Extensive archaeological digs have shown that the area was an important trade and manufacturing center in the 15th century, but no firm evidence of royal residence has come to light. After the publication of this atlas, Mansa Musa became cemented in the global imagination as a figure of stupendous wealth.After his return from Mecca, Mansa Musa began to revitalize cities in his kingdom. He recruited scholars from the wider Muslim world to travel to Mali, such as the Andalusian poet Abu Ishaq al-Sahili, and helped establish Timbuktu as a center of Islamic learning. Retrieved from https://www.worldhistory.org/video/2147/mansa-musa-family-tree--empire-of-mali/. 24 June, 2022. What is evident is that there is no steady lineage governing the empire. If no button appears, you cannot download or save the media. [78] Nehemia Levtzion regarded 1337 as the most likely date,[72] which has been accepted by other scholars. Consequently, the name of Mali and Timbuktu appeared on 14th century world maps. ", "Recherches sur l'Empire du Mali au Moyen Age", "Towards a New Study of the So-Called Trkh al-fattsh", World History Encyclopedia Mansa Musa I, History Channel: Mansa Moussa: Pilgrimage of Gold, Caravans of Gold, Fragments in Time: Art, Culture, and Exchange across Medieval Saharan Africa, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mansa_Musa&oldid=1142573327, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Mansa Musa was portrayed in two games in the, Mansa Musa was portrayed in the episode ", This page was last edited on 3 March 2023, at 05:05. In Ibn Khaldun's account, Sundjata is recorded as Mari Djata with "Mari" meaning "Amir" or "Prince". His reign saw the first in a string of many great losses to Mali. Another testimony from Ibn Khaldun describes the grand pilgrimage of Mansa Musa consisting of 12,000 slaves: "He made a pilgrimage in 724/1324 []. During this period, trade routes shifted southward to the savanna, stimulating the growth of states such as Bono state. Hamana (or Amana), southwest of Joma, became the southern sphere, with its capital at Kouroussa in modern Guinea. Mansa Mahmud Keita II received the Portuguese envoys Pro d'vora and Gonalo Enes in 1487. [142][143] Numerous sources attest that the inland waterways of West Africa saw extensive use of war canoes and vessels used for war transport where permitted by the environment. Mansa Ms, whose empire was one of the largest in the world at that time, is reported to have observed that it would take a year to travel from one end of his empire to the other. It was during Suleyman's 19-year reign that Ibn Battuta visited Mali. Traveling separately from the main caravan, their return journey to Cairo was struck by catastrophe. [81] He was replaced by Abu Bakr, a son of Sunjata's daughter. It may have been located close to modern Kangaba. [99] Mosques were built in Gao and Timbuktu along with impressive palaces also built in Timbuktu. He was the first African ruler to be widely known throughout Europe and the Middle East. Musa is reported to have reigned for 25 years, and different lines of evidence suggest he died either. Mans third spouse tells court he was a despot, Woman describes treatment in Aguanga torture trial, Social worker: Children in torture case appeared happy, healthy, Calif. torture trial airs family horror stories, Polygamist who tortured his family is sentenced to 7 life terms, Aguanga man to serve seven life sentences, Emerging from a notorious hell of abuse to counsel others, Laura Cowan, Mansa Musa Muhummed: Sex, Torture, Beatings In Muslim Cult, Former Polygamy Wife Speaks Out On Justice By Any Means. [15] He is also called Hidji Mansa Musa in oral tradition in reference to his hajj. Khalifa would shoot arrows at his subjects, so he was overthrown and killed. Free warriors from the north (Mandekalu or otherwise) were usually equipped with large reed or animal hide shields and a stabbing spear that was called a tamba. They camped for three days by the Pyramids of Giza, before crossing the Nile into Cairo on 19 July. Mansa Musa ruled the Malian empire from 1312-1337 CE. A dknsi performed the same function except with slave troops called sofa ("guardian of the horse") and under the command of a farimba ("great brave man"). A city called Dieriba or Dioliba is sometimes mentioned as the capital or main urban center of the province of Mande in the years before Sundiata, that was later abandoned. [8] Suleyman's death marked the end of Mali's Golden Age and the beginning of a slow decline. [58] This area was composed of mountains, savannah and forest providing ideal protection and resources for the population of hunters. [5] In c. 1285 Sakoura, a former royal court slave, became emperor and was one of Mali's most powerful rulers, greatly expanding the empire's territory. When Mansa Musa was giving gold away, he was following 2 . At both Gao and Timbuktu, a Songhai city almost rivalling Gao in importance, Mansa Ms commissioned Ab Isq al-Sil, a Granada poet and architect who had travelled with him from Mecca, to build mosques. Musa embarked on a large building program, raising mosques and madrasas in Timbuktu and Gao. [102], The Songhai settlement effectively shook off Mali's authority in 1375. [16], Al-Yafii gave Musa's name as Musa ibn Abi Bakr ibn Abi al-Aswad (Arabic: , romanized:Ms ibn Ab Bakr ibn Ab al-Aswad),[17] and Ibn Hajar gave Musa's name as Musa ibn Abi Bakr Salim al-Takruri. Salt was as valuable, if not more valuable, than gold in sub-Saharan Africa. According to Musa's own account, his predecessor as Mansa of Mali, presumably Muhammad ibn Qu,[31] launched two expeditions to explore the Atlantic Ocean (200 ships for the first exploratory mission and 2,000 ships for the second). [42] Another source of income for Mali during Musa's reign was taxation of the copper trade. He encouraged his subjects immersion in scholarship, the arts, and the Qurn. [118] Mahmud sought support from several other rulers, including the governor of Kala, Bukar. [72], According to Niane's version of the epic, during the rise of Kaniaga, Sundiata of the Keita clan was born in the early 13th century. [79] Some oral traditions agree with Ibn Khaldun in indicating that a son of Sunjata, named Yerelinkon in oral tradition and Wali in Arabic, took power as Sunjata's successor. One of these was Dioma, an area south of Niani populated by Fula Wassoulounk. [81] He went on the hajj during the reign of Mamluk sultan Baibars (12601277). The post of a farba was very prestigious, and his descendants could inherit it with the mansa's approval. Text on this page is printable and can be used according to our Terms of Service. This can be interpreted as either "Musa son of Abu Bakr" or "Musa descendant of Abu Bakr." However, the legendary oral tradition that surrounds Keita suggests that he never turned away from his native religion. It then seized Timbuktu from the Tuareg in 1468 under Sunni Ali Ber. Mali flourished especially when Timbuktu came under Mansa Musa's control. Mansa Musa eventually gained the throne owing to a strange sequence of events that turned in his favor. It was "an admirable Monument", surmounted by a dome and adorned with arabesques of striking colours. Mansa Ms, either the grandson or the grandnephew of Sundiata, the founder of his dynasty, came to the throne in 1307. CREDITS: Chart/Narration: Matt Baker. The Wolof populations of the area united into their own state known as the Jolof Empire in the 1350s. Under his reign, Mali conquered the neighbouring kingdom of Songhai. [93], Following Musa Keita III's death, his brother Gbr Keita became emperor in the mid-15th century. You cannot download interactives. "Mansa Musa Family Tree | Empire of Mali." From the Mamma Haidara Commemorative Library, Timbuktu. And so the name Keita became a clan/family and began its reign.[70]. Mansa Mari Djata Keita II became seriously ill in 1372,[93] and power moved into the hands of his ministers until his death in 1374. [j][52][53] While in Cairo, Musa met with the Mamluk sultan al-Nasir Muhammad, whose reign had already seen one mansa, Sakura, make the hajj. His elaborate pilgrimage to the Muslim holy city of Mecca in 1324 introduced him to rulers in the Middle East and in Europe. This is the first account of a West African kingdom made directly by an eyewitness; the others are usually second-hand. [122] They targeted Moroccan pashas still in Timbuktu and the mansas of Manden. While Mansa Musa's grandfather, Abu-Bakr, was a nephew of Sundiata Keita, the founder of the Malian Empire, neither he nor his descendants had a strong claim to the throne. It was common practice during the Middle Ages for both Christian and Muslim rulers to tie their bloodline back to a pivotal figure in their faith's history, so the lineage of the Keita dynasty may be dubious at best,[62] yet African Muslim scholars like the London-based Nigerian-British cleric Sheikh Abu-Abdullah Adelabu have laid claim of divine attainments to the reign of Mansa Mousa: "in Islamic history and its science stories of Old Mali Empire and significance of Mansa Mousa by ancient Muslim historians like Shihab al-Umari, documenting histories of African legendaries like Mansa Kankan Musa did actually exist in early Arabic sources about West African history including works of the author of Subh al-a 'sha one of the final expressions of the genre of Arabic administrative literature, Ahmad al-Qalqashandi Egyptian writer, mathematician and scribe of the scroll (katib al-darj) in the Mamluk chancery in Cairo[63] as well as by the author of Kitab al-Masalik wa al-Mamalik (Book of Highways and Kingdoms) Ab Ubayd Al-Bakri, an Arab Andalusian Muslim geographer and historian emboldened Keita Dynasty", wrote Adelabu. The date of Mahmud's death and identity of his immediate successor are not recorded, and there is a gap of 65 years before another mansa's identity is recorded. Around 1550, Mali attacked Bighu in an effort to regain access to its gold. "[96], Contemporary sources suggest that the mounts employed by this caravan were one hundred elephants, which carried those loads of gold, and several hundred camels, carrying the food, supplies and weaponries which were brought to the rear.[97]. [13][12] In the Manding languages, the modern descendants of the language spoken at the core of the Mali Empire, Manden or Manding is the name of the region corresponding to the heartland of the Mali Empire. To Musa, Islam was "an entry into the cultured world of the Eastern Mediterranean". Mansa Musa even built the Great Mosque of Djenn, one of the most famous mosques in Mali, to recognize his pilgrimage. Most West African canoes were of single-log construction, carved and dug out from one massive tree trunk.[144]. [61], According to the Tarikh al-Sudan, the cities of Gao and Timbuktu submitted to Musa's rule as he traveled through on his return to Mali. [70] Gbr Keita was crowned Mansa Ouali Keita II and ruled during the period of Mali's contact with Portugal. Duties of the farba included reporting on the activities of the territory, collecting taxes and ensuring the native administration didn't contradict orders from Niani. A legend claims that Sunjata transformed into a hippopotamus. [16] However, al-Umari gives Mali as the name of the capital province and Ibn Khaldun refers to Mali as a people, with each giving different names for the capital city itself. Mansa Musa was an important ruler of the golden age of the Malink kingdom, based on the upper Niger River in Mali, West Africa. Mansa Musa (about 1280 - about 1337) was an emperor (mansa) of the Mali Empire during the 14th century. [e] After the loss of the first expedition, Muhammad led the second expedition himself. [93] Mansa Maghan Keita I spent wastefully and was the first lacklustre emperor since Khalifa Keita. Only sofa were equipped by the state, using bows and poisoned arrows. Muhummed's three wivesMarva Barfield, Laura Cowan, and Adrienne Easterwere also sexually assaulted, beaten, and imprisoned; Barfield participated in the children's abuse at Muhummed's instruction, and Cowan has also been accused of participating in the abuse. Ag-Amalwal. He's especially famous for his hajj to Mecca, during which he sponsored numerous mosques and madrases, and supposedly spent so much gold along the way that the metal was severely devalued, which for many people was not a very good thing. The lands of Bambougou, Jalo (Fouta Djallon), and Kaabu were added into Mali by Fakoli Koroma (Nkrumah in Ghana, Kurumah in the Gambia, Colley in Casamance, Senegal),[70] Fran Kamara (Camara) and Tiramakhan Traore (Tarawelley in the Gambia),[77] respectively Among the many different ethnic groups surrounding Manden were Pulaar speaking groups in Macina, Tekrur and Fouta Djallon. Musa and his entourage arrived at the outskirts of Cairo in July 1324. His skillful administration left his empire well-off at the time of his death, but eventually, the empire fell apart. Musa not only gave to the cities he passed on the way to Mecca, including Cairo and Medina, but also traded gold for souvenirs. Each representative or ton-tigi ("quiver-master") provided counsel to the mansa at the Gbara, but only these two ton-tigi held such wide-ranging power. [114] However, the Songhai do not maintain their hold on the Malian capital. Mansa Musa, one of the wealthiest people who ever lived - Jessica Smith TED-Ed 7.1M views 7 years ago The history of Nigeria explained in 6 minutes (3,000 Years of Nigerian history) Epimetheus. Ms I of Mali, Ms also spelled Musa or Mousa, also called Kankan Ms or Mansa Musa, (died 1332/37? . Embedded by Arienne King, published on 17 October 2020. Ms Is hajj left a lasting impression of Malis splendour on both the Islamic and European worlds. Please note that some of these recommendations are listed under our old name, Ancient History Encyclopedia. 6. An army was required to guard the borders to protect its flourishing trade. A kl-koun led free troops into battle alongside a farima ("brave man") during campaign. Wali was succeeded by his brother Wati, about whom nothing is known,[82][83] and then his brother Khalifa. [128] Nevertheless, the mansa managed to keep tax money and nominal control over the area without agitating his subjects into revolt. Mansa Musa developed cities like Timbuktu and Gao into important cultural centers. The next great unit of exchange in the Mali Empire was salt. At the height of its power, Mali had at least 400 cities, and the interior of the Niger Delta was very densely populated. The history of the Mandinka started in Manding region. By the end of Mansa Musa's reign, the Sankor University had been converted into a fully staffed university with the largest collections of books in Africa since the Library of Alexandria. [93] Only at the state or province level was there any palpable interference from the central authority in Niani. Certainly, his descendants were Muslim, and many went on pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj), and Keita's most famous descendent, Mansa Musa, dazzled Egypt and the Islamic world on his lavish pilgrimage east. [88], Mansa Musa is renowned for his wealth and generosity. Rulers of West African states had made pilgrimages to Mecca before Mansa Ms, but the effect of his flamboyant journey was to advertise both Mali and Mansa Ms well beyond the African continent and to stimulate a desire among the Muslim kingdoms of North Africa, and among many of European nations as well, to reach the source of this incredible wealth. What made this possible was the decentralised nature of administration throughout the state. [20] Arab interest in the Mali Empire declined after the Songhai conquered the northern regions of the empire which formed the primary contact between Mali and the Arab world. These oral stories . Musa and his entourage gave and spent freely while in Cairo. Dates: 4001591 C. E.", "Is Mansa Musa the richest man who ever lived? [46] [117], The swan song of the Mali Empire came in 1599, under the reign of Mansa Mahmud IV. Mansa Sandaki Keita, a descendant of kankoro-sigui Mari Djata Keita, deposed Maghan Keita II, becoming the first person without any Keita dynastic relation to officially rule Mali. Konkodougou Kamissa Keita, named for the province he once governed,[70] was crowned as Mansa Mari Djata Keita II in 1360. Abu Bakr was the first and only mansa to inherit through the female line, which has been argued to be either a break from or a return to tradition. This style is characterised by the use of mudbricks and an adobe plaster, with large wooden-log support beams that jut out from the wall face for large buildings such as mosques or palaces. [89] This claim is often sourced to an article in CelebrityNetWorth,[89] which claims that Musa's wealth was the equivalent of US$400 billion. Mansa Ms left a realm notable for its extent and richeshe built the Great Mosque at Timbuktubut he is best remembered in the Middle East and Europe for the splendour of his pilgrimage to Mecca (1324). However, his riches are only one part of his legacy, and he is also remembered for his Islamic faith, promotion of scholarship, and patronage of culture in Mali. [82], Musa is less renowned in Mand oral tradition as performed by the jeliw. [17] Whether Mali originated as the name of a town or region, the name was subsequently applied to the entire empire ruled from Mali. Your email address will not be published. Contemporary sources claim 60 copper bars traded for 100 dinars of gold. Mansa Musa (Musa I of Mali) was the king of the ancient empire of Mali in West Africa. Among these are references to "Pene" and "Malal" in the work of al-Bakri in 1068,[53][54] the story of the conversion of an early ruler, known to Ibn Khaldun (by 1397) as Barmandana,[55] and a few geographical details in the work of al-Idrisi. 1996 - 2023 National Geographic Society. Please check the original source(s) for copyright information. Gold dust was used all over the empire, but was not valued equally in all regions. This is one of the main factors to the fall of the kingdom. The Mali Empire began in and was centered around the Manding region in what is now southern Mali and northeastern Guinea. The voyage is often incorrectly attributed to a Mansa Abu Bakr II, but no such mansa ever reigned. National Geographic Society is a 501 (c)(3) organization. [93] In 1514, the Denianke dynasty was established in Tekrour. But the Mali Empire built by his predecessors was too strong for even his misrule and it passed intact to Musa's brother, Souleyman Keita in 1341. What did Ms I do when he returned to Mali? [citation needed] The northern region on the other hand had no shortage of salt. [76] After unifying Manden, he added the Wangara goldfields, making them the southern border. This trend would continue into colonial times against Tukulor enemies from the west.[121]. While spears and bows were the mainstay of the infantry, swords and lances of local or foreign manufacture were the choice weapons of the cavalry. Omissions? The people of the south needed salt for their diet, but it was extremely rare. [86], The name "Musa" has become virtually synonymous with pilgrimage in Mand tradition, such that other figures who are remembered as going on a pilgrimage, such as Fakoli, are also called Musa. No single Keita ever ruled Manden after Mahmud Keita IV's death, resulting in the end of the Mali Empire. It was this pilgrimage that awakened the world to the stupendous wealth of Mali. Despite the faama of Niani's wishes to respect the prophecy and put Sundiata on the throne, the son from his first wife Sassouma Brt was crowned instead. Today, his net worth is estimated to have been $400 billion. [70] Two noble brothers from Niani, of unknown lineage, went to Dioma with an army and drove out the Fula Wassoulounk. [75] This victory resulted in the fall of the Kaniaga kingdom and the rise of the Mali Empire. The kingdom of Mali reached its greatest extent around the same time, a bustling, wealthy kingdom thanks to Mansa Musas expansion and administration.Mansa Musa died in 1337 and was succeeded by his sons. The tarikh states that a Sultan Kunburu became a Muslim and had his palace pulled down and the site turned into a mosque; he then built another palace for himself near the mosque on the east side. Mss rule defined the golden age of Mali.
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