If you plan on going into the meat production business, its important to know the difference between types of sheep meat. You will want to take into account the mature size of the animal (you can expect to yield 40% of an animals live weight in meat), the quality of meat, and whether it will tolerate your climate. If you have a disability and are having trouble accessing information on this website or need materials in an alternate format, please contact Cornell University via email at, Cornell University is located on the traditional homelands of the Gayogoh:n. My wife and I feel theres no best breed, but rather which breed best fits your operation. Feel free to contact the author, Ulf Kintzel, at ulf@whitecloversheepfarm.com for further information. While weve missed out on export sales the last several years because of retaining ewes to increase flock numbers, Mexican buyers will be coming by this spring. This breed produces rapid-growing lambs, with most lambs being considered ready for market at 12 weeks of age. The Katahdin is another great dual-purpose breed, producing on average 210 liters of milk per 210 day cycle. we really enjoy that black baby lamb and she is 9 months old now. We had the idea of crossing a Dorper with their 60 Katahdin ewes. Owning Goats vs. Sheep Breeders often use less-expensive Katahdin ewes to initiate an upgrading program with registered Dorper as the final goal. Myth #2: Hair sheep don't bring as much on the slaughter market. Origin: Developed in the Virgin Islands for crosses of West African hair sheep and Wiltshire Horn. We currently have about 100 ewes. 2022 Cornell Small Farms. We also sell breeding stock locally. (Icelandic sheep grow a double coat.) Dorper sheep originated in South Africa and were the result of crossing Dorset Horn with Blackheaded Persian sheep. Other than a few lambs for Hispanic weddings, we sell our slaughter animals through the local auction barn. keep checking it out! For instance, they have extended breeding season, and can be used to produce lambs to be marketed when lamb prices are usually high thereby reducing marketing risks. Often, when a new breed or type is rising in popularity, careful breeding can fall to the wayside in the haste to have stock to sell. Katahdin ewes weigh around 125-185 pounds, and rams average around 200 pounds. . Farmersville. Their main advantage is that they adapt well to hot humid climate where woolen breeds do not thrive well. Hairbreeds have many positive traits that make them an ideal animal for small farms, homesteads, and of course, larger commercial farms. . I have noticed that some lambs are showing caramel patches. Docking tails is unnecessary, although you still see some old timers that dock just because they always have. It should be kept in mind that performance varies greatly with genetic . Coat & Color: Most of the individuals are white, but tan and spotted ones exist. Because of their hair, they do not produce the lanolin that can lend gaminess to the meat, giving it a milder flavor. The breed was created by crossing Dorset and Blackheaded Persian sheep. and, as such, the data are estimates. Variance in RT in periods 3 and 4 ranked St. Croix < Dorper < Katahdin. The Dorper carcass has a good conformation and fat distribution. Its important to have an animal thats pure or unaltered for sacrifice in observance of many holidays. Hi Joanne. The breeder from whom I purchased the lambs said she is breeding in dorper with the katahdins to "beef" them up a little. May-June lambs on pasture alone (10-13percentprotein and 60-65percent DOM) will average 45 pounds. Just weaned 530 lambs .If we can get some weight on them worth $200+ in current market. Why they are Crossed Waco Childbirth Education 74 subscribers Subscribe 127 Share. There are lots of Dorper breeders in NC also, as well as "commercial" crossbreeds: You can search this site by States to find Scrapie-free certified breeders of sheep and goats: ( From Buckler Farms near Granville TN) His mom is at least 50% dorper and Katahdin. Baby Sheep: What a Baby Sheep is Called & Other Fun Facts. Any sheep can technically produce meat, but if youre looking to raise sheep for commercial meat production, youll want to make sure you get a good return on investment. Thanks, I am considering starting a small Dorper and or Katahdin herd to raise meat for the Western New York market. ), In fall 2000, we grazed our flock on cocklebur and waterhemp that followed an oat crop. No difference was noted between the purebred breeds of hair sheep. However, since Dorpers can also be found further North in colder climates, I am sure that a lack of winter hardiness is not a trait applying to Dorper sheep. Our spring lambs on pasture alone (17-20 percent protein and 65-72percentdigestible organic matter-DOM) will average 55-60 pounds. 2022 Cornell Small Farms. Our young Katahdins can be difficult to move. They were significantly more reasonably priced and for practical matters were the same. Why they are Crossed - YouTube 0:00 / 4:43 Dorper Sheep vs. Katahdin Sheep. 2 are Katahdin and 2 are katahdin/dorper crosses. I am new to the sheep business so I am concerned that she will never be large enough to breed. Any of the sheep breeds thats considered to be one of the true hair sheep breeds has an advantage in that cockleburs, briars, stick-tights and so forth dont become entangled. For example, we consider time spent worming, shearing, docking and trimming hooves as merely maintaining an operation. Interested in raising sheep for wool? The Dorper Sheep is a hardy resilient South African breed of sheep that can withstand various harsh climates, environments and intensive operations. The Katahdin breed was developed in the United States by Michael Piel. Difference in color is a matter of preference. Your email address will not be published. There are very few disadvantages of keeping Katahdin sheep. Dorper sheep have a distinctive appearance: black heads and white bodies. That is normal. Dorset sheep have lean and muscular carcasses, making them excellent at producing meat. This market presented difficulties such as lambing in the dead of winter, having lambs large enough (especially when Passover comes early) and pooling with your neighbors to find enough lambs for a truckload. ByBasil Bactawar, UF/IFAS Duval County Extension Service. There are without a doubt breeds that surpass White Dorper sheep in one or the other trait. They do produce wool, and will need regular shearing. It improves from year one to year two of age but can again be reduced by external factors like disease or weight loss. However, as the challenge escalated, parasite resistance was greatest in St. Croix lambs, followed by Katahdin and Dorper lambs. Originally bred for their meat, the Katahdin tends to have a wider variation of milk production - some ewes producing significantly more (or significantly less) than the average. 4 1. Mature Weight (Lb): Ewe = 170 200 (can be less than 170lb), Ram = 220 250. Typically, the 75 percent Dorper crosses will exhibit the Dorper coloration and conformation. The only problem with colesterol is that the big pharma found a new drug to sell. You must log in or register to reply here. It is also exceptionally low-maintenance. Hair sheep dont bring as much on the slaughter market. This increases the risk of falls and injury, which can be expensive to fix. Thank so much for this information. For the Katahdin vs Dorper analysis (Table 1), 8 SNPs under selection were observed in SOCS2, NOS2, TGFB2 and IL2RA genes within OAR3, 11, 12 and 13, respectively. The majority of ewe lambs are sold as registered breeding stock; the majority of ram lambs are sold for slaughter. A year and many dollars later, they cant understand why the rams offspring doesnt grow any faster than the rest of their animals. The best genetics wont keep an animal from starving to death. Katahdins tend to birth twins, with triplets and quadruplets occurring often with good flock management. There is no such thing as an ideal breed. Twinning is common and triplets and quadruplets are not rare. As we said in the introduction, if youre looking to earn multiple income streams from your sheep, youll probably find Katahdins to be the better option. Shear force values were greatest, tougher, for Dorset-sired than Dorper-sired or Katahdin lambs. As we disperse all our crossbreeds, weve found the crossbred cull ewes with a wool coat have sold for 50-75percentof what comparable weight hair ewes bring. They can harbor significant worm populations, yet not suffer the same effects a wool animal would. When selecting breeding stock, choose animals with good feet. These are some of the best reasons to raise Katahdin sheep - though the list is by no means exhaustive! The thickness of a Katahdin sheeps winter coat will vary among individuals, but it needs to shed completely for an A or AA coat classification, which is the norm. You can find out more about lambing Dorper sheep through the American Dorper Sheep Breeders Society. These slaughter lambs sell comparable to pure Katahdin sheep per pound unless theyre full of cockleburs and briars. They are seasonal breeders, conceiving in the Fall and Winter. I think this is where the good reputation of hair sheep comes in. Royal Whites are more recent in the hair sheep scene and development is still ongoing. . Just like the Katahdin, you do not have to shear them as they shed their winter coat in the spring. Breeding Season: They breed throughout the year. Two varieties of Dorper Sheep were created: the black headed Dorper and an all white variety, the White Dorper sheep. Environmental Adaptability: Withstand heat and cold well, and part of this adjustment to extremes is behavioral. The purpose of the breed is to efficiently produce meat. Thirty percent of the ewes were first-time lambers, having an average of 1.2 lambs/ewe. Reaching maturity earlier than many breeds, the Suffolk lamb will reach an average of 116 pounds by 100 days of age. (Grabbing a Romanov thats been walking through cockleburs is like wrestling with a 130-pound cocklebur.). With a high rate of multiple births and a gentle temperament, this is a good choice for people looking to start a hair sheep business, particularly in warm climates. Disposition & Mothering Ability: Breed is docile and calm with good flocking instinct. i want buy texel sheep unit so please tell how can buy it this breed. Most hair sheep breeds will lamb out of season without resorting to hormone therapy. This is inconvenient since you must pasture ram lambs separately from ewes to prevent unplanned pregnancies. My Texel sheep had served me well with their ability to finish on pasture, with their excellent meaty carcasses and with their lambing percentage of over 200 percent. Dorpers are well-known to mature early as well, with most lambs considered market-ready in as little as 4 months old. Since todays hair sheep breeds are developed from hardy ancestors, they are considered easy keepers because they have a natural resistance to disease and parasites. But the dorpers always have say ten % that need shearing still. They reach sexual maturity very early, with ewes able to breed between 7 to 9 months of age. The desire to climb mandates the use of a bale ring to prevent excessive waste. Dorset ewes weigh approximately 150-200 pounds, with the rams weighing on average 275 pounds. In 1975 Utah State University imported a small flock of Virgin Island White which is the basis for the present St. Croix breed in North America. In South Africa, the Dorper is likewise most commonly found in arid and semi . Later on I found out that this was the faster route to accomplish shedding in the offspring. The Confederacy precedes the establishment of Cornell University, New York state, and the United States of America. Featured Listing. The Dorper has a high rate of lambing and is tolerant of the arid conditions it was developed for in South Africa. If this same time is spent building homestead fencing, watersystems, improving lambing or handling facilities, its improving an operation. What Needle Felting Supplies Do You Use for Sculpting? At lower latitudes (down south), summer daylight periods are shorter, the temperature higher, grass growth is slower and is lower in protein and higher fiber. To avoid the coloring and spots that come along with first and second generation cross breeding with Dorper sheep, I decided to go with White Dorper sheep (WD). The number of feedings can be reduced over time to twice a day by 3-4 weeks of age. The Katahdin breed has hair instead of wool, and that means less work, according to the couple, who raise the sheep near Perham, Minnesota. His website address is www.whitecloversheepfarm.com. We are currently using rams with high shedding scores, while culling heavily on production traits. Environmental Adaptability: Tolerant of both high and low temperatures. Sheep for sale: young grass-fed butcher ram lambs (Dorper & Katahdin) document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); If you have a disability and are having trouble accessing information on this website or need materials in an alternate format, please contact Cornell University via email at web-accessibility@cornell.edu for assistance. Ewes typically reach sexual maturity by 7 months. But the pasture littered with wool as I had feared just did not happen. Four years ago we began converting all our cropland into pasture and expanded the flock. However, they are suitable for markets requiring smaller carcass size. We let them be sheep and just help them along. Many Greeks eat lamb for Easter, which is not always the same date as the traditional Easter. At 90 days, weve had November-December lambs on pasture, hay and whole grain (corn or milo) average 75 pounds. Some hair breed rams are long-bodied which can create a lengthy birthing scenario for the ewe. The cross breeding results in the best of both breeds but also in the benefits of heterosis, commonly known as hybrid vigor. study was done that showed the parasite resistance. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'savvyfarmlife_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_9',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-savvyfarmlife_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');This breed is also exceptionally hardy, able to thrive in both the cold, and the hot, humid climates in which many farmers struggle to raise sheep, making it a good choice for almost any climate in the United States. Quite a few meat producers are finding better success with the hair breeds of meat sheep than with meat goats. Katahdin is probably the more economical choice, however, namely because they can produce both meat and milk. It is now farmed in other areas as well, and is the second most common sheep breed in South Africa. i love the dorper sheep breed! They like large groups of lambs on each farm, prefer solid colors, registered and must be enrolled in the scrapie program. Katahdin-sired lambs typically produce carcasses that are heavier in weight and more muscular than St. Croix or Barbados Blackbelly when harvested at a similar age. Please indicate pricing as well. They do produce wool, and need to be shorn on a regular basis. Black color covers belly, inside legs and thighs and extends up to the neck. Id recommend getting in touch with the author of this article- he might have some good insight for you. Can you advise on the availability of a good ram and 10-12 ewe lambs this Spring. Your email address will not be published. We just started raising Katahdins this year. The Dorper have a black head extending in the neck, with a white body. They shed their winter coats during spring and early summer. The katahdin//dorper crosses are noticeably bigger than the pure katahdins. Sold all our cattle. A maternal breed, Katahdin ewes breed well with the Dorper rams to produce a meaty but feminine lamb. Unfortunately, Mr. Piel did not live long enough to see his breed reach having a registry and breed standards. Unsave Save. Hairsheep breeds such as the Barbados Blackbelly and St.Croix are largely found in these tropical areas of the world. You can also use them for multiple income streams thanks to their excellent meat and milk production. Some of the main pros of keeping Katahdin sheep include: Katahdin sheep are one of the easiest breeds of sheep to care for. The hair sheep breeds lamb easily in the pasture and the lambs gain weight rapidly and develop to maturity quickly. Lamb meat is known to be more tender and tasty. We figured the combination would be a meatier sheep." They bought the ram in 1996 and some ewes the following spring. Breed utilization for meat production in sheep. You will find the occasional larger patch of wool in your pasture and you will definitely find wool and hair on the trees where the sheep rub. Some are calling these shedding sheep. They naturally shed their wool throughout the seasons. This is not a true hair sheep. You have to pay to have it sheared once a year. Feeding these breeds too much grain can result in an overabundance of internal fat. 3 year old Dorper Katahdin Ram. As mentioned earlier, theres no price discount for Katahdin sheep or Dorper sheep in central Missouri. The Dorper originated in South Africa from crosses between the Dorset and the Blackhead Persian. They also tend to be highly mobile, which means they will climb on top of anything. This means that, theoretically, a Dorper ewe can produce a lamb (or 2 or 3) every 8 months. Hi Qazi, Cole, N.A. let me know! Coat & Color: The coat can be reddish brown, tan or yellow. Suffolk ewes reach between 180-250 pounds, while rams can top out at 350 pounds. In terms of lambing, youll find Katahdins mostly give birth to multiple lambs. Because of the wool, the Icelandic sheep do need to be sheared once to twice per year. When youre raising sheep for meat, the wool is a by-product. One in particular is more like a paint horse. Check out my article Best Sheep for Wool: Top 8 Sheep Breeds for Wool. Katahdin meat tends to be leaner than many other breeds. They will stand on their hind feet like goats to strip any low hanging limbs of their leaves. Dorper and Katahdin are medium size breeds. Market Weight/Live/Age: 110 lbs / 7 8 months, Professional Horticulture and Pest Services, Breed Directory- American Sheep Industry Association, Hair Sheep Production and Marketing Including Some Breeds, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, 1010 N. McDuff Avenue ), more intense selection for increased body length and a ewe flock of around 160-175 ewes. Katahdin Sheep work very well in a variety of production situations as a low-maintenance, easy care sheep. It is a very hardy breed and is disease resistant. All Rights Reserved | Website by Maple Creative, buildwithmaple.com. Katahdin Pedigrees Public Area Members List. 2023, Countryside - All Rights Reserved, Raising Sheep For Profit: Milking Sheep Offer a Small Farm Alternative, Raising Sheep: Buying and Caring for Your First Flock, Raising Sheep For Profit: How to Sell Raw Fleece, Raising Sheep For Profit: A Cattle Man's View. Kt ewes under low-input semiarid conditions of northern Mxico. The bodybuilder of the sheep world, the Texel sheep is known for its heavily-muscled and sturdy frame. For us, the Katahdin sheep breed fits our operation and our philosophy quite well. Dorset lambs, like the Suffolk and Dorper, mature quickly and are market-ready earlier than many other breeds. Feed conversion is good since these sheep fatten easily on less than ideal pasture and forage. They reach sexual maturity early, and will remain fertile for a longer period of time than many other breeds. These breeds are called hair sheep because the coat consists of hair more like that of cattle and many goats rather than wool. Katahdin sheep will strip the bark from cedars, pines and any deciduous tree that has smooth, immature bark. The leather from hair sheep grain is finer than the leather from wool breeds and brings in a larger amount of money. The Katahdin and the St Croix give the dogs a little more run for their money, but they are not silly and bounce off fences like some other breeds can even with a lot of handling. Like most of the sheep listed here, Texel lambs reach market size quickly, by 5-6 months.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'savvyfarmlife_com-leader-2','ezslot_10',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-savvyfarmlife_com-leader-2-0'); With an extended breeding season of nearly 5 months, Texel sheep are prolific breeders. In a second study, Dorper or Dorset sired lambs were compared to Barbados Blackbelly x St. Croix or Katahdin lambs. There are black headed Dorpers (most common) and white Dorpers (harder to find). 7/8th exhibit all the traits of purebreds like out-of-season breeding and even many 3/4 look like purebred and shed as well. In winter puts on coat that is shed as temperatures increase. The first rams I purchased were of outstanding shedding ability. Required fields are marked *. Bred Ewes Commercial - Market Sheep. His father Barley ( in picture behind him) is a full blooded Dorper. Katahdins have generated a great deal of interest from all parts of North America. Coat & Color: Solid white or white with black head. Relative resistance of Dorper crossbred ewes to gastrointestinal nematode infection compared with St. Croix and Katahdin ewes in the southeastern United States. Nick. Many of the Dorper you see have been crossed with Katahdin sheep for several reasons. If you are interested in bringing a herd of small livestock to your homestead, you will want to look into both sheep and goats. Westexas. Market Weight/Live/Age: 70 90 lbs / 7 8 months. Grazing animals put on weight quickly in preparation for the long winters. In conclusion, based on RT and RR, resilience to high HLI conditions ranked St. Croix > Katahdin > Dorper, with lowest . Though size and time to mature are not the Blackbellys strongest points, there are many advantages to raising this hardy breed of sheep. 1999. In this useful guide, youll discover the pros and cons of both Dorper and Katahdin sheep, alongside advice on choosing the best type for your farm or homestead. My Texel and Dorset lambs that I used to have in the past didnt differ that much in flavor, although the WD lambs are indeed milder tasting. Special Notes The Dorper sheep are very hardy animals. (I know, Im not a good farmer) Katahdins are awesome and productive mothers plus they are a very hardy breed and the Dorper will put more size on the meat sheep. Parasitol. Hair coat becomes thick and long as cold weather sets in and the length decreases. Cheviots produce alert, strong lambs who are efficient foragers. Today I have 1/2, 3/4, 7/8th, and 15/16th White Dorper sheep. History tells us our present-day sheep are derived from the wild Mouflon sheep, among others, that grew coarse hair with a downy undercoat. Hair sheep primer . Next Page: Flock ID Last Name First Name Farm Name Address City State . They can provide you with information pertaining to regulations, health requirements and local export brokers. Due to the high amount of red muscle fibers, the Icelandic sheep has a uniquely tender and fine texture. Though the breed produces wool (and lanolin), it is known to have a particularly mild taste. The Dorper is a mutton breed of hair sheep developed in the 1930s. While there are far fewer cons than there are pros for keeping Dorper sheep, you do need to consider the potential downsides. We began our Katahdin Sheep herd with non-registered sheep but have added registered Katahdin ewes to our farm. Instead, I get raving reports back and I never seem to have enough market lambs to make everyone happy. It was bred from West African hair sheep and is extremely well-adapted to hot, humid conditions. Continue with Recommended Cookies. You can check my blog at Merino sheep for sale. Will they settle into a seasonal pattern or will they breed continually? As hair sheep breeds become more popular, it will be important for breeders to ensure the future integrity of the breeds. Some general information on hair sheep is found on the next page. This is a very good article to read and understand the secrets of Raising Katahdin Sheep. Blackbellys are often left unvaccinated due to their disease and parasite resistance (though of course, we recommend you do your research on the breed and talk to a vet about what they recommend for vaccinating).
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