Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Oh i just knew this and now i am certain!! if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'inspirationdivination_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_12',609,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inspirationdivination_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0');Im in the mood for writing at the moment, for example. They both are the Archangels of the third Pink Ray the wavelength of Divine Love. The pink ray can dissolve feelings of guilt, low self-esteem, or resentment through unconditional love and compassion so that you can forgive, release the . Find out which of the archangels you are closest to, Discover the five gifts that connect you to that archangel and how to make the best use of those gifts, Unveil the secret of invoking angelic power, receiving inner guidance and welcoming divine inspiration in your life. Ask to reunite you with your beloved pet. ( 15) " . He brings balance and understanding into the relationships through communication and trust, so if negative thoughts or actions arise, he will encourage you to take a step back and look at things from a different perspective. Archangel Chamuel Angel of Love & Relationship. Practical Assistance:protection against malice, slander and misunderstanding; inauguration of new friendships and relationships; repairing of damaged relationships; help in getting along with others; help in finding a job; locating lost objects. She actually knows everything about you. Love is a reason and essence of your existence. Now, is a special time when more and more people are coming to help the Earth uplift and change for the highest good. Love is not that feeling you want to put in a cage to keep it forever. Some have decided to go back to the LIGHT, they will be welcomed as w It brings energies of gentle love and kindness to both romantic relationships and relationships of other kinds Pink Tourmaline aids in finding your inner courage and strength it has the . But it is not impossible for you to meet your twin flame. ), a roommate, or even someone you have known for a short time who has helped your life in miraculous ways. These relationships are wonderful and bring a lot of love , fun and have similar interests. Maybe your biological clock wakes your body up at 9 a.m., but you have to be up at 6 to get to work by 8, feeling like a Zombie till the clocks arrow hits 9. Ask Archangel Chamuel to cocoon you in the energy of Love and feel absolutely safe. This can be done by sending feelings of peace, comfort, and reassurance to those who need it most. Catch one and ride the wave! Enter, thou servant of the Lord. The warm energy of Love, radiated by our Heart, touches everyone around you, changing their auras into 5-dimensional ones for seconds. If you feel anxious or worried, then it is a sign that Archangels Michael and Chamuel are protecting you. The purpose of Twin Flames relationship is bring up the best in them and help it develop and blossom and also encourage both Partners to pay attention to their Inner Shadow and work through it. In their retreat, Chamuel and Charity teach lessons in mercy, compassion, and loving care. @DREAM HOPE BELIEVE FOR PERSONAL SESSION GUIDANCE HEALINGCONTACT :-@twinflame11 ( VAISHALI SHUKLA ) TELEGRAM ACCOUNT#twinflames #awakening #reunion #all #aff. Still the energies within me and him were so very strong, we were both pushed to get together and at least get to know each other. Archangel Chamuel for Twin Flames: Patriarchal Entrapment | Patriarchy - YouTube Disclaimer: By pushing play you take responsibility for your own well-being. You must be very specific about the information that you want from him. Now imagine travelling to Missouri, the USA, see the city of St. Louis and the great river Mississippi, crossing the city.Image: Depositphotos. May this magnificent love from your compassionate heart be multiplied thousands of thousands of times. This archangel can help you heal guilt and shame through his healing sessions, by opening the heart center to allow for unconditional love to flow freely. 2023 Copyright Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. 10, March 8, 1991. Use this dynamic prayer when you feel irritation and anxiety in your world: IN THE NAME OF GOD, I AM THAT I AM, IN THE NAME OF ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL: BE GONE, FORCES OF ANTI-LOVE! Connecting with Archangel Chamuel is a chance you do not want to miss. Who is the Angel of study? Be Inspired. Make a list of your loved ones and those with whom you may want to have more positive relationships. He teaches us how to be in unconditional love. And they hang out a lot with each other on the other side, between incarnations. Read my Lenten musings about how past events are shaping our future if you are at all worried about the current globalist agenda! And the 5-dimensional heart blazes the perfect pure white light. The hearts sensitivity to good and bad vibrations is great, they say, and both thoughts and feelings register on it. He is a powerful archangel and represents protection, love, comfort, compassion, and peace. This is an active meditation you can do to call your Twin Flame to you. Take the Crystals (or stones) in your left hand and put them close to your heart. No matter how much you want, for example, to be left in peace at work, its not possible. Spiritual Gifts:love, compassion, mercy, creativity, forgiveness; dissolution of feelings of selfishness, self-dislike, self-condemnation and low self-esteem; preparation to receive the Holy Spirit. When an Angel touches you, you feel such a level of Love that youve never experienced on Earth before. Feel luminous pink Light filling your body, stroking your poor heart gently, dissolving black blockages and melting the pieces of ice. It brings energies of gentle love and kindness to both romantic relationships and relationships of other kinds. Open yourself to the guidance and blessings from the Divine through your angels. You can also contact him through meditation and seek his help. The truth is, your Mother Earth feels everything. Taking a bit LONGER than expected. A soul mate is uplifting and has high vibrational energy around them. If you are in an abusive relationship, you are bullied, you are at the bottom of a dark pit, call on Archangel Chamuel to show you Light and give you Strength, Hope, Love and Belief in Yourself. Thanks Thanks Thanks! Legions of Light, come into action now! At the initial point of incarnation these two halves of the one are divided and sent out into reality to evolve and grow to return as a perfected being to the source. Privacy Policy | Love with all of your Heart, let your Heart sing and dance, dont be too serious, embrace your inner child, dont be afraid to be silly and laugh at yourself! You are blessed to meet your Twin Flame in this lifetime. - While living physically on different continents the energy of the other appears to inform my daily action. Try this mantra for more love in your life. It means to listen to yourself where your energy should go at that moment. Chamuel and Charity, two Twin Flames, are an example of two different personalities, united by Love in a beautiful relationship. Make sure you are still grounded by feeling your feet and how heavy your Earth Star Chakra is that is located approximately twelve inches under the ground. But Archangel Chamuel wont be interested in returning you your item. Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self, with Archangel Michael and a cordon of blue-lightening angels, transport my soul clothed in my finer bodies, fully equipped with the armor of God, to Archangel Chamuel and Charity's Temple of the Pink-Crystal Flame over St. Louis Missouri or to the designated place of my Holy Work this night. What is Guardian Angels meaning? There are many soul mates, but only one Twin Flame. We are fully aware why we have been living the challenging lives we had before we met and why we are on the path we are on. You see the gold necklace, he sees a lot of dark energy. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'inspirationdivination_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_15',611,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inspirationdivination_com-narrow-sky-1-0');Your subconscious mind thinks that extra food will provide you with extra energy to carry on your hamster wheel activities. 24, no. Archangel Chamuel and Charity teach you to develop the qualities of mercy, compassion and loving kindness for others. Their ray corresponds to the third-eye chakra, and they can also assist us with spiritual vision and the . Misunderstanding, teenage troubles, strained relationship with grown up children. He reminds us that we all make mistakes in life, but that when we apologize for these mistakes, the damage can be repaired. . Thank you for ur question derived from ur queried assumption as such . "Its a shame no one responded to this discussion and its been here since 2012..but maybe this book", Pendant cosmic sensor connect with the energy of all pyramids on the planet, "Twin flames are usually assynchronis with events in their timeline that tend to line up", "Is there anyone in here that CAN contact Chammuel or as I call him Uncle Chammy? Archangel Chamuel can see the whole situation and knows who your Soulmates and Twin Flames are. In Jesus Name, Namaste and Angel Blessings ! Repeat the second part,Be gone, forces of anti-love!nine times or more. For example, you have had for years a gold chain necklace with a little pendant that you love and never take off. Archangel Chamuel He who sees God Archeiai/Twin Flame - Charity Love, forgiveness, mercy, adoration, compassion, gratitude, soulmates, life purpose 3rd Ray-Pink Flame Opal is - stone of love and gentleness. Elohim of the Fourth Ray - Purity and Astrea There Two people bring each others dark stuff to the surface: pain, uncertainty, weaknesses, murky thoughts. The Golden Light shimmers and dances around you. Some have married soul mates, from their soul family. This light travels up through the roots, all the way to your heart. advertisement advertisement Chamuel archangel works on the 3 rd ray. They are your twin energetically , and many twin flames ( although not all ) are more and more incarnating together. He also assists us in seeing our divine nature more clearly. Next week is Ashtar to discuss plans, planning, protocol and other subjects necessary to be known before we begin to mingle with our space family. They both are the Archangels of the third Pink Ray - the wavelength of Divine Love. He will help them to see that they are one and to understand that true freedom comes from within yourself and not from another but also, to help them realize that they become weak when they let fear control them. Beloved Archangel Chamuel, shine this pink light on my heart and soul and every human being so the world is filled with the radiance of love. If you would like to be surrounded with soul mates, focus on or ask the angels to help bring you together. Let your angels fill your life with their loving presence and energy. Angel Message of the Day: Archangel Chamuel You Will Meet Your Twin Flame Soon. :) I don't recall saying either or in regard resonating as such please this has nothing to do with my question dear . that's simply ur reaction to my question .. A soul mate is easy to get along with and has the similar interests , such as healing the earth, healing people, healing animals, counsel, green environment, fair trade, humanity, love, joy , peace. I knew it! This union can be seen with the Elohim especially. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'inspirationdivination_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_6',190,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inspirationdivination_com-medrectangle-4-0');Archangel Chamuel is a powerful Angel of Love, Peace, Comfort, Protection and radiates the softest translucent pink Light. AMEN, We describe the meaning of an angel number, All Rights Reserved Copyright 2021 | anangelnumber. A Twin flame is of your soul group, but has the same harmonious light and high vibration as you do. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. He will help raise your vibration so that you are able to fully experience all these spiritual highs with your twin flame. Whatever you situation , know that soul mates and twin flames are loving, and understand each other significantly more than others seem to. Now focus on you heart again. Archangel Chamuel and Charity invite you to pray daily to them to protect your physical heart, your heart chakra, and your divine spark. (This post contains affiliate links. Then watch and see if your relationships are more harmonious! Imprinting is manifesting energy into the physical. Sometimes, love can be found in unexpected times and places which could sometimes mean that youre allowing people to show you who they are. They have to protect themselves, closing their heart down. This is not limited to a relationship with a spouse, but can also be done with a parent or sibling or friend. When you feel yourself in the grips of desire for nicotine, when your self-esteem is low or when you feel powerless against forces of racial division and tension in your neighborhood, give the powerful at to Chamuel and the angels of love (see exercise). If you feel guided ~ See your self now surrounded with your soul mates maybe you may work together on a specific life purpose, meet during classes and seminars, become the best of friends and coach each other through life. The angels of love help you ght the forces of anti-love, which bring about addictions and psychological problems such as depression and compulsive behavior. A Prayer from Archangel Chamuel to Claim his Blessings, Archangel Chamuel, the Angel of the infinite love of God, strengthens the power of the rose flame of love, beauty, and compassion and fills my life with it. The third ray of the emanation of Gods light is love revealing itself as pink, rose, and intensifying to the power of the ruby ray. Do not fear to love, blessed hearts of fire with truth. PLACE a MIRROR facing outwards . Thank you for this message Beth and Mark. Your Guardian Angels are constantly guiding you through signs and messages! Additionally , you can also pray to the Heavenly Father about a current relationship, if one needs mending (God can speak to the your hearts like no one else can) asking for a peaceful resolve, or if single, asking God to help you find a Godsend (soul mate or Twin Flame) spouse, for a long term relationship that you both will enjoy:), The Angel Realm- Soul mate angels and Romance angels. Answering this question, yes, they do exist. Twin Flame reunions are hard to come by. Call to the mighty archangels to escort your soul there so that you may learn your lessons on the path. Access the Free Lessons of Your Choice Now Archangel Chamuel, whose name means he who seeks God, and his divine complement, Archeia Charity, serve on the third ray of divine love. I Am Pure Love. I pour forth to God devotion, Come into the sanctuary of being where the kingdom of God is come into manifestation on earth as it in in heaven.'. . Let go and let God. Chamuel's Name means "He who sees God.". Archangels of the Fifth Ray - Archangel Raphael and Archeia? If you feel not worthy, have low self-esteem, you dont like yourself, talk to Archangel Chamuel, take on his Therapy. He is Pure Love. As Jesus taught, a new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. Say: I am the Gold Ray of Christ, and see yourself inside a giant column of Golden Light, surrounded by the bright Blue Light of extra protection. Archangel Chamuel and his Angels overlook the Love in our world. Archangel Chamuel watches carefully and seeds Love where there is no Love. Divine love is the quality most needed on planet Earth and it is the most opposed as well. So if your children are ghting or you arent getting along with your spouse, boss or neighbors, or if you dont seem to be able to attract the kind of relationships you want, try adding some prayers to the angels of love to your daily ritual. We do need archangels and their legions to take us to the retreats, because in order to get to the etheric octave we must pass through the astral plane, the frequency of time and space just above the physical. Think about the location where your item was last seen tune into it with all your senses and ask Archangel Chamuel for his assistance so that he can return them to their rightful place. Animals havent got Guardian Angels, but they have a Fairy appointed to be their Guardian during their stay on Earth. Join Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community. Gateway Arch, on the bank of the Mississippi River, communicates to the soul at inner levels that here is the open door to this great temple of love. Quote: *12/12/09 and 12/21/09* is this an old posting reposted here ? If you feel tired, have the rest. When they start to open their heart again, the sheet of ice melts and goes away, revealing the blooming rose, pink and white, in the heart centre. 23V Archangel Chamuel The Movement toward the Center of the Great Sun of Love 194 O beloved ones, then let love try your love, prove your A flower, a cloak, a star, any other item, small or big? Soul mate angels are always willing to help resolve situations within your current relationship if necessary. You are surrounded by pink, the most delicious Light. This Archangel is another who is not so well known, indeed being barely mentioned in the Bible or other religious scripts. These angels of love are also those that are near the inner Throne of God. Even though have been a member of this Command since sooooo long, had to read this article at the moment i had enough Cosmic light quotient to hold this energy of love. Chamuel (also known as Kamael) means "One who seeks God", while other variants are Camiel and Samael. Love will quietly leave such a relationship. There is not only one Twin Flame available for us on Earth THE ONE, but quite a few. Some Twin Flames will not meet for several lifetimes. He has a retreat at the 9th dimensional Luxor Temple in Egypt. The joy of the Christ and the proper use of the creative powers of the Godhead are the forte of their instruction. Remember that since your Twin Flame is your other half, they are always with you in spirit you are never truly alone. You have no Crystals? Together with their legions of pink-flame angels, Chamuel and Charity serve to expand the flame of adoration and divine love within the hearts of men and elementals. If someones heart is closed for whatever reason maybe this persons heart was broken, and they are scared that their trust will be betrayed again. Ask the angels if you feel guided, to help you reconnect with those of your spiritual family who have incarnated in the present time with you. In love and light, in love and light, in love and light. Allow this white light to expand through the heart until it covers the room you are in. Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit. They become a greater working unit in service to humanity. Archangel Chamuel can help you to find your lost items, people, or pets. Check out our archangel michael for twin flame selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. His name means Who Seeks God or Who Sees God, because he reflects Gods Love and brings it to us. Archangel Chamuels name means He who sees God. Your Soulmates will not necessarily come into your life as your Partner. Shine your light on the path where I will meet my Twin Flame. You are meant to meet your Twin Flame soon. When the Heart Chakra, represented by pink-white rose, starts opening gradually its petals, layer after layer, we open up for:Image: Depositphotos. We feel our heart soften and relax when we are in Nature. Archangel Chamuel is one of the seven archangels. This is a sign from the Divine through Angel Chamuel. I asked to whisper into his ear and prompt him, because we were so worried about him. Ask Archangel Chamuel to locate your the One and bring you together. Sometimes we go through periods where we feel distant from god which chamuel will help us reconnect with our inner soul. Ask him for help, and he will be there to reunite you with your strayed item. And the other one stretches miles and miles down into the Earth. Archangel Chamuel works closely with his Twin Flame Archangel Charity, who vibrates on a more feminine ray of Compassion, Empathy, Forgiveness and Creativity. The love is strong, as it is with a twin flame. Archangel Chamuel always makes sure the things are as they are supposed to be. They are the figures of fear and hatred,, Read More What are Dark, or Fallen AngelsContinue, Archangel Sachiel is not as widely known as much loved Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael. The next option is a meditation to meet the Wondrous Archangel. This would be a perfect union. Verna Maruata is an energy imprinter. Metatron is in charge of the entire ascension process for the Universe. Elohim of the Seventh Ray - Arcturus and Victoria. #keto #lchf, Carnivore breakfast #bbbe #carnivore #carnivorebreakfast #carnivorediet. He is behind every surprise, and you cant help to start believing in miracles. He helps you to stay balanced, raises your vibration bringing you back to a place of Love. It is called the Temple of the Crystal-Pink Flame. Christine, twin flame of Archangel Jophiel, Archeia on the second (yellow) ray of illumination. ".And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Archangel Michael: Timeline Adjustment for Subterran Earth Group Posted on 02/21/2023 by EraOfLight 6 Comments I am Michael and I love you very much! ), a sibling, a friend ( or two! These archangels enfold us in the love of God and the love and care for one another. Elohim of the Sixth Ray - Peace and Aloha. Some Twin Flames will not meet for several lifetimes. Twin Flames relationship is not perfect, romantic and idealistic. There is no money in the Kingdom of God. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'inspirationdivination_com-leader-4','ezslot_11',610,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inspirationdivination_com-leader-4-0');Many people get irritable and snappy in the afternoon because they start feeling tired and would do with a little snooze. This would be a perfect union. Has Love slipped away from your relationship? 777 Angel Number : The Meaning And Representation. Chamuel's name means 'He Who Seeks God'. Suddenly you get a feeling that you share the Temple with someone, turn around and see the Man dressed in the long flowing shimmering pink gown. And when you are in a state of Love, you attract new exciting possibilities that multiply Love in your life. Thanks so much for this message!!! So they are the tasks this Magnificent and hard working Archangel can support you with. World Service:healing of ethnic and racial tension. There is a knowing which happens instantly without many words needing to be spoken. She is currently working with the Ascended Masters and their energy portals. Let him show you the tremendous beauty of your Soul, who you really are! Now visualize chamuel before you, his aura glowing brightly around him. Ask Archangel Chamuel if he can help you in finding your lost items, people, or pets. I noticed that I typed the world LOVE so many times whilst writing this article, that this article alone can be used as a powerful tool of Spiritual Cleansing and Protection.
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