How are Fortune 500 CEOs different from you and me (other than the fact that they fly around in private jets)? The Cardinal Ascendant is one aspect for inherent strength and the ability to stand alone, which is part of strength. Issues with sexuality and other intimate topics may be present. He will have patience and maturity when it comes to deferring gratification. Now, aspects are given a margin in which they have an influence. Ive been reading and observing astrology for almost five years now. It entitles a serious, longieyity of love. Mercury rx encourages us to face our shadow, and in Libra, it brings out relationship issues & karma once again to make sure we are working on finding healthier connections & eliminating any extra baggage that is in the way of finding balance. Once settling my mind on something, I tend to be unstoppable. So, expect a double dose of uncovered circumstances exposed.) I like to use Whole House system so that will help determine which house is ruled by Capricorn for you. I am a Sun/Mercury dominant over here. The third decan is 20 degrees to 29 59'59" of a sign. Has an equally fun loving and energetic dog that is adored. Where is Saturn causing your limitations and lessons? One or both of the parental figures (especially the father) may be critical, distant and controlling, but it is not always the case. please give credits if reposting my work. In some cases, pain was integrated if mother had a difficult birth. Anyone can learn it. The collective should show a higher aesthetic sense and we should all seek harmony & balance more than usual. they want to know they succeed sooner than others which seems selfish but theyre possessive over success. Tiger has a similar setup, with an impatient Mars in Gemini conjunct his Midheaven. scorpio in twelfth: these people dont believe in coincidences. ~Activity in Scorpio and/or the eighth house. (0 degrees 2 minutes). Anyway, the question is, would an extremely tight semisquare like my Mars and Pluto be more powerful than a loose square? With all the Libra energy happening at once, the urge to show off our artistic talents can emerge. Expect to be more reserved, grounded, and responsible. Guess what? If you realize that the situation doesnt have to be perfect, this energy will give you the chance to evolve!. However, its easily dismissed because horoscopes and astrology sites provide forecasts based on your sun sign. 2. Natal Chart Interpretations, Tarot Readings , Holistic Healer, Crystal Healer , Jupiter: Sagittarius (domicile), Pisces (domicile), or Cancer (exalted) Known as the Greater Benefic, Jupiter is a lucky planet. So he easily attracts admirers. Opposition. I basically have two degrees one in global studies and the other in education. This could be caused by early experiences. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Square/Opposition: has difficulty controlling their power/aggressiveness, prone to experiencing crises or near-death experiences, may easily intimidate others, afraid of their own desires which may be dark ortaboo, may be overcome by compulsive behaviors. Originally posted by deseos-de-la-via-lactea. Doctors, nurses, acupuncturists, kind-hearted dentists, and others with the desire to heal share certain astrological characteristics: ~By sign: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, the water signs, promote empathy. Donald Trump is one of the most famous. Since everything is felt on an extreme, they can be easily hurt. they truly believe that everything happens for a reason and whatever lifestyle they desire they truly believe they are meant for. scorpio in fifth: these people are the true charmers and attract sexual energy easily. Heres how to find it: ~By sign: Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer bolster psychic ability. Sun in 8th house. moon in 7th. I am strong in some ways and weak in others. All will experience an optimistic look of life and that everything will work out in their favor. example(s): evan rachel wood, moon opposite mars, was married to a male ballet dancer. It indicates a need to take measures towards self-discovery. (This is the case for daily astrology influences involving inner planets, which pass quickly, and not natal astrology aspects, which are with us for a lifetime). Jupiter enhancem ent of Pluto 2. sun-moon/moon-ascendant aspects, periods These 12 aspects were collectively referred to as Super Aspects, and gave everyone who was born with one of them a jump-start on achieving the maximum success. What makes this a hard aspect is that when it is in conjunction with the Ascendant (aka outward persona), Chiron pain becomes the most noticeable. All rights reserved. Her Venus sits at the top of her chart, conjoining her Midheaven. ~Powerful, well-aspected planets ruling the second and eighth houses. Aspects of chart ruler to 2nd and 8th house ruler. You may also have fears of joining the community and speaking your mind. Something that no one wants to acknowledge could find its way to the surface. Virgo Venus will make us decide with our hearts while the other transits will make us logically think about our situations. Interests may peak in art/crafts. I run the Aries Venus: The Emotional Sluts of the Zodiac ( I know, right?) I was wondering if you could help me understand my pattern better, as I have Aries Venus Retrograde, with Capricorn In the 11th and 12th house. since the eight hoes deals with sex they dont easily let people have sexual relations with them - but once they do they want to make themselves unforgettable. Inner stress and tension can cause dismay and plans to not go as smoothly as you wanted. They may often resort to lying in order to escape confrontation, criticism and responsibility in their lives. You can have a hard time with ideas of life and death, maybe even a fear of one or the other. People tend to love these people because of their talents and overall charisma they possess. Answer (1 of 3): As your question is expressly worded, it does not make too much sense. Hes a Leo (of course) with Venus in the first house in sociable Libra, the sign it rules. This Scorpio Season has the potential to be enlightening & all around positive due to the squares to the Capricorn stellium & Opposition to Aries Mars rx ending. They may be bullied during childhood or felt rejected and put down. Use the high Scorpianic vibrations of the Suns rays to heal yourself and have a powerful transformation this season! so being possessive over their powerful thoughts they randomly have throughout the day is also a personality trait of theirs and this also happens because 10H deals with our career and youre always thinking of the future and how much money youll earn. Proudly created with It can bring up issues from September (when Mercury was in Libra then) and invite us to review the lessons we went through before entering intense, deep Scorpio for a second time. Angelina Jolie, whose very name advertises her prettiness, has Venus closely conjunct her Ascendant. can tell when youre PMSing= moon in 1st, aries/gemini/leo/virgo moon, Well,I was wondering what's exacly the difference between aspects with tight orbs and aspects that have larger orbs.I remember once reading somewhere that,the tighter the orb,the more uncoscious and automatic the linkage between the planets was,but my Internet research didn't allow me to reach any conclusions and I would be thankful if anyone more experienced would like to help claryfying this,perhaps answering some question that came up as I was trying to wrap my mind around this: 1-What's exacly the difference between a aspects with tight orbs and aspects with wider ones?For example:is a Venus-Pluto trine with a1 different from a Venus-Pluto trine with a5orb?Do they manifest themselves in the same way? Self-knowledge and psychological transformation are their goals. I do not use Chiron or Lilith so I cannot give you an accurate assessment of that. you may be more aware of blocks and obstacles around being able to stand up for yourself. Mild challenges to your emotional security & contentment may be experienced. Not surprisingly, as a public personality, she has to work harder to make her case. ~By planet: Research has shown that doctors often have Saturn conjunct or opposite the Ascendant or Midheaven. Due to my Virgo/Gemini placement, I have a public persona in areas of communication (ruled by Mercury) rather than performance (like most Leos). Vesta : Keyword: Self-sufficiency It's like a super-powered Sun in Gemini without the Geminian distractibility. I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. This will spike the already high levels of intuition we are able to reach with the Sun conjunct Mercury aspect happening. Remember Whether that be to let someone or something go in order to move forward or change our perspective on someone or something in order to have a personal transformation. Founded in 2010, Thought Catalog is owned and operated by The Thought & Expression Company, Inc. For over a decade, we've been at the bleeding edge of media, pioneering an infrastructure for creatives to flourish both artistically and financially. So, if its unstable, it will force to end the relationship. So, if two planets in a square aspect (90 degrees = exact) and the actual number of . Astrology is an accumulated body of knowledge not the mystic ability to intercept messages from the spirit world. When I look at myself, I think I embody everything as a Leo. Look for the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, or Venus in those signs. Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto confer power. kim basinger, was married to alec baldwin, known for his public & erratic outbursts. The North Node conjunct Vertex is one of the top indicators for marriage. Pluto enhancement of the Sun 4. There is a need for others approval when Chiron is present here. When Pluto, the planet of transformation and rebirth, comes into conjunction with Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and relationships, there can be a strong attraction that borders on obsession. You can even feel like your opinion does not matter or will be ridiculed. With those who were born with natal Moon square/opposite Pluto, there can be an obsessive focus on accumulating power. These people can be very emotionally reactive and defensive when they feel hurt or vulnerable. With square and opposition aspects, intense sexual energies are also . This will manifest and create a fundamental faith in life. These aspects can indicate a love that lasts forever. This is a strong indicator to a problematic relationship with your parents but it really could be any family. tina turner, sun square mars, married ike turner, a bandleader & producer. Im a hunter, leader, and intuitively driven being. 3. grand trine salomon cross or grand cross. Look to where the desire of perfectionism is holding you back. It refers to formations in the same mode (cardinal, fixed and mutable) and of the complementary elements (fire and air . they always want to look the best, their style is unique and they hate being copied. Specifically, he had Jupiter (and Chiron) conjunct the Midheaven, Mars in the tenth house, the Sun closely conjunct the Ascendant, and two planets Venus and Neptune, the planets of art in the first house. However I believe if your read here. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Im not sure I believe that. Knows their psychic abilities since youth. There may be a desire to travel or plan a trip. Look to. Whether its time to stay or to go. This native is as strong as horseradish. Before I do ones chart, they often express to me that they dont fully resonate with their sun sign. When this aspect is mutual, the love is even stronger. Multiple planets in 2nd, 8th house. Then, the Pluto stare emerged and remained for the entire Godfather series. Learning about new things and experiences will liberate you. A focus on goals of the future, planning, brainstorming, and social gatherings may be in order. A planet is prominent when its within 8 of your Ascendant or Midheaven; when it occupies an angle (that is, its in the first, fourth, seventh, or tenth house of your chart); or when it makes close aspects to other planets. There may be someone or something that tries to convince you of choosing their path instead of your own, creating an uncomfortable situation by convincing you to not follow your own influences, but theirs. Venus enhancement of Pluto 3. So, buy that thing youve been wanting but have been putting off buying! I am strong in some ways and weak in others. demi lovato, venus square mars, dates wilmer valderrama, constantly boasts about his previous & excessive romantic endeavors. The most active and potent houses in the birth chart are the 1st, 10th, 7th, 4th, 11th and 5th houses (in that order). You lead with empathy, compassion, and feeling. Pisces is the most mystical and otherworldly sign in the Zodiac. It will lessen any hardships and bring love and joy into life. scorpio in fourth: this indicates someone whos their mommys son/princess and they get possessive over her over time more than she is over them. What is your rising sign? Originally posted by samuelantonioroncalminano. A character who triggers chaos to ease their own boredom. The Sun and planets do not circle randomly around the Earth. example(s): meryl streep, mercury conjunct mars, long-time marriage to a sculptor. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. So lets say it's happening in the sign on Libra you will have a sweet look on you and be extremely charming because Venus rules Libra making this aspect more significant. Feelings of being scattered and overwhelmed may happen. This means that you may value keeping the peace more than speaking up for yourself. The conjunction and opposition are most potent, and the trine and sextile are powerful, as well. You may put everybody elses needs first in a way that is detrimental to you. Ami, Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths. This is a collective aspect. Strong placements (planets and/or signs) can either mean very popular or famous. This can be very frustrating- like the world is against them. Also keep in mind that they are not written in a particular order. mars-saturn aspects = attracted to men who are paternal or reminiscent of their fathers, older men, men who are aloof, dedicated to their career. So, all that is hidden in the depths of our psyche has a chance to be revealed. You may need to look past your own stubbornness to see the truth of the issue. If Mars promotes athletic ability, Venus amplifies beauty, particularly when it is: ~Conjunct the Ascendant, the Sun, the Moon, the Midheaven, or the ruler of the Ascendant. This placement can cause you to be overly critical of yourself and others. Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua, #astrology #astrologyforhumans #tripleaqua #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces #zodiac #horoscope #retrograde #planets Meanwhile, Leos are known for performance and drama. Uranus square Pluto from 2012 to 2015 was the most significant and most challenging planetary influence in a generation. It can be used to gain insight into a person's personality, relationships, and purpose in life. First I will interpret the Uranus square Pluto in the natal chart, then Uranus square Pluto transit. The Aries character is youthful, brave, competitive, and will do anything to win. With two major celestial bodies in the same fixed water sign of Scorpio, this energy can reveal hidden aspects in our personal relationships. The unknown may make you uncomfortable rather than curious. Sun Trine Pluto: This aspect brings courage and intuitive perception, with the desire to strip away all self-delusion so that the personality and soul can become one. Betrayal is the achilles heel of Moon square/opposite Pluto. He was adorable and a warm fuzzy until he had to fight for his family. Scorpio Mars strength is in his unusual keenness regarding human nature. Moon in scorpio. Mars can also dominate a chart in the opposite situation: When it makes no aspects whatsoever. I have to mention I'm not a pro. He can make long term plans and achieve, particularly when it comes to career. There is a need for everything to be perfect and go according to plan. Those who were born with Sun square/opposite Saturn aspect in their natal chart can be extremely critical of themselves and others, due to their high expectations. His Venus makes four conjunctions and two sextiles. It brought major global upheaval due to and resulting in rapid evolutionary change. Her fame is no accident. With both Venus & Mercury entering Libra within minutes apart, a break from any negative astrological transits should be in order. Love is not the issue here. This gives them a rebellious strike. example(s): meg ryan, mars square uranus, was married to dennis quaid, claims he was inconsistent & unreliable. Growing up, home was an intense and unsafe place. Almost as though you are only here to care for others and you are not as important. Most midheaven placements have a corresponding ascendant sign, so someone with the same rising as you is likely to pursue a similar career path. Inner erratic agitation can cause much anxiety and nervousness today.. A lack of sensitivity may have you coming off as arrogant and can push people away unless you remember to take others feelings into consideration. People with these natal aspects may have experienced intense power struggles as a child, perhaps with their parental figures (especially the mother). mightve been catcalled in the past since their body language draws attention to them easily! Planets that are conjunct or square the Ascendant within 5 degrees (and preferably less) are among the strongest planets in the chart. My chart ruler (moon in 8th). because of this they built trust issues and dont care to be commit anymore. You might feel uncomfortable with social events or communication. Healing will come with realizing what is truly missing instead of attempting to fill that space with empty things, as well as learning effective budgeting and money-management. This is a good time for Earth focused rituals and spells. A more reserved Gemini or an extremely outgoing Pisces is likely due to a different ascendant. Sun conjunct Mercury. As an adult with Venus square/opposite/inconjunct Saturn, they may may take on more obligations than they should in relationships. ~By planet: A prominent Venus and Neptune quicken the aesthetic sense and the imagination. We actually will feel enjoyment with action and adventure. 2023 by Going Places. Feelings of abandonment are common here. The sensitive areas near the Ascendant are the twelfth house and the first ten degrees of the first house.) 3. Your ascendant sign changes every few hours. Later on, they may also experience clashes with authority figures. Yet, at the same time, you probably crave social interaction and rarely like to be alone. The aspects of planets in a lagna chart are a powerful tool in astrology and can be used to understand the energies of a person's life. Chiron in Aries and/or the 1st house. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Mood swings are common, especially with natal Moon opposite Pluto. Where do extraordinary qualities come from? Scorpio is ruled by Pluto. Reactions will come from an intelligent point of view, before action is taken. Where do extraordinary qualities come from? they cherish their natural beauty and fear someone else meeting their level of beauty. Perhaps the family struggled with their finances, or the child had to take care of others.
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