Pros And Cons Of Five Day School Week Though some people say that four days in a school week will help students in certain classes especially in math, this test only worked on 4th and 5th graders. According to new research, the four-day week is a popular way for parents and students to spend quality time together. The program not only saves districts money, but it also allows students to spend more time with their families. 5. Students are still getting the same amount of instruction in terms of minutes, just in a shorter number of days. In some situations, a single teacher may be responsible for over 100 students. These crimes occurred all during the week, It can also be difficult to monitor, as students may be able to find ways to sneak in a recess break even when they are supposed to be punished. If schools only had one day off per week, millions of dollars would be saved. There are a variety of health issues that can be caused by a lack of sleep. remediating them begin to take a bite out of the budget. According to the findings, relocating some math classes to the morning and other subjects, such as English, to the afternoon might result in an increase in students GPAs and test outcomes. The only students who actually get to benefit from the 4-day school week are those that do not have any extra-curricular activities in which they are involved. Why did they switch to 4-day school weeks? After physical activity, children with or without ADHD appear to perform better at attention, memory, and mood. According to the vast majority of states, spanking your child is against the law. Year-Round Schedules Many people think of the school year as starting in August or at the beginning of September and continuing for 10 months. He goes on to say that in order to realize that level of savings, schools must severely limit transportation for activities or programs not conducted on regular school days. The disadvantage is that more time does not equate to more learning. It may reduce the number of discipline referrals for students. Rural school districts and small school districts benefit the most from a 4-day schedule because of their natural isolation. the fifth day, but they forget, they will still be open and running activities NOTE : The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Adds flexibility to teacher's schedules. The Edvocate was created in 2014 to argue for shifts in education policy and organization in order to enhance the quality of education and the opportunities for learning afforded to P-20 students in America. It might help school districts save money. Approximately 1,800 schools in the U.S. have extended learning hours, but there are many pros and cons of extended school days. The major pros and cons of a 4-day school week suggest that it can save money for districts, which means taxpayers benefit. In the United States, only five states require recess in elementary schools, with Texas not one of them. The Peach County School District in Georgia saw that their graduation rates slowly increased year after year when they switched to a 4-day school week. In 2009, there were 3,000 schools in the United States operating on a year-round basis. Research has shown that in this configuration, students who are low-income, minority, or special needs dont fare too well academically. But just because the final bell rang doesnt mean that youre done. There can be no one answer to this question because it is a matter of case by case. When the new school day was implemented, the system was relieved of the need to cram math, reading, and science into a short period of time, allowing for more time to be spent on subjects that students enjoy and teachers enjoy. The ability to express oneself via electives can make children happier and more cooperative in the classroom. If something goes wrong . Many companies have found that when workers are able to work a schedule which suits their needs, letting them work how they like, then their workers are more productive. Shorter school days should be utilized in the U.S. education system as it comes with many benefits. We call for a relatively radical and certainly quite comprehensive reorganization of Americas P-20 system. Changing school start times will increase attendance and money brought in. four-day week across 16 school districts. This schedule cycles consistently throughout the year while making minor adjustments for major holidays and teacher workdays. The decision to implement such a schedule must therefore be handled at the local level. There tends to be less student exhaustion, which allows them to focus more on the learning process. Con: Not all students need one-on-one assistance, and some may even experience boredom or burnout from the extended school day. It was suggested that a combination of four-week summer holidays and a school day finishing at 4:30pm would lead to improvements in pupil attainment. These are the key points that must be addressed first. Spread the loveEducation is a collaborative process, as it takes many stakeholders working in unison to help students succeed academically. In 2006, a study by Yarbrough and Gilman found that teachers working in a 5-day school schedule reported that they have a lot of wasted time. The That reorganization, though, and the underlying effort, will have much to do with reviving the American education system, and reviving a national love of learning. One of the biggest concerns of a 4-day school week is the length of seat time that younger students must complete. New Haven teachers in an unprecedented move allowed their teacher unions to take over the rewriting of their contracts. For some, a 4-day week makes perfect sense. More teaching: Covid-19 has resulted in a lot of disruption in teaching. Finally, teachers and students would have better relationships as they spend more time together instead of being rushed. But recently, there has been a move towards shorter weeks across the United States. Most parents work a 5-day schedule and struggle to adapt to a 4-day school schedule. They can supervise their children at the bus stop in rural districts as well. Very Costly. If a student lives an hour outside of town and have an 8am school bell to meet, then theyre on the bus at 7am. Special correspondent Lisa Stark of Education Week reports on the pros and cons for students, families and schools. When teachers are more effective and efficient, student performance follows a similar pattern. It is encouraged for students to try new things in order to benefit from them. Shorter Classes: Depending on your school's summer schedule, you can complete a semester's worth of work in eight, five, or even three weeks. Teacher time will be increased when the school day is extended, allowing them to spend more time with pupils and to concentrate on problem areas and more challenging content. If you want to avoid withholding recess as punishment, consider rewarding yourself rather than punishing yourself, such as rewarding yourself with extra recess for good behavior. Children need the opportunity to rest and re-energize, and theyre often overextended with activities, homework and part-time jobs. This solution has many mixed opinions from parents, teachers and. There is no one answer to this question as it can depend on individual circumstances. Longer school days may lead to attention deficit and fatigue, making the extra class time ineffective. Some school districts have reported saving Spread the loveTo be twice-exceptional is to be exceptionally gifted in some academic aspects while being below average compared to peers in other aspects. There are several advantages and disadvantages of 4-day school weeks to examine based on the results that districts are reporting from their efforts to implement this schedule. The four-day school is a phenomenon that has been sweeping across the U.S. Many of these districts are small and rural, such as Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Wyoming. To compare, a regular semester generally lasts 16-18 weeks. Over the course of their first year on this new schedule, they reported that the frequency of discipline referrals for their students dropped by 73%. Those changes happen because students who are active participants in their learning have more fun in school. Some educators believe that extending the school day until 5:00 p.m. is the answer. Since the approach to curriculum development and pedagogical style varies by state and district, data must be disaggregated to evaluate specific impact. That can make it difficult for some students to pay attention to the information being provided. The disadvantage is that more time does not equate to more learning. To be competitive in a global market, students need to be exposed to a wide variety of subject matter. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that children between the ages of 12 and 18 require at least eight hours of sleep per night, and in some cases as much as nine hours. The length of the school day in China varies from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. With a shortened school day, the amount of instructional time would be reduced. Con: A longitudinal study in New Mexico looked at the performance difference in K-3 students from seven different school districts. Spread the loveTeachers need to realize that at home, in their neighborhoods, and in school, many students face difficulties that can interfere with learning. Younger people shouldn't have to work as long as some adults do. Increase Engagement and Productivity. Better sleep: Delayed start time could help teens sleep during . Your email address will not be published. In New Mexico, 18 of the states 89 school districts are currently using this alternative schedule. Black Boys in Crisis: Why Arent They Reading? Additionally student involvement and safety would suffer. There are positive outcomes that may occur, but there are negative outcomes that must also be managed. Why shorter school days are better for teachers? STP every day allows students to do their schoolwork, resulting in reduced overall stress. Small group learning with discussion, for example, increases the information retention rate for students up to 80%. In the 4-day school week The schools who did switch the expenses reduced by 20%, transportation would reduce also by 20%, and the average district could have saving of 5.43% total budget. There are potential savings to food programs and other important areas of infrastructure because the school district is closed 1 additional day each week. First, it would give students more time to focus on their homework and studies outside of school. Better Employee Engagement A 4 day week can lead to happier and more committed employees. There are many changes with switching the school days. The majority of these are found in the western United States, including Oregon, Montana, Idaho, Colorado, and Oklahoma, Thompson said. Spread the loveOne of the questions that I am frequently asked is, what does a good teacher look like? Other Debates. According to author accounts, teachers and students suffer as a result of recess being taken away as a punishment for behavior. The requirements for total education time do not change just because a school district goes to a 4-day school week. Longer school days would provide students with more time to focus on core subjects or classes where they need more instruction, which would be a huge benefit. The University of New Mexico Newsroom: Research Study Yields Unexpected Conclusion About Longer School Years. In the United States, the average school day is around six and a half hours long. Anecdotal evidence also suggests that attendance improves; parents and teachers can schedule doctor's appointments and other weekday commitments for Fridays rather than during school days. Rural school districts find the greatest benefit in this area. Sports schedules are easier to manage. Spread the loveUsually, people are under the wrong impression that geography does not offer many job opportunities, and there are no jobs for a geographer. Pros and Cons of the Four-Day Week Proponents of four-day school weeks say that even though cost savings are minimal, they are achieved. Such as emotional and behavioral problems, violence, depression, alcohol use, impaired cognitive function, etc. The average time for school that is scheduled in a 4-day week is either 7:30am-5pm or 8am-5:30pm. One is that it would likely mean that teachers would have to teach more classes, which could lead to burnout. 4. Custer School District, in rural South Dakota, believed they could save $70,000 with a 4-day school week. Many schools are adding thirty minutes to both the beginning and end of the school day. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Extended School Days. Many school districts keep their administrative staff on school grounds all week long, though some allow half to take a Monday off, while the other half takes Friday off. In It can help teachers and students better manage the process of learning. It is critical to avoid producing a longer school day and instead produce a healthier, more balanced, and more engaging one. In YRE, the number of days in school equals the number of days in a calendar year (180 days). . Delaying school start times is associated with a decrease in bedtimes and an increase in sleep for every minute the school day is delayed. Well, for some rural schools across the nation, this has become a reality. 2. If the schools made 40 minute periods, the students could learn just as much as they would in a 50 minute period.One of the biggest benefits of this system is the financial savings. Delaying school start times will assist students in developing the skills required to reach their full potential. It would also be beneficial to reduce the week in order to promote activity participation. How To Switch School Districts Without Moving? According to ASCD, many disciplinary issues that students face come from scheduled transitions. In the Article by Lisa Lewis, it also talks about how delaying school by 1 hour produces the same benefit as shrinking class size by one-third or replacing a teacher in the 50th percentile of effectiveness with one in the 84th percentile.(Lewis). The very thought of sending kids to school year-round makes some parents cringe. 3. More rest then equates to dealing with less stress over the course of a school year. Defining Moments Are What Make Good School Leaders Great, Year-Round Schooling: How it Affects Students, Why you need a multi-tiered behavioral support approach, Understanding Strategy and Strategic Leadership, Teaching & Learning Strategies, Concepts, and Terms That Every Teacher Must Know: Letters DIA-DIG, First-Year Teachers: 4 Reasons You Need a Mentor Right Now, 18 Reasons the U.S. Education System is Failing, The Top 5 Unexpected Benefits of Early Childhood Education. Students who attend year-round school have the same number of school days as their counterparts following a traditional schedule. Shortening the school day can give kids and teens more time for movement, brain breaks, and other activities that have been shown to improve learning outcomes, among other benefits.. With more room to move and less worry about following the rules in class, kids can be better equipped to focus when needed. When making a decision about whether to adopt a shorter school week, it is important for school districts to consider the 4 day school week pros and cons. Public school everything for schoolchildren and students. Lets face it our best school memories arent from tests or pop quizzes. What Grades Is Elementary School? An understandable concern for parents, teachers, and students about the 4-day school week is the extended time required to be at school during the day. One of the primary reasons why school districts, especially rural districts, save money when they shift to a 4-day schedule is because there are fewer transportation costs. If you ask the average kid what they think about school, youll get a very honest answer: Its boring. From K-12, it can be difficult for students to stay engaged in the classroom during a 5-day school week. That also means some families, with children who are old enough, can eliminate daycare expenses completely with this type of scheduling option. You are more likely to face poverty: those who drop out of school without any plans, stare at poverty in the face without the option of getting out of it. One is that it would likely mean that teachers would have to teach more classes, which could lead to burnout. The Rochester City Council established the Extended Learning Time initiative as part of Rochesters ongoing commitment to education. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Signup for The Edvocate Newsletter and have the latest in P-20 education news and opinion delivered to your email address! The school day could be shortened to give children and teenagers more time for movement, brain breaks, and other activities that have been shown to increase learning outcomes. If a longer lunch allows high school students to leave campus, they might opt for unhealthy fast-food options; on the other hand, this extended time might allow them to seek out healthier dishes than those available in the cafeteria. Most students, especially younger ones, find that the traditional school schedule is already too long. It is a program for mostly rural and small school districts. It provides an extra day for actual rest to occur when it may be needed without compromising the remainder of the family schedule. When students are too tired or mentally exhausted to concentrate at the end of the day, the last hour becomes meaningless. Although families benefit from the 3-day weekend and those scheduling benefits, the non-traditional time off given to students can offset some of that savings. The four-day week, according to the research, is far more cost-effective than the traditional five-day week. Instead, an investment should be made in improving teaching strategies and new technology that could transform the learning process. Shorter, intense courses in which a semesters worth of content is delivered at an expedited rate were deemed to be more successful by students in a recent study by academics at the University of Texas at Austin. Since many of the families in these areas run farms, it gives families extra time to get work done during the week. In the standard 5-day school week, sports practices occur after school. For the parents of younger students, an additional full day of daycare may need to be scheduled every week instead of a partial day. Most students in the four-day districts80 percent of high school students and 90 percent of elementary studentsspent their "off day" at home. Pro: An extended school day provides more flexibility for parents, eliminating the need for after-school care. Financial problems is was most of a four day school week is about. Delaying school start times has been shown to have positive outcomes for students and families in overwhelming scientific research. This added After analyzing Colorado schools operating on four-day school weeks, (Dam) reports that transportation costs can be reduced by 20%. Because the four-day school week has only been around for a decade or so, we simply dont have enough time, data, or research to make a definitive declaration. It lists the advantages of the four-day model as: Improved morale and fewer absences: A shorter working week leads to less burnout, making staff happier and more focused in . . Spread the loveThis program assesses 15-year-old students schooling in countries that form part of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. They can explore and discover various hobbies and interests, maintain their stress levels and get more sleep. That means the students in those districts have better opportunities to learn. Recent survey findings show that four-day school weeks have been adopted as a way to alleviate budgetary issues, attract teachers, and reduce student absencesissues that the pandemic . Students are tired and cranky by the end of the day. From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors, 20 Major Pros and Cons of a 4 Day School Week, 21 Best SMART Goals Examples for Teachers and Educators, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors. The school day had to accommodate available daylight and the requirements of helping with the family farm. They argue that playing with classmates helps children develop social skills. Teachers will have more leisure time to spend with their family as a result of the reduced school days. The challenges of implementing such a schedule for parents, administrators, and even some teachers have caused some Colorado school districts to return to the traditional schedule instead of the alternative 4-day schedule. Dr. Kelly S. Meier - Updated May 03, 2019, Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Education, Explore state by state cost analysis of US colleges in an interactive article, NavajoCode: Unbiased Longer School Days Pros and Cons. What are the Pros and Cons of 4-Day School Weeks? Examining the pros and cons of year-round school gives insight into why some education leaders push for its adoption while others argue for sticking to the traditional 10-month schedule. Many recommend that teens get at least eight hours of sleep to feel well rested and . Children would get up early and help with chores, go to school and then help out on the farm until sundown. Too Early to Tell A longer school day would involve substantial funding for teacher salaries and facility maintenance. The average length of the K-12 school day is 8:30 to 3:00, engaging U.S. students in school for 6.64 hours a day over the span of 180 school days. School districts consider shorter school days for several reasons, including saving money and providing students the ability to participate in more extracurricular activities. Staying at school for the majority of the day isn't allowing me . Those against extended lunches might argue . During class time, young kids who are too exhausted to concentrate or perform well may experience tiredness or fall asleep. Having students to fit 5 days' worth of classroom time into 4 days would make for a tiring schedule, where many of the younger school children would find it very difficult to focus on their study for such long periods. Spread the loveAre you looking for strategies to help students who cannot fasten their own clothes? There have been several studies that reported the 4-day school week had positive effects on students math and reading scores. The disadvantage is that more time does not equate to more learning. Spread the loveThis term describes a manner of classifying gifted students to place them in properly segmented classrooms. In return, the number of disciplinary measures can also be reduced. Four day school weeks may not be a realistic situation for all schools throughout the nation, but for those that it is possible, the four day school week saves money, improves test scores, and further improves the school as a whole. After-school jobs are a common way for teens to make money. on those days off. This is one reason school districts use to implement dress codes. The idea of having a four-day school has been around for several decades, and has been considered at least since the 1930s, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Elizabeth Perle 1). The schedule forces teachers to spend small blocks of time on specific topics without really being able to dig into in-depth issues. 1. That means the average cost, per student, is about $700. This schedule works much better for parents, who often have that working schedule themselves. Colorado has nearly three-quarters of its school districts on a four-day schedule. Florida's inflation-adjusted education spending per student has roughly doubled in the last 30 years -- to $7,473 in 2000-01. Arlene Ackerman says she and her students don't have the strength to teach or learn near the end of the school day. Not only would this give everyone a 3-day weekend to enjoy, it would also limit the pressure on students and teachers to have a diversified learning experience in a compressed time period. I believe that if we go to a four day school week that it would help the kids physically, mentally, and financially. A poll where 2,700 random people were polled about 67% favoured a 4 day school week(university of Scranton). Extending the school days even longer would further cut into valuable time to bond with family. Teachers are attracted by the prospect of having a shorter work week. The standard requirement for schools is 180 days or an average range of 990-1080 hours. There are improvements in the school financially. Children have more time to participate in other activities that help them learn more. The schedule change also shifted how teachers assigned homework, making it more efficient and focused. that the flexibility of the 4-day work week helps them get more done. Just 11 of the districts had enrollments of more than 1,000 students. Spread the loveThis term refers to the grouping of students by mental capability, aptitude, or hobbies. One internet search reveals a wealth of opinions on both sides of the issue, and each argument sheds light on the topic. This leads to added costs that some families, living paycheck to paycheck, may not be able to afford. Over the next three years, the school district was able to save 2% on their overall costs each year, for a total of $200,000. One school said that they have saved a teacher in diesel fuel costs (chiaramonte 2 ). The organization 4 Day Week Global sponsored the program. For school districts following the 4-day school week, the Thanksgiving holiday usually receives a full week off instead of the final two days of the week. If so, keep reading. Other schools are worried about academic performance.
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