The princess as well did not think of anything, though after she was told of Lakyus and Evileyes bunny girl costumes she and Climb were confused as to why the two women would be in such attire. However, he cast aside [6], Nevertheless, high-level demons had very high elemental resistances. After the adventurers left, Climb asked Renner if they should be concerned that the protagonist was investigating their allies as it was suspicious. 6 Fakta Putri Renner "Overlord" Putri Yang Berkhianat. All; Anime; 2:50. After listening to all the details from Demiurge, Entoma created an illusion in an empty space. Clementine | Instead it was decided by Lakyus and Renner that Evileye would go and see the situation herself. While having reached the passageway safely, he noticed that several buildings are collapsing, the capital being on fire, and how there are no traces of his fellow citizens' presence or their screams. She is voiced by Kiyono Yasunoin Japanese and by Jessica Petersonin English, who also voiced the Eternity Devil in Chainsaw Man. She understands the concept of both good and evil, but she doesn't hesitate to commit evil acts to benefit her own goals. They talk about how war is likely to happen if a creature like that calls himself a king. Renner was aware that her eldest brother intended to marry her off to one of his political backers once he took the throne, prompting her to conspire against him with Zanac and Marquis Raeven. for Lakyus by reaching a compromise with the Adventurer Guild's leader to have additional bodyguards by her friend's side. Overlord season 4 episode 13 titled The Witch of the Falling Kingdom, opens with Princess Renner on her way to meet her father, King Ramposa III, with Climb. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! [16] Due to the lack of resources available in the kingdom, the princess asked Lakyus and Gagaran to complete a request for her on behalf of the Kingdom. Brain tells the two of them to run while he handles the vampire. For that reason, she was suggested by her brother to seek refuge at the Karsanas City-State Alliance like her father wanted her to do. now. Described as a spiritual heteromorph, Renner is a human, yet one of the most inhumane characters in the entire Overlord series, even worse than the likes of Clementine. Lockmyer later volunteers to help Climb in his mission to find and recover citizens captured by demons during the Demonic Disturbance. Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself | He hears Evileye say that she can't defeat the Sorcerer King and that she is uncertain who is more powerful between the Sorcerer King and Momon. in helping him navigate his way to an abandoned warehouse district, looking to use a small warehouse from there as a hiding place where the items will be hidden in that location's basement. Ramposa III (Father)Barbro Andrean Ield Ryle Vaiself (Half-Brother)Zanac Valleon Igana Ryle Vaiself (Half-Brother) Unnamed Elder Sisters Demons are considered by the New World inhabitants to be otherworldly beings that hailed from the Demon World. Renner herself has now become so deliriously happy with her new situation with Climb as servants to the Sorcerer Kingdom and has now begun thinking and pondering if she should have her first time with him now or savor it later. Nah, this "test" is similar to Renner poisoned the orphanage, to help Climb use the race change item. This doesn't make sense unless you accept that she is working with Nazarick. He asks what happened to the corpses because they might contain clues. Light Novel Sebas accepted the young man's determination, agreeing to offer him a quick lesson. Additionally, she was hoping to possibly scout and recruit potential Malmvist | Hearing this, she was asked by her brother how this was even made possible in the first place, the latter looking to depend on her intellect more than ever before due to their current situation. slept. He was threatened by Evileye to hold still and not make any foolish move on them until they successfully accomplished their scheme which is to drug and cast [Charm Person] on their leader. Overlord is a musical! Certain extremely high-level demons could also use skills that could prevent the use of teleportation in their vicinity. As the state of the Kingdom and his own personal situation continued getting worse, Climb came to blame Ainz for all of it. Ever since Renner's birth, her intelligence, observational skills, comprehension, creativity, leadership, and every other aspect concerning ruler-ship were overdeveloped. Renner informs Albedo that the preparations in She had devised a strategy for the Gender She has vibrant, dark blue eyes that shine like sapphires, filled with warmth. Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself () is ahuman turnedImpand the former Third Princess of the Re-Estize Kingdom. Aside from this, though, they also share a more personal relationship, with both openly discussing their twisted love for their man. After undergoing a racial change into a demon, Renner no longer feels any need to hide her true nature when interacting with others, except for one sole exception. Japanese VA happens. Finding familiar instructions written by Renner to go to the throne room, he immediately left Ramposa's room to check what she and her father were doing while he was away on his mission. While so, Renner explains how she herself knew that Marquis Blumrush, a Great Noble of the Royalty Faction, had betrayed the Re-Estize Kingdom for the Renner informs her father that she wanted to have Brain decides to carry Gazef's body back while Climb carries Razor Edge. [21] After the protagonist accepted the mission, Renner also asked Blue Roses to go with the adventurer and also made preparations with the Pharmacist's Guild to be ready for an injured Warrior Captain. Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself | [26], Climb was given permission by Renner to leave her side, as Lakyus and Gagaran volunteered to act as her escorts, so that he could join in E-Rantel's Harvest Festival. Narberal Gamma | She swayed Climb to become an immortal demon like her too so that they can live together forever by each other's side The trio did their best to stay alive and avoid the roaming invaders in the city, but they were attacked by a pair of Giant Flying Chaos Beasts. After a discussion between Renner and Lakyus began, he was shocked to find that all of a sudden, Gagaran and Tia launched a decisive combo attack repeatedly on their team leader. In the Climb accepted it and decide to stay with her. Shortly before Tuare is kidnapped, Renner is met by Demiurge, whom had heard rumors of both her intelligence and wicked nature. However, Zanac believes she only befriended her to use Blue Roses to increase her influence. According to Renner herself, she receives the idea of building an orphanage from Brain Unglaus. Shalltear Bloodfallen | The demon saved the city by destroying a horde of thirty thousand Chaos Beasts but as payment he demanded the riches of E-Rantel and Emperor Jircniv. When Brain bids farewell to him and Renner, Climb voices his disapproval of the warrior's choice to leave them and fight the Sorcerer King. After Lockmyer left, the two men were joined by Gazef. Overall, the Golden Princess is the type of person unbound by the petty constraints of morality. [19], When the summit for the Tripartite Alliance was about to take place, the bodyguard being not allowed to attend the event, wished the protagonist and his team good luck. Renner was known publicly as the Golden Princess for her benevolence and kindness. However, upon seeing Renner's new form as an Imp, it brought him back to reality, refusing to no longer console himself. She states her plan to form the adventurers up into a battle line, followed closely by a line of guards. To confirm if his theory was right, Renner got in touch with the real Blue Roses via a [Message] proving that his concern was warranted. Renner's True Traits did have 2 Personalities which caused him to feel no remorse after betraying his kingdom. [3], While heading back to the palace, he saw Sebas confronting a group of drunkards who were beating up a defenseless child. Renner fooled Climb into believing that he was resurrected and saved at the cost of her Despite the distrust Blue Roses have towards Marquis Raeven for taking money Renner engages in a conversation with Lakyus about what she had been doing until now and how everyone including the members of Blue Roses are making use of their time before the fall of the Royal Capital She orders Climb to sway Marquis Raeven into having a discussion with her by a discussion with him about her new idea for the benefit of the Kingdom at a later time. She reasonably suggested her father to keep all the national treasures hidden in the Royal Climb appear and saw her cover in her father blood. [20] When Gazef was out on a mission, Climb was busy training in the training ground of the fortress city. She is renowned for her wisdom beyond her age, and it's later shown to be beneficial to her manipulative skills. After being welcomed into Nazarick, Albedo is now Renner's direct superior. Re-Estize Kingdom While the capital Re-Estize is already surrounded by the Sorcerer Kingdom's forces, Climb, Renner and Brain were informed by the few remaining knights that Blue Roses was waiting for them after they had returned to the palace. everything that had happen to her while he was dead and what she had decided to do in order to bring him back alive. Family . While the capital Re-Estize is already surrounded by the Sorcerer Kingdom's forces, she left Ro-Lente Castle to bring food rations from her home to the Orphanage she had set up. Renner explains her motivation and satisfaction for the positive actions she had did for Join. She is even perceptive and keen of some people's motives, going to the extent of deducing it upon connecting the dots. She expressed how the children in her orphanage are her treasure, feeling it is her duty and responsibility to look after them who no longer have parents due to the recent turn of events surrounding the Massacre at Katze Plains. Climb witnessed the arrival of the protagonist in jet-black armor and his abilities in repulsing the Demon Emperor and his cohorts from the city. Female The members of Darkness having heard enough then left. After her two older sisters were married off, Renners own allowance was stated to have increased due to their portion now going to her due to them no longer needing it to support themselves, Renner herself used her increased funds to pay for and Finance her orphanage. He goes inside to tell Renner and Evileye that it is time to go. As her father was unfamiliar with the nation, Renner provided him with some information on it. While publicly known as the "Golden Princess," she is actually a yandere infatuated with her bodyguard, Climb, and later sold out her country to the Sorcerer Kingdom. Epithet You can help the Overlord Wiki out by improving it in a way that matches the wiki's layout guide and standards or simply providing a proofread and grammar check. He is a demon that serves as the Floor Guardian of the 7th Floor of Nazarick, Commander of the Nazarick defenses, and second-in-command of the Guardians. Londes Di Clamp, Others Before he set off to carry out Renner's task, he was informed of the hidden passageways from the palace to the capital by her father. As a result, once Climb convinces him, Renner had asked Marquis Raeven who is with her older brother, Zanac, to lend her some of his household troops and help her to suppress Eight Fingers in the Royal Capital. Romaji He respects Gazef's decision to challenge the Sorcerer King. She reasons that maybe the marquis chose to betray them for the sake of protecting the people in his city. father. Magical. Renner only able to become demon after a series of unspeakable evil like kill orphans and backstab her father, Climb need to go through that stuff too to able to become a demon like Renner. Renner requests the Adventurer's Guild of the Royal Capital to deal with Jaldabaoth's demonic forces. Some months after the attack on E-Rantel, Climb was reported to be among the casualties. His death was the result of an condition of Princess Renner, through her collusion with the Sorcerer Kingdom. You can help the Overlord Wiki out by improving it in a way that matches the wiki's layout guide and standards or simply providing a proofread and grammar check. Ainz killed him. Donate. Renner is the first known individual from the New World to have successfully racechanged usingan YGGDRASIL item. A short time later, Renner along with the rest of the royal family greeted Albedo, the emissary of the Sorcerer Kingdom, when she appeared at the Ro-Lente Castle to start formal relations. SHARES. The fact that nobody really understood what Renner said had a huge effect on her mental development and slowly twisted the girl over time until she befriended a young orphan boy that hung on her every word.[1]. During a meeting between Ainz and the Floor Guardians, Demiurge spoke about using the Golden Princess to achieve effects that are similar to his master's method. The only exception to this is Climb, who she views as her "puppy." [11], Demons seem to follow a hierarchy of sorts in the New World. Davernoc | She offered several useful insights that could help her brother solve those issues, such as suggesting the use of high-level druids or using grain bought from the Sorcerer Kingdom by merchants. Follow. Nigredo | Renner explains to them that she plans to have Lakyus and Overlord Season 4 Episode 13 - SPOILER Behold Demon Princess Renner of The Re-Estize Kingdom! Overlord Chapter 29 16 Whether it is a dignified royalty when granting an audience, a kind and compassionate girl in front of Climb, or a naive, innocent and foolish princess for deceiving her maids. Race Climb was told by Gazef that he needs to improve his swordsmanship to be able to protect Princess Renner under any circumstances. Renner explains that their strongest adamantite-ranked adventurer Momon will be acting as everyone's bow and arrow rather than a shield to spearhead their operation around him. Befitting of creatures that exist solely to feed off the suffering of others, they appeared as grotesque-looking monsters. When Climb returned to While the demon could not act on her immediate orders, Renner manipulated it by forcing it to slay Climb by causing Climb to bring Razor Edge to the E-Rantel Magic Research Institute to bring to the imprisoned Gazef Stronoff. He is also rather naive, and dense to Renner's true personality. To ensure Climb's survival, she had a condition that he be slain and corpse recovered if there was any situation where his body would be endangered of being lost. During his duel against Ainz, Climb attempted to attack and destroy the. After the true movements of the Sorcerer Kingdom were finally revealed and made aware to the Royal Capital. Once it was determined that Six Arms and Zurrernorn were behind the incident, Renner then ordered Blue Roses to capture Zero who had escaped. Then resurrect him. When asked why she allows Climb to undergo a life-threatening task of patrolling inside the firewall of the capital while demons are around, Renner reasons with them that it is all for the purpose of Zanac was Renner's older brother and the only person in their family aware of her true nature. Several of Renners intellectual feats include: Renner is also a skilled actress, who can assume one of many fake personalities, depending on her purpose. This song gave me CHILLS What a beautiful gift to fans around the world for HALLOWEEN! Renner reassures Marquis Raeven and Prince Zanac that she even ensures protection Genre. Details File Size: 4587KB Duration: 6.200 sec Dimensions: 498x277 Created: 9/29/2022, 9:01:33 PM Furthermore, she perfectly maintained her public persona, the "Golden Princess, to the end of the Re-Estize Kingdom with no one ever discovering her betrayal. Human Race (Formerly)Human (Formerly) Heteromorphic RaceImp Due to her lack of sufficient strength, Razor Edge appears heavy to Renner. Under Renner's order, he was given the task to hide everything including specific items that look symbolic of the throne and the Kingdom to prevent the Sorcerer King from easily finding out about them. There they were greeted by the sight of not only the protagonist and his friends but a semi-cured and enhanced Gazef Stronoff fighting a Spear Chaos Beast. Barbro Andrean Ield Ryle Vaiself | Climb first heard of Ainz from Gazef and displayed gratitude towards him for saving a man that he admired. While so, they continued After the meeting was over, he and Brain who were waiting outside the room have been later ordered by Renner to go to her room while she went off with Zanac to have a meeting with Ramposa.[13]. The princess seeing that there is no trouble, also gives Climb an assignment to locate a group of thieves that have been robbing the people in the camps. Overlord is an anime series based on the light novel series of the same name written by Kugane Maruyama and illustrated by so-bin. However, their conversation was later interrupted when they were attacked by a group of assassins who were sent to kill Sebas. The conversation then turned to the number of sick orphans in the old section of E-Rantel, which Renner heart went out to. Brain and Climb decide that since it's injured, they should be able to defeat it on their own. [9] This notion may well, in fact, be possibly true since Lizzie Bareare once heard that there are demons who could grant any wish in return for mens souls as part of the contract. They talk about Gazef's desire to not be resurrected and how Climb says that, if he could, he would accept resurrection and serve the Princess until he becomes dust. In that time period, it was believed these demons held the power to destroy the world, as there were none who could possibly challenge them. Saddened at the seeming waste of life, the King tells them to name what reward they want, and if they survive, he will grant it. Japanese VA For example: After her betrayal and her country being left in ruins, she willingly gave up her royal status to become a full-time servant of Nazarick. . Renner already had a feeling that they were all acting this way aggressively towards Lakyus for a reason. Olasird'arc Haylilyal, Human Kingdoms [14], Renner listened to a briefing from her friend Lakyus with Climb on the Cracks that have appeared throughout the world. Defense. Overlord Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Renner change her race and lie to Climb that in order to have Ainz resurrect him, she change her race and is now a part of Nazarick. Climb sees Sebas as a powerful person after seeing him beat the leader of a group of drunk men who were trying to beat a young boy.