The angle at which an airplane glides is determined by the ratio of its weight to its drag, also called the lift over drag, or L/D, ratio. Then use the table above to calculate the glide ratio you achieved at the respective speeds and see what speed yields the best glide. uR6xQJ-?yOT ,l0l8x-^g9 -^%BNNnNcpzs!fq&=%0=x[Nv[w_#PU n[Ln@}h} jz'4hdj&ba? Performance is much more than speed alone! Posted February 18, 2023. However, Bacons model is so well done, Titan Aircraft encouraged a test flight. Engines. With the light entering the cabin from certain directions the white face of the instrument panel reflected significantly in the windscreen. excess of 110 mph. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. and our *Todayss flight will be a pleasure flight and not instructional. Is tail clearance an issue especially in flapless config? That is one drawback to converting to E-LSA - it cannot be used for flight instruction (in an aircraft which that person provides) or rental. Do roots of these polynomials approach the negative of the Euler-Mascheroni constant? Compare price and specifications of all Titan Tornado models in our listings. AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',',0,0,0','width','50','height','37','title','Back Button','src','tspecs','quality','high','pluginspage','','movie','tspecs' ); //end AC code, For further information contact: ZANKLITES Sport Aircraft (Phone) 715-568-2244 Cons Trim adjustment is nonintuitive requiring you learn its operation; also located under the seat where access is more challenging. @*+b Cn'PpC1a>JIe7[xb0iL+TH7h'=u n] ? 0kG62L+-W Wvoxy!B=fk[Bl0X\MnA, Given the small wing area, this is hardly surprising even if the wing design works hard to produce lift. FX 88 = 2.1 glide ratio brakes free, 2.3 at quarter brakes, 2.8 in deep brakes (Goes way up in deep brakes, unlike old F-111 canopies where the glide ratio would go down.) If you're feeling brave, you can get to a safe altitude over your airport or some other uncontrolled airport with a decent long runway, and shut the thing right down at altitude, and take your measurements with the propeller windmilling and stopped, restarting as soon as you're done, and allowing for the engine to warm up. It does not include installation of engine, fabric, instrument panel, windows, doors, fiberglass parts, interior, or finish work. endobj Do you wonder how spades work? It did not immediately tend to go in the right direction but neither did it try to go the opposite direction. The Tornado is efficient enough that rudder pressures were light and it seemed best to lead with the ailerons when making reversing maneuvers. But having flown several Tornadoes with and without spades, Im willing to state I prefer them on this aircraft. You'll also need to know your weight and the temperature and density of the air (OAT and PA will do). For example, if my hanglider has a glide ration of 7:1 (7 to 1), then for each foot of altitude lost I travel forward 7 feet. Want to know opinions on it. TIME TO SWITCH For his many optimal features, Roger Bacon added this switch panel on the right side of the cockpit. and outstanding customer support, is sure to provide the You will divide the run by the rise. Cookie Notice Ignition Switch - OFF 5. A single seat high wing pusher with full cantilevered wing and aluminum construction which qualifies as a Light Sport Aircraft. If you want more precision, do a timed descent using the altimeter instead of trying to discern the VSI. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. First, this is one hard-working wing that produces an uncommon amount of lift for its relatively short 23.5-foot span. Good engine inspection/repair access. Convert the TAS to Ft/Min, or the VS to knots, divide one into the other, and there's your glide ratio. Stall recovery and characteristics; Dampening; Spiral stability; Adverse yaw qualities. Titan says the Tornado Fast Build Kit includes a completed wing; the control surfaces and wing tips are built, but not installed. Pros Visibility is very good for pretakeoff traffic checks. Built with Rotax 912S engine and many accessories, payload decreases. Perversely, adding weight means that the best glide angle occurs at a faster speed. The Tornado II incorporates materials and systems Reported construction time is 350 hours. and money into it, but whatever you pay and however long it takes to build, my guess is youd enjoy flying your Tornado as much as I enjoyed Rogers. Any memory jogger that works for you will suffice, but you need a system, as the wheel is different than most trim controls. SEATING OR CARGO While seated in the front, Roger Bacon holds open the rear entry door in an invitation to place cargo or an occupant inside. Posted February 28, 2023, One blade model 100-4E available for Titan T-51 since new 0h, Telephone: Over the years, Titan Aircraft has made their Tornado a familiar aircraft seen at flight parks and airports around the nation. Tornado II qualifies as a Light Sport Aircraft as defined by NEAT LAYOUT Roger Bacon did a quality job of using his panel space to accommodate a range of instruments in his Tornado 912. Adverse yaw on this Tornado was interesting. Add a controllable prop to the mix and you have some serious enthusiasm being generated. Why did Ukraine abstain from the UNHRC vote on China? It details approaches that a GA pilot can take to measure the performance of their aircraft. Good control authority aids crosswind landings. iCOM A22 radio. Weights*Empty: 250-360 lbs. Just get it stabilized and trimmed hands off in a glide in the configuration you want, in smooth air, engine idling, and note VS and TAS. 6199408310 The Hoo-Yah Factor. For a glider it determines the glide ratio, of distance travelled against loss of height. If you can't afford a factory-built LSA, consider buying an E-LSA kit (experimental LSA - up to 99% complete). The choke lever, located right below the throttle, also has a very short arm. Been awhile but I remember it was pretty docile and despite having that short Hershey bar wing had a good glide ratio. However, in an engine-out situation, the descent rate appears to be rather high. Privacy Policy. Owner states fuel burn as higher than expected. It has a 23.5 ft (7.2 m) wingspan. Ready to Fly (No Paint) Two Place (Additonal Cost). I wanted a ballpark figure for the cost to know if I can even afford it and, if so, how much to budget for when I do decide to make the leap. Can glide ratio be increased with bi-wing configuration? Loaded rather lightly on nosewheel; may affect steering. I'm looking to purchase a Titan tornado ll it has a 503 rotax engine I want to put a 65 hp engine on the plane. Airframe kit is fairly priced and several quicker-build options are available. Breakaway Battery Box with Charger and Tester. 16 0 obj [1][3], The Tornado 103 was named Ultralight Grand Champion at Sun 'n Fun 1994. . Hes had to send out some parts for repair or modifications, so it will be at least a couple of months before hes ready to fly it. But when an aileron is deflected upward, for example, its spade tips downward. Though you cant see this switch while flying, its movement is intuitive. Steep turns revealed the wings efficiency. %PDF-1.5 The Titan Tornado 2 is designed to a +6g / -4g load limit capability at 1000 pounds gross weight. The unregistered Titan Tornado, flown by a student pilot/co-owner, was observed on an approach to a private grass strip. On that French design, I didnt operate it correctly mostly due to lack of any indicator saying where it was set. Carpeted interior inviting and suppressed noise. 500 were reported flying in 2003. '~cwt8GsF8YNjK)xh4Je[)#`Hq|^k2&IXL_Wj*JC!2/?|m d)H~VpfBij#|)Hg,*6C;lVY_3*X)hD*c;:x:T%&}$w~)qSW)ed ^vo3Nk% n[y Q 8wcC3ql}o|Isi8QQE'AEXe/FDkveq .nt.TJpNd$j VL.U;3v{o.s5v;d _ngGV 4o9t>7GnGnNwrfQu3 aML1\IO:'4K*Sc4x\Gyi):~yOA Pros A Tornado with a 100-hp Rotax 912S is a potent light plane with a fighter pilot look and feel. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11], The first in the Tornado series, the Tornado 103, which started development in 1990, was introduced in 1994 and designed to fit into the US FAR 103 Ultralight Vehicles category, meeting the 254lb (115kg) empty weight limit. As flown, rear seat will be restricted to very light occupant or luggage. What was the Space Shuttle's glide ratio? 5416432781 text, Telephone: All required materials, components, and fasteners are included in the airframe kit. The glide ratio has the same value as the lift ratio. Ground stability appears excellent. Thanks to Bacon for his willingness to let me take his pride and joy aloft. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. GPS Signal Strength The strength of the GPS satellite signal. Glide Ratio at Full Glide: The St iletto has a slightly flatter glide angle at full glide than the Sabre. Pros Landing visibility is outstanding; takeoff visibility is better than average in spite of steep climb angle potential with Rotax 912S. Treated 2"x 8" Floor Boards. However, being at idle, power off windmilling, or dead stick might be a significant consideration, but I will just lump those into "configuration". In aviation, the Holy Grail of design aims at a 4:1 ratio of fastest cruise to slowest stall. When I decide to take up the hobby and if I still want a Tornado then I'll keep you in mind for a real quote. Titan has evolved this popular design into several models, including new S version. are some of the options: Titan Tornado, two place, factory built airplane, Rotax 618, E-drive, warp drive prop, electric flaps, Matco brakes, custom interior, great condition, new stits, paint,. Telephone: Just how much is the glide ratio harmed by a 5-kt or 10-kt speed change? Is there a proper earth ground point in this switch box? However, this introduced one of my few criticisms of this Tornado. No wonder Titan has enjoyed great sales of this line of aircraft. 973 This may be explained by the wide-open view over the tapering nose. 1 0 obj 5 0 obj In Delaware. This ratio is often referred to as "glide ratio" in engines-out emergency landings. However, thats just the beginning. Air pressures on the spade help the aileron do its job. Is it possible to create a concave light? Pros The Tornado II 912 can have many features (as either Amateur-Built aircraft or proposed light-sport aircraft): trim, flaps, adjustable rudder pedals, controllable pitch prop and more. Current weight with bigger gas tank, wheel pants and fairings is 424 lbs empty. READY, SET, GO Owner Roger Bacon flashes a smile before buttoning up his Tornado and heading for takeoff. What Is the Difference Between 'Man' And 'Son of Man' in Num 23:19? Glide Ratio = Horizontal Distance divided by the Change in Altitude. The results after several. How can I check before my flight that the cloud separation requirements in VFR flight rules are met? High performance, aerobatic. "YN U`%[=CC{}7Es$",phT#G,NZjmCkMy7`r!HS\+t~@b7w7}Ej%y`.` &WXL HIe3[bw]oxYNGso << Get to altitude, then pitch for some speed. These vary with speed, so the results are typically plotted on a 2-dimensional graph. But it would be useful to know the values for both cases. Somewhat on the noisy side (though no worse than many others). With Rotax 912S engine and accessories as flown, price will generously exceed $30,000 plus build time. Tornado II Sport Two seats in tandem version, intended for the US homebuilt category.