It's not something to aim at because it's not an aim. The Rape of Nanking - Iris Chang 8. In it, the author observes industrial North England in the 1930s and reflects on mass unemployment, the ills of a deeply rooted class structure, and the most typical section of the English working class.. Its a comprehensive introduction to Jungs thoughts, and its widely heralded as one of the most critical books ever written in the field of psychology. Tony Robbins: "Mans Search for Meaning provides compelling examples of humanitys perseverance through trying situations. If youre looking for all Jordan Peterson books, both the ones he wrote and the ones he recommends, youve come to the right place! Other than that, there is no general meaning in life. Sign up to receive our free weekly newsletter and never miss out on new releases. Brave New Worldpresents a futuristic society engineered perfectly around capitalism and scientific efficiency, in which everyone is happy, conform, and content but only at first glance. Mar 24, 2022 0, authors of books Oct 16, 2022 0, books to read It's all very well to think the meaning of life is happiness, but what happens when you're unhappy? Luckily, the second half was still published. But if youre looking for books that include foundational life strategies for personal growth and will help you develop empathy for others, his works are a great start! But its fleeting and unpredictable. Jordan Peterson. I took two big things away from this book: (1) the ultimate freedom is the ability to choose your attitude in the face of any circumstance and (2) the more you target success, the more you will miss it.". It also outlines a practical way to deal with hardship: to shorten one's temporal scope of responsibility (e.g., focusing on the next minute rather than the next three months). Showing 30 distinct works. The Painted Bird - Jerzy Kosinski 9. For each book, weve included an image of the cover, a one-sentence-summary, and our favorite quote. If youre feeling courageous, read it. [79][80][81][82], Melanie Reid, in her review of 12 Rules for Life for The Times, says the book is "aimed at teenagers, millennials and young parents." Peterson tries to unwrap how to find the meaning of your life by deconstructing the role of myths from way before the ancient era. Read this book if you want to see Orwell at his best acting as an investigative journalist and political commentator on British politics in 1937. 1984 - George Orwell. It taught me that if you change the meaning, you change everything. This is what he said about the book: Just want the insights? Crime And Punishment Fyodor Dostoevsky, 6. Who controls the present controls the past. George Orwell. [2][3] The book is written in a more accessible style than his previous academic book, Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief (1999). foundational life strategies for personal growth and will help you develop empathy for others, his works are a great start! If youre looking for a light in the dark, read this book. Ordinary Men - Christopher Browning 8. He's got a few books and I've been kind of tentatively following JP for about a year, mostly just by being aware that he exists and by occasionally looking at this sub. Also, join our weekly and monthly subscriber only giveaways. August 14, 2020 Many people read Brave New World in school, but its worth a second look even if you think you know the story. Embracing socialism helps destroy poverty and fascism in the first place. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Required fields are marked *. If you want a manageable entry into Nietzsches philosophy, this is a good pick. A professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, Jordan B.Peterson wrote a book called 12 Rules For Life. Your email address will not be published. Here are all the book lists weve made for you so far: *Four Minute Books participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising commissions by linking to Amazon. After a childhood that left him disillusioned with both religion and politics, Peterson turned more to psychology and philosophy. [41][74], Peterson announced the book had sold over 2 million copies (August 6, 2018),[75][76] then 3 million copies (January 13, 2019),[77] and later that work had begun on a sequel (January 2019). Jordan Peterson's Recommended Books 1. Mans Search for Meaning Viktor Frankl, 12. In the first half, Orwell documents his investigations into the despicable living conditions of the working class in Lancashire and Yorkshire. Mans Search for Meaning Viktor Frankl, 10 Recommendations on the Best Philosophy Books for Beginners, Bestseller Books to Read Once In Your Lifetime, The Best James Patterson's Books of All Time. Brave New World - Aldous Huxley 3. Jordan B. Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist, self-help writer, cultural critic and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. [47] According to Publishers Weekly, Kobo Inc. reported that it was the 2nd-bestselling audiobook of 2018 in Canada,[48] whereas per BookNet Canada and BNC SalesData the print book was 3rd and Peterson was the bestselling Canadian author of the year. the chaos we struggle with every day, showing us that too much order can be just as much of a problem as too little. This forum is dedicated to the work associated with Dr. Jordan Peterson: a public intellectual, clinical psychologist, and professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Toronto. [6] The chapter is a meditation on how to maintain a watchful eye on, and cherish, life's small redeemable qualities (i.e., to "pet a cat when you encounter one"). But you should be more afraid of staying where you are as it is making you miserable.". Gulag Archipelago (Vol. After listening to the entire series, I now have a much deeper appreciation for religion, myth, and I know how my own mind works to a far greater degree. Up next: The Anti-Christ, Demons, The Idiot, and War and Peace. Jordan B. Peterson served as an associate professor at Harvard University from July 1993 to June 1998, and he also studied aggression due to alcohol and drug. The Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli. Nowadays, post Youtube- and bestseller-fame, Peterson advocates for reason, meaning, and other conservative values through his Youtube channel with over five million subscribers, a podcast, and frequent media appearances. 8 Best Teenage Love Story Novels to Spice Up Your Reading List, 8 Steamy Historical Romance Novels to Start Your Journey on This Genre, 10 Best Secret Pregnancy Romance Novels for You to Read, 10 Popular Female Authors Today You Must Know, 11 Plus Size Romance Novels You Should Read, Percy Jackson Books for Your Mythological Fiction Addict, Best of Nora Roberts Romance Novels For You, 8 New York Times Famous Seller Books to Add to Your Reading List, 8 Jordan Petersons Recommended Books Worth a Try. While it sounds like a horrifying read, the twist is that this book is brimming with hope, positivity, and the resilience of the human spirit. Feel free to comment with any recommendations or reasons as to which is best. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. 1984 is generally a dystopian story created by Geroge Orwell. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); novels to read Oct 13, 2022 0, novels to read In January 2017, the book shot unexpectedly to the top of Amazon bestseller list. Jordan Peterson's book is the only thing I've been reading for the last 5 months and I do not want to speed up because of the . Whats particularly intriguing about 1984 is that it hasnt just stood the test of time, its improved over time. You will read in all-too-graphic detail about how tens of thousands of women were raped, often while tied to chairs or in-front of their family, then murdered afterwards; how Japanese soldiers enjoyed removing fetuses from the bellies of fully conscious pregnant women with bayonets and flinging them into heaps; and how young men were lined up in the hundreds and decaptitated for fun in killing contests. But the below ones seem to be some of the most important, so theyll make for a great place to start. March 11, 2022 shelved 678,731 times. } event : evt, The plot has served as the basis for many sci-fi films since its release in 1948, but there is nothing quite like reading Orwell himself. He might be removing it from circulation soon. Rule #8 in "12 Rules for Life" by Jordan Peterson is: "Tell the truth, or at least, don't lie." This rule emphasizes the importance of honesty and integrity in communication. On Quora, Jordan Peterson was asked the following question: Iris Chang begins The Rape of Nanking with the following passage: When I first came across the Jordan Peterson reading list, I downloaded a bunch for Kindle. Whether youre a history buff, a religious studies buff, or both, youre going to be enthralled by this engaging, comprehensive series of books. Viktor Frankl is a survivor of the event that was set in Nazi concentration camps. If you want to gain a striking and precise vision of the dangers governments pose, read 1984 today. As an Amazon Associate I may earn a small commission on products you purchase through Amazon, but you won't pay any additional fees. ", "Bestsellers: Hardcover Non-Fiction, Feb. 3, 2018", "Bestsellers: Hardcover Non-Fiction, March 3, 2018", "Toronto Star bestsellers for the week ending Feb. 10", "Toronto Star bestsellers for the week ending March 10", "The top 10 bestselling Canadian books of 2018", "Big bestsellers list: the books you bought in 2018", "A.J. Choose from a curated selection of amazing deals on bestselling ebooks sent straight to your inbox. The book came out in October 2022 and has 50+ ratings, but Peterson has deleted all his videos and promotions of it, so were not sure he wants it to be sold. This led the author to conclude that Peterson seems to have "projected his own cultural biases back into the deep past". Utterly torturous in its suffocating examination of the deterioration of the protagonist, demoralizingly tragic in its fearless portrayal of the suffering of righteous individuals, and unapologetically depressing in its vision of despair and hopelessness, the book is hardly for the faint of heart. Dostoevskys Demons has also made it to Jordan Petersons recommended books to read. [73] According to Random House Canada, the book was handled properly for the US market. ", "Treat yourself like you are someone you are responsible for helping. Mar 18, 2022 0, novels to read "[99] Psychologist John Grohol, writing for PsychCentral, said the book's basic advice was sound, self-evident, and harmless, but he could not recommend it because Peterson justified his advice with rambling tangential anecdotes and religious dogma instead of scientific data. If you like to debate and mull over serious issues and brainstorm ways to solve the global problems, youre going to love this book. 0. Today, we're going to take a look at Jordan Peterson's nine books everyone should read. Your email address will not be published. Other than that, myths can be the wisdom that help the human race to tame the evil in the social world and overcome catastrophes in every souls personal life. Jordan Peterson is one of the most famous psychologists, philosophers, and intellectuals alive today. Can you survive on just beef? Mans Search for Meaningdetails holocaust survivor Viktor Frankls horrifying experiences in Nazi concentration camps, along with his psychological approach of logotherapy, which is also what helped him survive and shows you how you can and must find meaning in your life. Jordan Peterson Fan Channel 470K subscribers Subscribe 2.8M views 4 years ago Psychology professor Jordan B. Peterson highly recommends the works of Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821. And according to this book. His unique perspectives on personal growth, political correctness, and social issues are well-known. Based on a Quora answer that went viral, this book might not be Petersons magnum opus, but with over five million copies sold, it is his most popular work by far. 1984 is the story of a young man questioning the system that keeps his futuristic but dystopian society afloat, and the chaos that quickly ensues once he gives in to his natural curiosity and desire to be free.