Nadella's greatest weakness may be his lack of consumer market experience. Thank you for speaking the truth about Ballmer & Satya pushing things Ballmer already implemented or on his product roadmap. Again and again, I ran into the same brick wall -- the developers had no confidence that Microsoft would continue to support the platform. Activity Finance teams are taking on a new role - striking the balance between strategic . Well. Almost always on their mobile - probably 99% of calls other than to other companies are made to, and received from mobiles. In fact, I would say Nadella and the Board are collectively insane. I'm a 20+ year developer, and I had three different windows phones for over 6 years. In fact, in our consulting firm I am the only one left with knowledge and there is no push for others to train. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). I think abandoning Windows 10 mobile was a mistake, I realised when I was looking at the AR headsets they just released and I thought "but maybe they will abandon it in a year or two". However, that was during a quarter in which Microsoft spent heavily on advertising for the two new devices it had just launched. Huh. Microsoft was plagued by the . Facebook seems to be really putting in the effort with their VR offering. Market is measured by money, not by people, otherwise India would be the most attractive market in the world, but it is not. It is that simple. no. Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset "referred as Nadella Satya in this analysis " is a Harvard Business Review (HBR) case study used for Europe is a 500 million people big market so I don't think that's a small market at all. - Changing Technology Landscape Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence boom is transforming the technology landscape that Nadella Satya operates in. Spending heavily to support your new business model is a good plan. There are many, I can type endlessly about what Microsoft could do to repair bridges. In Europe Nokia was doing much better than in the US. As people carry the more and more powerful smart phones in their hands and as they wil replace the common office computer this WILL means big trouble for Microsoft in the future. Microsoft will be extremely vulnerable without a mobile presence. I still use Bing as my search engine on an iPhone (1520 died and instead of utilizing the only company who actually innovated with WP, MS decided to kill off the deal), I like Microsoft Edge, I use Windows 10 Pro on a PC. Not only is the phone going to die, but Win10 updates disable their own MS software. They will have to do something really convincing to keep me from drifting way. Office365 has seen very strong growth in its early stages. Android is not all that great, even though it was either that or an expensive iPhone with no way to use the MS apps by default. - Lack of critical talent I believe that Nadella Satya is suffering from lack of critical talent especially in the field of technology & digital transformation. Even a ******* can become king..with loyalty and hard work.. We have been loyal..its about time Microsoft started being loyal to itself, its vision and to us as well.. Does MS really think that Google and Apple are going to let it provide the cutting edge apps and services on their OS? Though AR and voice-controlled computing may be a big part of our future, the phone is still going to be the bridge to that future. I am still using one drive, one note and outlook. Satya was just the guy that had to make the decision to pull the plug, but WP had been brain dead for a while already. That may not be the case. And here we are again. HoloLens is cool and all but its not in consumers hands. Satya Nadella, Buddhism and Modern Leadership. Only thing saving this company no is his firing or him doing at least one thing honorable, and quoting. Many consumers will try less hard buying Microsoft hardware from the Surface line. sell high end phones at mid range prices) in an attempt to encourage adoption. 18 Other Top Book Recommends From Satya Nadella. So the more you sell the more money you throw in. And Joe B, I think there was one thing you missed while you were trying everything to incent developers: committing to the platform and sticking with it. Your phone would become a Windows Pocket PC running UWP apps with the ability to make phone calls. While actual revenue from direct OS purchase may not be as impressive market share matters. Why did users 'go off' the Windows Mobile as a solution? The iphone X's facial ID has nothing to do with 950's retina scan, they have two different techs, and it's large screen was not copied from a Lumia 950XL or any lumia :)) how pathetic can you be?? time to get rid all my microsoft service. This includes canceling my 365 subscription and will close my OneDrive account once I transfer everything over. Plus many government agencies were selecting windows phones for security reasons. When I read #HitRefresh it means kick the most loyal catagory of Windows Fans in the teeth in the mobile catagory. If that's not true, and they are actually trying to save Windows, then I agree, they are making a mistake. Are you kidding!?!? Everything MS tries ends in failure.. The overlap between product lines in Microsoft is substantial. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. For me, I love my HP Elite X3. All about the same. It is hard to believe but we are almost there. " Be passionate and bold. I sign up for more online courses than I can complete. With MSFT once spearheading this path it has let many of us to a cul-de-sac. Instead of that they rushed W10 mobile out of door without propper testing and made the whole world to laugh at them But the then take a heavy sweaty dump on not only the last of the loyal customer base, but ALSO the OEMs, proves that Nadella is basically going to be the end of MS as we know it and in a bad way. The co - founder of Microsoft - Mr. Bill Gates was the mentor of Satya Nadella. Managers' fears about idle workers are creating what Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella calls "productivity paranoia," with undesirable resultslike spying on employees. What Microsoft lost is more than a windows mobile customer. Glad I left to jump onboard the Android platform. + Surface RT, and two Surface Pro versions. From high hopes to seeing what a low life he really is. But then Microsoft figured - it's just a couple of hundred bucks down the crapper, I mean, you've already stood by me through so much. To get developers, they would have needed 25% or more at least, and users that spend money in the app store. I mean VR and AI COULD be incorporated into XBox and PC..but thats not where the market is going. Define the line between business and consumer. Speculation does not make sense, taking into account your erroneous articles concerning Microsoft mobile strategy. As a buyer of a Microsoft phone and a user of Win 10 on 4 systems I feel shat on by the company. Microsoft is really sorry about those other times it deserted you but it loves you - it's getting counseling and turning over a new leaf. In the course of my day I shall speak to clients. It is sticking to the same game that Microsoft already lost. Ready??? I haven't seen any apologists here today. It's all good in their bank account for now. And partial credit goes to Windows Central, WinBeta too. That is why world share reached 4%. "Leaders think their . I will watch and see! Without a mobile platform of their own their future is limited if not over. Moving forward, the 1520 simply needed a refresh and would have been quite a nice threesome with the 950 and 950xl. How many toy manufactures, production companies (film/tv), IoT, lifestyle (airport/bank/taxi/fast food etc) have an app/game. Satya Nadella has been with Microsoft for a really long time and during his tenure before becoming CEO has led some really vital business streams. I'm almost ready to throw in the towel on Windows Central. Slow down development on android and iOS, push out universal store apps first then their ios and android counterparts. Should I take the bait yet again? I'll probably end up getting it elsewhere from someone that will actually support it. Worse, it would still not have theMOBILE apps that iOS and Androidhave. The single OS may be from different ecosystems, like Apple of MS but other than that all devices would communicate, access data, and integrate relativly seamlessly. But what about the wobblier parts of Redmonds portfolio? Also, I was a Band user and a Surface 2 RT user MS has lost my trust as the only things that are actually still supported are my laptop and my Xbox (though they don't really do anything with the Kinect anymore). MS didn't have the foresight to see that they didn't have to sell the OS to monetize it. I hope they also realise forcing edge onto people who don't want it is wrong too. While such a device MIGHT appeal to business, no consumer is interested in running Win32 stuff on an 8 touch screen. Even as a placeholder? This is what we should expect from MS? After all, I'm 'only' a consumer! I think any decision he made was going to cost Microsoft something. At a time when Chromebooks are getting popular they should not abandon the lower end or middle of the market. Advertisers don't care either, you'll get one dime a click for them. Maybe it's not too late. I moved to Android after sitting tight with Windows Phone/Mobile through the 920, 930 and 950XL being pulled along solely by promises of "things to come". - Access to International Talent in Global Market One of the challenges Nadella Satya facing right now is limited access to high level talent market because of limited budget. The culprit is Microsoft, The culprit is Microsoft for marketing and manufacturing phones. allow MEMU on windows mobile in the storeAll will be fine then! With MSFT once spearheading this path it has let many of us to a cul-de-sac. I stuck with my 920 as long as I could (almost 3 years), hoping for MS to release something wothy. Because a tech company in 2017 without a mobile presence is not a tech company worth talking about. How long before Movies and TV go? Microsoft should build its own variant of Android in same way Amazon did with Fire OS. That said, I believe MSFT has been incredibly disingenuous and downright cavalier with people's emotions in how they have played this saga but then given the numbers of Windows 10 subscribers out there, I guess they brought that into their calculations. Fact, the Lumia 520 proved there is a wp market in the US, period. That is just one long term aspect. I think this is one of the best options MS has if it wants to come back in the mobile space. "First, I believe that, at its most powerful, technology can be a force for good in the world," he says. Sounds alot like myself Matt. They don't expect any big features. And users on Android and iOS simply replace MS services with Google's and Apple's. A very distant third, and dropping fast. This is the guy who wrote Nutella was a genius. They develop for Windows and they get mobile, IOT, Desktop, tablet etc. We'll done for addressing this point. MS was not in the position to deliver half-baked stuff at that time. After having been unceremoniously dumped so many times, I don't trust you any more. Almost a complete rewrite of my app because, even using the components and methods Microsoft recommended, they managed to change everything from user interface to file data access the only thing that still worked was my core logic. Why did they move to Windows 10 mobile, when they knew the Windows 10 OS was not good to go? Ok maybe im a fan boy but if they do release a new lte device what's the problem. Microsoft should get off the market share thing and make a great product. Now just like me I probably will not buy a microsoft VR device. Satya is just like this but on steroids. This was the straw that broke the camel's back and I very much doubt they'll be relevant at all, in the consumer space, in a few years time. It's about time Nadella and Microsoft showed some loyalty to us and themselves as well.. Not only will they earn respect but it'll also be a rallying point.. Game of Thrones should have taught the lesson by now, even a ******* can become king, and loyalty is key to that. Spotify doesn't work on my 950 either, I get the same revolving dots as you. Once we turn our backs on Microsoft - no matter how hard that decision is to take - there won't be any going back, unfortunately. If Microsoft doesn't have a consumer precense then employees would need to keep track of two ecosystems instead of one meaning more work and complexity. Belfiore was/is incompetenthe is the harbinger of doom for anything he touched including WP Yeah it was pretty much over when he was caught with an iphone on vacation with his family a few years ago lol. Leaders with intellectual stimulation traits motivate employees to rethink prior situations and problems in new ways. I'm shocked how the Surface tablets are doing. Theyve probably got abackload of ideas they want to share. And one last thing focusing on one comment I made. Now, MS is no longer a inovative company. The following list is a sample of the issues and challenges that Nadella may face during his tenure as CEO of Microsoft: Windows Phone growth stalls, failing to reach the 10 percent mark in the. Microsoft has been in the mobile market since the days of WINCE. Never again ! Enter Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. surely not - there will be books written about how they failed in that area. (No, I haven't timed for how long, but but more that 5 minutes. When they do have good ideas they are late to the market and other companies beat them to the punch. Fans, users, developers and enterprise users think long term. And I'm going to kick the marketing guys arse until he puts together a decent global campaign. By Antonio Planas. WP8.1 and the aquistion of Nokia was arguably either a desparate or ingenious move at the time because it offered the possiblity of a hero mobile device that directly could have competed with Apple's product but also allowed the license to be available to other oems similar to Android. Now i rather have Phil spencer or Panos at head of Microsoft, people that stand behind their products and fans, consumers. That sh*t just doesn't add up. And because of e-sim technology, OneCore etc. @JaimitoFrog.Yeahthats the ticketMS would be bankrupt in 6 months. WP never had significant market share. I am confident they have something truly amazing in the pipeline (presumably 2019). It's very difficult to tell what is quote, secondary source, or your opinion in these articles. And then they decide to abandon it because they never had the vision of a competeing third ecosystem. No one mentions this and I feel it was detrimental to Microsoft going forward in Mobile, because in the U.S., Verizon is the biggest carrier. Very good comment @squire777and agree to most of it. But they seem to be blind or plain stupid OK, so he admitted it. For an operating system that Microsoft wants to go dark in April, thats downright depressing. The few million people who owned windows phones I guarantee were Microsoft's biggest fans. Windows Azure, Microsofts IaaS and PaaS cloud computing could services slip given that Nadellas attention will be now more broadly distributed. He has no dream or overarching vision. Apple sells that many in 6 months, and Apple is #2. Windows is a mess. Windows will keep only gamers, because there is no other gaming platform. According to global executive survey done by Harvard Business Review & Brightline Initiative Only 20% of the strategic targets set by organizations are realized. - he made stock holders some money. Trust and believe that if MS were offering me something new right now with full Windows and a stylus to follow up my 1520, I'd be all over it. Nadella transformed Microsoft from a stodgy tech giant to a new force in software. I've been on windows phones for five years and they have been reliable workhorses that never had problems. Keep up the great work Windows Central team. > If you feel that you've constantly let consumers down (which actually you have). This is an article from 2014. The more I see his management style the more I realize that he has no idea what he's doing in terms of long term goals. Probably until battery run out. However, there are a considerable number of things missing in Android as a basic function that Windows Mobile had built in for years. Microsoft's competitive advantage: Has a well-established brand and reputation built over decades, which provides a strong competitive advantage. PC market is diminishing; tablet market is diminishing Thats not an enviable job. Poor decision in the long run, but what do these corporate heads care? Then throw us a carrot and make Messaging Everywhere work. Personally, I'd return to Windows mobile if they had a decent offering on Verizon. ng l ch tch hi ng qun tr v tng gim c iu hnh ca Microsoft, k nhim cho Steve Ballmer vo nm 2014 vi t cch l gim c iu hnh [2] [3] v John W. Thompson vo nm But I do think I have a pretty good handle on the challenges hes facing right now. The biggest OS company in the world, who promised Windows on any form of device -- and yet it gives up on phones and smartwatches? Phones arent't he new shiney objects anymore but that doesn't mean they're not relevant. Large organizations should welcome such scrutiny. Just give people the option. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. It is good that he has regrets, but too little --. I already sell my HP elite x3, but I still using windows phone 10 with my ex Lumia 930. I'm a Verizon customer for 15 years, and I heard they were so mad at Microsoft, hence their later attitude towards carrying and supporting Windows phone. All I know is that I now sit here with an Lumia 950 XL phone that will loose apps support faster than water runs down the strain. They could have moved the new Insider fork to just the X3 and kept a core group of loyalists happy while testbeding the tech. By the time MS started giving it away,OEM's were invested in Android and had no incentive to look in any other direction. Now all you do is to carve "Microsoft was here" in someone else's tree. This brings us to: A huge chunk of the PC market remains on Windows XP. The launchers and Cortana they came out with on Android are nice, but they didn't even bother to properly integrate Cortana into the launcher. Six challenges for Microsoft as the Satya Nadella era begins, His CEO speech: Reading between the software lines, New Microsoft CEO must focus on partners, too, What's next for the Microsoft insiders who didn't get the CEO nod. Microsoft is preparing an update to Windows 8.x that is mostly focused on improving the Mouse And Keyboard experience, not its touch brother. I honestly dont think there was anything MS could have done to get back in the game. It is going to be about man with machines." Office 365 revenues fail to match declining traditional Office revenues. HoloLens? What unlock shareholder value really means is sell off or spin off assets andgive the cash to shareholders. Which might be at odds with the long-term strategy of the company itself. Now is their communication process and the way how they approach consumers ok? MS wake up!!! Not a clunky old device from work - because outside of the tech industry most people don't get shiny new laptops every 12-18months. Now, I am backing out of ALL their services and I am going to speak with my waller and go neck deep into the Apple Ecosystem. Microsoft is now worth more than $2.26 trillion. Nadella? I don't know what's the solution to that is. Hey Jason, thanks for this article. As Windows XP ages, it holds off future PC purchases and makes companies that use it less secure. Until then we can enjoy the many new Universal apps on our superior Lumia 950 (XL) phones. Def agree with the comments about verizon.and little doubt that played a big part in the lack of window phone sales Good he's admitted that is a huge issue. They will naturally go with what they know, which won't be Microsoft. I must confess that we use only Android and iOS phones in our household. All CTO, CIO, IT Directors, etc. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Sure Cortana is available on the PC, but where is the Cortana IoT integration? And, given that Stephen Elop was tipped as a leading CEO candidate, some could be unhappy that their guy did not win. Why does Microsoft need to be in the phone/mobile OS market? I currently have a 950XL. It's pretty simple, we all dream about making it big and changing the world for the better or if you're a materialistic person, making alot of money. Using Nadella Satya strengths to consolidate and expand the market position. At this rate, it's going to be cloud only as the consumer market dries up to nothing. Desktops and laptops will not go away but many working tasks WILL move over to the more PC like smart phones in the future. Now the global perception about the company has reached the lowest level. They are better off waiting 10-15 years to appease the next generation of consumers and developers who have no history of being let down a dozen times. Nokia always built the best Windowsphones anyway. Felt completely abandoned. WP is not OneCore so RIP WP, as announced. How many of those 100 million Windows phones are still in use? In Leadership, Organizational culture areas, the firm needs to navigate environment by building strong relationship with lobby groups and political network. If they did that thenthe OS could be loaded on to a phone. The mythical Windows future device to change the world. - High Margins Nadella Satya charges a premium compare to its competitors. Now time to guarantee their devices on point of sale. Most infrastructure people do not get transitional stages or phases. How hard this could be? But what really happened? During his four-day India visit, the Microsoft Executive Chairman and CEO had an interesting interaction with an AI at the Future Ready Technology Summit in Bengaluru on Wednesday. I hardly read Windows Central anymore either as the notifications are ***** on Android. The Windows Community is shocked by recent announcements, and I think Microsoft should be more concerned about our expectations. Folks Microsoft is a company that gets most of it's income from selling software and services to Enterprrise/Business customers.and to people who sell or and use Desktop PC's. It feels like Microsoft are deliberatey sabotaging themselves. Windows 10 has the numbers and we see new good quality apps appearing in the store on a daily basis. Just a fool without vision and strategy thinking from day to day. Satya Narayana Nadella ( ting Telugu: , / ndl /; sinh ngy 19 thng 8 nm 1967) l mt gim c iu hnh kinh doanh ngi M gc n . Nah he is just paving the way of killing "the shiny new thing" in a few months to a year, again citing no developer interest. What he fails to see are the longterm effects of his short term decisions. In fact, without the iPhone Apple would be a struggling little company. The rise was based on hopes that the underlying technology will live up to the prediction by Satya Nadella, the company's CEO, that it would "reshape pretty much every software category that we know." . So back to windows i went.twice! Worse-than-expected PC sales would also harm OEM revenues for Microsoft, both from consumers and enterprises. As a consumer, I am now no longer interested in MS apps or services, and am now figuring out whether to switch to Android (and Google's apps and services) or Apple. WP7 was the transition from Windows mobile and kept all of it's functionality in a touch environment similar to WM 6.5. We were told that Microsoft was compremetida with Windows 10 mobile and now we leave the users side, Microsoft Lords as you want to grow the quota if you do not sell phones and does not enough marketing and the developers are going other platform RMs.
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