Three new mosaics have been uncovered in the ancient Greek city of . The one in Turkey was considered one of the biggest trading hubs in theEastern Roman Empire and thrived until the third century when it was completely destroyed by a Sassanid king and then subsequently hit by an earthquake. People used mosaics with characters from ancient Greek mythology to decorate their houses. What archaeologists discovered was beyond anything anyone could have expected. We estimate that the ancient city has 2,000-3,000 houses. A priceless Roman mosaic that dates to the Emperor Caligula nearly 2,000 years ago was shockingly used as a coffee table in a Manhattan apartment for nearly 50 years. There are many examples of checkerboard mosaic floors from the Iron Age. Tweet on Twitter 2,200-Year-Old Stunning Mosaics Discovered in Ancient Greek City. Indeed, modern archaeology is not about finding things, its about preserving them for the future, and understanding the different aspects of ancient life. In addition, in Dacia (presumably todays Romania) there are two ancient cities named Zeugma and one in modern Gaziantep province of Turkey. Instead, in the absence of obvious efforts by the "organization" behind Pompeii, what I saw were people grinding out their cigarette butts on the 2200-year-old mosaic thresholds, students scraping their backpacks against the frescoes on the walls of the ruins as they roughhoused during a class trip, and visitors pushing aside makeshift . The incredibly well preserved mosaics date back to the 2nd century BC, but theyre still as beautiful as the first day. This paved floor made of irregular colored stones was unearthed during fieldwork in what is believed to have been a Bronze Age Hittite city. placement: 'Right Rail Thumbnails', There are rock-carved houses here. It is believed that the mosaic of Medusa, whose legend says it could turn malicious people who look her in the eye into stone," is one of a kind. To make things even more interesting, Zeugma was completely underwater until recently, when a project to excavate the area received funding from a number of sources, and the past could finally be uncovered. We plan to establish a temporary roof for long-term protection. Let us know what you think! Log in, Hurriyet Daily News: New mosaics unearthed in ancient city of Zeugma, iefimerida: Stunning mosaics discovered in the ancient Greek city of Zeugma [Pictures & Videos], Laughing Squid: Archaeologists Unearth Three Ancient Greek Mosaics in the Ongoing Excavation in Zeugma, Turkey, Lost Egyptian City Found Underwater After 1200 Years, This 300 ft Wall in Bolivia has over 5000 Dinosaur Footprints, Untouched Paris Apartment Discovered after 70 years, Why Youll Never See A Great White Shark In An Aquarium, 15 People Share Things That Were Once Respected and Now Are Total Jokes. There are rock-carved houses here. It's the world's largest mosaic piece and truly an astonishing sight. However, to this day, Zeugma yields a trove of archaeological wonderswith 2000-3000 houses in remarkably good condition. What is the origin of the legend of the Christed Son who was born of a virgin on December 25th? Mosaics unearthed in the ancient city of Perge in the southern province of Antalya are known as Turkeys second Zeugma for their very attractive appearance. There are rock-carved houses here. This artwork is covered by five different layers for nine months of the year . The ancient city of Kibyra, located in Turkey's southern Burdur province, has also its mosaic. In addition, in Dacia (presumably todays Romania) there are two ancient cities named Zeugma and one in modern Gaziantep province of Turkey. 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Dec 7, 2018 - Aunque parte de la ciudad est ahora sumergida bajo el agua, las excavaciones continan con la esperanza de seguir descubriendo ms mosaicos antiguos. 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Mosaic, in art, incorporates small stones and colored glass or pebbles that come together to express a form. Hey Pandas, What Is Your Favorite Conspiracy Theory? AtAncient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. The one in Turkey was considered one of the biggest trading hubs in the Eastern Roman Empire and thrived until the third century when it was completely destroyed by a Sassanid king and then subsequently hit by an earthquake. Three new mosaics have been discovered. There are still many things left to be found in Zeugma, but for now, these mosaics look simply superb. Unlike inlay technique, a mosaic is not rendered according to the shape of consecutive fittings. Anyone can write on Bored Panda. 2,200-Year-Old Stunning Mosaic In Ancient Greek City Of Zeugma. In the ancient Greek City, Zeugma, which is located in todays Turkey, unbelievable mosaics were uncovered, dating back to the 2nd century BC, but incredibly well-preserved and look as beautiful and stunning as the first day. See more ideas about ancient, roman mosaic, mosaic. (Closed), I Create Functional And Decorative Art On Functional Items That People Can Use Every Day, And Here Are My Newest 23 Works, Hey Pandas, What Are Your Most Useful Travel Tips? There are still many areas of Zeugmaa city once home to nearly 80,000 inhabitantsleft to excavate, including 25 houses still underwater. Aerial shot of the excavation area shown, including the Storm God Temple and the Bronze Age mosaic are (highlighted in yellow). By. Archaeologists worked 9 years to unearth mosaic spanning some 1,200 square meters. Excavations started in 2007 and have continued to this day. The relic was found by Hallel Feidman, an 18-year-old doing her compulsory national service as a volunteer for the sifting project at the Archaeological Experience. By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. (Usakl Hyk Archaeological Project ), However, the discovery of a Bronze Age mosaic floor at Uakl Hyk is considerably older than anything yet found. More info: | (h/t: mymodernmet). The Bored Panda iOS app is live! Archaeology. Twenty-five of them remain under water. That's right, while they are talking about the importance of preserving these finds, they are actually walking on 2,200-year-old mosaics. It was considered one of the largest tradingcenters in the Eastern Roman Empire in Turkey and prospered till the third century when it was completely destroyed and then struck by an earthquake by a Sassanidking. Archaeologists have uncovered a cache of 2,200-year-old silver coins near the Dead Sea, which they say is the first physical proof that Jews fled to . The 1,600-year-old mosaic in Rastan, Syria Photo by Louai Beshara / AFP / Getty Images. To make things even more interesting, Zeugma was completely underwater until recently, when a project to excavate the area received funding from a number of sources, and the past could finally be uncovered. Feb 18, 2022 - Interesting,Things of history past, current. Twenty-five of them remain under water. Indeed, modern archaeology is not about finding things, its about preserving them for the future, and understanding the different aspects of ancient life. The experts found a paved floor that measured about 20 ft by 9 ft (7m by 3m), which was poorly preserved. We have reached one of these houses and the house includes six spaces. The ancient corpse of a woman buried in a hollowed-out tree in Zurich, Switzerland. Gaziantep Mayor Fatma ahin and the head of the excavations, Professor Kutalm Grkay uncovered them at a press conference. February 18, 2015. in Archaeology, News. "I poured the pail onto the sieve and began to wash the material that was brought from the excavations in the City of David," she recounted. Since 2008, the Anatolian Archaeological Project in Central Anatolia has been revealing the ancient towns long history. They have given us the opportunity to witness the unveiling of Greek and Roman art that hasn't been seen in thousands of years. By the age of 10, most children in the United States have been taught all 50 states that make up the country. Excavations will be finished in the Muzalar House next year, he said. The mosaics dating from the 2nd century BC are exceptionally well preserved, but they're still as beautiful as the first day. Archaeologists in Turkey believe that they have uncovered the oldest mosaic yet found. DAgostino is quoted by Haaretz as saying that the building and mosaic are characterized by high-status architecture and this lends credence to the theory that indeed the unearthed structure was the Temple of the Storm God. (Anacleto D'Agostino / Usakl Hyk Archaeological Project ). Between 2010-2012 I worked in the Limerick City Archives. We estimate that the ancient city has 2,000-3,000 houses. In 2014, this magnificent mosaic depicting the nine muses was discovered [read more: https://] The ensemble of five museums, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, can be described without exaggeration as one of the highlights of European cultural tourism - for example, the Bust of Nefertiti and the Pergamon Altar. Daily Correspondent. Watch this ! The third, smaller in size mosaic, depicts a . Not that it is a bad job, mind you, it is rather pretty for what of it is seen. We have also unearthed three new mosaics in this years excavations, he said. 2,200-Year-Old Stunning Mosaic In Ancient Greek City Of Zeugma. Hey Pandas, Who Was Your Favorite Black History Month Icon You Learned About This BHM? However, while they are talking about preservation, the mayor and chief archaeologist dont seem to really care about it that much. Top image: Closeup of the Bronze Age mosaic at Usakl Hyk. They have found fragments of cuneiform tablets indicating that it was once a major Hittite center. Stunning 2200-Year-Old Mosaics Uncovered In Turkey. The stone Bronze Age mosaic floor is in the foreground. From now on, we will work on restoration and conservation.