always recommend folks watch Glengarry Glen Ross written by David Mament. Theres no systemic cure for that. The conclusion of the decision is pretty awesome to read, and I recommend you do it in full. We will check for: DUIs Traffic Tickets Misdemeanors George Santoss Nasty Twitter Battle With Fellow New York Republicans. Robert Silvers remained at the company as a leader of research and development. ;-P. I think Ill defer any future purchases of products owned by or associated with Remington or the freedom group. Soon after the sale, Bushmaster was folded into Freedom Group, the holding company Cerberus had chartered to conquer the gun business. Someone please correct me if Im wrong, but thats what I think is the answer to your question. Jeff Cooper and others have made strong arguments for the idea that aimed semiautomatic fire is more dangerous and desirable than burst or full auto save very limited situations like suppressing fire. Join Facebook to connect with Kevin Brittingham and others you may know. Mr. Brittinghams mistake was doing business with jerks. This approach was duplicated across a number of other Freedom Group sidelines, including manufacturers of weapon optics, pistol grips, ammunition, even clothing. What the ATF requires can be handled in a separate file. Im shocked. Remington eventually sent a single person to iron out the compliance issues, in the form of a former private investigator with a few days of ATF training and no background in compliance whatsoever. Thats TEN MILLION DOLLARS. Once you start dealing fit 7 digits in front of the decimal point, everyone is a scumbag. Culture follows process, and vice-versa. But months later when the list made its way to Freedom Groups headquarters, they took it as gospel that the guns in the Kevin pile were all actually Kevins guns, did no further fact checking, and decided to fire him without notice. I cannot believe how the NFA market has exploded in recent years, particularly for SBRs and suppressors. They saw through the Ponzi scheme. Kate Bedingfield, Bidens Translator, Leaves the White House. Reichert obliged, dragging his pupil into the swamps near the Camp LeJeune base. Nearby Blackwater, he felt, had a much better setup. Sounds like a pretty toxic environment to work in. Can you name a bullshit free marketer who opposes the sanctity of private contracts?. Theres a very good readable breakdown in this book: I used to sell THOUSANDS of computers and somehow we managed to keep track of each and every machine, what it had installed, every card and all the associated history, even what location at the customer it was in. MOUNTAIN KHAKIS Theres nothing wrong with some post-closing inventive payments, so long as Seller is ok with the fact that he might not see a dime of it (i.e. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. He likes guns. He was replaced by another Cerberus insider, George Kollitides, who oversaw a plan to relocate most of Freedom Groups manufacturing to a disused Chrysler facility in Huntsville, Alabama. His point applied broadly: Freedom Groups business strategy was to use Americas Special Forces as an R&D department for selling guns at Walmart. Dr. Brittingham currently teaches the elective courses 420.628 Ecology and Management of Wetlands and 420.625 Ecology and Management of Estuarine Systems. Under Review. During the shoot a number of guns were used which Freedom Group claims were Kevins personal firearms, but Kevin denies this claim. Now Feinberg, 45, wanted to get into the field. For now, that waste is buried in Steve Feinbergs yard. REMINGTON MILITARY Instead, the purchasers tended to be seasoned gun collectors with large arsenals. With this ruling we have a pretty good case that we need to consider a mass boycott of FG, period. 5. If you dont want to work for a bunch of hide-bound morons who spend their days filling out TPS reports, then dont accept a buy-out offer from a company that promised you how TPS reports are going to cure all your record-keeping problems. Why? goes a bit deeper. The next year was even worse. Youre dumb, because Im not talking about Remington and I indicated it was a tangent for a reason A persistent rumor, circulated by email in 2011, alleged that Freedom Group was actually controlled by George Soros: One of the most evil men on this planet who wants to restrict or ban all civilian guns. The rumor was only debunked after the NRA released a statement to its members: NRA has had contact with officials [of] Cerberus and Freedom Group for some time. Via iRealHousewives. Im kinda leery of both of them know. Of course it didnt stay that way. REMINGTON 1816, Theres a hard product version of Conways law: Any software system reflects the organization that created it. (There are variations on the exact quote. Wealthy and free, actually. I see a few things in your writeup that seem incorrect. This contract was procured via the Navy Electronic Commerce and Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane Division. [20], The .300 AAC Blackout cartridge was developed by Advanced Armament Corporation in cooperation with Remington Defense, under the direction of Kevin Brittingham. Just read your analysis and also read the decision. I think we are at the juncture to discuss whether we want to make a leadership change for the long term at AAC if we believe that KB is not up to the task. So, getting the NFA repealed looks simple on paper, but is in reality a direct challenge to a lot of established law, regulation, and cultural acceptance. Shocked! That warning never took place, and no time was given. Also, thismove will get Bob on board and de-risk this business. His name is Kevin Brittingham, the "people's CEO." Brittingham is a name you should know. Kevin and others repeatedly asked when someone would be assigned to help, but years after the sale there was no permanent employee detailed to handle AACs books. Feinbergs hunting expeditions were taking him deep into the bush, outside the range of GPS, and he needed instruction in military land navigation. 2 years later, hes fired from his own company, and she cant understand how. This is what happens when people think they can get away with whatever they want. Each part of the description could go in a corresponding column and be searchable. Dont look at it as who gets your money. Investment managers werent likely to view the company favorably until the companys product-quality concerns were addressed. Rick Scott Is Unfortunately Right About Novak Djokovic. I wrote a piece about this some years back titled Chinese Contracts got me a couple nice reviews, for example from The Trusted Advisor. (Apologies to our Dear Overlords if Im over the self-promotion line with this. I want to work on guns, not paperwork, but since theres only 24 hours in a day, if you want to make product, you have to choose where youll spend your time: Making products or filling out paperwork? While the guns were being sorted, a hand written list of which guns were under whose ownership was compiled. Kevin Brittingham founded AAC, and his success was due in part to the culture that the company cultivated. Freedom Group marketed its firearms not just as guns but as shooting platforms: modular, lethal Lego sets whose component parts could be updated for years after the initial purchase. Some belonged to military families, but many were just hobbyists. Precisely this. The band formed in 1982 and broke up in 2017 and Brittingham was one of. Got a quote from Remingtons web site or one of their executives? The judge thinks that Kevin might have been after some personal firearms as well, but Kevin says he just wanted to grab his personal effects when he was suspended previously, Remington didnt even let him grab his kids backpack before being thrown out of the building. He joined him on one of his elk-hunting jaunts and described the billionaire as an ordinary, down-to-earth American. Feinberg even offered to fly Reichert to California for a consultation with a leading plastic surgeon regarding his still-disfigured face. The judge described it as an act of defiance and not a binding signature. For what the business needs for basic internal control a simple word document would work. The business deal would have worked fine, and theyd have all lived happily ever after. She purchased a Bushmaster assault rifle in March 2010, part of an expanding arsenal: three pistols, two bolt-action rifles, a shotgun, and three samurai swords. Brittingham needed (and maybe still needs) better business advisers to point out stuff like this. Guys like Steve Feinberg live in a different world than Dick Dyke, he told me. It featured images of a sniper rifle trailing smoke, a mounted machine gun, and a row of bullets emblazoned with the tagline ITS TIME TO WORK. By submitting your email, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Policy and to receive email correspondence from us. Reichert would forward these reports of Special Operations daring to Feinberg. Well what experience do you have building and running a tech company? He spoke quietly, patiently, in a gentle New York accent. The individual is not only best qualified to provide his own personal defense, he is the only one qualified to do so: and his right to do so is guaranteed by the Constitution. David Mamet. Dyke was uncomfortable with the speed at which Cerberus was moving. MARLIN FIREARMS What with the general availability of 20-30 cap mags for accurate semiautomatic weapons its debatable whether even the remaining pool is practically more useful than the much larger pool of ar15s, AKs, FALsetc. If nothing else, hire a bookkeeper to do nothing else but keep the NFA stuff straight. A big thumbs down to FG/Remington for not insisting that all the FFL/NFA/ownership stuff not be cleaned up prior to closing. Nardellis tenure at Freedom Group was disastrous. Comments from Kevin are marked as such.]. . By 2009, both companies were in financial peril. That part of the case could easily have gone the other way. Jason wanted AAC to be treated like another plant, like Remington or Marlin or Bushmaster, with Remington HQ as the head of operations. As of 2020, Kary Brittingham's net worth is close to $1.5 million. Trumps victory means Feinberg will ascend to a position of influence he has never experienced before. Best. As such, their word is worthless. According to Kevin these guns all came from the old AAC location and were on the old FFL that was still being used by AAC to do business the guns that were in the process of being transferred to the new AAC and none of them were his personal firearms. I have been working on a few designs and would not even need $50,000 to get a working product. I think I will avoid both people and their companies and products. If thats the only offer you can get, that may be a hint. Having once sought a billion dollars for its investment, Freedom was, according to insiders, now internally valued at just $400 million. So did a former Bushmaster employee I spoke with, whose complaints about Cerberuss conduct sounded, at times, more like complaints about capitalism itself. Or where a random suppressor may or may not have showed up not-so-randomly on company property for KBs personal use. Dyke was a typical gun boss a country boy, a serial entrepreneur, a lifelong Republican. [T]he time is now to consider before we double down on our investment of a lot of our personal capital getting him his title and $$ back and enduring his inability to work within our system. Net Worth in 2022. No insult intended to Brittingham, but I suspect he would have preferred to have done things differently and avoided all of this in hindsight. The Californians have been booted from Frogmore Cottage because the king (or the character invented by the U.K. press) has had enough of their abuse. They even went so far as to give silencers to people who had an AAC logo tattooed on their bodies, a marketing campaign that was so successful that they sunk a quarter million dollars into it before it ended. Just out of curiosity, what experience do you have with selling highly regulated products where every little thing has to be done by the books? The Biden administrations policy of blocking unvaccinated people from the country continues to make little sense. Remy, Freedom group, whoever has 18million reasons not to pay him and spend at least half that money on lawyers to try and keep from paying him. In practice they often buy people out of these even when its an early ejection for egregious behavior. Hundreds of people violently detained during a protest in the Bronx could receive $21,500 each. As the head of Cerberus, he personally owns a controlling, concentrated stake in the firm likely a majority. Q&A With Kevin Brittingham, the Most Radical Guy in Guns Tactical-Life 68.6K subscribers Subscribe 10K views 3 years ago Tactical Life gets some rare face time with one of the more unique. Not something id want my career dependent on. He had used these as tools to test new silencer designs, and since he owned the company he never saw the need to officially transfer the guns to AAC or buy replacements. He seems to be sloppy, lazy, and foolish. Remington should have know better. The final court decision has been issued in the case of Kevin Brittinghams lawsuit against Freedom Group and Remington over his sudden firing a couple years back, and its a way better read than I expected. Parents and patients are now refuting her key claims. Behave honorably and competently and theyll gladly be customers, partners and advocates when you eventually decide to try again on your own. Briefly, I worked for the company that most of the Freedom Group management came from and if Kevin had talked to anyone from that company he never would have entered into the agreement he did with them. To compare anything thats done in regards to NFA items, to selling computers is just asinine. Despite the fact, for example, that the big investment banks are paying out billions of dollars to the feds for their unsavory mortgage practices that lead directly to the last recession, he argued that the mortgage brokers and bankers owed no duty at all to the borrowers not to lie to them, not to mislead them, not to falsify loan documents. Ten years later, he was running his own firm. Signing a contract with the word flounder in such a way that it appears as a signature on casual inspection is not an upstanding move either. These types of companies even try to violate laws on the books specifically written to prevent them from being scumbags. Biden Chooses Crime Messaging Over D.C. Home Rule. And, Remington brand or not, a semi-automatic assault rifle is not an appropriate choice for a first gun, or even a second. 2. . Before being acquired by Cerberus, Bushmasters bare-bones product brochure had all the glamour of a catalogue of plumbing fixtures. Those who advocate for markets generally want fewer, but strongly enforced laws. You either have two or you have 20. If we terminate [Brittingham] at our discretion before the end of his year, we might lose Lynsey [manager at AAC and co-plaintiff in the suit]and we might lose Robert [Silvers, R&D genius and 300 BLK designer], and we might get sued, but we will keep a lot of other people and Ill personally go down there and put people in place that will endure in the longer term and continue to grow this business. During this time, as court documents showed, Kevin had succeeded in pissing off Freedom Group to the extent that they were actively looking for a reason to fire him. . Ya aint gonna run across Billy Graham in these small companies. Kevin Brittingham founded Advanced Armament Corp, which became one of the biggest silencer manufacturers in the world. Ive worked a couple times in the follow-on to people selling their business and staying on. Too much can go wrong and stuff can just end up walking out of the door. Remington and Freedom Group finally had their excuse to can Brittingham when a single antique silencer was delivered to AACs doorstep. H&R 1871 I was going to name Barrack Obama, then I noticed the bullshit free marketer clause and realized he was not appropriate. When the company grows beyond a certain point, the owner/founder should have someone to handle the legal stuff. I cant rattle off specific cases and dates without some research. In the bankruptcy auction of Remington Outdoor Company in September 2020, the company was sold to JJE Capital Holdings, LLC. At trial many of these guns turned out to not be Kevins firearms at all, and the rest were common firearms that were not conclusively Kevins guns. Several people I spoke to said Cerberus had extracted enough cash from Remington during the good years to meet the firms threshold rate of return, and so, in a narrow sense, the investment was a victory. The tax stamp was equivalent to about $2,000 in todays money, easily pricing the average citizen out of such purchases. The former VP has an extremely narrow path to viability in 2024. By March 2012, Nardelli was gone. Now I believe youre right. 4. But if all people were basically good, why would we, increasingly, pass more and more elaborate laws? Seems like keeping track of your personal and business property would be a no-brainer.. But instead of ceasing operation until they had everything figured out under their own FFL, they continued using Kevin Brittinghams personal and business FFLs and simply rubber stamping his name on the forms. And in return, Remington would provide support with ATF compliance, record keeping, and give them access to Remingtons extensive distribution network. #654321cba Pink Fluffy Hunter Firearms. . One example is the migration of the Activision guys through Microsoft, then into Smith and Tinker (which eventually didnt work, exactly.). At Remington, some of the machinery dated back to World War II. Besides, the 300 BLK Handi Rifle is listed on AACs website, not Remingtons, and not even on H&Rs. He wanted Freedom Group money to expand but he wanted to lose none of his control of the business. Kevin Brittingham: 300 Blackout was a commercialized wildcat cartridge that was known as 300 Whisper by J.D. SIG SAUER welcomes Kevin Brittingham to lead its new SIG-SD Silencer business unit, as well as other special programs within its Military/Law Enforcement development activities. Who was buying them? The companys corporate culture is Darwinian. He lucked out that Remington was even stupider than he was. The intent of the law was to get bad people off the streetsin theory. As for Remington, the last time I had energy to look at its books it was bleeding like a stuck pig. Their collective expertise will further enhance the company's existing state-of-the-art special weapons development . He then discarded this gun and prepared for a tactical assault, arming himself with two pistols, a shotgun, and her Bushmaster assault rifle, along with ten 30-round magazines. Another option would have been to sell off the most controversial product lines, like Bushmaster, but the centralization of manufacturing made that impossible, too. its above the asking price he wants/needs). For a horrifyingly long period of time Marlin levergun quality control was bad enough that the end products were fairly described as vaguely gun-shaped objects that should never have shipped. Essentially just a Bushmaster painted green, the gun was re-termed a modern sporting rifle and marketed to hunters. This round has the same overall length and width as the popular 5.5645mm NATO round, except it fires a 30 caliber bullet allowing for better barrier penetration and external ballistics from short barrels. Not that it matters to me pragmatically. Freedom Group and Remington had conspired to find a way to fire Kevin in order to save $4 to $8 million that he was due as performance incentives and pay. Brittingham, the founder of Advanced Armament Corporation, currently holds more than 40 patents in the firearms industry. The sale landed Juan and Robert on The Forbes 400 as a family entry with a combined net worth of about half a billion dollars. Or, perhaps more subtly, for anything that pays out later, you either have enforcement costs, or you better design things so everybody benefits together. In the end, none of them were happy they sold., Reichert remained an outspoken advocate for the broadest possible interpretation of the Second Amendment. Especially if they were MY guns. I agree. King Charles Evicts Harry and Meghan From House They Dont Live In. Because of the false pretenses, even if Kevin had signed the document it would have been void and the original agreement would have remained in place. Despite these connections, Feinberg regarded himself as a regular guy. By focusing on the military market, and especially special ops, you can translate that to the commercial market, Brittingham said. I can absolutely see why their compliance was a mess. Later that month the compliance officer finally arrived, and noticed that some of the guns from the shoot were still present. They didnt care about any of that.. Model 321. Needless to say, if they try pulling that crap when she leaves Im not allowing them to get away with it. Youve now structured a deal where it is well within the buyers benefit to get rid of you and the founders of the company being bought out. Cerberus manages an enormous amount of money more than $30 billion from several floors in a midtown office building on 52nd Street and Third Avenue. It currently owns the Albertsons supermarket empire and previously owned the Alamo and National car-rental chains. Their scarcity has driven a level of cultural acceptance of their restriction. Keeping yourself legal, when your entire revenue relies off it should be top priority, instead of relying on another company to do hopefully do it. Lots of reasonsand someone can probably say this better and with more authority than I can but. BARNES BULLETS Since then it has become accepted by MSM and government that the purpose is to keep dangerous weapons out of the hands of citizens who supposedly have no justifiable reason to own said items. Disabling a security camera is NOT shady compared to a major corporation trying to cheat you out of $10,000,000!!!! I would otherwise be interested in the R51 as I love weird action types, but it is unfortunately illegal in Canada, the barrel is too short. The Mini-Fix in .300 Blackout will be the next. During the flood of grief that followed, an outcry erupted directed at Cerberus, Remington, and Bushmaster. If MACs review didnt end the desire, this sure did. Like a lot. Inflation and public interest would work to somewhat normalize the stamp issue, but by now the sheer volume of bureaucracy surrounding the process is a barrier in and of itself. For Americas wage laborers, a 32-hour workweek is less of a beautiful dream than an oppressive reality. Kevin and the AAC guys saw what was happening and were understandably concerned. I apologize, but Im going off on a tangent here. Salary in 2021. Eric Brittingham was born in Salisbury, Maryland in May 1960. Advanced Armament Corporation (AAC) is an American company that develops and manufactures firearms, firearm suppressors, muzzle devices and related accessories. If you guys aren't aware, Kevin Brittingham from Q has a podcast. Oh, slow quarter since this years economy crashed? Never, ever take a buy-out package that is contingent upon you, the founder, still being there at some date in the future. The law even states you cant make someone sign an agreement to forfeit it. Emily Kohrs didnt do anything wrong, and the medias harsh treatment of the Fulton County foreperson was a gift to Trumps lawyers. Despite Remingtons promise to send them support to handle the compliance issues, no help came. In 1999, he had appointed Vice-President Dan Quayle chairman of the global divisions of his firm, despite Quayles confessed lack of business experience. Plenty of viable (and more desirable) alternatives to give my hard earned money to. But there was a problem. Centerfire pistol caliber suppressors include the Ti-Rant series and Illusion9 the only true eccentric designed suppressor to utilize factory sights as well as allowing the use of rail mounted accessories on the host firearm, both of which use an interchangeable piston system in their Nielsen device.