West Palm Beach, Florida | June 2-5, 2023; West Palm Beach, Florida | June 16-19, 2023; Safety. Rachel and Jun are an American/Japanese married YouTuber couple currently living in Japan. YouTube channel [ edit] "[8] and in other news media websites. A little above 100 is perfectly fine, too. This started to unfold with Rachel's video review of a company she purchased clothes from. Hmmm, yeah, that is true. Rachel and Sharla may or may not forgive her; it all depends on what they want to do. A fair amount of work goes into the planning for each She did admit to hurting Rachel with some comments, but again, never admitted to doing all of it. Apparently Mira had contacted Rachel with concern about this company. Reply IndridFrost1 Everyone in this chart is too thin. 80% is normal and 100% is a little chubby. Jul 10, 2022. youtu.be/c1aD0HI24PE New cooking video is up on Jun's Kitchen! -30 and -20 look scary to me even though Im a woman. Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make a user's experience more efficient. They're obnoxious for views. The clothing shop supposedly contacted Rachel and asked if she would like to be sponsored to them. If shes cute 100 would be okay, too. [3] The channel proved to be popular and became an increasing priority in their lives. 40-60 look healthy. [16][17] He also has an additional personal vlog channel, titled Jun Yoshizuki, which hosts more informal cooking, diy, and gardening videos. Shes just lost and caught up in everything. Well, I dont really care about their figure that much. What's "accurate" or not depends on how you feel about it. I am convinced that the accounts are fake, and that they belong to Mira. Basic Life Support: CPR and First Aid; First Aid for Hazardous Marine Life Injuries; Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries; On-Site Neurological Assessment for Divers; DAN Diver Emergency Management Provider (DEMP) First . No more than 60%. If anything, you should respectfullylet her know that what she did was wrong. Jun still does cooking videos sporadically, those seem to do really well. shrine, called the, However, there are Hadaka otoko designated to protect the Actually most of the jvloggers I've met were a lot nicer than you'd think from their videos. I have, however, watched various responses to her video and responses to the whole situation to get a good basis of what is going on. I like 60-80 but 100 isnt bad, either. Hadaka Matsuri itself is an all-day festival. If she doesnt mean it then there is no point to it. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I want to say Im 60 but really Im 100 sigh. Privacy Policy. I like 10-40. Is there some drama here I am missing? People who move to Japan are almost universally insufferable (especially me). By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Damnit. -30-10 look like they were carved to perfection. Ah, yeah, that would make sense. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. It seemed as though she had made some notes of what to say as I noticed her looking down every so often as if she was reading something. ( ` )One of my female friends is like -60 and Im worried about her! But i already searched on my own and came accross the videos. To Mira. Some of these fake accounts have been linked back to the same IP address as Miras. Something with Brits losing the revolutionary war :). I dont think that consistent mistakes with spelling and grammar are a coincidence. Rachel always seems to have purely honest reviews and opinions about things and that is something to be admired. Hearing that I became highly concerned that this whole thing has caused safety issues for numerous people who haven't been directly involved. To me these would all be categorized as thin. The one farthest to the right is fat. I was on vacation when this situation started, so I have not seen Rachel's video. Marketing cookies are used to track visitors across websites. I couldn't do that, I wouldn't think of doing that. Of course 60 and below are no good. But she really opened up the gateway to the Jvlogging world for me. She had her opinions about things and wasn't afraid to share them. Some of these fake accounts have been linked back to the same IP address as Miras. Some people will come here, be amazed for a few weeks, then get homesick when the realize how different it is and how they just can't / don't want to adapt. 60 for me. Some of the videos have Japanese and English maxed in the title along with the thumbnails that are in English. Family Life. You can see their bones and they dont have boobs so theyre out of the question. I'm sure I've missed new details here and there (in fact I know I have). I wish a happier future for all of those who were affected/involved. Reply . Rachel and Jun are an American/Japanese married couple of YouTube personalities who make online videos about Japanese culture and society (sometimes called J-vlog(ger)s), and reciprocal perceptions between Japanese and Westerners. See what people are saying and join the conversation. It's this kind of bullshit that makes me hide my interest in Japanese culture. Maine coon See Tweets about #kanadajin3 on Twitter. They say J-vlogging has opened doors to other work: the couple has been offered voice acting roles in video games and Rachel has been approached to do modelling. Kanadajin3:https://www.youtube.com/user/kanadajin3, Rachel & Jun:https://www.youtube.com/user/MyHusbandisJapanese, Sharla in Japan:https://www.youtube.com/user/JyuusanKaidan. I don't believe I've ever watched more that a few seconds of a jvlog. I saw a video once where they did a skit where Rachel called Chris about some snacks and now I cannot find it. Reblogged this on Waratte! People see me as an ordinary otaku, unaware that I spent several years of my childhood studying Japanese culture and history. Your stomach is sticking out. The thing is, that isn't too exciting so they aren't quite as popular as vloggers like Rachel and Jun or the like. The two later were married and moved over to Japan. A writeup by my friend, Star, and a very well thought out one on the Kanadajin3 drama. Maybe I should stop my diet? I guess I like 60. 100. Well they now live on opposite sides of the country after Rachel and Jun moved to Fukuoka. Her video was a bit lengthy as well and definitely had a very serious tone to it. I have, however, watched various responses to her video and responses to the whole situation to get a good basis of what is going on. I don't know if that makes me happy or sad. Up to 80 are completely fine. Mira has also been caught harassing other, lesser known JVloggers, and it is believed that it is an attempt to prevent competition. 10, 20, and 40 look normal. And I can only imagine how everyone who was affected felt after finding out their close friend had betrayed them. Their videos mainly consist of vlogs on various topics related to Japanese culture, and daily life experiences of living in Japan. We alternate between this channel:andhttp://youtube.com/hikosaemonTomoko Sensei from TOMOKO DESU! Girls magazines make girls go crazy thinking they need to diet, diet, diet all the time. I dont like the rest. I wanted to cook & craft in my own kitchen in the future and finally it's happening! Apologize first. They were also scheduled panel guests at the anime convention Animazement in Raleigh, North Carolina (May 2729, 2016).[14]. It's not in any way normal? (It's kind of like the point of view you might have about your seemingly "perfect" neighbors- while behind closed doors they could be on the brink of bankruptcy, cheating on one another, abusing an animal the list goes on). Pudding tarts are so delicious! Im jealous. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. https://www.youtube.com/user/MyHusbandisJapanese, https://www.youtube.com/user/JyuusanKaidan. group. Rachel and Jun are an American/Japanese married couple of YouTube personalities who make online videos about Japanese culture and society (sometimes called J-vlog(ger)s), and reciprocal perceptions between Japanese and Westerners. I was on vacation when this situation started, so I have not seen Rachel's video. Right now on his BusanKevin channel he has a video up that is just him doing the dishes, chatting about what's going on in his life. Absolutely stereotypes are perpetrated. If shes cute then 100 is okay, too. Ill pass on 40 and under. For all other types of cookies we need your permission. I do wish everyone the best of luck with everything that they do. To me, everyone up to 60 is slim. miffed?) The thin girls look like the ones from Five Star stories and are gross. To Mira. There is a common saying that we have on JET when aspiring JETs ask us questions and that is ESID, because every situation is different. Someone please date me!! For me, that's extremely interesting and I like listening to daily ramblings more than being "taught" things (though those videos are also useful here and there). 100 is completely fine. She is guilty. Kanadajin3 was the first Jvlogger I had ever viewed. Of course YMMV, but I just consider that a reckless image to present to those unfamiliar with Japan or Japanese society or, hell, even promote that its okay to come to Japan and live that way. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Harassing and attempting to sabotage others channel to prevent competition is just poor character. What do you think of my advice? More than 40 is fat I heard this famous quote a long time ago: A cute face decides whether someone is chubby or fat.. 1989) (, Yoshizuki Jun'ichi) met at Nagoya University of Foreign Studies in 2010. Please do not harass her for doing this. Harassment of any kinda should not happen, especially if it is simply because you disagree with a person. To me 60 is 0 percent chubby. https://www.youtube.com/c/RachelandJunExtra/featured. The couple were featured in BBC,[3] The Japan Times,[4] Japan Today[11] and in the TV show Asachan from TBS, in a section dedicated to foreign YouTube personalities based in Japan. Required fields are marked *. Only once did i watch a video of Kanadajin and didn't like it. She says that no one had ever sent her an email or anything asking her if the accusations were true or not. As an expat living in Japan, do you feel as if jvloggers on youtube tend to overhype, misrepresent, or pander to weeaboos about great ol' glorious nippon? Emi and Lea (Tokyo) Twins from Iceland vlogging about their life in Japan. Some of the videos have Japanese and English maxed in the title along with the thumbnails that are in English. This is just my preference, but under 0% is OK! This is just me providing my honest opinion and giving input on what has happened/is still happening. I became hooked. Now that I have explained what I know about this incident, I would like to say that Mira is in the wrong, in my opinion. The intention is to display ads that are relevant and engaging for the individual user and thereby more valuable for publishers and third party advertisers. 60-100 are chubby. Or you think they're pretty accurate in how amazing this place is? They look slim and slender. I like 80 the best. There is a wide range of jvloggers and to say that all of them are "Japan is amazing" or "Look at this food lol" is inaccurate. If anyone has followed Mira you know that she has a more unique way of speaking English. What I have gathered is that Mira has been releasing private information about Rachel and Sharla (and possibly others) on the internet and harassing them with many different fake accounts. I have, however, watched various responses to her video and responses to the whole situation to get a good basis of what is going on. I agree that the vast majority Jvloggers are superficial and clearly don't actually engage with Japan, but I kind of like Rachel & Jun. Or the Kanadajin3 channel which seems to only seems to regurgitate some 1980 Sesame Street vhs Tokyo special nonsense as fact? Other than 100, the rest arent chubby at all. I have not seen much proof of this since I was late to hear about this incident, but it is something that is mentioned a lot it videos, posts, and comments that deal with this situation. I like 10 or 20! Anything relevant to living or working in Japan such as lifestyle, food, style, environment, education, technology, housing, work, immigration, sport etc. He has three guards, all whom are prior, The source of this ritual is actually pretty dark. Plus Rachel and Jun have mostly seemed to have dropped out of the YouTube game unless it's videos about their house or the very odd vlog about cats. Im still a virgin, though. For girls chubby can be over 120%. There are several of others Jvlogger's responses about this matter. Although their swimsuits and shape are influencing my decision so I guess I dont really know. The website cannot function properly without these cookies. 60 is chubby but thats okay. My point is that I don't think she answered all the questions that everyone was hoping she'd answer. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. It was about 21 minutes long and from reading the title I could tell that it was going to be a pretty serious video. This is much better than where I was before. My thighs are 0% but my top is 20-40% I like 80-100%. I thought something strange was happening when I read Sharla in Japan's comment about a "close friend" of hers and how "being an asshole gets you nowhere". The clothing shop supposedly contacted Rachel and asked if she would like to be sponsored to them. Rachel's video shows that she went to great lengths to do some research about the attacks that she was receiving from some usernames. The ongoing war has caused widespread devastation, contributed to a global economic crisis, a massive humanitarian crisis, and the death of . NEW VIDEO. It's been on hold for a long time, and I probably won't resume it until I get into college. Found this picture at: http://unwrittenmemoirs.blogspot.com/2008/12/dozen-broken-friendships.html. This is just me providing my honest opinion and giving input on what has happened/is still happening. It's totally different and the way people treat you is different and everything is hard! At least they have the input of an actual Japanese person, and Rachel doesn't seem like she's some annoying weaboo unlike the other Jvloggers. Unclassified cookies are cookies that we are in the process of classifying, together with the providers of individual cookies. Her research and evidence seemed to prove that Mira surely was behind it all. Theres no way Id go for -30 to -10. What I have gathered is that Mira has been releasing private information about Rachel and Sharla (and possibly others) on the internet and harassing them with many different fake accounts. . 80% should be 0% chubby. Is that harmful? This post is regarding the current dispute between Mira (Kanadajin3), Rachel (Rachel & Jun) , and Sharla (Sharla in Japan). Announce you will remove . Rachel and Jun are an American/Japanese married couple of YouTube personalities who make online videos about Japanese culture and society (sometimes called J-vlog (ger)s ), and reciprocal perceptions between Japanese and Westerners. I have, however, watched various responses to her video and responses to the whole situation to get a good basis of what is going on.