A nine-month Courier Journal investigation reveals how CJNG's reach hasspread across the U.S. in the past five years, overwhelming cities and small towns with massive amounts of drugs. A high-ranking state official in Jaliscosaid Americans are too quick to blame Mexico for the U.S. drug crisis. "I know Im not that person," he said, refusing to elaborate. Bill Bodner, special agent in charge of the DEA's field office in . More than 60 were targeted, including a biotech consulting company, a bakery and hillside vacation cabins. [71] According to the report, the diversity of these businesses showed that the CJNG was successful at penetrating the economy. El Cholo afterwards retaliated by co-founding a new cartel called the Nueva Plaza Cartel. But in stark contrast to the flamboyant Pablo Escobar and El Chapo who carefully cultivated Robin Hood personas to offset their violent reputations, very little is known of El Mencho. For 53-year-old El Mencho, success did not come early. Tipped off that a police caravan was on its way to grab El Mencho, CJNGhitmen hidalong the route in April 2015 and ambushed fourpolice vehicles. In court, El Mencho insisted that he was innocent. Adults and children are forced to work in CJNG's crude meth super labs vats on patches of dirt hidden in the jungle. The cartel alsorecruitsspies in theMexicangovernment and policeto keep its leaders out of jail and avoid drug busts. CJNG also has enlisted white-collar expertise. 20 Dec 2022 0. In America, Hispanic workers find themselves looked atwith suspicion because of political rhetoric that brands the drug trade and immigration as one and the same, say advocates for those workers. Under his command, the CJNG became one of Mexico's leading criminal organizations. Nemesio Oseguera-Cervantes. CJNG remains the domineering force in its namesake state of Jalisco - where the former governor was gunned down on Friday, in what many believe to have been the work of the cartel - and its . And court records detail how the cartel lures those who need money to serve as drug or cash couriers or money launderers. 2:35. Why is The Courier Journal reporting on a deadly Mexican drug cartel? Maciasand Sosa were convicted of meth trafficking and money laundering and are serving 31 and 15 years, respectively, in federal prison. This article was published more than2 years ago. That attack appears to have been carried out by the Santa Rosa de Lima cartel against the Jalisco cartel. In Mexico, a DEA investigator said he was stunned when he learned CJNG cells were popping up in communities as small as Axton. [10][14] According to court records, El Mencho and his brother Abraham were at a San Francisco bar known as Imperial to carry out a heroin deal: five ounces for US$9,500. [28] The government estimates that El Mencho's group has about US$50billion in total assets. Mexican authorities arrested the brother of the supreme leader of Cartel Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) Tuesday. [14], In the Milenio Cartel, El Mencho started as a member of the assassin squad that protected the drug lord Armando Valencia Cornelio (alias "El Maradona"). Unlike his reclusive father, the 25-year-old lived in a luxury high-rise apartment in downtown Guadalajara and often stepped out in designer clothes to eat in fancy restaurants. With a $10 million reward on his head, hes on the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administrations Most Wanted list. As they hovered over a cartel convoy, CJNG members fired Russian-made rocket-propelled grenade launchers, shooting down Morales helicopterinto a cluster of trees. According to government sources, Acevedo Crdenas directed CJNG cells in Zacoalco, Tlajomulco, Cocula, Tapalpa and Atemajac de Brizuela, Jalisco. August 4, 2022 CJNG sicarios posed with their faces uncovered in a series of 2021 photos. They seized more than $1 million in drug moneyhis couriers were hauling to Mexico. U.S. law enforcement has described Rubn Oseguera-Gonzlez, AKA El Menchito, as a former second-in-command of the powerful Jalisco New Generation Cartel. During that time,overdoses sent more victims to Kentucky's morgues than bullets and car crashes combined withthe commonwealth sufferingthe fifth-highest overdose death rate in the nation. [54] In 2014, however, the DEA noticed a radical shift in the CJNG's modus operandi; El Mencho was discovered to have coordinated a methamphetamine shipment that went from Mexico to Australia then to the U.S. by leveraging China-based gangs. Pablo Escobar was a Colombian born drug kingpin who had a peak net worth of $30 billion dollars during his lifetime. The army said it captured Antonio Oseguera in possession of weapons in a suburb of Guadalajara, the capital of the western state of Jalisco. MEXICO (INFOBAE/DEA) - Clashes, executions, clandestine graves. [10] At the age of 14 he started guarding marijuana plantations. Mexico's President Andrs Manuel Lpez . my name is PABLO OSEGUERA member carte Jalisco New Generation and pimp of the domestic sexual service house I've been calling you cause you've been speaking to one of my girls which offered you her service and you only made her lose her time. . According to government sources, he is responsible for overseeing the CJNG's entire drug trafficking operations in the states of Jalisco, Colima, and Guanajuato, where he created a bastion for methamphetamine production and trade. The Jalisco cartel's violence has taken a horrific toll on the state and experts say it poses a threat to Mexico's government Skip to main content Skip to navigation Subscribe He decided to plead guilty and protect his brother from life imprisonment. It also operated a tequila label,casinos,two shopping centers,a medical clinic,real estate companies and a Pacific Ocean resort frequented by Americans, according to U.S. Treasury Department records. El Mencho was left with few options; if he pleaded not guilty, his brother Abrahamwho already had felony drug sentences in his recordwould probably face life in prison. Betrayal led to the drug ring'scollapse. ", "Marina detiene a operador del crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin", "Revelan qu tan grande es la fortuna de 'El Mencho', uno de los capos ms ricos segn la DEA", "Procuradura de Justicia de Jalisco turna a la PGR investigacin de bloqueos", "Los narcobloqueos en Jalisco, plan de distraccin para que huyera El Mencho", "Detencin de 'El Mencho' caus narcobloqueos; ofreca PGR 19 MDP por su captura", "Guadalajara Road Blockades Not Prompted by Cartel Leader Arrest: Police", "Confirman que 'El Mencho' escap gracias a narcobloqueos", "Policias, objetivo de cartel; en 20 dias matan a 21", "Jefe de clula del CJNG, una de las vctimas de enfrentamiento en Jalisco", "Bloody Attack on Police in Mexico Raises Jalisco Cartel's Profile", "Agresin contra Solorio Archiga fue por abatimiento de 'El Gringo', "Assailants block Mexican police convoy, kill 15 officers in ambush", "Mxico: matan a 15 policas en una emboscada en Jalisco", "Fifteen Mexican police officers killed in deadly ambush in Jalisco state", "Confirman asesinato de director de polica de Zacoalco de Torres", "Autoridades Federales implementan 'Operacin Jalisco', "El narco demuestra su podero: derriba un helicptero, 39 bloqueos, 7 muertos", "Suman nueve muertos por derribo de helicptero en Jalisco", "Tras cada de helicptero escap 'El Mencho', por quinta vez", "Seven killed and a military helicopter shot down amid wave of violence in Mexico", "La guarida de El Mencho, en los lmites de Jalisco y Michoacn", "La evolucin del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin: de la extincin al dominio global", "En los 90 EU apres al 'Mencho' y al 'Cuini' pero los dej ir", "Mexico's Jalisco Cartel New Generation: From Extinction to World Domination", "Mexican Drug Cartels and DarkNetworks: An Emerging Threat to Australia's National Security", "Procuradura General de la Repblica: Acuerdo A/ 102 /11", "Recompensas: Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes", "Treasury Further Targets The Business Network of the Los Cuinis Drug Trafficking Organization", Embassy of the United States, Mexico City, "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA V. ABIGAEL GONZALEZ VALENCIA AND NEMESIO OSEGUERA CERVANTES", "Teen YouTube star gunned down after hurling insults at cartel boss", "Mexican YouTube star, 17, found dead after insulting notorious cartel boss", "Ofrece PGR recompensa de 30 millones de pesos por informacin que conduzca a la detencin de Rubn Oseguera Cervantes", "Mexico: bounty raised over $1m on drug cartel kingpin 'El Mencho', "PGR sube a $30 millones recompensa por la cabeza de 'El Mencho', "U.S. Offers $10 Million for Information Leading to Mexican Drug Lord's Arrest", "Justice, Treasury, and State Departments Announce Coordinated Enforcement Efforts Against Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion", "Treasury Sanctions Two Major Mexican Drug Organizations and Two of Their Leaders", "Treasury Sanctions Five Businesses Supporting Cartel De Jalisco Nueva Generacion", "Niega juez amparo a la hija de 'El Mencho', "CJNG and Los Cuinis: Drug Trafficking Organizations", "Treasury Sanctions Individuals Supporting Powerful Mexico-Based Drug Cartels", "The New Criminal Group Hitting Mexico's CJNG Where It Hurts", "Erick Valencia Salazar "El 85": El otro fundador del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin al que "El Mencho" traicion", "Mexican police arrested the wife of cartel chief 'El Mencho,' and it may mean they're closing in on the head of Mexico's most powerful cartel", "Body wrapped in plastic, left on park bench believed to be cartel boss", "Mexican cartel leader's body left wrapped in plastic on park bench", "Capturan al hermano del 'Mencho' en Jalisco", "Cae el hermano de 'El Mencho' en Jalisco", "Reaprehenden al yerno de 'El Mencho' en Jalisco", "A 'El Menchito' lo agarraron porque 'no le avisaron a tiempo', "Mexico Just Busted the Alleged Financial Brains of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel", "Operation Jalisco has failed after three years", "Wife of Jalisco New Generation Cartel boss arrested in Zapopan", "Wife of Jalisco New Generation Cartel leader released from jail", "Federal forces capture two cartel chieftains in Jalisco", "Daughter of alleged Mexican drug kingpin "El Mencho" arrested in Washington D.C.", "Daughter of reputed Mexican drug lord sentenced in US", "The downfall of Rosalinda Gonzlez, leading figure of a powerful Mexican drug cartel", "Rosalinda Gonzlez: alleged CJNG chief comes from a family of narcos", "How will Mexico's president handle "El Mencho", a kingpin on the rise? Then the group sent three dozen men armed with military-grade weapons into one of the countrys most exclusive neighborhoods, authorities say, to kill the capitals top security official. Mexicos Jalisco New Generation Cartel blazes a bloody trail in rise to power. In February 2022 unconfirmed reports began to surface stating that El Mencho died from respiratory arrest while undergoing treatment in a private hospital in Guadalajara. [39] On 30 March, CJNG gunmen in Zapopan, Jalisco, ambushed a convoy containing Alejandro Solorio Archiga, Jalisco's security commissioner. Passed over for promotion, ElMenchoteamed withhis in-laws who ran an affiliatedcartel and forged his own criminal organizationin early 2011 CJNG. [14], Three weeks after the incident both men were arrested by the police. Antonio lived in the U.S. and was released from a Mississippi prison in 2001 after completing his sentence for property damage charges. So instead of blaming, we should look for solutions.. American officials have described Ruben Oseguera-Gonzalez as a former second-in-command of the fast-growing and ultra-violent Jalisco New Generation Cartel. [37] On 23 March, Heriberto Acevedo Crdenas (alias "El Gringo" and "El Gero"), one of El Mencho's close associates, was killed in a shootout with the Federal Police in Zacoalco de Torres, Jalisco. How a Mexican cartel turned a rural area into a hidden cocaine hub, One mistake trapped a desperate dad in a Mexican drug cartel's web. In Illinois,the cartel teamed with Vice Lordsgang members to grow a drug network that stretched from Southern California through the Midwest and into Nashville and Paducah, Kentuckyknown for its riverwalk murals and the National QuiltMuseum. CJNG has skirted Mexican and U.S. inspections at legal border crossings by hiding drugs in semitrailers hauling tomatoes, avocados and other produce, dumping at least 5 tons of cocaine and 5 tons of meth into this country every month, according to DEA estimates. A war ensued, and the two groups fought for the drug smuggling turfs in Jalisco. It also identified at least two dozen "cells," which the DEA defines as places where cartel members set up shop to do business and live in the communities. Businesses in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and Los Angeles would buy the goldand then send the payments through wire transfers to Mexico including to Parra Pedroza's precious metals business. [15] He dropped out of primary school in fifth grade to work in the fields. He quickly amassed a privatearmy, with CJNG members recruitingor kidnappinghundreds of men in their 20s and boys as young as 12. "If you provide information to the Mexican government, its probably the last thing you would say.". In the 1990s, Abraham was given a 10-year prison sentence in California. This sanction was an attempt by the U.S. government to disrupt the inner circle of complicit family members within the CJNG and Los Cuinis and affect their finances in Mexico's domestic economy. "Your weapons laws (in the U.S.) are too weak," with American guns often ending up in the hands of cartel members in Mexico, he said. [49], According to the Mexican government, El Mencho may be hiding in the state of Jalisco, the CJNG's stronghold. Those who tried to run were tortured, killed and sometimescannibalizedby fellow recruits in what U.S. federal agents describe as a disturbing riteof passage. "We have a problem of corruption. Someone aware of the Lexington-Louisville operation talked to a DEA agent in 2016, who, in turn, flagged investigators in Kentucky. The violent CJNG is widely viewed as the most powerful gang in Mexico alongside the Sinaloa Cartel. [23][24], As leader of the CJNG, El Mencho solidified his position and grew his organization through territorial expansion and by corrupting government officials. The Jalisco New Generation Cartel has become Mexico's most powerful criminal organization, dominating the trade in fentanyl and methamphetamines and protecting its business by attacking Mexican . "Theyre killing the next generation, and one of them was my son," Brenda Cooley said. He shares intel with the DEA,but not his own people. [17][22], To legitimize its presence, El Mencho's group launched a propaganda campaign against its enemies, denouncing extortions done by rival gangs against civilians, businessmen, and government authorities. In June 2020, cartel gunmen carried out a brazen attack in Mexico City that left the police chief seriously . The arrest took place on early Tuesday morning in Tlajomulco, Jalisco, when military . [26] Internationally, the CJNG reportedly has ties with criminal groups in the U.S., Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. February 27, 2023 new bill passed in nj for inmates 2022 No Comments . This sanction was a result of another investigation done by the Treasury and the DEA office in Los Angeles. Initially, the CJNG produced methamphetamine, but then he moved to heroin production when the consumer demand changed. Juan was charged in Michoacn for burglary, but the case was later dismissed. [17] His rise to fame is due to a number of factors, including the aggressive and sensationalist displays of public violence by the CJNG. (24 November 2019). Ciro Macias Martinez was praised by his supervisor and fellow farmhands alike for his punctuality, work ethicand soothing manner with horses at the breeding and training farm in the heart of Kentucky. The attack was a response by the CJNG to protect El Mencho, who was reportedly in the area for a meeting. army ignited phone number; what is a doberman haversham; freddie mercury poster; stabbing at cowboy up broadalbin ny; carrie gibson toledo ohio; terraform engineer resume . For example, a Lexington waitress seekingcash to pay fordental assistant courses ended up making bank deposits that she didnt know were for CJNG, according to court transcripts. [60] In addition, the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas is looking to convict El Mencho for drug trafficking offenses. The cartel emerged in 2010, first as an ally of the Sinaloa cartel of Joaqun El Chapo Guzmn, and then, by 2013, as an independent organization trafficking drugs through some of Mexicos central and western states. [88] He was later released in December 2016. [36], On 19 March 2015, in Ocotln, Jalisco, CJNG gunmen ambushed a Federal Police convoy. [47][48] The battle extended throughout several municipalities in Jalisco; El Mencho's men blockaded several roads across the Guadalajara area to slow down the mobilization of law enforcement and facilitate their leader's escape. U.S. officials have documented the cartels strategy of using extreme violence to overwhelm local populations. The answer, The Courier Journal found, kept pointing to CJNG. In Guanajuato, many analysts think the administration is merely waiting for one cartel to destroy the other so that relative peace can return under the monopoly of a single group. "Once the cartel brings a huge load across (the border) and throws it out there for everyone to sell, its out of their hands. On 12 August 2003 his boss was arrested by Mexican authorities. Today, the Justice Department and DEA announced a superseding indictment on charges of alleged continuing criminal enterprise against Nemesio Ruben Oseguera Cervantes, also known as "El Mencho," the undisputed leader of CJNG. The killing was ordered after Rosales dissed JNGC leader Oseguera Cervantes a.k.a El Mencho on social media (GRAPHIC) Eleven months after the Lexington raid, a SWAT team crept in the darkness and blasted off the front door of the tire shop owner's house in Louisville. In the hours after the attack, senior Mexican officials, including the mayor of Mexico City, refused to speculate on who might have been responsible. After agents toppled the drug ring, the cartel turned on the gang. The charges were later dropped and the case was closed. Both governments are offering up to $30million and US$10million, respectively, for information leading to his arrest. MEXICO CITY (AP) The Mexican army on Tuesday arrested the brother of the country's most wanted drug cartel boss, Nemesio "El Mencho" Oseguera, the Mexico Defense Department said. Female cartel boss known as 'Dame of Death' killed in shootout with Mexican state forces Just 21, 'La Catrina' was a suspected boss in the Jalisco New Generation Cartel led by Nemesio. American daughter of Mexico's fugitive cartel leader facing up to 30 years in prison after she pleaded guilty to doing business with his Jalisco New Generation Cartel Rommel Pascua Cipriano. Theyre kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place right now with the murders going up, the drug trafficking going up, traffickers gaining more money to be able to corrupt more people and to have international influence and contacts, Donahue said. The other division refused El Mencho's request, prompting an internal war. [28], El Mencho was able to make the CJNG one of Mexico's most profitable criminal gangs. In September 1992, he was arrested again, this time on federal drug charges in Sacramento, California. "I promise, you will hear more about El Mencho.". Il est galement prsent aux tats-Unis, o il est impliqu dans un tiers deux tiers du trafic de drogue national, notamment dans les villes de Los Angeles, Houston, New York et Chicago.. Il est aussi implant au Guatemala et est l'un des groupes .
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