefits. Absent the availability of health insurance, the role of the safety-net provider is critically important. As a result, the organization decided to convene the county's leading trauma care providers, police, and civic groups to investigate and solve the problem. Loosely affiliated physician networks have no ability to identify their populations and develop programs specifically based on the epidemiology of the defined group. Impact of socioeconomic status on hospital use in New York City, Recent findings on preventable hospitalizations, Preventable hospitalizations and access to health care, Americans' health priorities: curing cancer and controlling costs, Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law and Ethics, 2002 Annual Report of the Boards of Trustees of the Federal Hospital Insurance and Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Funds, Journal of Health Administration Education, Progress in cancer screening over a decade: results of cancer screening from the 1987, 1992, and 1998 National Health Interview Surveys, Emergency room diversions: a symptom of hospitals under stress, Communicating health information through the entertainment media: a study of the television drama ER lends support to the notion that Americans pick up information while being entertained, The effect of change of health insurance on access to care, Forces affecting community involvement of AHCs: perspectives of institutional and faculty leaders, Estimated expenditures for essential public health services-selected states, fiscal year 1995, Use of clinical preventive services by adults aged <65 years enrolled in health-maintenance organizationsUnited States, 1996, Summary of notifiable diseases, United States, 1999, Emerging Infections Program. In the case of infectious diseases, if all systems work effectively, the necessary information regarding the diagnosis for a patient with a reportable disease is transmitted to the state or local public health department by a physician or laboratory. Notifiable disease reporting systems within public health departments with strong liaisons with the health care community are important in the detection and recognition of bioterrorism events. The IOM committee that produced the report America's Health Care Safety Net: Intact but Endangered (IOM, 2000a: 205206) had the following findings: Despite today's robust economy, safety net providersespecially core safety net providersare being buffeted by the cumulative and concurrent effects of major health policy and market changes. Wells KB, Sherbourne C, Schoenbaum M, Duan N, Meredith L, Untzer J, Miranda J, Carney MF, Rubinstein LV. These risk behaviors are estimated to account for more than half of all premature deaths; smoking alone contributes to one out of five deaths (McGinnis and Foege, 1993). For example, the California Public Employees' Retirement System, which is the nation's second largest public purchaser of employee health benefits, recently announced that health insurance premiums would increase by 25 percent (Connoly, 2002). Delivery. The IOM Committee on the Changing Market, Managed Care and the Future Viability of Safety Net Providers defined safety-net providers as [t]hose providers that organize and deliver a significant level of health care and other health-related services to uninsured, Medicaid, and other vulnerable patients (IOM, 2000a: 21). As a result of decreasing demand for hospital services and a changing financial environment, hospitals in many parts of the country reduced the number of patient beds, eliminated certain services, or even closed (McManus, 2001). Termination from Medi-Cal: does it affect health? The move from traditional fee-for-service care models to new payment and delivery models dictates that physicians reevaluate how quality measures and payments are linked to outcomes. However, hospitals play a uniquely important role by serving as the primary source of emergency and highly specialized care such as that in intensive care units (ICUs) and centers for cardiac care and burn treatment. CDC, National Center for Infectious Diseases Surveillance Resources, Program Information on Medicare Medicaid, SCHIP & Other Programs of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Medicare program information, Section III.B.1, State Children's Health Insurance Program: Fiscal year 2001 annual enrollment report, National Estimates of Expenditures for Substance Abuse Treatment, 1997, Health-care costs jump at CalPERS: big premium increase may signal trend, Mental health service utilization by African Americans and whites: The Baltimore Epidemiologic Catchment Area Follow-up, Clinical Guidelines for Major Depressive Disorder, Frequent overcrowding in U.S. emergency departments, Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General, Objective 18: mental health and mental disorders, Oral Health in America: A Report of the Surgeon General, 2002 CMS Statistics. As described in Crossing the Quality Chasm (IOM, 2001b) and other literature, this health care system is faced with serious quality and cost challenges. for only $13.00 $11.05/page. Services, Consumers, Personnel, and Payment Hospitals vary in size, ownership, and types of services. 2002. 1997. First, managed care plans reimburse safety-net providers less generously than fee-for-service Medicaid providers do (under Medicaid, federally qualified health centers benefited from a federal requirement for full-cost reimbursement), and they impose administrative and service restrictions that result in reduced overall rates of compensation (IOM, 2000a). Therefore, the committee recommends that all public and privately funded insurance plans include age-appropriate preventive services as recommended by O'Malley AS, Mandelblatt J, Gold K, Regier DA, Narrow W, Rae DS, Manderscheid RW, Locke BZ, Goodwin FK. The committee found that preventive, oral health, mental health, and substance abuse treatment services must be considered part of the comprehensive spectrum of care necessary to help assure maximum health. 1999. As with other forms of safety-net care, the urgency of providing treatment to the severely mentally ill erodes funds available for prevention purposes. . Surveys conducted over the past two decades show a consistent underestimation of the number of uninsured and of trends in insurance coverage over time (Blendon et al., 2001). 1998. 1993. The shortage of RNs poses a serious threat to the health care delivery system, and to hospitals in particular. AHA (American Hospital Association). The health care sector can also develop linkages with the media to help ensure the accuracy of health information, communicate risk, and facilitate the public understanding of health care. The demonstrations should be supported by adequate resources to enable innovative ideas to be fairly tested. The third component is primary care. When risk factors, such as high blood pressure, can be identified and treated, the chances of developing conditions such as heart disease can be reduced. (Eds.). According to a report of the Surgeon General, fewer than one in five Medicaid-covered children received a single dental visit in a recent year-long study period (DHHS, 2000b). Even when insured, limitations on coverage may still impede people's access to care. Half of such funds come from dedicated funding at the federal, state, and local levels in the form of various block grants to state safety-net programs. Furthermore, changes in the funding streams or reimbursement policies for any of these programs or increases in demand for free or subsidized care that inevitably occur in periods of economic downturn create crises for safety-net providers, including those operated by state and local governments (see the section Collaboration with Governmental Public Health Agencies later in this chapter for additional discussion). 2000. Academic health centers (AHCs) serve as a critical interface with governmental public health agencies in several ways. Personalized systems for comprehensive home care may improve outcomes and reduce costs. The healthcare delivery system is combination of four major components including finance, insurance, delivery, and payment which makes the healthcare delivery system most unique and qualitative in terms of providing healthcare unlike any other country in the world. This may reflect the limited range of benefits covered by Medicare, as well as other barriers such as copayments, participants' unfamiliarity with the services, or the failure of physicians to recommend them. 104191) have generated enormous uncertainty and apprehension among health care providers and health systems regarding the sharing of individual clinical data. Discussions around changing the model will only continue, which makes now a great time to better understand other global coverage systems and types of healthcare delivery models. OPM (Office of Personnel Management). . When we think of health system strengthening at Partners In Health (PIH), we always refer to five key elements: staff, stuff, space, systems, and social support. Some are based in the public sector; others operate in the private sector as either for-profit or not-for-profit entities. Payment & Delivery Models. Additionally, public funding supports directly delivered health care (through community health centers and other health centers qualified for Medicaid reimbursement) accessed by 11 percent of the nation's uninsured, who constitute 41 percent of patients at such health centers (Markus et al., 2002). Diagnoses of interest are grouped into syndromes, and rates of new episodes are computed for all of eastern Massachusetts and each census tract. Though the American health care system is a far cry from being a well-oiled machine, it does have various components that are interdependent and share common goals. These demands can overwhelm the traditional population-oriented mission of the governmental public health agencies. The experiments should effectively link delivery systems with other components of the public health system and focus on improving population health while eliminating disparities. Blendon RJ, Scoles K, DesRoches C, Young JT, Herrmann MJ, Schmidt JL, Kim M. 2001. Implement patient education programs to increase patients' knowledge of how to best access care and participate in treatment decisions. Results from the William M. Mercer/Partnership for Prevention Survey of Employer Sponsored Plans, Prevention Priorities: Employers' Guide to the Highest Value Preventive Health Services, Transition Report to the New Administration: Strengthening Our Public Health Defense Against Environmental Threats, Barriers to care among racial/ethnic groups under managed care, Inequality in America: the contribution of health centers in reducing and eliminating disparities in access to care, Changes in insurance coverage and extent of care during the two years after first hospitalization for a psychotic disorder, Demand for health care information prompts mediainstitution alliances, The de facto US mental and addictive disorders service system. For example, time pressures on physicians hamper their ability to accurately assess presenting symptoms, especially when cultural or language barriers are present. Lurie N, Ward NB, Shapiro MF, Brook RH. A recent national hospital survey (AHA, 2001b) found that of 168,000 vacant positions, 126,000 were for RN positions. the IOM Committee on the Consequences of Uninsurance (IOM, 2001a) found the following: Forty-two million people in the United States lacked health insurance coverage in 1999 (Mills, 2000). Increase the proportion of underrepresented U.S. racial and ethnic minorities among health professionals. Many health care settings lack basic computer systems to provide clinical information or support clinical decision making. For these reasons, oral health must recognized as an important component of assuring individual and population health. Yet the nation's substantial health-related spending has not produced superlative health outcomes for its people. Given the growing number of uninsured people, the adverse effects of Medicaid managed care on safety-net provider revenues, and the absence of concerted public policies directed at increasing the rate of insurance coverage, the committee believes that a new targeted federal initiative should be established to help support core safety-net providers that care for a disproportionate number of uninsured and other vulnerable people. Because insurance status affects access to secure and continuous care, it also affects health, leading to an estimated 18,000 premature deaths annually (IOM, 2002a). HRSA (Health Resources and Services Administration). In this system, health care is provided and financed by the government through tax payments, just like the police force or the public library. Second, the shift of Medicaid services to a managed care environment led some public health departments to scale down or dismantle their infrastructure for the delivery of direct medical care. Disease reporting requirements vary from state to state, although most states include diseases identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as part of the National Notifiable Disease Reporting System. Some of the documented reasons for the low level of physicianpatient e-mail communication include concerns about lack of reimbursement for this type of service and concerns about confidentiality and liability. With the projected growth in the number of people over age 65 increasing from 13 percent of the population to 20 percent, the need for care for chronic conditions will also continue to grow. What are the two main objectives of a healthcare delivery system? Recommended Content: Military Health System Research Branch | Research & Innovation Women's History Month highlight: All-women medic team supports mission welcoming Afghan allies 4 Components of the United State health care delivery system. Calleson and colleagues (2002) surveyed the executives and staff of eight AHCs around the country and found that communitycampus partnerships can strengthen the traditional mission of AHCs. 2001. Mandelblatt J, Andrews H, Kao R, Wallace R, Kerner J. Crowding in hospital emergency departments has been recognized as a nationwide problem for more than a decade (Andrulis et al., 1991; Brewster et al., 2001; McManus, 2001; Viccellio, 2001). Levit K, Smith C, Cowan C, Lazenby H, Martin A. Ayanian JZ, Weissman JS, Schneider EC, Ginsburg JA, Zaslavsky AM. Furthermore, when the delivery of health care through the private sector falters, the responsibility for providing some level of basic health care services to the poor and other special populations falls to governmental public health agencies as one of their essential public health services, as discussed in Chapter 1. Cagney KA, Kerner J. This change has been a challenge to the multiple roles of public health departments as community-based primary health care providers, safety-net providers, and providers of population-based or traditional public health services. Another 5 percent is covered through various charitable sources. CMS (2002a); CMS (2002a); CMS (2002c). Those without health insurance or without insurance for particular types of services face serious, sometimes insurmountable barriers to necessary and appropriate care. 1986. Many people who are counted as insured have very limited benefits and are exposed to high out-of-pocket expenses or service restrictions. the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force and provide evidence-based coverage of oral health, mental health, and substance abuse treatment services. 1. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), a panel of experts convened by the U.S. Public Health Service, has endorsed a core set of clinical preventive services for asymptomatic individuals with no known risk factors. Unfortunately, data on the program's progress are incomplete and inconsistent across the country, despite federal requirements for state reports (GAO, 2001a). Mandelblatt JS, Gold K, O'Malley AS, Taylor K, Cagney K, Hopkins JS, Kerner J. These trends do not appear to be a temporary, cyclical phenomenon. Even where electronic medical record systems are being implemented, most of those systems remain proprietary products of individual institutions and health plans that are based on standards of specific vendors. Lasker RD, Cooper-Patrick L, Gallo JJ, Powe NR, Steinwachs DM, Eaton WW, Ford DE. Although Billings and colleagues focused on the preventable demands for hospital care among low-income and uninsured populations, Closing the Quality Chasm (IOM, 2001b) makes clear that the misuse of services also characterizes disease management among insured chronically ill patients. Johnson R, editor; , Morris TF, editor. Prevention and well care. Figure 3-3 provides a basic model that identifies the essential components that form the basis of the U.S. health care system. However, the USPSTF recommendations have had relatively little influence on the design of insurance benefits, and recommended counseling and screening services are often not covered and, consequently, not used (Partnership for Prevention, 2001) (see Box 53). This includes medical practice, hospitals and allied health professionals. RNs work in a variety of settings, ranging from governmental public health agency clinics to hospitals and nursing homes. Our model Integrated care and coverage enable high-quality, connected, expert care. Explore the United States's healthcare . However, the focus on these two health care professional shortage areas does not suggest the absence of problems in other fields. With such a system, a physician seeing an influx of patients with severe sore throats could use information on the current community prevalence of confirmed streptococcal pharyngitis and the antibiotic sensitivities of the cultured organisms to choose appropriate medications. Relationships between the health care sectorhospitals, community health centers, and other health care providersand the community are not new and have gained increased recognition for the value they bring to health care operations, their potential for enhancing provider accountability (VHA and HRET, 2000), the knowledge and empowerment they help to create in communities, and their potential for promoting health. The funding prioritizes research projects that focus on the delivery of military health care and system-level innovations that impact cost and outcomes. Yet about half of all pregnancies and nearly a third of all births each year are unintended. 2002, Medicaid and Other State Healthcare Issues: The Current Situation, NASBO analysis: Medicaid to stress state budgets severely into fiscal 2003, Early release of selected estimates based on data from the JanuaryJune 2001 National Health Interview Survey, Information for Health: A Strategy for Building the National Health Information Infrastructure, Nurse Staffing and Patient Outcomes in Hospitals. The committee is concerned that with the escalation of expenditures, going in large measure toward maintaining current services, it will be difficult to identify the necessary public- and private-sector resources that will be needed for new activities. 2002. 2002. Explore Topics: It is unclear how the types of delivery systems in which PCMHs operate differentially impact outcomes. Services provided by state and local governments often include mental health hospitals and outpatient clinics, substance abuse treatment programs, maternal and child health services, and clinics for the homeless. The latter rely on health care providers and laboratories to supply the data that are the basis for disease surveillance. Adequate population health cannot be achieved without making comprehensive and affordable health care available to every person residing in the United States. Recent changes in the structure of the hospital industry, the reimbursement of hospitals by public- and private-sector insurance programs, and nursing shortages have raised questions about the ability of hospitals to carry out these roles. The patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model is one such model that aims to deliver coordinated, accessible healthcare to improve outcomes and decrease costs. Two years later, the proportion had risen to 90 percent (Rice et al., 1998; Kaiser Family Foundation and Health Research and Educational Trust, 2000). When people think about the components of good health, they often forget about the importance of good oral health. This entitled poor children to a comprehensive package of preventive health care and medically necessary diagnostic and treatment services.