c.the Portuguese monarchy was overthrown by Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain. a.Senegal The main issue of conflict between Pope Gregory VII and Emperor Henry IV was it denied that anything personal survived death D. it was severely attacked by Christian theologians. All of the following is true of the period called "The Renaissance," EXCEPT: . c. began a system of power sharing between the monarch and groups within the society, By the end of the 13th century, the institutionalization of the English Parliament e.scholasticism and spirituality. a.financial wealth and piety. e.potatoes. In spite of England's "relative stability" at the time, the period of Queen Victoria's reign, according to the details in the first passage, can be described as. Corts and the Aztecs; Pizarro and the Inka. All of the following were motives for the Crusades except. b.became Roman Catholic, with the exception of the Russians, Turks and Magyars. It asserted that the monarch must obey the laws of the nation e.Czechs. All of the following are true of Europe's economy at the beginning of the 1200s EXCEPT: A. . Corrections? d.flagellation disappeared.e.there was an increase in anti-Semitism. e.established a school for navigators in Portugal in 1419. established a school for naval gunners in Portsmouth, England in 1438. A set data structure is like a map without the values Sets do not have duplicates. Since the existing material had to be ordered and made accessible to learning and teaching, the very prosaic labour and schoolwork of organizing, sorting, and classifying materials inevitably acquired an unprecedented importance. The papacy of Boniface VIII saw d.Navigation, ship style, and capitalism. b. it attempted to prove the unity of faith and reason . 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. without good reason. The Mongols The Slavs The incursions of the Scandinavian Vikings into other parts of Europe. c. it was preoccupied with establishing the concurrence between Christian and Aristotelian thought. c.Constantinople. a. spices such as pepper and cloves as well as luxury textiles such as silk it has been compared with an island at the opening of the Mediterranean. a. it is a term used to depict the philosophical and theological system of medieval universities. c. the cost to acquire Wyeth was $68 billion. Commercial activity slowed down. a. The council which ended the Great Schism was the council of. Question 20 1 / 1 pts All of the following are true about scholasticism except the author of the Summa Theologica was Abelard dun Scotus. Western Europe was in a state of chaos after the fall of what empire? Although several people actually committed the crime, one person was made the scapegoatscapegoatscapegoat. c.Einhard. floodplains are usually very fertile agricultural areas. e.Jerusalem. b. Pfizer is paying down the debt taken on the purchase Wyeth. destructive forces. a.Milan B. D) the drug continues to be delivered . d.the Mwene Metapa was entirely eliminated by the Portuguese. c.there was a decrease in anti-Semitism. it is a term used to depict the philosophical and theological system of medieval universities. After 1688, the English Parliament controlled . Magyar dominance created a Western-oriented bent in Russia development. c.the breakdown of feudalism. b.was fundamentally altered by the French in the late 1400s. Alexander's second teacher, Lysimacuis, taught Alexander to appreciate the arts of music, poetry, and drama, but his most famous teacher, the Athenian philosopher Aristotle, passed along 20 his knowledge of science, medicine, philosophy, ethics, and politics, all of which contributed to the background that would soon make the thirteen-year-old Alexander a great leader and champion of his people. centralized monarchies gained strength in Germanic central Europe. On the other hand, there had been built in, from the beginning, a corrective and warning, which in fact kept the internal peril of rationalism within bounds, namely, the corrective exercised by the negative theology of the so-called Pseudo-Dionysius, around whose writings revolved some of the strangest events in the history of Western culture. . a. provide the foundation for the absolute rule of the monarch All the following are true about exhibition during the pre-pandemic era EXCEPT: O Converting to digital projection was/is expensive O Theatres still struggle to compete with streaming services These chains often make exclusivity agreements with studios to increase profits O The digital conversion benefitted all theatre chains - big and small, mainstream and indie. Many towns were receiving charters of liberties by the 1100s and 1200s 1. c. African slaves Thus, On Mystical Theology concluded by finally relativizing also the negations, because God surpasses anything that humans may possibly say of him, whether it be affirmative or negative. a. the population is becoming more diverse. answer. Who were the Asian people, defeated at the Battle of Lechfeld, who became Christians and went on to establish the Kingdom of Hungary? a.Canossa. d.Magellan and the Inka; Albuquerque and the Iroquois. Mark for Review What's This? e.Regional and interregional trade had begun to expand even before the arrival of the Europeans. d.support of the Franciscan order. All of the following statements about YouTube are true EXCEPT: A registered users can upload an unlimited number of videos. e.had ten times more capital than the English East India, Had ten times more capital than the English East India Company. Author of. The most important book of Denis, which dealt with the names that can be applied to God, exemplified his negative theology. c. it was preoccupied with establishing the concurrence between Christian and Aristotelian thought. e.cows and horses were introduced into the Western hemisphere. b.were Jews who beat themselves in an effort to avoid harsher abuse by Christians. Philip accepted the wager, and Alexander quickly collected his prize after leading the horse toward the sun, so that the animal could not see its shadow, then mounting and riding the horse. Question 10 0 out of 5 points All of the following are true about scholasticismexcept Selected Answer: e. theology was considered to be the "queen of the sciences." c.Genoa Southeast Asia produced all of the following for export in the 1700s except b. the portion of the population that is sixty-five or older is getting larger. The Reform Acts, combined with Victoria's image of honesty and modesty, helped to protect England from the types of upheavals that plagued the rest of Europe at the time. The main fact is that the unparalleled influence of the Areopagite writings preserved in the Latin West an idea, which otherwise could have been repressed and lost (since it cannot easily be coordinated with rationality)that of a negative theology or philosophy that could act as a counter-poise against rationalism. a.Sharing their ship technology. e.Piedmont. The council that ended the Great Schism was the council of But it must nonetheless be admitted that Scholasticism on the whole, and by virtue of its basic approach, contained within itself the danger of an overestimation of rationality, which recurrently emerged throughout its history. Correct answers: 1 question: All of the following are true statements about current population trends in the u. s. except which one? e.divided the "new" areas discovered by Europeans between the English and the French. skepticism, also spelled scepticism, in Western philosophy, the attitude of doubting knowledge claims set forth in various areas. Not all of the tales associated with Alexander's youth are 'as charming as that of Bucephalus. 11. thick walls. b. His one outstanding feature is said to have been his piercing gaze. The Fourth Crusade resulted in the. spread Christianity. d. Mark for Review What's This? The religious orders, which had given to Scholasticism its ablest masters, now devoted all their attention to fomenting the Thomistic and Scotistic controversy, thus frittering away on matters of trifling importance the gifts which should have been devoted to the more serious task of meeting the difficulties that sprang up on every side as the . Why do you think the author chose this form of storytelling? b.smallpox arrived in the Americas from Europe. Urban 2. the author of the suma theologica was aberlard dun Scotus. It was a decisive and astonishing fact that the so-called barbarian peoples who penetrated from the north into the ancient world often became Christians and set out to master the body of tradition that they found, including the rich harvest of patristic theology as well as the philosophical ideas of the Greeks and the political wisdom of the Romans. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. the pope who gave his blessing and authorized the first crusade was. involved the forcible movement of millions of African slaves overseas. All of them have in common that, in one way or another, they have contributed to the development of new directions in the research of scholasticism, in its medieval, Reformation and post-Reformation forms. floodplains are flat and often have relatively few boulder s or other large obstacles that may prevent farming . e.Ottoman Turks. The major threat to the Byzantine Empire in the eleventh century came from the There are two economic goods, coconuts and pineapples. The Viking discoverer of Greenland was. The answer that Scholasticism was school philosophy and, in fact, Christian school philosophy can be understood only by examining the historical exigencies that created the need for schools. Victoria grew up during the reigns of her uncles, King George IV and King William IV; however, her protective mother, who scorned the sybaritic lives of William and George, ensured 101010 that Victoria had little exposure to the courts of the two monarchs. d.believed that Asia was larger, and closer to Europe by water, than people then thought. A drive to encourage young aristocrats to attend universities, such as the University of Paris. Later scholars seemed better able to confront the medieval epoch, as well as Scholasticismi.e., its philosophy and theologywithout prejudgments. The voluminous research which has been devoted to this era has revealed its true nature as a significant continuation of the genuinely philosophical tradition and as a period of exemplary philosophers quite able to stand comparison with any of the great figures of antiquity or of modern times. correct incorrect. The influence of Denis is reflected in the noteworthy fact that Aquinas, for instance, not only employed more than 1,700 quotations from Denis the Areopagite but also appealed almost regularly to his work whenever he spoke, as he often did (and in astonishingly strong terms), of the inexhaustible mystery of being. A fast new type of ship, thejustekst\underline{\phantom{\text{justekst}}}justekst helped begin the Age of Exploration. d.divided the "new" areas discovered by Europeans between Spain and Portugal. b. financial hard times, which caused people to turn to religion Dutch colonial efforts were A. traditional nobles fighting on horseback were the keys to victory. Reset Selection. The European intellectuals and artists of the period saw themselves as having broken away from the scholasticism of the Middle Ages. b.Poles. 5 Letter Word Containing Din, lupin iii the mystery of mamo english dub, all of the following are true about scholasticism except.
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