Other rigs as specified above may be in boat ready for use; however, only ONE is permitted in use at any given time. NOTE: If the team qualifies for the West Coast Championship they will need to be a member of WWBYS in order to participate in that event. REPORT AN EMERGENCY OR BREAKDOWN: Contact a tournament official by phone or other means or to report an emergency or breakdown, contestants must cease fishing at this point and their catch must be verified by a tournament official in order to be counted in the tournament. Priorities will be: 1) anglers that sign up for 3 or more events, 2) Anglers signing up with a pro/co combination 3) Date registration was received. Wild West Bass Youth Series may also request the Marshal/Observer operate these, or other (POV, smartphone, or other) cameras. 63. 22. I agree that the delivery of an e-mail to my designated contact will constitute delivery to me. The Wild West Bass Trail is dedicated to showcasing the best anglers battling head to head on some of the finest lakes on the West coast. Anglers who do not have a jersey or refuse to wear a WWBT provided jersey must wear at the minimum a collared polo shirt. 2019 OFFICIAL RULES OF COMPETITION-Pro/Am. Repeated missed or late attendance may result in disqualification from the Lucas Oil Championship. If contestants have any questions they mustapproach the tournament director. Contestants will refrain from arguing, yelling, demeaning, using profanity, or challenging any tournament official. June 10th, 2023. B. 16 NON-SHARED WEIGHT FORMAT: Both Pro and co-anglers are responsible for his/her own (5) fish. No alcoholic beverages, other stimulants or depressants, prescription or otherwise, shall be allowed in the boats during the open practice or competition days or when in the weigh-in area. The WWBT mobile APP allows WWBT officials to communicate with all its contestants. BASIC BOAT EQUIPMENT: During open practice and competition, every boat must have all required Coast Guard safety equipment as well as a functional bilge pump. A pre-Tournament meeting will be held online via Facebook Live/Instagram CONTACTS: Seth Starks - Director During the open practice and during the tournament, a contestant may not enter or dive in tournament waters also known as skin or scuba diving. Marshals/Observers are not allowed to operate or work on the competitors personal cameras. I further understand and agree that the Tournament Director reserves the right to reject my application for any reason and, upon such rejection, to refund a prorated entry fee within 4-6 weeks. However, Wild West Bass Youth Series grants certain exceptions, including the following content rights, to tournament participants: Anglers may use video or still images, shot by the angler during a tournament, for promotional or marketing purposes, and in social media. Juniors are 8yrs old through 8th Grade. 13 OFF LIMITS: the off-limits period for all WWBT pro/am tournaments will be the nine(9) consecutive daysprior to the practice period in all WWBT events unless otherwise notified by WWBT. By executing this document, I knowingly and voluntarily assent to the following non-exhaustive list of precautionary measures to be administered at times, frequency, and locations of WILD WEST BASS YOUTH SERIES choosing: 1) Anglers are encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer or disinfecting wipes with them to each tournament/event. SAFETY: Safe boat conduct must always be observed by contestants. The co-angler must buoy or tag each of their fish for identification before placing them in their designated live well. 9) Parents or legal guardians have an obligation to assess their childs health prior to the event. Professional and amateur designations are not applicable in the California team. The Tournament Director or his/her designees shall have sole authority for assessing penalty points. IF mandate is in place, Spectators to be limited to Parents/Guardians and siblings of anglers. When advised by state/local government bodies anglers must wear a cloth face-covering in public settings if they can be safely managed while near another angler, boat captain, spectators, or other persons in the vicinity. CHAMPIONSHIP INVITATIONAL QUALIFICATION: CHAMPIONSHIP INVITATIONAL QUALIFICATION: Thetop 75Pros and Co-Anglers based on the Angler of the Year (AOY) points who fish 3 events will receive an invitation to the Championship Invitational. I also recognize that WILD WEST BASS YOUTH SERIES cannot guarantee anglers will always stay at least six (6) feet apart due to the inherent nature of angling and related educational events. I am aware and agree that by executing this waiver and release, that I am giving up my right to bring legal action or assert a claim against GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series for my negligence. No contestant may buy or barter a fishing location from anyone for use during any competition day. However, penalties assessed will remain until a final ruling by the Appeals Committee. 12)Acknowledgethat if you or your child cannot travel to an event or must return home, that there is no refund for the event. Membership is $50 per year and can be purchased at WWBYS MEMBERSHIP, Any questions about this form or the entry fee, please give us a call at480-571-1919 ext. This applies only to emergency situations as determined by the Tournament Director or his designee. 6 Any different or additional penalties determined by the Tournament Director including but not limited to monetary fines and/or reduction of Angler of Year Points. 21. Co-Anglers may only fish from the back deck or the lower passenger side seated positions. I also waive any right to inspect or approve the finished photograph or video or audio recording. 23. 17 COMPETITION DAYS 1 & 2: WWBT will span three competition days with the full field of pros and co-anglers participating in on days one and two. Binoculars are not allowed in the boat at any time. As a general rule, WWBT views this as a 20-foot fiberglass bass boat similar to a Ranger Z520L with the motor trimmed down under its own power. 3) Spectators are to maintain at least 6ft apart while attending an event if physical distancing is mandated by state/local government. Wild West Bass Youth Series also encourages anglers to send photos, videos, and updates for exposure on our social media pages. 1 The Tournament Director may impose actions or rulings deemed appropriate by them, which may include the following without limitation. 11 PRIZES: Prizes will be awarded after the tournament. Interpretation and enforcement of these rules shall be left exclusively to the Tournament Director or his/her designee at a tournament. ENTRY FEE Non- Member $100 per TEAM ($50 per Angler) No WWBYS Membership Required WWBYS Member $75 per TEAM ($37.50 per Angler) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Each Angler and Boat Captain must complete the online registration forms for Open Qualifier. 40. I(We)agree to submit to a polygraph examination and understand that failure to pass the examination will result in disqualification. PROS ARE REQUIRED TO MAKE ONE DRY STORAGE COMPARTMENT AVAILABLE TO CO-ANGLERS. This release is authorized and executed of my own free will, with the sole purpose of authorizing medical treatment under emergency circumstances, for the protection of life and limb of the named minor child, in my absence. SCORING: Tournament standings and final winners shall be determined by the total weight of each contestants catch during the competition days of the tournament. All anglers who elect to participate in Wild West Bass Youth Series -sanctioned tournaments will be required to execute a Participation Agreement containing the rules and regulations, code of conduct, and tournament series specific content such as wrapped boat and uniform guidelines. RESTROOM BREAK: In the event of a needed restroom break partners are allowed to leave the boat upon which all fishing must cease until partners are back together in the boat. I further understand and agree that the Tournament Director reserves the right to reject my application for any reason and, upon such rejection, to refund a prorated entry fee within 4-6 weeks. 44. Decisions of the appeals committee shall be final. THE OFFICIAL LENGTH FOR BASS: shall be determined by the Tournament Director and announced at the Tournament Briefing. WINNINGS. The take-off order will be reversed on day 2. During practice and competition contestants cannot solicit, receive, or gather any information from anyone other than another contestant in the tournament. Contestants are allowed to call lockmasters for locking purposes only. Appeals for penalties assessed must be presented in writing 48 hours from the time and date of ruling to the Tournament Director. Gas must be purchased from a retail gas station. If there are stories written about you or by you appearing on our social media, Wild West Bass Youth Series grants permission to link to these stories and any others on our social media pages. Drive-thru weigh-in. RECEIVING, ACCEPTING OR TAKING OF FISH FROM ANOTHER PERSON during tournament hours is strictly prohibited. In the cases were contestants do not have a tournament jersey of their own, WWBT will provide a WWBT jersey to the contestant. By executing this agreement, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series from any loss, liability, damage or cost GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series may incur due to a presence at any GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series. LOGOS AND/OR SIGNAGE: Contestants are encouraged to wear his/her own clothing which may bear patches, logos and other signage promoting the anglers sponsors. WWBT personnel must be granted access and be able to board any contestants boat at will. The Tournament Director, at his/her sole discretion, may reassign partners prior to the morning take off. You may also grab photos from social media to promote yourself and the club. 2021-2022West Coast Championship Entry Fee. For each legal dead bass presented to weigh-in officials, the contestant shall be penalized 0.25 pounds per dead fish to be deducted from their daily score. A balance of field, one point each until end of field or points run out. By participating in this Tournament, I, THE UNDERSIGNED, fully and unconditionally agree to and accept the Official Rules and the decisions of GreenFish Marketing LLC: Wild West Bass Youth Series, which are final and binding in all matters related to the Tournament. 24. Rules for special tournaments may differ from those contained herein. From the morning launch through check-in all WWBT contestants must have locations services for the WWBT APP turned on. These risks include but are not limited to infection and transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus. End of year point tiebreakers shall be total weights from full field days for the season. Must be present at awards to win. No dead bass will be eligible for Big Bass awards or prizes. Example: During tournaments, Wild West Bass Youth Series may ask to mount a POV streaming camera in a competitors boat (the footage may be used in Wild West Bass Youth Series web or social media). Contestants failing to register in person during the prescribed hours may result in disqualification. Wild West Bass Trail Register Now! The Tournament Director may seek the advisement of the Advisory Board or Rules Committee: 1 Reduction of competition hours as determined by the Tournament Director. Contestants may not have non-contestants cut, dig, or removed obstructions once the off-limits period begins all the way through the conclusions of the event to access any water. Please submit only one registration per angler. I, THE UNDERSIGNED, do knowingly and freely assume all risk referred to above, both known and unknown. POLYGRAPH: By signature on the WWBT Series participation agreement or the official entry form, each contestant agrees to submit to a polygraph examination and abide by its conclusion should he/she be accused of any rule violation. 13) I, the undersigned, as the legal guardian or legal authority to execute this Individual Release and Hold-Harmless Agreement (Release), acknowledge and understand, that as an angler, parent of an angler, or legally responsible agent of an angler at selected events, Waive and release your right to sue GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series, its staff, officers, directors, volunteers, and/or members. Notice may be published on the WWBT Internet site at https://wildwestbasstrail.com. I also understand I must provide my personal cell number capable of receiving text messages from the Wild West Bass Youth Series. 18 COMPETITION DAY 3: The top ten (10) pros and co-anglers will advance to Championship day three. 10)Acknowledgethat no pre-screening or social distancing program can eliminate the risk that you or your child will contract COVID-19 and/or bring it back home after an event. AM STANDINGS. Contestants are responsible for research of fishing and boating regulations. Contestants must notify the tournament director as soon as possible. IF mandate will NOT allow any gatherings of people, we may have to cancel the tournament. 49. At check-in, all boats shall identify themselves by means of the numbers described in and proceed immediately to the designated weigh-in area. I, THE UNDERSIGNED, hereby assign and grant to GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series, and/or any of its Subsidiaries the right and permission to copyright and/or publish photographs or video footage myself, (the Work) and the use of these photographs and video footage singularly or in conjunction with other photographs or video footage for television production and broadcast of the GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series, and any related art, advertising, internet usage, trade or any other similar lawful purpose whatsoever, including but not limited to, product packaging, posters, billboards, internet usage, endorsements, television and television commercials worldwide (the Project), without additional compensation by GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series and free and clear of any claim whatsoever on my part. Information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19. Kayak Pro Tour. Quick Link:. As Parent and/or Guardian of the named angler, I hereby authorize the diagnosis and treatment by a qualified and licensed medical professional, of the minor child, in the event of a medical emergency, which in the opinion of the attending medical professional, requires immediate attention to prevent further endangerment of the minors life, physical disfigurement, physical impairment, or other undue pain, suffering or discomfort, if delayed. I fully understand that this is a release of liability, and express the assumption of risk and indemnity agreement. 10)Acknowledgethat no pre-screening or social distancing program can eliminate the risk that you or your child will contract COVID-19 and/or bring it back home after an event. Contestants renting boat slips may launch boats and proceed immediately to slip location. Proof of age to the tournament officials is the responsibility of the potential contestant. Anytime cameras are present or when contestantsare specifically being filmed, they are required to wear a tournament jersey. 67. 2 The decision of the Tournament Director, his/her designee shall be final in all matters. CONTESTANTS MUST REMAIN IN BOAT: During the competition days; contestants must not depart the boat to land fish or make the boat more accessible to fishing waters. Boat numbers will be collected at each check-in. THE ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE WILL BE EQUALLY AS BINDING AS AN ORIGINAL MANUAL PAPER SIGNATURE. 11)Acknowledgethat COVID-19 can result in death or serious illness, as explained on the CDC website. . NO EXCEPTIONS. In all cases, the Tournament Director and WWBT have the sole discretion to determine whether they or the Advisory Board and/or Rules Committee shall be responsible for adjudicating any given issue or dispute. TOURNAMENT BRIEFING: Notification of your first-day partner shall be made at the Tournament Briefing which MUST BE ATTENDED by all contestants. 57.LATE PENALTY: Contestants who are not at the official check-in point, as described at the appointed time shall be penalized at the rate of one pound per minute late to be deducted from 1) Any big bass award and 2) The total weight of his/her catch for that day. HORSEPOWER REGULATIONS: MAXIMUM HORSEPOWER FOR ALL OUTBOARD MOTOR BOATS USED IN OPEN TOURNAMENT PRACTICE AND IN TOURNAMENT COMPETITION WILL not exceed the limitations set by the U.S. Coast Guard. All angling must be done from the boat. 4) Cloth face coverings are encouraged for anglers, boat captains, and spectatorsbut not requiredunless mandated by state/local government. MUST PRESENT ALL LEGAL FISH: after contestants check in at the official checkpoint they MUST present all LEGAL fish in their possession to a tournament official to be counted, measured and weighed. Anycontestant who has not contacted the WWBT Tournament Director 15 minutes after theclosing of the posted on-site registration, may be disqualified from participating in the tournament and his/her entry fee forfeited. No barges or similar craft willbe permitted. On the final day, the tournament director will check to ensure that all contestants are adhering to this mandate. IF you are in this group, please ensure you have approval from your health care provider prior to attending WILD WEST BASS YOUTH SERIES events. Wild West Bass Youth Series wants to help promote both your brand and the sport of professional bass fishing through its multimedia assets.
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