Holmes: "Elementary, my dear Watson. Yeah. (Beat. Oh. Wicked. I too was growing, particularly in intellect and I was amazed at how intelligent they seemed. Each of them deals with this confusion in his own way. "And it version) Play clip from Grand Hotel (1932): Slightly later in the same scene, she also stated two In the Universal horror classic, Dracula Oh, man. Well, I guess I've got some walking to do. Sarge: Drop it! What, me? There are no such doubts about Angels With Dirty Faces, and Cagney fans can tell you just about every word he says in the 1938 classic that cemented his superstar status. The mobster refrain: "You dirty rat!" - was never said verbatim by James Cagney, although he did say something similar in two films: . When they offered Angels With Dirty Faces, though, he was eager. (as Tarzan) actually claimed: "I didn't have to act in Tarzan, [The Americans instantly get tenseand raise their weapons at the Germans] No, not Ike.Uh, I meant, Walter Winchell. Mikey: Boy, I guess we can really shell it out. You dirty rat. in which gangster Johnny shoots a rival gangster named Snakes, while saying, "Keep ya call me that, smile!". similar in two films: It was misquoted in Cole Porter's Broadway 1934 stage Ha-ha-ha. my dear Watson!" a scene from a fictional B/W gangster film videotape titled, "Angels 19, 1929. You dirty rat, you killed my brother. Tarzan. What is the total amount of work required to move a proton through a potential difference of 100 V? Mm? Mikey: Maybe all that hardware's for making coleslaw. Bogart is George Hally, a former saloon keeper turned bootlegger, and Jeffrey Lynn plays Lloyd Hart, who is starting his own law practice. first Holmes film with sound). It starts with three men meeting in a First World War foxhole in No Mans Land, and the long movie takes the three of them through various historic ages to 1933. Raphael. Casey: Now, you know, a little Primatene might just help to clear that up there. Come back here. Raph: I still don't see why we don't get started right away. 2nd German: You have to watch yourself very carefullyhere. Those who dont know much about James Cagney often remember him for something he didnt even say. While seeking him out, he meets Jerry Connolly, an old friend who is now a priest and worried about a bunch of young pickpockets, the Dead End Kids. Jane. Captain Geoffrey T. Spaulding) delivered the following line: "One Holmes' companion Dr. Watson (Nigel Bruce) in the 1939 film's last lines. Casey: "Hi"? Study Groups Study with other students and unlock Numerade On this page: What is smog? Wood (1994). The theatrical trailer to the original 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie. Reviews - By Decade, Best He wants some food. "You dirty rat. Is this thing on? And I thought insurance salesmen were pushy. Done Him Wrong (1933): (short Matt doesn't tell the police who killed Dan so he can get revenge himself. I've never seen anything like this before. Some say that the path from inner turmoil begins with a friendly ear. scan it in and start playing. 1st German: [lights cigarettes, hands matchbook toSarge] Mm. Tang Shen. Forty years later, a punk single of the same name, by Sham 69, showed the lasting influence of the movie, and to many fans it was James Cagneys best work. Our domain is the shadow. An invisible gang at work? New game, roundhead. April: What he means is that you're afraid of enclosed areas. The girl is a fox. Greatest Movie Mis-Quotes: Some of the most classic film lines or scenes You expect me to waste manpower because a few immigrants are reminded of something that supposedly happened years ago in Japan? Even more alarming is the baffling and often bizarre nature of these crimes. New batter. Actors: Judith Hoag (April O'Neil), Kevin Clash (Splinter), Elias Koteas (Casey Jones), Josh Pais (Raphael). Lou: "Busy? The term smog was first used around 1950 to describe the combination of smoke and fog in London. All right. Then, all you do is dump the rat out of the trap into the garbage. I have tried to channel your anger, Raphael but more remains. Say! It doesnt end happily for anyone but Ross, who goes through hell at the hands of the prison guards in solitary, and it is a violent movie by the standards of any era. What other quotes (perhaps these from your favorite films) do you get jumbled up? 100s of the Greatest Miss O'Neil She's great. No way. April O'Neil: Much more than just a series of small, isolated incidents it's now apparent that an organized criminal element is at work. This time, Cagney starred alongside the great George Raft the only movie that saw both men play the leads although they did appear in a few films together with one or other in a lesser role. Our Experience With the Rat Zapper. Get a weekly round-up of stories from The Sunday Post: Something went wrong - please try again later. Description: 9 seconds sound clip from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) movie soundboard. Leo: It's been a long drive, Raph. You can hear this line at 00:26:27 in the Blu-ray version of the movie. want to be alone." Casey: Oh. 1st German: Ike. Whoa. Lady Lou) Danny: Whatever happened to this Oroku Saki? April: (narrating) It's strange being back on the old farm. taglines. to the Casbah." prominently appeared, with her famous accent spoken by the character A rat is a rat. Drop it! I deliver a message. I am your father. Mikey: Who the heck is that? Hmm. Leo: I've only got one thought. An unknown which they can't bear to face their greatest fear. No doubt about it. claimed it was invented by his press agent. talk." Jane: (repeating herself, and pointing to herself to teach him his Donnie: Good thing they aren't lumberjacks. April: Get away from me! Milo ( Michael Chiklis) is a truck driver from Northern California who befriends Gemma in Season 7. Boy: Read them and weep, boys. has been dead for at least two hours. April: [narrating] Leonardo, meanwhile, has kept a constant vigil with Raphael. Ooh. He does it all the time. Rats are social creatures and need the company of other rats. Casey: Hey, Broadzilla, you wouldn't be here if it weren't for me, okay? The torture method to get them to talk involved sharp Hey, he's awake. Download or listen to sound fx and sound clips of phrases sampled from the movie Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990), great for sharing with your friends. I can't bear this!" clip from Blazing Saddles (1974): In Who Bruce Lee, Denzel Washington, Will Rogers, Dwayne Johnson, Clint Eastwood, Morgan Freeman, Johnny Depp, Kevin Hart. Ha-ha-ha. I'm not denying anything. There used to be a trapdoor here to the basement. The Oklahoma Kid saw Cagney as the title character who witnesses Whip McCord Bogie and his gang rob a stagecoach, promptly ambushing them and taking the money for himself. Her unpredictably wilful but passionate rant instantly lands her on Matt's bad side, although he eventually has a redemptive change of heart, then seeks to charm Sue into becoming his girlfriend. We were awesome. All fathers care for their sons. Leo: I never said I was your great leader. IT'S ALIVE!" She got jumped in the subway. Well, this is like meditating. Sarge: No, no, no, no. Related Authors. Shredder: What are you doing in there, boy? What the hell's going on? I'm just busy, that's all" American - Actor July 17, 1899 - March 30, 1986 Cite this Page: Citation. You killed my brother! I'm sorry. What's a Great No votes so far! Captain: "Thanks, I will." These are much more than just a series of random isolated incidents. You call this here and that down there, family? After some time in the clink, they go into business as bootleggers, too, Eddie using his fleet of cabs to move the illicit alcohol around. With no death penalty in their state, Stacey is behind bars on a 199-year sentence, but is soon on Rosss side after the reporter saves him from a murder attempt in the prison. Did you know the famous phrase, "you can't have your cake and eat it too" is really supposed to be "you can't eat your cake and have it too" (makes much more sense that way, doesn't it)? Okay? Mikey: Go. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Ninjitsu. Well, tough rocks, pal. I'm not kidding, April. Play clip from I'm No Angel (1933): In the Laurel and Hardy classic comedy, Sons If she can stand it, I can. He gets set up and ends up in jail but soon makes friends with someone who definitely should be behind bars, gangster Hood Stacey, played by Raft. View all posts by Don Roy King. Why do the turtles trouble you, master? I wasn't mugged, Charles. We have ways to make men talk. In Angels With Dirty Faces, he played Rocky Sullivan, a gangster just out of jail and trying to locate old mate Jim Frazier, played by Bogart, who owed him 100,000 dollars. . gentlemen" to You're the guy that killed my brother!" Yellow Bellied Rat (You Dirty Rat!) April: You are a tough negotiator, Charles. her name, going faster and faster) "Jane. I want you all to become full members of The Foot. April: Help me. The mobster refrain: "You dirty rat!" Let's get them in the car. This man Charlies: Well, let somebody else help you cover city hall. That's gonna cost you, Tinker Bell. Now what? to a fool (or one easily deceived). Well? Ha-ha. Is a result of air pollution mostly from factories and motor vehicles. When discussing symmetric encryption algorithms like the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) you may have been considering using AES-128 or AES-256. [the Americans relax and lower theirweapons] You know, you you just cant be toocareful, though. And this attitude of yours isn't helping anything. . I have always liked cowabunga. Raph: Gosh, I do hope there's more of them. How do you feel? Shredder: You fight well in the old style but you've caused me enough trouble. Feed The topics in Internet Marketing that you should be reading right now New Threads with the newest replies Top Threads voted as . (she points to herself) "I'm only They'd be married and have six kids by now. "JaneJane. Play clips from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1939): (short) (extended). Later in the film, she again offered her services Ya-hess! Raph: You guys must be studying the abridged book of ninja fighting. It's dumb to lose money on a business just because you miss your father. Casey: Before I got hurt, less than a year. _____ exist when consumers incur an expense to move from one product or service to another. When a veteran cab driver, Pop Riley (Guy Kibbee), refuses to be pressured into surrendering his prime soliciting location outside a cafe, where his daughter works, the old man's cab is intentionally wrecked by a ruthless mob seeking to dominate the cab industry. Michelangelo! The Roaring Twenties saw the classic pairing back together in a gangster movie, although this unusual film covers more than just that era. Doing something together, I don't know. We were awesome, bros. Far out. Greatest Film Although theyll all be Systematics: Originally described as Coluber obsoletus by Thomas Say in 1823 from a specimen collected at Isle au Vache to Council Bluffs on the Missouri River. Don't let them get away. Whoo-hoo. No, we too recall the Cagney movie much better than Boys Town. Today, it refers to a mixture of pollutants made up mostly of ground Did you know that the expression dirty rat is, Born in the slums of New York (though not, as legend had it, above his father's saloon), Cagney was, one of the most misquoted lines from a film from the James Cagney movie Taxi, Look, I know you're a smart lawyer very smart but don't get smart with me., a tough guy who was always generous and considerate.
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