It is often direct and requires an honest answer to help them assess whether you are a good fit for their organisation. I love creating an organized schedule for completing a task and achieving my goals on time. So your first step in answering should be managing that concern. Be unclear. Just don't hint at your frustration. Ask yourself this question ahead of time and outline possible answers, as well as examples from your life and work history that relate to the job. There's a big difference between the candidate who's motivated by building teams and establishing strong relationships with co-workers, and the candidate whose best day is working independently on a report that improves the company's bottom line. You need to dig into your passions, both personally and professionally, and consider what really drives you. 1. In order to give a good answer to this question, you need to understand that it is actually two interview questions in one. -waking up too early/long commute hours. Use the STAR method to explain your anecdote. In my career, I have had the opportunity to impact peoples lives in an incredibly unique way. For the hiring manager, it's important to learn whether your motivators align with the job's responsibilities. For example, you dont want to say that youre motivated because you dont want to get fired for subpar performance. Review these sample answers and tailor your response tomatch your credentials to what the employer is seeking. What motivates you: Making a difference "I'm motivated by the fact that, when I leave work at the end of a shift, I know I've helped make a difference in the lives of my patients and their families. Lunch is one of the few times throughout the day where employees can spend their time doing exactly what they want. Maybe you were laid off, and are seeking a foot (any foot!) Without a clear understanding of expectations, employees may become confused and frustrated, leading to a decrease in motivation and productivity. This is a deeper question than "Tell me about a time you closed a sale.". Do you plan to have children within the next year? If Im able to help a team excel, thats even better, as it lets me do my part to ensure the success of the whole., As a product designer, nothing is as magical as watching someone use an item I created and genuinely enjoy the experience. What demotivates you? The easiest way to do this is to use an example from your background and experience. The interviewer is looking for insight into why and how you are motivated to achieve workplace goals and succeed at the job. The teams achieved 100% on-time delivery of software products. Lack of goals or frequently changing them may confuse and shift my focus. But, unfortunately, this lack of purpose is a common reason why people lack motivation. If the company emphasizes the camaraderie of its staff, for example, you might mention how achieving goals as a group motivates you. You can talk about anything you want to which means you can talk about why you're the ideal nurse for the job. With us it's easy to find the job you want! I feel more motivated and confident when I get some positive feedback too. The experts at Monster can give you a hand in knowing what to say, and when and how to say it. Click the link below to get your copy now! It is also a question that employers use to gauge how well you might fit into their organization. They work vigorously to earn and keep customer trust. ", Interview Question: "What Challenges Are You Looking For in Position? But when you havent considered what demotivates you, it may be difficult to know where you can attempt. "Think about what you're passionate about," says Jennifer Sukola, a Muse career coach and human resources professional. You should always try to answer this question in relation to the job title and job description. Some like asking what makes you feel demotivated at work are designed to see if you'd fit in well with the current company culture and work environment. Although "What are your signs of demotivation in the workplace?" asked by suresh, 1 year ago; Any interviewer would nod along with you suggesting that you don't thrive in an atmosphere where colleagues shirk responsibility and deadlines fly by like the wind. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Hiring managers know that money is part of the equation, so its not necessary to bring it up in your answer. the appropriateness of an interview question in terms of the timing and how it will be interpreted and received by the interviewee. How to structure your answer. I genuinely enjoy coaching and harnessing the potential of constructive feedback. It could even be that you feel motivated at work whenever there's a steady supply of snacks, dress-down days, team bonding exercises and other perks. It shows that you welcome being outside of your comfort zone and recognize the need to constantly learn and develop your skills to stay ahead of the game. -career progression. Be self-motivated Hiring managers love self-motivated people. It is also a good example answer for including more than one motivation, in this case achieving quality results, which all employers will like. Asking you what motivates you is a very common job interview question and is asked to understand your intrinsic motivation. I was able to easily answer "What motivates you?" but I was not prepared at all to answer the follow up question "What demotivates you?" I was nearly speechless and I stumbled for an answer. . Providing insight into the forces that motivate you at work can be a window into your personality and work style, thereby helping your interviewers understand you as both a person and a potential employee. Or perhaps there are job duties or types of work that light your fire? When you tell stories about what you do that highlight what you enjoy, what specifically do you tell people about? No teachable moment should ever start with the phrase, No offense, you probably werent even aware of this, but Regardless of what words come next, the speaker has already communicated a dismissive attitude. If you tailor your answer to exactly what you think the employer wants to hear, you will likely come off as insincere. What is it about these activities that you enjoy? Take some time to research the company and the job prior to the interview. Whether its physical, mental, or emotional, selfish or altruistic, motivation matters, particularly on the job. Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at Read our, Interview Question: "How Do You Handle Stress? Finally, take a long look at the job youre applying for and see how the things youre motivated by in both life and at work match up with the skills and abilities required. Yes, we all know that the paycheck is a big reason why we get jobs. Variations of the interview question 'what motivates you at work?' What motivates you? In order to get you ready to craft your own answer to the interview question What motivates you, we thought wed give you some example answers. This means that any time I face a task that challenges me, I am excited to improve my skills and knowledge to best address the task and deliver results for the company. Key Takeaways:This is a good answer because it lists multiple sources of motivation, both work-related and personal, which ensures you will be committed to doing the job well consistently. Check out our discord here: What would you say for this questions in an interview? Even if the job youre applying for has you working on a team, hiring managers want to know that youre strong enough on your own to complete the tasks assigned to you. I take company goals, team targets, and personal KPIs very seriously. Lack of recourse for poor performance. I welcome opportunities to train others and constantly seek informal opportunities to share my knowledge with colleagues. I recognize the best way for me to realize these personal goals is to be a top performer at work and deliver value for the company. When employers ask interview questions about what motivates you to work, you need to show them that you're not just coming to work for the paycheck. At my last job, I was responsible for preparing the annual report on which products performed best. Having rules that just don't work. Instead, focus on the other metrics or the general drive to improve your performance. that I shouldnt change? Here are some strategies to consider if/when it comes up. ', How to answer when an employer asks what frustrates you. (Why do you want this job?). Is it because they want to see job seekers stumble? Maybe its the feeling you get from helping others or leading them through something and teaching them new skills? I am motivated most by goals and achievements. What motivates you to get up in the morning? But an employer will not always use such direct questions when they want to know about your motivations. It covers working in a team, sharing knowledge with your team, and clearly states that you know your motivations from experience. Its a genuine point of pride, and not just when my performance rises. What demotivates you? Its all in the mind of the potential candidate. Failure or fear of failure. There are many things that can motivate someone to pursue a career in nursing. At my current position, I prepare the monthly analytics report around sales. If you are obsessed with customers, you will:Collect data on and deeply understand what your customer wants and needsAsk, Is what Im working on helping my customers? Use these as a jumping-off point for your own answers, and dont forget to tailor them! Use the tips above to get moving in the right direction. For me it's colleagues that act like they don't want to be there. Keep your audience in mind. This question is a behavioral question and should be addressed with the STAR technique. Then I created my account on Scratch, and became an English-speaking online nerd. While these questions explore more than just your motivation, the best answer should explain not only why you are a good fit, but why you are motivated to excel in the position well into the future. I like it when I have a concrete goal to meet and enough time to figure out a strong strategy for accomplishing it. Maybe its seeing how much others enjoy seeing what youve done? Hiring managers want to know that youre genuinely thinking of what motivates you. Responsibility disclaimer and privacy policy | Site Map. What makes you tick? 5. Do not say that you are motivated by money. Find out about common demotivating factors and whether or not they ring true for you personally. What motivates you interview answer 02: I am motivated by the opportunity to help others. Seeing the smiles on their faces and watching them improve makes me look forward to work. I also find being given a challenging workload to be motivating. Lack of recourse for poor performance. Focus on the positive when you respond. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Do not be too personal, for example, I am motivated by having fun.. Say that you get a sense of accomplishment when you have done a good job for the company. New approach: If the question would be better directed at someone else, help your employee connect with that person. Micromanagement. This information was used to determine . The hiring manager needs to know that you will be a good fit for the company culture and that you will be motivated to do your best work for the company and that you are committed for the long run. Answer (1 of 37): This answer I am writing with a very heavy heart !I am sharing my experience of how people berate you when you try to help them . Knowing the fact that my hard work and perseverance will help me achieve greater professional success is what keeps me going. This would be a great place to explain to your hiring manager the goals that you have for your kids to succeed in their . What energizes you? This answer is designed for technical roles, interchange software engineer with your professional title. First, I am motivated by success stories, and I look for opportunities to make everything my team does a new success. There are actually several important things an interviewer can learn about the interviewee based on their answer, including just what sort of person they really are and how that matches up with what the company is looking for in a new hire. In my personal life, I love doing the daily crossword. These are specific to the opportunity, outlining what you want to find in a job and an employer. Explore Indeed's interview help services: often ask "What motivates you" in order to gauge whether you will be propelle. Lack of priorities. Here are some most common interview questions and answers: 1. Do not lie. Responsibility disclaimer and privacy policy. Then talk about what motivates you. An example of extrinsic motivation would be a paycheck. A fast answer with a generic response isnt going to win you any points. Make sure you have at least two positive things to say about yourself in an interview. 3. This question is really about the interviewers concern that you will fly the coop as soon as a more suitable job comes along. 9 9 9 comments Best Add a Comment Many graduate employers now use strengths-based assessments as part of the recruitment process. As this is all new territory for companies, they may not have a clear answer just yet, but from this question, youll learn about the companys openness to change in work environments and whether theyre candid about not knowing something. . Key Takeaways: This answer is designed for management and team leader positions.