Minor septic system issues can turn into big costly problems. It The longevity of your on-site septic system relies heavily on the way that you care for it. Installers, Designers
Once these products congeal, they can cause blockages in your system. List of certified septic pumpers, installers, and monitoring and maintenance professionals, List of designers and engineers certified to work in Snohomish County, Planning and Development Services Map Portal, Septic Contractors & Certification Services. Applications, permits and fees, Buying and selling properties It is important to keep the solids, called sludge, from building up and coming near the outlet baffles of the system if this happens, solids could plug the pipe to the drainfield, or even worse, clog the drainfield. Look for a medication take-back program in your area. Entry page for Thurston County Environmental Health Septic System Program: Permits, Operational Certificates, Septic System Operation and Maintenance, Septic System Evaluation of Properties for Sale, Rules and Regulations Enforcement, List of Certified Septic Contractors, Low-interest Loan Program . Four major factors influence how often you need to pump your septic: Practice water conservation. Work with septic system professionals to approve system design,location and installation. Using a garbage disposal on a septic system is not recommended. No other OSS may be inspected by the homeowner. Financial assistance Were you able to find what you were looking for today? Don't put concrete or plastic over your septic system. Contact information; Hours & location Reduce the risk of people getting sick from untreated sewage. One way that you can identify a very slow leak is by shutting all faucets off and keeping them off for a period of time. The drainfield is where effluent is discharged into the environment. Free viewers are required for some of the attached documents.They can be downloaded by clicking on the icons below. Septic systems treat wastewater when homes and buildings are not connected to public sewer systems. A property owner with a pump system must have additional training to demonstrate competency with pump systems. On-site Sewage System (OSS) Program The Public Health On-site Sewage System (OSS) Program helps to ensure that over 85,000 septic systems including 192 septic systems in Seattle are safe. Your as-built or record drawing should describe the location of your drainfield. Get email alerts based on your topic preferences like news releases, job openings, emergency updates and more! If there is no record drawing for your septic system you will need to contact a certified O&M Provider to request a record drawing be completed and submitted to public health along with their inspection. Flushing them will increase the need to pump, maintain and repair your system. Site Sewage
To assist in this process, please have your address and/or your parcel ID number available. The wastewater leaving the septic tank is a liquid called effluent. Once you submit your quiz and contact information, we will have a record of you completing Septics 101. The lids on the tank are circular, 20"-24" in diameter and 5'-5 ' apart. A failing septic system is usually a costly and urgent situation for homeowners. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Septic systems that have a curtain drain installed around them, often are dependent on a functioning curtain drain. For homeowners who conduct their own inspections, it is a good idea to hire a professional to conduct a septic system inspection at the time of system pumping. . Fully immerse the tools and equipment in the solution as much as you can, let stand for 3 minutes or longer. Customer service counter opens at 9:30 a.m. the first and third Thursdays of every month. OSS evaluations must be performed and filed with the public health at least once every three years for all systems consisting solely of a septic tank and gravity drainfield, and annually for all other system types. Planning
Directing surface water away from your tanks and drainfield will help your drainfield function as well as possible. A septic system evaluation can be performed by a septic system professional. RSS Guidance for properties with multiple structures. Approved OSS site design applications submitted online since May 2019 are also available. Pressure distribution systems are similar to conventional gravity systems, except that only the effluent should flow out of your septic tank and into your pump tank. Covering the eyes, mouth, and any open cuts is particularly important. Check your OSS Application status While the Septics 201 online program provides the basic information necessary to operate and maintain most gravity septic systems, it cannot address every condition and situation that may be encountered. Harsh chemicals including acids, bases, pesticides, herbicides, oils, paints, and varnishes should never be drained into any fixture that leads to your septic system. Olympia, WA 98506-5132 Phone: 360-867-2500 Fax: 360-867-2601 Monday-Friday: 9:00 am-4:00 pm Phone Line Open Daily 8:00am-5:00pm. Septic system records can be requested for viewing during office hours at the Health Department from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday. 411 N 5th St Shelton WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 . Privacy Policy| Alternate Format Requests | Notice of Nondiscrimination, File Complaint About Provider or Facility, Healthcare Enforcement and Licensing Modernization Solution, Healthcare Professional Credentialing Requirements, Veterans, Service Members and their Families, Emergency Information for Specific Groups, For Public Health & Health Care Providers, Public Health System Resources and Services, Asking your local health department if they can inspect your system at a lower cost, Do-It-Yourself Septic System Inspection Video, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Local Health Jurisdictions and Tribal Directories, Northwest Center for Public Health Practice. A septic system, also known as an on-site sewage system (OSS), stores, treats, and disposes of the things you flush and send down drains. See Ecology's. Approved OSS site design applications submitted online since May 2019 are also available. Wash only full loads of dishes and laundry. The pump tank will store the effluent until it is conveyed to a drainfield. Properly built and maintained septic systems have many benefits. If still warm and in liquid form, the grease can be poured off easily into a water-tight container such as a coffee can and disposed of in the trash. For example, "the property is on 30th Avenue between Spruce and Verbena.". If youd like a reply, please provide an email address. Any exceptions to the above conditions must have written approval of Skagit County Environmental Public Health staff. Protect your system from damage. County Code, The septic system is a conventional gravity septic system, The OSS is a conventional gravity, a pump to gravity, or conventional pressure system, The property is not immediately adjacent to a marine shoreline, The inspection is not for the purpose of a real estate transfer or sale, The homeowner has completed Skagit County Septics 101, The homeowner has completed a Septics 201 Field Training Class, The homeowner can supply an as-built of their septic system, The homeowner must agree to allow a possible follow-up quality assurance visit by public health staff at a mutually agreeable time. Directions. Water usage is likely the biggest contributor to a failed septic system. Building remodel permits After completing your inspection and necessary maintenance, you should shower or bathe, even if you dont feel like youve been exposed to sewage. As of Sept. 1, homeowners with septic systems in every Washington county have access to affordable financing for septic repair and replacement. Instead, use boiling water or a drain snake. Program Activities Certification program for all septic system installers, pumpers and operations and monitoring specialists Complaint investigation relating to septic systems Education for homeowners and other professionals interested in septic systems Enforcement of state and local codes Flow restrictors on showers and other high volume water fixtures can dramatically reduce your consumption of water. Well reports also contain information about location, owner name, driller name, and the quantity of water a well produces. It provides Washingtonians access to affordable financing for the repair and replacement of septic systems. Tanks installed after 1976 are two compartment tanks and both compartments will need to be pumped out. Your septic system is not capable of handling many wastes that you may generate in your home. Lids will likely be located near both ends of the tank. There is one for gravity systems and a different form for pump/pressure systems: Your form must be completed in its entirety. Read the meter once all faucets are off, and then wait a few hours and check the meter again. The Washington state well report (log) viewer, our most popular online resource, allows you to search for and view detailed records of the construction and subsurface characteristics of individual wells. SepticSmart EPA offers advice on proper septic care and brochures and factsheets for homeowners. Department of Ecology News Release - Sept. 21, 2021. Landscaping in and around your septic system is important. The next step required to maintain your system is to dig up and remove your septic tank lids. Learn more about water conservation and water recycling. This document is called an "as-built," and it is a drawing of the location of your system when it was inspected by our office. Report. The best way to determine your system type is to review your septic permit. Keeps You and Your Neighbors Healthy Household wastewater is loaded with disease-causing bacteria and viruses, as well as high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus. Rakes can be used to lift floats and screens. As-built drawings can be obtained at the Skagit County Online Septic Search. Don't avoid the signs of septic system failure. After reviewing this information and the training videos listed below, homeowners may evaluate their own on-site sewage system (OSS). To find out what type of system you have, take a look at your propertys as built records. OSS records. Adam Zimmerman, President and CEO of Craft3. If you do not know where your system is located, you may be able to obtain this information from our offices. The On-site System Maintainer (OSM) will inspect your system components: Septic and pump tanks. These gases can sink or rise, displacing oxygen that you need to breathe. Treatment component (if applicable) Distribution system. They protect your eyes and mouth from the liquids in your septic system. A septic system is a huge property investment, so maintaining the one youve got is cheaper than replacing the entire system. 3020 Rucker AvenueEverett, WA 98201Phone: 425-339-5200. It is a 40 minute narrated presentation followed by a 20 question quiz on septic system basics.
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