From all the verified videos I found the earliest Ricky Ricardo's line is mentioned is in a song recorded in 1989. Make Lucy you got some plain to do memes or upload your own images to make custom memes. 13 0 obj # season 3 # episode 4 # the adventures of pete and pete. Awakened Saint 3.48K subscribers Subscribe 88K views 2 years ago In our current reality Rickie never told Lucy she got some splanin to do. But no matter how many people remember the quote, Lucy, you got some splainin to do, Ricky Ricardo never actually says those words in that order. The man, named Gibson Makanda, then became the first democratic president of SA. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Estelle is a regular writer for Listverse. The moon: i think you've probably misunderstood what "rang like a bell" means. This original Mandela Effect gave rise to a slew of conspiracy theories, including one that said because he died in 1985 at the age of 67, South Africans today are encouraged to perform 67 minutes of charity on the late statemans birthday. The author says the line is said multiple times throughout the show he even claims it's one of the very first quoted television lines in history. Despite him still being alive and well five years later, a local newspaper in New Jersey reported him dead again. ", "Lucy, you've got some splainin to do!" But he will forever be remembered for being dead 30 years before he died. As I write this, Harold is 92 years old and still alive. ". Now is now. William Frawley tells Lucy to think of him as Fred Mertz, his character from the series. Heres a link to the scene I remember. Despite being widely reputed as Desi's catchphrase in I Love Lucy, the hard truth is, he never said, "Lucy, you got some splainin' to do!" or, "Lucy you got a lotta splainin' to do!" Things he did say in . There is, however, a Renaissance painting of him holding a pair of leather gloves in one hand and the string of a scabbard in the other. 12. 9 0 obj 30 0 obj 2022-10-07T16:29:01-07:00 Lucille Ball: "As soon as I get to feeling a little better, I'm gonna kill myself." Later. People worldwide have the persistent memory of Nelson Mandela not only dying in prison in the 1980s but also of clips of the funeral aired on TV and riots in several cities. <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 3 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> While most people know it to have always stood at the end of Main Street, several visitors and fans are adamant that the castle is actually the entrance to the theme park.[5]. Back at the beginningthe Mandela Effect caused by an incorrect memory about Nelson Mandela himself. The bronze sculpture The Thinker stands in the Musee Rodin in Paris. <>stream endobj Great idea, I appreciate taking your time to do it. You got some splainin to do! Catchphrase associated with the TV show I Love Lucy (1951-1957) This famous line is commonly assumed to have been said to Lucille Ball by Desi Arnaz, as the character Ricky Ricardo, on the I Love Lucy show. A beautiful woman depicted in this beautiful design! Comment by link991 The quest name is a reference to the sitcom "I Love Lucy" in which Lucy would often cause some sort of problem and when her husband, Ricky, found out about it he would recite his catchphrase, "Lucy, you got some splainin to do!"' Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, At least, that is how most people visualize it. *jeannieHold onto your hat if ya didnt already know. Desi Arnaz: "I think she's blown her top. Only he's wearing a stripy hat. That is because most people around the world seem to remember Cruise wearing shades during the scene. Abe Vigoda died for real in 2016, but when TMZ broke the news, reporters were hesitant to pick up on the story because of the ongoing gags.[4]. It seems to me that Pakistan's leaders, including former President Musharraf, have some splainin to do. Jon Stewart Comedian and host of The Daily Show Commenting on the revelation that Osama Bin Laden had been hiding for years in Pakistan, in a segment on the May 2, 2011 edition of The Daily Show. Lucy You've Got Some Splainin To Do! Uncle Sam in front of his famous poster. # gwen stefani # kids choice . 27 KB. Display as a link instead, fF%y"Ic(2%E1UYDGXXj-ETw/.Nriquv*sT:Bo[5=q%Y"d3 #bz88_t$\N|07x2[}'3.i}YIsO^ @|%+)AHuJ[9x0 Lucy, you got some 'splainin' to do I. endstream 6 0 obj Have you considered maybe the reason you remember that line so prominently is because it's been used in 14 other different things throughout the years? Sorkin says what was never said on I Love Lucy was "Lucy, you got some 'splaining to do." 256 112 2MB Read more. 21 Catchphrases That Defined Our Favorite Classic TV Shows, Currently, the castle sports a massive 50th crest as well as blue jewels, pearls, and ribbons in celebration of Disney Worlds 50th anniversary. It doesn't mean it made a sound like . Press J to jump to the feed. A running gag about Vigodas purported death started up at Friars Club during the roast hour, and Jeff Ross had a really fun time saying, My one regret is that Abe Vigoda isnt alive to see this. Vigoda would then jump up in mock anger from his seat in the audience and shake his fist at Ross. I Love Lucy (1951) (TV Series) Maxwell utters Ricky Ricardo's famous line, "you've got some 'splainin' to do". The chocolates parade down the line and the ladies are supposed to cover each in paper and place it back on the line so it can drop into a bucket ready for selling. application/pdf ", Desi Arnaz: "What's the matter with everybody? ***The design is Size Chart: Today would've been Lucille Ball's 102nd . THE I LOVE LUCY CATCHPHRASE THAT RICKY NEVER SAID: Lucy! ! A Facebook comment on the People magazine report that Arnold Schwarzenegger had a secret affair and love child with a household staff member . Lucy, you've got some 'splainin to classic black and white! She was nominated for 13 Primetime Emmy Awards, winning five times, and was the recipient of several other accolades, such as the Golden Globe Cecil B. DeMille Award and two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Grab this timeless classic, and you will have to do a bit of 'splain'n' yourself when people stop you with giggles and admiration when you where this shirt. Start 'splaining," weren't uncommon. #deadmeat #pussinboots #horror #alien #killcount #jamesajanisse #chelsearebecca #horrortok". Well this site, at least, does claim it comes from Ricky Ricardo: I never thought about that. ", Lucille Ball: "As soon as I get to feeling a little better, I'm gonna kill myself. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Details File Size: 3445KB Duration: 3.300 sec Dimensions: 498x320 Created: 6/20/2018, 3:21:59 AM After all, when you're married to a woman capable of wacky hijinks 24/7, anything can happen, and often does. He reached out to me for an explanationperhaps because of The Gender Gap sessions I have spearheaded at And in turn, the joke fuelled the fire of Vigodas death myth. Vigoda was first reported dead in 1982 by People Magazine. Some claim they watched it on TV and saw the tanks running right over the man, killing him. We complete the story of Lucy, a young girl whose imaginary friend made her kill her bird and unhinge her jaw. There are a plethora of diverse options for one who wishes to (He did say a few similar lines, such as OK, Lucy, splain and All right, start splainin.) At some point in the 1950s, some comedian or journalist must have used the familiar catchphrase and it caught on, becoming part of our language. Johnny Davis with John Weisbrod: I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. "Lucy, you got some 'splainin to do." 22 Feb 2023 22:16:43 <>stream By Shmoop will make you a better loverof quotes. Several books, both fiction and non-fiction, describe the statue as having his right fist to his forehead, though, confusing the issue even more.[9]. "Aw, I'm sorry honey. 60 Minutes (1968) (TV Series) Grace mentions it by name. Damon was a prominent supporter of Obama during the 2008 election, but now says he feels disappointed in the President and his policies, especially with respect to the continuing use of drones to kill people in Afghanistan and Pakistan and the the NSA's monitoring of phone calls and emails. <> Piano Man is one of the most instantly recognizable songs in the world and is immensely popular whenever karaoke contests are in full swing. For a clip of Patrick Stewart fidgeting with the crystal on the show, do a YouTube search for: "Hilariously deadpan Patrick Stewart" to see it in action. Heck, there's even an entire Pinterest board devoted to it. Got Some Splainin to Do! Ricky said this line a lot. 36 0 obj I Love Lucy Junkie. was most often the variation he used. That's interesting. I told them one day that it was never said once in the entirety of the show like a trivia, because i'm not going to explain what the Mandela effect is. Therefore, no breach of privacy or copyright has been committed.- FAIR USE STATEMENT -Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for \"fair use\" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. uuid:b194eed1-b544-11b2-0a00-80821b78ff7f Full Description. 40 0 obj "Dude, asdfghjkl ;!!!. And yet, he doesnt. When the world survived, he changed the date to October 21, 2011. The Spanish interjection "¡Ay! TikTok video from deadmeatjames (@deadmeatjames): "James has got some 'splainin to do!
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