It remains to be seen if she can effectively run a whole nation as well as she can run a city. He was a stallion who cared very much about his fellow equine and looked to make his mark helping others, becoming a key figure in maintaining the Equestrian food supply and overall rationing system when the Lunar Civil War broke out. and an ample amount of political intrigue. Barrad does not start in a good situation in 1007. They established friendly relations with the neighbouring Crystal Empire, a kingdom of crystal ponies, who embraced Alicorn rule under the Amore dynasty and wielded the magic of the powerful crystals that grew in their domain, prospering under the magical strength of its powerful core, the Crystal Heart. Mournful but resolute, Celestia ruled Equestria under the mantle of Harmony and its guiding philosophy of cooperation, friendship, and trust, supported by careful management of ecological and climate balance. Taking the focuses relating to the fate of the Pentarchy will grant a research slot and largely depend on the past relationship Leopold had with the other members. A Bright Future will change your development to Modern Society. If you want to trigger the event manually, then use the following ids: eaw_superevents.1 - 199. Twilight and her friends restored the Crystal Empire's Crystal Heart and drove off Sombra, this time keeping the Crystal Empire intact. The Dual Monarchy was restored even as Equestria faced new challenges, including increasing tensions with the Buffalo Tribes and the escape of chaotic demigod Discord. ), You get the 'The End of a Crusade event' (The windigos are pissed and out of spite Rosa kills herself therefore eliminating all life on the planet. The Princes' attend the high class military academy in Canterlot, where they are trained to command armies in battle. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Check the Pentarchy Window (CTRL+P) for detailed backstory and information on each member. Ambitious creatures from all over the world came to join him, but only four rose above the rest. I don't think this list mentioned Cyanolisia or Gryphian Host. Demon Nation, Leopold Ascension-Giant Mecha-Bird makes a mecha-nation. Note that the choice of leaders differs slightly depending on the selection of a Republic or Constitutional Monarchy. equestria at war barrad guide. Leopold Schmeller, a sickly griffon from the Herzland who believes that technological enhancement replacing flesh would allow Griffonia to thrive through the leadership of mechanical demigods. There is a catch, though. Friendships strained as the harmony of the village gave way to the chaos of the city and free market. Instead, Viira becomes a national spirit in a supporting role, and decisions unlock to use her new powers to aid your divisions in war. While hard to imagine, Barrad has not always been the place of dark magic it is now. If he considered Asinti and/or Silver Star enemies, they will be killed, but if they were considered friends than Leopold will allow them to become generals once more or act as advisors, which will be represented by national spirits. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, better known as Cadance, is another Alicorn Princess, though she began life as a Pegasus. Be attacked will the civil war is ongoing and the FNV/PVDA will seek a servant to rule. However, these paled in comparison to the surprise invasion by the Changelings in 1002 ALB, a race of insect-like shapeshifters from the north who fed on the love of their victims. Empires rose and fell, but Equestria remained. Barrad: a place of dark magic and mysterious curses, where even its name can strike fear into the hearts of creatures. However, the true power of this path lies outside of her focus tree: her abilities. However it is rumoured she has some confidence issues which she hides from others. Count Ambrosius keeps that position, albeit with a new trait. Thanks very much. The princesses defended the kingdom throughout its early age from monsters, demigods, and disasters, and in doing so they discovered the Tree of Harmony, wielding the magic of its Six Elements, being Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Magic, Loyalty, and Generosity. Cruel, dangerous, but powerful, the five magocrats are the undisputed masters of Barrad, although they occasionally squabble amongst themselves. So, I've seen around that the Barrad Magocracy has sevenish paths, and I wanted to get a full description of all of them. The right branch has research bonuses for military technologies and beneficial national spirits relating to warfare. twists, such as the notion of industrialization, far-reaching corruption The fascists can go nationalist, military rule or monarchist.). The Summon Generals focus will be your only source of more unit leaders due to Barrad being unable to recruit more in the normal way. It provides an unpredictable variable which can seriously help or hinder you as you play. Media Personality Wielding powers most can not even dream of, possibly the most powerful being on the planet, she has access to an even greater number of spells than her other path. Pentarchy Dead!-Whoops, all corpses! Prince of Equestria Once you've completed most possible focuses the decision will unlock. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Silver Ascension. Her knowledge on rocks means she knows very well how to use terrain to our advantage. Centuries passed, and Celestia rarely spoke of Luna's banishment and the times before it. Despite all this, she remains humble and prefers to spend time with her friends and family, or reading books in her vast library of the Ponyville Castle. Silver Star will be able to instantly deploy forces straight from creation, so taking advantage of his large ponypower pool is recommended. Each character will have three abilities: a simple attack which deals damage to an enemy, and two others which cost resources to cast. Celestia and Luna soon realized their destinies were to wield control over the Sun and Moon respectively. Travel Loans: We pay for the travel ticket ahead of time There are Crude Clockworks, the weakest and cheapest type, Military Clockworks, which are more expensive and powerful, and Commanding Clockworks which increase the division's organization. Post author: Post published: 22/06/2022 Post category: craftsman style outdoor planters Post comments: canadian jewelry designers toronto canadian jewelry designers toronto His is the largest of the three Pentarchy members, having two distinct paths available depending on whether you gave your undead autonomy. While Leopold gets no direct war goals in his tree, he does get access to raiding decisions on all of his neighbors. He entered the new democratic political scene through his financial influence and power, under the simple but to some, sort of unsettling catchphrase "Make Equestria Great Again", though not exactly specifying how in the face of opponents with more clear motives, goals, and methods. Though not necessarily the most humble politician, Blueblood knows how, when, and what to say what the public wants to hear, knows what the public wants, and has the intellect to carry out their will efficiently. Asinti Ascension. However, the fight can be made much easier by killing Leopold after defeating the Titan and killing Silver Star after going through his library, and allow you to save more resources as well. As before, Agent Drops is ready to do her duty in the name of Equestria. Barrad: a place of dark magic and mysterious curses, where even its name can strike fear into the hearts of creatures. For Viira to be able to control the immense power that the reactor and the being inside it contains, she must first understand what is behind the strange happenings in Barrad. The air force tree is similar, granting free air bases and a choice between Strategic Destruction and Battlefield Support. The second segment grants increased research speed, a research slot and war goals on Austurland and Kasa. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Otherwise, the chance varies from low to almost-certain. Each region provides 7-12 infantry divisions at near full equipment level, each with 6 infantry battalions and a support artillery battalion. He is also very prejudiced against anyone who is not a pony, openly referring to non-ponies as "creatures" in a dismissive manner. She will recharge over time, so if you're approaching the limit of her abilities just give her some time to cool down before starting to throw magic around again. This general will go out of his way to talk to the media and will always try to be in the limelight. Once it had ended, with the support of his many brothers and sisters in arms, he took up a platform focused on the defense of future peace and harmony in this new, changed Equestria. After the civil war, once you complete "Glory to the south-east" As Lavender Berry. The community subreddit of Equestria at War, a My Little Pony inspired mod for the video game Hearts of Iron 4. A complete list of music and images used in the mod is in the credits.txt file. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. In 979 ALB New Mareland, which had heavily invested in the growing markets of the Griffonian Empire, suffered economic disaster as the Griffonian Empire collapsed into warring states and revolutionary uprisings. Despite a few rough patches in her long administration as the Mayor of Ponyville, losing once to Filthy Rich, she has proven to be both a well meaning and effective leader and diplomat, again at the local level. Luna must choose who to seek support from. How do I unlock Twilight as a leader? Those require that particular character to be alive, meaning that you should aim to keep every character alive to get the full range of focuses. Career Officer These decisions will also be reflected in the Toll of War, an item in the decision tab that measures the psychological impact of the war on Celestia, and Equestria's attitude towards militarism. Fluttershy is the Element of Kindness and a caretaker of animals. The economic tree will gradually increase your science base and decrease your illiteracy and poverty, and you can increase your development by taking the Improve Society decision that should appear. Step into the Fog.Link to the full Barrad Magocracy Playlist: Patreon page for s. ), Don't do any focuses until you get the 'Second Thoughts' event (You gain a new focus tree with only 1 focus, 'All is Well' because well all is truly well. Have the syndicalists win and you get your focus tree (You are a syndicalist state and can be aggresive. After almost single-hoofedly turning around a naval battle in the middle of the night against a much larger enemy force Evening Squall was first given the nickname "Nightmare of Solomon" by enemy forces but it was soon adopted by Equestrian naval personnel. The player should monitor the changelings, plan accordingly, and avoid accidentally starting a 70-day focus just before the changelings begin to justify. While it is obvious today that the tales speak of the Royal Pony Sisters who rule Equestria, few, if any concrete facts are known about their history. Once that last focus is taken, the next segment will be unlocked. There is a strong focus on magical warfare and use of the harsh terrain. Ascension, the second focus will spawn in the new crown jewel of the Barradian army: Leopold himself, a hero division and general with incredible stats able to wipe away entire armies by himself. (No more people asking for how to get secret x or path y.) Coco Pommel began her career as a humble assistant and dressmaker, before being hired by Rarity to help her run her chain of boutiques. As such, the country is less open to radical changes. This Admiral has a knack for giving the right quote to the right person. He owns many other smaller businesses as well and is always seeking to make new deals with new ponies. There she fell in love with a young Shining Armour, and married him. With only a few factories, a very weak army and more powerful players, the country will have to rely on the bonuses from its focus tree and unique tech tree to remain on par with its neighbors. See the Lunar Empire page for further information on playing as the Lunar Empire. It has also ensured peace in the land for over a thousand years. He wields nothing more than a shovel, but is a master at using it to dig trenches. Fancy Pants is an aristocrat and a member of Canterlot's upper class. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Regardless, the completion of this chain will grant a variety of bonuses, greatly boosting Equestria's military strength and its ability to intervene elsewhere. The majority of Leopold's tree is about rapidly industrializing Barrad into a powerhouse for its size, especially if you chose Clockwork Factories in the previous tree before powering the reactor. After some time, Cadence was installed as the leader of the Crystal Empire and safekept it along with her husband. Behind the scenes, her alter ego Nightmare Moon will attempt to prepare for, and provoke, a civil war. WT: 2.0 Size: MEDIUM The First Equestrian British war II started in 1885 where the British empire tries to conquer Equestria to become part of their colony but failed due to that Equestria has powers to defeat the British. The last requirement is that Viira must have less then 1.2k resources when she ignites the reactor; collapsing Asinti's temple will cause a massive drain on Viira's resources, which can easily put it under 1.2k. No longer the holders of the Elements of Harmony, Celestia and Luna's banishment spell on Sombra and the Crystal Empire faded, returning both the Empire and Sombra to Equestria. Leopold Ascension. The final section has focuses for gaining more factories, improving your air force, and declaring war on Kasa, Gryphus, Austurland and finally the entire River Coalition at once. She owns a chain of fashion boutiques and is a well-known entrepreneur and clothing designer. His tactics as a general were strict, disciplined, and conservative, not to mention highly effective, and he carries those methodologies into his administration. If Luna gives in, Nightmare Moon overtakes her and the Lunar Empire forms. Either a former pilot or an air force officer relegated to army command, this general uses their experience to better coordinate joint air and land operations. When he isn't putting cadets in their places, he's just a big softie. While typically capitalists like him are regarded as mean and greedy, Filthy Rich is an amicable and kind pony. With the last focus you can pick the mayor, pick yourself (You get a new focus tree and create a technocratic state. Never again. A diverse, vast realm of stories and myths, Northern Zebrica. Should you have defeated the Titan by digging the mine shaft deep enough previously, Leopold will be buffed further, turning him into a truly unstoppable force. While much longer than the alternative, this branch allows you to remove almost all the negative effects of the national spirits you gain, turning them into purely positive ones. Instead of going for a rapid unending attack on the Riverlands, Silver Star instead turns his nation into a true kingdom, one of eternal life through undeath. Grimhoof is a high-ranking member of the Cloudsdale Royal Legion. The decisions take twenty days to complete and drain PP while active. ), With the last focus you can pick the mayor, pick Rockfeller (You get a new focus tree with a nation under Rockfeller.). After this decision is made, Luna will receive 4 events from the perspective of 4 different groups in Equestria relating to the reforms - cultists recruited in dreams, progressive activists, batpony clans and the Equestrian Royal Guard. The more autonomy you have given to your undead, the more powerful your new generals will be. In the hands of a competent player who knows how it works, Barrad can turn from an irrelevant backward to a dominant power on Griffonia, especially if it is able to defeat the River Coalition. Otherwise, it works similarly to the Fallen Pentarchy path: working to secure Barrad against its enemies. There's no extra credit in Whiplash's world. A good enough plan can survive contact with the enemy.