If your friend and co-worker repeatedly called out of work "sick" even though you knew they were not sick and just wanted to have a day off, what would you do? How would you describe the relationship between the pharmacy residents and staff pharmacists? (yes- i got this one and it absolutely stumped me). Applicants are asked to prepare in advance a 10-minute presentation on a topic of their choice (not related to pharmacy or healthcare). We all have to bend the rules at one time or another. - *Want a more individualized experience* Evaluating Interview Responses. Tell me about a time you had to eat a slice of humble pie. Are there any projects you would prefer not to work on as a pharmacy resident? When youre in the same interview session as another applicant, try and get it out of your head that you are with your competition. Moral of the story- just try to be a nice person! No absolutely not. - not doing this because I need a job What is the lost non-academic book you read? 3 This ebook consists of two parts: - Part I: Top 101 pharmacy interview questions and answers (pdf, free download) - Part II: Top 12 tips to prepare for pharmacy interview 4. . DONT worry about switching it up- I wore the exact same outfit to all of my interviews last year! Are there any projects you would prefer not to work on as a pharmacy resident? Clinical questions were definitely something I was extremely nervous for during interviews last year, and I think I had a clinical case aspect at all of my interviews last year except for 2- so they are common! When theyre speaking, try to genuinely listen to what theyre saying (instead of sitting there blank-faced trying to come up with your own answer). Practice. Lovenox bridging guidelines, Tell me about a situation when your job went through big changes. Congratulations to everyone out there who will be interviewing for a pharmacy residency position in the next few weeks! Am I able to request rotation changes throughout the year? I think biggest tip I can give here is try to avoid reading off your slides and try to sound personable. % Why? What type of leadership qualities does a pharmacist need? o PGY1 competency areas restricted my freedom to branch too far off the predesigned mold Completing a pharmacy residency is a required stepping stone for being able to practice as a pharmacist. DO focus on having a friendly/helpful/patient demeanor. This way, you clearly demonstrate you would like for the interview to continue longer because you are interested in the job and want to . Can you tell us about a time when you had to work with a difficult prescriber during pharmacy school? Make sure your peers give you honest feedback about whether you talk too quickly or slowly and if your body language makes you appear approachable and confident. I would also say think from an operational standpoint (eg, are these products on formulary? We always ask this question twice to push the candidate: The medic insists now what do you do?, However, this type of hypothetical question may be challenging to score, particularly if an employer is trying to compare a large number of candidates, so it may be avoided in interviews given by community pharmacy multiples or other large pharmacy employers. Last one!! You may have to engage in a fake patient counseling scenario, particularly if you are interviewing for community or ambulatory care-focused scenarios (I had to do one of these last year). If they ask you about other topics and you dont know the answer, intent is more about how you approach clinical questions vs assessing baseline knowledge, other stuff that I explained where Id find the info. Im not an RPD (residency program director) and have zero experience evaluating candidates during interviews. If youre wondering what types of interview questions residency candidates will maybe be asked, check out a list of 100 questions that I put together linked here. What are you most proud of achieving during pharmacy school? How did you solve the problem? Mindfulness, making time for myself %%EOF Interview Do's and Don'ts. Last thing- something I really had to work on last year was making sure that I kept an open mind at all of my interviews. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Why? - Purposefully avoided secure chat The following seven questions, submitted by pharmacists via social media and online forums, are considered to be particularly problematic. super common one for me also. Can you tell us about a time when you were working in a group and had to take up a leadership role? Residents are required to complete core AND I ended up ranking a program that I considered to be somewhat of a back-up in my top few choices. Is there anything we have not talked about that you would like to discuss? Why was it not accepted? JdA:1rnM s-u DfpA@h,hrMk4 @'10l3^v`&v [mB+n|XXIg2sv1GIr;UjZ5!/WqLU,U|>u3l!^BjuI5fz"e?9 21 cIhJ)HzA{pSPI|)">/7&~z_S8Go#Wu?QuN Hh\>}oJxGyA)*%`O{ |znG_C`S_?6%19kGZ@0LR1/;}_My:U~jJc%;-v]Nw_|E? Being interviewed for a new job can be intimidating at any stage of a pharmacist's career. How Many Years of Schooling Does a Pharmacist Need? 2 When doing group work, what role do you tend to take on? What have you learned from the COVID-19 pandemic? If you were stranded on an island and you could only have 3 drugs with you, which ones would you pick and why? Do residents have an opportunity to participate in decisions regarding which projects are assigned for the year? What was the last journal article you read? How did you handle the situation? will be told their debate topic prior to the interview but the side of the debate will be revealed on the day of the interview. Which is EXACTLY what most of you probably have done countless times on your APPE pharmacy rotations this year! %PDF-1.3 Stage 3: Conducting the Interview. Tell us about a project you have completed. Digital scheduling makes it much easier, I even schedule out naps on my Outlook. Authored By: Timothy P. Gauthier, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCIDP Last updated: 2 February 2022 In the pharmacy profession the start of a new calendar year means the start of pharmacy residency interview season. Cross out each incorrect verb or pronoun form, and write the correct form in the space above the error. Describe a situation where you had to make a good impression on a patient. How will you contribute to our organization? Lets talk pharmacy residency interviews! In addition to interviewing with faculty, most pharmacy residency interviews will involve time when you visit with current residents. Describe one of your professional mentors. Or you might be given only five minutes to review a short case and discuss it. If you could be an animal, which animal would you be? o I felt more fitted to infusion therapy than any other practice area so far What was your favorite clinical rotation and why? Job Interview Questions and Answers - Jordan Smith 2019-11-05 What differentiates you from your peers as a candidate for this position? What is your role in your current rotation? Would you say youre a leader or follower? Likely, most interviews will focus more heavily on behavioral questions and a smaller emphasis on clinical questions. My tips for these are very similar to the clinical questions. But, dont focus so much on hitting all those points and in a specific order, that you forget about your demeanor and how you are interacting with the patient. DO follow all instructions, and try to show your personality too if its a non-pharmacy topic. Good luck! Questions are standardized for both interviews and assess overall fit with the PGY1 residency program based on personal career goals, ability to discuss information presented in the applicant's curriculum vitae, ability to answer clinical and non-clinical questions, oral communication skills, and interpersonal skills. Lauder highlights that the more senior the post the candidate is applying for, the more complex the example situation that would be expected. Tell me about your proudest professional accomplishment. How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted your training? Emphasise the reflection with some insightful analysis and make suggestions as to how things would go differently in the future in light of this experience, he recommends. If youre asked a clinical question, like Well how would you monitor that or Well what dose of enoxaparin would you recommend, dont be afraid to say I dont know, but I would go to Lexicomp/the prescribing information/these clinical guidelines/etc. Before the interview, I thought this program was my top choice based on their profile: they're an AMC with . DONT read straight from your slides- make sure youre talking to your audience too! o Specialize A laid-back meet and greet with the current residents and a break . What areas of pharmacy most interest you? 526 0 obj <>stream Describe a time when you had too many to do items on your list. Dr. Nelson: Because we work in big teams in community pharmacy, both in the pharmacy and the broader primary care settings, we have to have a level of self awareness. She would encourage candidates to reflect on why their friends might say particular things about them: If they give good examples to back this up it means that they are considerate of others., However, Bhella believes the question is limited in nature. Can you describe a time when you made a substantial impact on a patients care? What do you perceive to be the greatest strengths of this residency program? In my PGY1 interviews 7 programs did cases, I would say in general know vanco, warfarin, and AFIB/ HF those were topics that I was asked about for general opinions and thought process, definitely agree on the PNA. Offering mock interviews and Saudi Pharmacist Licensure Examination practice tests and involving pharmacy students in clinical research may increase their chance in securing a residency position. Duplicate vanco order If you could be a drug, which drug would you be? If youre curious how I prepared for residency interviews, check out my previous post linked here. How would our residency program help you achieve your career goals? l}DX ~ ;s)L9W 29 r}hfjQjj.iSiov &uI.JIU\ZQs6k@;8J2I0bQA80@~LDjnhE]\#^#-1eAjF & u t@+jl40c';AZ#4%ruz_s Can you describe the components of your continuous professional development plan? They are often needed with other medicines so imply you would be part of a bigger team.. If you dont know an answer its okay, but prepare for how you will handle that. If youre speedy through answering the questions they ask you, there will likely be plenty of time for you to ask them questions. What would you do if one of you witnessed one of your co-residents treating a patient unfairly due to the patient's religion, sexual orientation, or race? How would our residency program help you achieve your career goals? Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, . When they ask if you have any questions, it's important that you ask a few. To me, its not about getting everything right (although deff dont want to get everything wrong lol) but more about your critical thinking skills. BCOP - Clinical Pearls. If you could opt out of the staffing component of this residency, would you? Intellection I will say, if you talked with a particular person about a topic, it may be helpful to throw that in the email to refresh their memory of your conversation with them. Why? Name one conflict and tell us how you dealt with it? 12:30 pm - 1:00 pm. Why? See the "Required Competency Areas, Goals and Objectives of Postgraduate Year One (PGY1) Pharmacy Residencies." The residency program is designed to offer an individualized training plan for each resident based on their interests, goals and past experiences. Are residents encouraged to submit errors and good catches? o They say that pain if the fifth vital sign. jjamesb2001. Meeting the program directors, preceptors, residents, HR, other pharmacy staff, and other candidates. Brown suggests heart medicines might be a good choice. Id refrain from using a virtual background- they have the potential to be distracting to others if you move around and stuff, and everyone can tell they are fake! hXmo6+Q$",6fk 5~w'd'uHw8.gK&,Kj\a"BX3%, Im pushing for simple clinical questions that are moreso behavioral based. Although some questions are asked in almost every interview, knowing how to answer them honestly while showcasing the traits that employers are looking for can still be a challenge. If your friend and co-worker repeatedly called out of work sick even though you knew they were not sick and just wanted to have a day off, what would you do? Which is most important to you? . What experience do you have with research? If you could meet a famous person (alive or dead), who would you pick? You will likely be asked specific residency questions, such as why you like that particular residency program and what you see yourself doing in pharmacy in 10 years. ,?8^ NNm=#etfc8ryv Chief pharmacist Dennis Lauder says candidates should try to demonstrate an all-round optimistic attitude with a desire to succeed, but with a degree of humility. Where do you see yourself, experience-wise (how would you evaluate your own clinical abilities at this time, and identify your growth areas)? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience.