While living in his native Chattanooga, he struggled to make ends meet while helping to support his four children, and had also lost his drivers license due to a citation of driving while under the influence. A concerned Marcia decided to file a missing person report but the authorities deemed Terrance as a runaway. Fortune Salaire Mensuel de Karolynn Echols Philly Combien gagne t il d Deputy Calkins stepped out of his patrol car to assess the situation when he discovered that Felipe, the driver, had no license. He states that he fell victim to coincidence. On October 1, 2003, Felipe was on his way to work with his two brothers when he got in a two vehicle accident near Airport-Pulling Road and Immokalee Road in Naples, FL. What to know about missing Collier men Terrance Williams and Felipe Santos, Ex-deputy tied to Collier missing men Terrance Williams, Felipe Santos prevails in lawsuit, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Santos disappeared three months before Terrance Williams. There are several theories. Family and investigators hope to generate new leads in both cases. Which is just sostrangely specific to me. On October 14, 2003, he was driving to work with his 2 brothers at around 6:30 am. After a nearly two-month administrative investigation, Calkins was exonerated from any wrongdoing as far as his actions at the scene of the accident. Felipe Santos - The Charley Project He also had three tattoos at the time of his disappearance: the letter T on the left side of his chest, the initials ET on his right shoulder, and Terrance in red ink on his left forearm. Terrance Williams and Felipe Santos went missing in 2004 and 2003, respectively, under similar circumstances in Naples, Florida. Both men were last Williams and Felipe Santos were reported missing in Naples, FL Their cases remain cold to this day. Felipe was in an accident where Calkins was the responding officer and Calkins pulled over to question Terrance regarding the vehicle he was operating. There is no concrete evidence of foul play, and investigating officials have posited that it is possible he may be flying under the radar in order to avoid being arrested for the accident a month after Felipe disappeared, a warrant was put out for his arrest for missing a court appearance in regards to the accident. I dont really have the bandwidth to get into that, but, The Missing: Felipe Santos and Terrance Williams, https://www.naplesnews.com/story/news/local/2020/06/17/terrance-williams-felipe-santos-what-know-missing-collier-men/3207635001/, https://www.naplesnews.com/story/news/local/2020/06/16/tyler-perry-posts-collier-county-disappearances-terrance-williams-felipe-santos/3202526001/, https://www.winknews.com/2020/06/02/judge-denies-motion-to-dismiss-lawsuit-against-former-collier-county-deputy/, https://www.facebook.com/DisappearanceOfTerranceWilliamsAndFelipeSantos/, https://www.change.org/p/collier-county-justice-for-terrence-williams-felipe-santos, https://www.colliersheriff.org/news/ongoing-missing-persons-investigations/missing-terrance-williams-felipe-santos, https://fhsvoice.org/4989/columns/the-strange-and-abnormal-the-haunting-disappearance-of-terrance-williams-and-felipe-santos/, https://investigationsforthemissing.org/blog/f/vanished-in-the-sunshine-state-terrance-williams-felipe-santos, http://charleyproject.org/case/felipe-santos, http://charleyproject.org/case/terrance-deon-williams, https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/sep/05/florida-sheriffs-deputy-murder-lawsuit-tyler-perry, https://www.fox4now.com/news/local-news/expected-update-on-missing-men-from-collier-county, https://archive.naplesnews.com/news/local/warm-memories-thaw-cold-cases-ep-404225411-345413162.html/, https://whdh.com/news/tyler-perry-to-make-announcement-on-missing-florida-men/, https://www.tmz.com/2018/09/04/tyler-perry-press-conference-reward-money-wrongful-death-terrance-williams-felipe-santos/, https://www.wtxl.com/news/tyler-perry-sharpton-push-fla-missing-men-cases/article_a20fdc18-5b29-11e2-b879-001a4bcf6878.html, https://www.theledger.com/news/20120404/cases-of-missing-florida-men-get-attention-in-wake-of-sanford-shooting, https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/culture/story/tyler-perry-involved-missing-mens-cold-cases-justice-57613910, https://www.thetimesherald.com/story/news/local/2017/10/26/missing-collier-men-terrance-williams-felipe-santos-remembered-ceremony/796757001/, https://www.baxterbulletin.com/story/news/local/2017/08/31/investigation-discovery-feature-disappearances-two-collier-men/620977001/, https://www.monstersandcritics.com/tv/terrance-williams-and-felipe-santos-missing-persons-cases-feature-on-deadline-crime-with-tamron-hall/. Terrance Williams was a 27 year old father of 4 when he vanished the morning on January 12, 2004 in Naples Florida. Both ears are pierced. The only thing I can think of is that Felipe was told he was being arrested and Calkins did not follow proper procedure to do so. On Friday, April 16, three months after Terrances disappearance, Calkins is issued another polygraph. The Florida appealscourt did not issue an opinion this week but simply affirmed Brodies decision. What happened to these men? Performance & security by Cloudflare. This struck Marcia as odd considering Terrance had just taken his car to be checked not long before this. Filmmaker Tyler Perry is working with civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump to help two families uncover answers in the cold cases of Felipe Santos and Terrance Williams who reportedly disappeared . When Steve Calkins was asked where Felipe was, he said he let Felipe go because he was cooperative. Disappearances of Terrance Williams and Felipe Santos Terrance Williams & Felipe Santos Episode aired May 10, 2022 YOUR RATING Rate Documentary Drama Terrance Williams is last seen getting into a Florida cop's police cruiser. Cadaver dogs were used to survey the areas identified by the GPS, but these turned up no further evidence. There is a lot to cover, and a lot of accusations to touch on. Like Terrance, Felipe had also failed to pick up his last paycheck or make contact with anyone in his family. Al Sharpton of the National Action Network and Ben Jealous of the NAACP also joined Perry in raising awareness of the case. He had a good relationship with his parents, as evidenced by their righteous campaigning after his disappearance (which we will get to in the next section). What Happened to Terrance Williams and Felipe Santos? It has been 17 and 18 years since Terrance Williams and Felipe Santos, respectively, disappeared. Instead, he claims to have driven Terrance to a Circle K near Wiggins Pass Road and Route 41 (note: this is not the same Circle K he claimed to drop Felipe off at). Disappearances of Terrance Williams and Felipe Santos The keys were found on the ground by the car. "You know, some days are good, and some days I just can't shake it. This fills both of them with worry when they realize that Terrance is nowhere to be found. Calkins was fired despite his 17-year track record of good behavior (note: just because he had 17 years without having anything reported against him doesnt mean he never did anything wrong police misconduct is notoriously underreported due to fear of retaliation). But when they find his car has been towed by a police officer with no record of an arrest, an investigation reveals a disturbing case since the police officer was the last witness in an eerily similar disappearance. He found a job at a construction site and also worked in a local Pizza Hut joint. he's offering $200k for any help in the cases of the missing Collier County men -- Felipe Santos and Terrance Williams. Both men were last seen being arrested by Steve Calkins, then a deputy in the Collier County Sheriff's Department, for driving without a license. Help needed for podcasts And since he did not file an arrest report for Terrance, where did he take him? This statement contradicted both his incident report and the witness statements, both of which reported that Calkins himself moved the vehicle to its location blocking the road. Keep the word allegedly on the tip of your tongue here, folks. He was involved in an incident of minor magnitude in Naples and ended up being pulled over by a Sheriffs deputy. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. Terrance Williams was 58 and 160 pounds at the time of his disappearance. Felipe Santos And Terrance Williams. The two cases that the group will focus on in Naples are the disappearances of Terrance Williams and Felipe Santos who both disappeared years ago . He and his wife just had a baby girl. Some people believe that means outright murder, but I have another train of thought maybe he took them somewhere rural, left them, and they succumbed to the elements. Felipe was cited for reckless driving and driving without a license or insurance. Its not a good look, really. At this time, Calkins was cleared of any wrongdoing. Terrance Williams, a 27-year-old African American man who lived in Naples, Florida, never met Felipe Santos. But the Collier County suit came to an abrupt close in 2021 after Crumps team missed a deadline to file for trial. Now things get weird. It is a shame that they or their families will never get the justice they deserve. The family contacted the sheriff's department, and discovered that Calkins had not filed an incident report, nor had he made an arrest. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or find. A Mexican immigrant living undocumented in Immokalee, Florida, for 3 years since 2013, Felipe Santos was also trying to find a better life for his family, much like Terrance. CircuitGuy Active Member Joined Apr 23, 2013 Messages Calkins stated he did not interact with any Circle K employees while dropping Terrance off, though an employee did state she saw both of them there Calkins used the restroom and Terrance filled a small canister with gas before walking away from the station without Calkins. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. The Collier County Sheriff's office tells us that Corporal Steven Calkins arrested Felipe Santos in 2003 and Terrance Williams in 2004. The logical group to jump to here is the KKK or other group with hatred towards people of color. Change). The car keys were found on the ground beside the car. Beyond that, though, there is not an abundance of information publicly available regarding who Terrance was as a person. However, he declines, citing that he is tired and wants to stay in for the night. "He just stated that he was tired of pulling people over that didn't have licenses," she said. There is a lot to cover, and a lot of accusations to touch on. Terrance Williams and Felipe Santos are considered missing and endangered. Florida wrongful death lawsuit envelops Cedar Rapids man, a former On the night of Sunday, January 11, 2004, Terrance is invited to go to a work party with some of his Pizza Hut coworkers. The Missing: Felipe Santos and Terrance Williams Felipe received tickets regarding the accident and driving without a license or insurance. This is Andy Griffith., Crump, who has represented the families of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, said in the emailed statement that the civil lawsuit was more of a vehicle for discovery and truth since it was unknown if Calkins had collectible assets.. Calkins reportedly underwent three lie-detector tests he failed at least one of these. He would rely on his mom or his roommate, Jason, to get him to work. The year 2023 is the 30th year in the history of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), a mixed martial arts promotion based in the United States. [2] Following this witness statement, the Williams family repeatedly called the sheriff's department asking to speak to Calkins. They begin flooding the sheriffs office with calls begging for answers, prompting law enforcement to file a report and start looking into the case more seriously. Calkins states that he also dropped Santos off at the Circle K rather than arresting him. His story: He let them out at a nearby Circle K. What happened to Felipe Santos and Terrence Williams? Steve had also claimed that he did not even know Terrances last name, but he allegedly used Terrances full name when requesting a background check for him. [2], The Williams family called police and filed a missing persons report. Hearing the events of that night raises more questions than answers. First, and most commonly mentioned, is that Calkins is allegedly responsible for both disappearances. Night survived after finding a nearby power plant staffed by a security guard. Lets just get started then, shall we? Terrance Williams Missing & Felipe Santos Missing Yet, circuit judge Lauren Brodie found the team failed to establish excusable neglect and issued a final judgment in 2021 that Marcia Williams and her sons children shall take nothing from Calkins. She stated that, when Calkins arrived on the scene, he seemed agitated and made a comment that he was tired of handling incidences where people had no license or insurance. Santos was 23 when he disappeared on Oct. 14, 2003. His mother soon found out that he was last seen getting into the back of a police cruiser in Naples, Florida. [6], Further suspicion was cast on Calkins when a recording of his call to dispatch requesting the tow of Williams's car revealed further conflicting statements. This report was signed by the then theCollier County Sheriffs Office Corporal Steven H. Steve Calkins. Before driving off with Williams, Calkins then asked the cemetery employees if he could leave the Cadillac in the lot. There is NO WAY this is a coincidence!! The reason for holding a visual . I could maybe give more credence to the story if Calkins had just said that he dropped the men off at gas stations. Steve Calkins was fired for not cooperating and for providing conflicting statements. is going to encounter perplexing and odd, bizarre cases,' Hunter said in a phone . His eyes are brown. Troy Cracknell Player Profile, Reading Rockets, News, Stats - Eurobasket This call occurs within the same hour that he allegedly drove Terrance to the Circle-K. Terrance Williams and Felipe Santos went missing in 2004 and 2003, respectively, under similar circumstances in Naples, Florida, U.S. However, investigators found major discrepancies in Steves statement. When he awoke the following morning, Terrance did not return to his home. After finishing his shift for the day, he says goodbye to his mother after she drops him off at his house. [3][4], On January 12, 2004, 27-year-old Terrance Williams went missing in Naples, Florida. An officer named Steve Calkins had called it in because it was obstructing traffic. It just doesnt seem likely. Both men were last seen being arrested by former Collier County Sheriff's deputy Corporal Steve Calkins for driving without a license. Plus, as Calkins told and retold his stories (especially his story of dropping Terrance off) they became more and more inconsistent. Classified Ads. Investigation Discoverys Disappeared: Crime and Punishment documents a mothers fight for his son and the investigation process that looked into the disappearance. In his original story, he said he never knew Terrances first or last name. He tries to have this decision appealed but is denied. Slip pockets for tablet or notepads. Both, Calkins claimed, were both last dropped off at Circle K gas stations. Terrance Williams was a young black man living in Naples, Florida. His roommate declined, and Terrance took his new car, a Cadillac, to the party, despite him not having a valid license and expired registration. Calkins, for whatever reason, chose not to issue any tickets. But Jason became worried when Terrance was not at his home, even on January 13, and then emailed Marcia. [15][16] Entertainment mogul Tyler Perry went on Al Sharpton's MSNBC talk show to discuss the disappearances, offering a $200,000 reward for information in connection with the cases. Ultimately, there is no evidence of any theory, apart from the fact that Corporal Steve Calkins is the last known point of contact with both men. Case against former Collier deputy tied to Terrance Williams, Felipe He gives his full name and date of birth to run. At this point, I feel I can say with almost absolute certainty, unless another suspect arises in the cases, that Terrance Williams and Felipe Santos were destined for death the moment they stepped foot into Steve Calkins' cruiser. Employees stated that Calkins patted Williams down and put him in the back of his patrol car. [2], Marcia contacted workers at the cemetery, who told her that they witnessed Calkins pull Williams over and ask him for identification, which he did not have. The Strange and Abnormal: The haunting disappearance of Terrance He'll come back and his car will be gone." This is something that the police are known to have done in other places, most notably in Canada, where officers would arrest indigenous men, drive them out of the city, and leave them on the side of the road to make their own way back. Felipe Santos - Disappeared Both men were last seen being arrested by Steve Calkins, then a deputy in the Collier County Sheriff's Department, for driving without a license. Get the latest news, stats and more about Troy Cracknell on Eurobasket, Reading Rockets, Augusta University, Augusta, Lake Norman Charter School, Augusta University But the fact that Calkins maintains that they were both dropped off specifically at Circle K really sticks with me. News Ongoing Missing Persons Investigations. Later that same day, Felipes boss contacted the jail to post bail, thinking that Felipe was there. Alternatively, you can reach the Cue Center tip line 27/7 by calling 910-232-1687. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Disappearance of Terrance Williams & Felipe Santos. It has been 17 and 18 years since Terrance Williams and Felipe Santos, respectively, disappeared. Calkins's report states that he first came in contact with Williams at 12:15 pm, after noticing that his car was driving "in distress". Both men were in some sort of vehicular centric stress. Steve added that he then called and requested dispatch to get Terrances car town away since it was obstructing the road. Front flap with quick-release buckles and vertical-entry zippered pocket. He continues to this day to claim he was just a scapegoat, a convenient target since he was the last person to see both men. After Williams disappeared, Calkins was asked to appear before a federal grand jury, but he refused to testify and later moved to Iowa. It is widely believed that he is responsible for whatever happened to Felipe and Terrance, and he has faced several lawsuits in regards to Terrances death in particular. - Investigation Discovery", "Investigation Discovery show to feature disappearances of two Collier men", "New film renews community discussion about Aboriginal freezing deaths in Saskatoon", "Three Native men froze to death at the hands of the Saskatoon police; Two Worlds Colliding explores why", "The Mysterious Disappearance of Terrance Williams and Felipe Santos", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Disappearances_of_Terrance_Williams_and_Felipe_Santos&oldid=1124253837, Short description with empty Wikidata description, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 28 November 2022, at 01:50. Calkins claimed that he returned to the Cadillac, and discovered that the proper registration was not in the car, and that he felt deceived, so he called Circle K from his work-issued cell phone and asked to speak to Williams. When it was revealed that Corporal Calkins had picked Felipe up, Calkins admitted he changed his mind about arresting Felipe. (LogOut/ The term originated in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan, and describes the practice of police driving individuals to the edge of town or outside of city limits, and abandoning them to find their own way home. Felipe Santos, for driving without a license. They even tell her, If you havent heard from him in a month, you come back.. Initially stating he did not remember Terrance, Steve changed his statement and said he could recall pulling over Terrance at around 12:15 pm on January 12, 2004, after seeing the formers car in distress. As per the show, Steve said the 27-year-old had requested him to drive him to a nearby Circle K, claiming he was late for his shift. In addition to CCSO, the FBI, the U.S. Attorneys Office, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the State Attorneys Office are involved. No body was found, nor any evidence that he is still alive. He has brown eyes and black hair. Two men of color went missing from Naples, Florida (hey again, Florida) in a four month period between October 2003 and January 2004. His story seemed to match the witness accounts from the cemetery, except for one problem: Terrance never worked at the Circle-K. But he had to wait for 6 months before he would get back his drivers license. Calkins was fired despite his 17-year track record of good behavior (note: just because he had 17 years without having anything reported against him doesnt mean he never did anything wrong police misconduct is notoriously underreported due to fear of retaliation). I will say that I dont really find this very compelling. Calkins reportedly underwent three lie-detector tests he failed at least one of these. Also, read Where is Andrean Hanks Killer Darcy Matlock Now?if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'thetraced_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_3',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetraced_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Terrances aunt found his car inside a towing companys parking lot. He was originally from Tennessee, but have moved to Naples, Florida, to be closer to his family. This time, investigators focus the questions on what happened after he had Terrances car towed. After getting settled, Terrance found a job working in construction and also took on a second job at Pizza Hut. Williams, who had attended a party that evening at a co-worker's house, did not then have a valid driver's license after being cited for driving under the influence, and the registration on his car had expired. We are confident that the information uncovered will allow the DOJ to keep the investigation of what happened to Terrance active and moving forward to earn justice for his memory and all those who loved him.. Terrance Williams & Felipe Santos | This story made me just as outraged Upon being contacted by dispatch, Calkins claimed to have no memory of making any arrests or having any cars towed on the day of Williams's disappearance. In the end, Terrance yearned for independence and even purchased the Cadillac just recently to himself. They do not remember seeing any sort of aggression or confrontation between the two. Under the other umbrella is where the internet sleuths tend to gather. He was last seen wearing a short sleeve shirt, jeans and Timberland boots. Wrong Side of the Law: Did a Rogue Cop Make Two Men Disappear? With that huge grain of salt on the table, lets look at a few of the more popular theories. The officer that reported to the scene was Corporal Steven Calkins put a pin in him, we will be discussing him at length later. Steve claimed that he dropped off Terrance there and returned to check his car for papers. Florida cold case marks 19th anniversary: 'There's always hope' for This wasnt the first time a man disappeared after coming into contact with Steve Calkins. There have been no verified sightings. Terrances parents campaigned to have Calkins removed from his position and they succeeded. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. He was never seen again, and was only 24 years old. This was exactly what happened to a 27-year-old American known as Terrance Williams and a 24-year-old Mexican identified as Felipe Santos in January 2004 and October 2003, respectively. Were Terrance Williams And Felipe Santos Starlighted? True Crime Terrance Williams Williams disappeared in January 2004. Terrance tries to convince his roommate, Jason Gonzalez, to go with him to the party. Program. [8], Felipe Santos, 24, was a Mexican national living illegally in the U.S. in nearby Immokalee, Florida. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Both men were put into Calkinss cruiser. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearances_of_Terrance_Williams_and_Felipe_Santos, https://www.naplesnews.com/story/news/local/2020/06/16/tyler-perry-posts-collier-county-disappearances-terrance-williams-felipe-santos/3202526001/, https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/sep/05/florida-sheriffs-deputy-murder-lawsuit-tyler-perry. Its believed that Steve Calkins is the person responsible for these disappearances. Just like we see in Felipes disappearance, there is no concrete evidence of foul play here, but Terrance has not been seen since that day, walking away from Circle K. At the time of his disappearance, Terrance stood somewhere between 58 and 6 tall, and weighed between 160 and 175 pounds. Terrance Williams & Felipe Santos | This story made me just as outraged as the George Floyd video and yet, nothing's ever been done about it. He had longer brown hair, normally in a ponytail, and has brown eyes. An investigation cleared Calkins of any wrongdoing. Williams was 27 when he encountered Calkins in the area of 111th Avenue North and Vanderbilt Drive in North Naples on Jan. 12, 2004. The civil lawsuit filed on behalf of the victims' families claims that the two men - Terrance Williams, 27, and Felipe Santos, 24 - were taken away in a squad car by Steven Calkins, a . As soon as information came out about Terrances disappearance, Marcia was contacted by the Mexican Consulate in Miami about this other disappearance. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. From what I can infer, though, he was a caring man who strived to take care of his family. He, along with the other driver pulled into a parking lot to exchange information. It doesnt seem like Felipe was actually arrested at this point he was not mirandized and I can find no mention of Calkins handcuffing him, but I also dont understand what was said to get Felipe in the car. Tyler Perry Offers $200k Reward for Lead in 2 Missing Persons Cases - TMZ Calkins defended his misstatements to the operator, telling investigators that he was just "joking around" with a coworker. He also has a vertical scar on his right shoulder and a dark birthmark on the right side of his abdomen. If you have any information or think you may know something regarding the disappearances of Terrance Williams and/or Felipe Santos, please contact the Collier County Sheriffs Office at 239-252-9300. Disappearance of Terrance Williams and Felipe Santos: Both men went Terrances aunt was able to find out where Terrances car was, it had been towed from the Naples Memorial Cemetery. Tina Hendricks Murder: Where is Mark Olvera Now. After both Terrance and Felipe failed to turn up even 5 years after their disappearance, Florida law required them to be declared dead. Jason tries calling everyone they know to see if he could find anything. The suit also names Calkins as being responsible for the death of Felipe Santos, another man who went missing after last being seen in his custody in October 2003, just a few months before Terrance Williams disappeared.
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