These sturdy shrubs are virtually carefree when given the right growing conditions. It is slow growing. Flowers are lightly fragrant and white. When limbed up, they form lovely, small trees. Loropetalum plants are native to Japan, China, and the Himalayas. If a plant has a valid Plant Patent the patent number must be displayed on a tag at the time of resale and if the patented plant has been reproduced by a nursery it must receive the rights to do this from the individual who holds the patent rights. Mulch them with2 to 4 inches of pine straw, shredded bark or aged wood chips. Different varieties range from 1 to 10 tall, with arching branches bearing soft 1-2 inch long leaves. Don't overcrowd Loropetalum when planting or water from overhead, Use clean pruning tools and shears. Everything You Need To Know About Buttercups, Dwarf And Semi-Dwarf Crepe Myrtle Trees We Love, How To Grow And Care For Panicle Hydrangeas, How To Grow And Care For Chinese Snowball Viburnum, How To Grow And Care For Winter Honeysuckle, How To Grow And Care For Honey Perfume Roses, How To Solve Common Crepe Myrtle Problems From Diseases To Pests, How to Grow and Care for Autumn Bonfire Encore Azalea. Plant Details Pros: Border, massing, leaf color, blooms Cons: Leaves can look a bit dirty at certain times of year, needs shaping/pruning Evergreen Size: 3-5' high x 5-7' wide It's perfect for creating a unique hedge or adding color to green landscape areas. Loropetalum plant responds well to pruning, which will help a dwarf plant to get under control and shape it. This white-flowered cultivar reaches 1 to 3 feet in height and will spread 2 to 3 feet across. Simply follow the yes/no questions to find the perfect loropetalum to complete your planting. It also prefers acidic and well-drained soils, because alkaline or humid conditions can cause problems for these plants. Anthracnose, a fungal blight, is seldom fatal. Varieties of loropetalum to grow Loropetalum 'Fire Dance' Loropetalum chinense var. Feature a medium to large variety as a stand-alone focal point in the landscape, Place a larger variety at the back of a mixed border, Use as formal hedging to divide garden rooms, Plant a large variety in a row as privacy screening, Mass a smaller type along a slope for erosion control, Train along a trellis or fence for an elegant backdrop, Plant in a container for an attractive year-round accent. May be the same plant as what is called Loropetalum chinense var. Adventurous gardeners might want to try spreading these beautiful shrubs or even bonsai the plant for a display in a pot. - 5 ft. 0 in. It is our goal to blow you away with a great selection of the most exciting new and old-favorite plants and trees that have demonstrated outstanding qualities and exceptional performance in landscapes and gardens. New growth can vary from 6-24 inches per year. The simple, finely toothed to entire (smooth-edged) leaves are 1- to 2-inches long and arranged alternately on somewhat arching branches. However, it is capable of greater height as evidenced by the 100-year-old specimens in Aiken that are 35 feet tall. You can keep it more compact with regular pruning; in home gardens, loropetalum is often kept to a much smaller, rounded canopy of 5 to 6 feet. The purple pixie has leaves that are an intense deep purple with vibrant pink flowers. The pink flowers bloom through out the year, peaking in April. The deep-purple, almost black leaves of the dwarf cultivar "Purple Diamond" (Loropetalum chinense variation rubrum), also known as "Shang-Hi Purple Diamond," make it a favorite of gardeners. It will grow 4-6 feet high and as wide. The Chinese fringe flower is a broad-leavedevergreen or semi-evergreen shrub or small tree of the Hamamelidaceae or witch hazel family. A Landscape Gem with Ruby-Red Color Create a look like no other with the Ruby Loropetalum. Loropetalum plant is a perennial shrub. Family: Hamamelidaceae. You can thin out some branches of the bush before moving it, but it is best to leave as many branch tips as possible intact. Grow Loropetalum in a woodland garden or shrub border. On every plant page in the store you'll find detailed planting and care instructions and other plant details and attributes provided by our staff of horticultural experts. Click button below to get on the Waiting List! for Aphids, Centipedegrass Yearly Maintenance Program. Loropetalum is asmall genus of only one or a few evergreen shrubs or small trees in the witch hazel family. Water deeply but less frequently to encourage deep, healthy roots. Chinese fringe flower needs little or no regular pruning, but can also be used as formal hedging and topiaries. Cultivars and hybrids got developed to adapt the Loropetalum into ornamental and decorative plants of smaller sizes. Cut broken branches back to a point a couple inches or so beyond the . 3-5 ft. tall. Plant breeders do this so that if someone propagates the plant without permission, they will have to call it by the cultivar name, which no one will recognize. 2) Planting month for zone 7: year round. Loropetalum chinensis rubrum is a subspecies with bright pink flowers and attractively colored foliage. Loropetalum are great to grow in small groups or as specimen plants, hedges, borders, or screens. Loropetalum gets its name from from the Greek words for strap and petal, referring to the long, thin petals of its fringe-like blooms. Generally, 3 to 6 blooms are clustered at the tips of shoots as well as in leaf axils. Plants can reach their mature size in just a few years. This plant has the perfect shape for small space . They may also be susceptible to powdery mildew and anthracnose. chinense, which has green foliage and produces a white flower. Loropetalum, Loropetalum chinense, sometimes called Chinese fringe flower, is a versatile shrub that is a member of the witch hazel family. A minimum of four hours of good sun is recommended for the best foliage color and most flowers. Most are hardy in USDA Zones 7-9, with some to Zone 10. Purple pixie usually grows to a height of 1 2 feet and will spread on the ground for about 4 5 feet. This dwarf fringe flower has deep burgundy foliage and pink flowers in a compact plant that is one to three feet tall. These capsules are 2-valved, uncommon, and less than an inch long. Remove broken, dead, or diseased branches. Hines nursery describes it as a rounded evergreen shrub that has gracefully arching branches similar to Bridal Wreath Spirea. Individually, the purple-leafed forms provide a good contrast to both green and golden foliage plants and are a superior replacement to thorny, red barberry shrubs. Loropetalum are a group of shrubs typically grown in southern states. Stem pith is solid, small, and green. Jazz Hands White Jazz Hands White Loropetalum 1-3. At 10 to 12-inches tall, it spreads to make a good groundcover, container plant, or front of the border plant. Various cultivar names have caused some confusion as to the identity of a plant purchased. Loropetalum with Crimson Yuccas. LoropetalumAmazing Color In The Garden - In this video I cover the four Loropetalum varieties from the Southern Living Plant Collection. PLANTING & CARING FOR CHINESE FRINGE FLOWER The Purple Daydream is a dwarf loropetalum that maxes out at a compact 2-3 high and 3-4 wide, leaving maintenance as the least of your worries. Dwarf cultivars are popular for both their smaller size and for creating mass plantings, as these types can be planted more closely together than other cultivars. Zhuzhou Fuchsia In that case, it is constant pruning for you. A upright plant that is among the largest of the cultivars, to 10 feet. The rose-pink flowers are lighter in color and larger than Hines Purpleleaf. After several years, plants may need to be repotted into a larger container or placed in the ground. Ovoid, nut-like, woody capsule with brown hairs. This plant is known as the Chinese fringe flower, the Loropetalum always gives a beautiful show in the spring with small and ruffled flowers, that are typically pink. These dark-colored galls on branches may cause branch dieback or plant death. Plant in spring or fall. Loropetalum chinense is a nice winter-blooming bush. . Rounded, evergreen shrub with graceful, arching branches to 6-8 ft. tall. Noteworthy CharacteristicsFragrant, spidery flowers in late winter and early spring. Then water regularly, if there's not sufficient rainfall, to keep the soil slightly moist. In cooler climates, it is best to plant this shrub in the spring so that it will be more established by the time the winter season approaches. You can grow them in full sun or part shade. The semi-dwarf habit is versatile as hedging, screening or in foundation plantings. In the garden, this plant often takes the . 4-petaled, wavy, strap-like white flowers on species Insects, Diseases, and Other Plant Problems: This plant has no serious insect or disease issues. Dip the ends in rooting hormone and stick them in a 50/50 mix of perlite and peat. How to Care for Loropetalum Soil Soil: Loropetalum performs best in slightly acidic, well-draining soil. The new pink-flowered forms have deep maroon leaves. by Alex | Jun 9, 2021 Helpful? Loropetalum chinense 'Shang-white' PP21738 Loropetalum Purple Daydream Dwarf Loropetalum Loropetalum chinense 'PIILC-III' PP25471 Loropetalum Purple Diamond Semi-dwarf Loropetalum Loropetalum chinense 'Shang-hi' PP18331 Loropetalum Purple Pixie Dwarf Weeping Loropetalum Loropetalum chinense 'Peack' PP18441 Loropetalum Blush The Chinese fringe flower is a small shrub or tree growing to 3-8 m (9.8-26.2 ft) tall. What most people dont realize when they buy a Chinese fringe in a one-gallon pot. Use this larger variety as privacy screening, massed in the landscape, or as a stand-alone focal point. Mature size is 6-8 feet tall with a similar spread. There are several varieties to consider including 'Petite Pink' (a smaller, dwarf size), ' Purple Pixie ' and 'Emerald Snow' with intense white flowers. Loropetalum, also known as Chinese fringe-flower, is a member of the Witchhazel family. This has to do with laws governing trademarks and plant cultivar names (you cant trademark a cultivar name) and is a practice that nurseries use to discourage others from growing a particular plant; more often than not, it just leads to consumer confusion. It usually grows as a round shrub. Fungicides won't cure this disease but can help prevent its spread. Loropetalum varieties vary in height so check the plant label before you plant. rubrum 'Daruma Compact' Daruma Compact Loropetalum is a great Loropetalum variety with a nice, tight compact growth habit, and fairly smaller mature size - much smaller, and more compact than most all other varieties seen in the landscape trade today.
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