The unripe fruit contains high levels of solanine, a poisonous compound that can cause gastrointestinal distress and neurological problems. Your chickens will happily clean up the mess and it wont hurt them at all. I don't know if eucalyptus would be classified as a hardwood. The list tells you the zone said plant grows in as well as if the plant is annual or perennial. I cook up all my veggie peelings onion is the exception I also cook up brown rice buying it only when on half price special I also ferment wheat for 5-6 days it softens it as well creates a natural probiotic I grow extra spinach and kale for regular treats yeap they are spoilt I love my girls. I live on a farm and the chickens are free range. It`s so easy! Red ants seem to be their favourite. I hope this article has helped clear up any questions you had. In severe cases, lycorine poisoning can lead to organ damage and even death. IM going to keep it potted because it multiples like crazy! In addition, the pasta will absorb water from the chickens stomach, leading to dehydration. Click the link in my bio and search "planters" to learn how to make and care for them. While not toxic itself, Eucalyptus leaves can harbor Aspergillosis spores (a dangerous fungus that can cause death in various types of birds, including chickens and ducks). If you have, dont worry too much about it. Finally, alcohol can negatively impact the gastrointestinal system, leading to diarrhea and other problems. There have also been tests on rats which show that being exposed to its oil for . We also sometimes lightly spray the chickens when we suspect theyve got mites, carefully avoiding their heads. The first two plants I bought I put in their run and they were devoured in about 10 minutes. Is the fruit of the Chocolate Vine ok to feed to chickens? is eucalyptus safe for chickensrosie scott hemingway, sc obituary. Can Chickens Eat Cucumber Peels? Most of the time, what to feed chickens is a no-brainer. While it wont necessarily harm your birds, amaranth contains antinutrients that can suppress the growth of your birds. These are both members of the nightshade family and can present dangerous symptoms to your chickens. The flesh contains very little, but you probably should not take the chance, and definitely dont let your birds peck at a whole fruit or plant. Several months ago, the New York Times that commercial chicken processor, Bell & Evans, has been studying oregano as a natural antibiotic for their chickens. Most chickens that have even a little bit will quickly expire, so make any point to clear it off of your property if you have chickens. Its actually a pond or aquarium type plant that does many things including being used for feed, fertilizer, and bio fuel! Just like too much sugar is bad for humans, too much sugar can cause your chickens to be overweight leading to a drop in egg production. But, chickens are not known for their self-control when eating apple bits. Abdominal pain and diarrhea can be the result of ingesting aloe vera, so while it's great topically on burns and skin injuries, its best not to use it with your chickens, who are likely to peck at anything you administer to them. Hippocrates, the Roman father of modern medicine, wrote 2,500 years ago that the key to good health rests on having a daily aromatic bath and scented massage. Blessings to you and may you discover . Elvira Bowen is a food expert who has dedicated her life to understanding the science of cooking. Some (animals) favor one over another, (so) I let all of my animals smell the oil and see if they are drawn to it before I ever offer one, she says. This can lead to cyanide poisoning in chickens, which can be fatal. Still, its better to be safe than sorry. WHAT IS A DUST BATH? But, it is best to wash the cucumbers first as thoroughly as you can. Chickens should not eat uncooked pasta. Also, some false honeysuckle plants are definitely toxic for chickens, so if you dont know exactly what you are dealing with, keep your birds away from them. Ingesting poisonous mushrooms can lead to liver and kidney damage in chickens, and can even be fatal. they use it for shade and safety from hawks. Lol. While not toxic itself, Eucalyptus leaves can harbor Aspergillosis spores (a dangerous fungus that can cause death in various types of birds, including chickens and ducks). Some annuals can be over-wintered as perennials in warmer climates. She became interested in essential oils for her chickens after she started using essential oils and aromatherapy for her own medical reasons. I grow tomatoes, and I share with my chicken flock each summer. While not toxic itself, Eucalyptus leaves can harbor Aspergillosis spores (a dangerous fungus that can cause death in various types of birds, including chickens and ducks). Which to Feed, and Avoid. Thanks for the info! It contains oxalic acid which can kill your birds, as well as anthraquinones which act as a laxative. Popular carriers include almond, apricot kernel, borage, evening primrose, macadamia, peach kernel and jojoba oils. If your chickens get a hold of some bitter orange, that could result in loss of consciousness, stroke or a heart attack or death. Just because something is aromatic doesn't mean it is dangerous. Chickens should not be fed onions. I drop one in my bird bath and in our rain gutters on the house and theyre safe for animals. I've never heard of any other wood that does this or can substitute for cedar. I read of the internet saying that Eucalyptus is a natural biodegradable product that repels bugs. Learn how to breed chickens for specific egg colors to add pizzazz to your basket. For safely purposes, never ingest an essential oil unless it is labeled for safe consumption. It may not affect your chickens overnight, but it will cause some weight problems and other health issues later on down the line. It also has common uses for flea prevention since it has anti-itch, antiparasitic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antifungal, and antiseptic properties. Avocado skin and pit are another food that is dangerous for chickens. Chicken-Safe Shrubs You may be worried about shrubs on your property when you begin to free-range your chickens. The use of essential oils is an alternative approach that is gaining momentum in the mainstream. Signs of Eucalyptus Toxicity in Dogs Turner, Ingestion of eucalyptus leaves may lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and weakness; however, in large quantities, it may also cause seizures in dogs. Other weeds and herbs that are good for chickens include: Some other treats you can give your chickens include: There you have it a list of all the foods you shouldnt (and should!) Though the nightshade family comprises many different kinds of plants, including vegetables, deadly nightshade is a surprisingly common but extremely poisonous variety. #linkinbio #recipe #recipeideas #pasta #pastalover #meyerlemons #asparagusrecipes #whatsfordinner, Save money with barley seed fodder for your animals. I cook eggs and scramble them they love them is this ok? It can also cause kidney damage and even death. I do have one question. It is important that chickens eat a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, and grains. While not toxic itself, Eucalyptus leaves can harbor Aspergillosis spores (a dangerous fungus that can cause death in various types of birds, including chickens and ducks). Potatoes. Symptoms of ricin poisoning include difficulty breathing, lethargy, and vomiting. Do you have to cage the plants every year regarding perennials? All kitchen scraps go onto our manure pile along with dead critters. Blessings. For this reason, it is best to avoid feeding chickens oak leaves or again, acorns. Ingredients 2 cups white vinegar 2 cups water 1 teaspoon dish soap Meat production is just one reason why rabbits on the homestead are a great idea. It also supports immune-system and respiratory health. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. One animal that can eat eucalyptus leaves, and is well known for eating these leaves, is the koala. Eucalyptus plants contain eucalyptus oil which is highly dangerous to chickens and other birds. JavaScript is disabled. Why its good for chickens: Peppermint oil helps to repel flies. Research the topic. Here is a list of some specific vegetables that are safe to feed to chickens: Broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts brassicas in general should only be given as a treat. Pure essential oils, the fragrant plant extracts used in aromatherapy, are powerful natural remedies for what ails human or beast, including chickens, and its easy to learn to use them with your flock. Spray down your coop with eucalyptus, tea tree, lavender, peppermint, basil, and cinnamon bark essential oils. is eucalyptus safe for chickensadvanced spelling bee words for adults. According to doTERRA, a leading distiller of essential oils, it takes roughly 60 pounds of lavender flowers to produce 16 ounces of essential oil, 6,000 pounds of Melissa (lemon balm) to distill 16 ounces of Melissa oil and a whopping 10,000 pounds of rose petals to distill a single pound of rose oil. Required fields are marked *. Click here for my favorite way to purchase essential oils. Leave this stuff for the koalas! They can be toxic when eaten raw, as the solanine they contain can kill your chickens. It`s so easy! Although it may seem harmless, horseradish, particularly horseradish leaves, can irritate a chickens digestive system, leading to vomiting and diarrhea. Learn how your comment data is processed. Coleus AnnualHens & Chicks 4-8 PerennialHosta 3-7 PerennialYucca 4-11 Perennial. Yes, theyre all alive and healthy! In addition, the MSG in many chips and pretzels can also be harmful to chickens. Youll love the look and the functionality. Like to plant grow on run fence? I found that my chickens love the forsythia bush I planted in the middle of their area. With all the fertilizer they provide, it has grown very well. She has a large run but I also let her free range in the backyard. #arcticblast #twentybelow #frozenpipes #oldfarmhouse #homesteadlife #maine2023, Easy, tasty, and frugal are just a few words that describe this broccoli rice casserole recipe. Log in 24/7 to access your pets health care information. They love grapes and cooled porridge , Remove all bedding, spray the coop and perches with cleaning solution, then allow it to dry before adding fresh bedding. Oregano is a powerful oil, but its also a hot oil and needs to be used cautiously.. I found this article while searching to see if forsythia was ok for my chickens to eat. Signs that your chicken is suffering from this infection is gasping for breath, eye lesions, drowsiness, thirst, a loss of appetite, rapid breathing, silent gasping, and weakness. Valerie Ann Worwood, a consultant clinical aromatherapist and author with a doctorate in complementary medicine, writes in The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy that home practitioners should avoid the oral use of essential oils unless under the direction of a professional health care provider. We use essential oils to repel insects, soothe injuries, and support healthy immune function for our laying hens. Inhaling or coming into contact with eucalyptus oils can be toxic to animals, including dogs, cats, and horses, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). I have one similar but it was a rescue and I have no idea what breed. First of all, garlic is very pungent and strong-smelling, which means that it can make the chickens eggs taste off. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. However, apricot plants can be harmful to chickens if ingested. I give my single remaining 10 year old hen a grain seed mix (raw shelled sunflower seeds, chia seeds, gold and red flax seeds, wheat berries and rye), cooked brown rice, 5-7 super worms, watermelon, purple grapes, plums, wheat grass and kale (in the winter) also in winter; dried blueberries, dried cherries and black raisins. Some of the information pertaining to other species, including humans, must be extrapolated to birds. I have woodland phlox and lily of the valley and solomons seal in my yard and the birds dont touch what they know Is bad. This plant contains a substance that can be toxic to chickens, causing problems with their digestion and respiratory system. What we cant grow or produce ourselves we barter for. I use thyme, lemon and melaleuca diluted in water to clean them each spring, and Ive also used diluted oregano and frankincense on skin irritations and injuries to clear them up.. HOME; INTERIORS; EXTERIORS; OFFICE & PORTRAITS; PUBLICITY/EVENTS; CONSTRUCTION; INFO However, feeding chickens mushrooms is not recommended, as they can be poisonous to these animals. Take your tastebuds on an adventure with this amazingly sweet and salty chocolate chip and bacon cookie recipe. Harvest faster if you are that worried. Use pure essential oils, especially if dosing internally. maison boulud dress code. Cedar is specifically a pesticide. Also love whole oats and mealy worms and carrot tops. Seeds and pits can be harmful to chickens because they can contain toxins (like cyanide) that can make the chickens sick. Rabbit meat is popular among homesteaders because rabbits are easy to raise, and they breed easily and birth in less time than other traditional homestead livestock like sheep, goats, pigs, and cows. Hi Again, So now that weve told you what NOT to feed your chickens, you might be wondering, geez, whats left? Here are a few smart alternatives. How to use it: Add one drop of each oil to about 15 drops ofcarrier oil (we use fractionated coconut oil) and apply topically to areas of concern twice per day. Can you use essential oils around chickens? The leaves can also carry Aspergillosis spores which can cause a fungal infection in the bird. Why? Partly becuase it grows fast and can be replenished easier than other woods and partly becuase it is apparently healthy for the poultry. The berries are only safe and in limited quantities, and even then, they are pretty high in sugar. Is Wormwood good for chickens? I recommend stirring in the flour by hand with a wooden spoon and being careful not to over-mix.Gently fold in the chopped bacon and chocolate chips. I don't really think so but hubby wanted me to ask since he has just been cutting a ton of Eucalyptus for fire wood and there is so much long saw dust shavings that could be used for bedding..what do you think? Plants That Are Toxic To Chickens - Listed below are common plants that are known to be toxic to chickens (and most other birds). Few actual studies are available concerning plant toxicity and birds. Thank you for this article. they will ignore it. Thank god he loves me #wipeout #fail #suchconfidence, Take your tastebuds on an adventure with this amazingly sweet and salty chocolate chip and bacon cookie recipe. They love them! While it is safe for humans, xylitol is toxic to chickens and can cause serious health problems. While wormwood is an old-timers method of battling parasites, wormwood affects the nervous system and can cause abdominal pain and convulsions which can lead to seizures if ingested in large amounts. They should not eat the leaves or stems of tomato plants. is eucalyptus safe for chickens proceedings of the international conference on learning representations. Please reference the handout "Plants That Are Toxic to Birds", as well. Talk about gourmet! did chimney and maddie break up; san diego housing authority is eucalyptus safe for chickens. You are using an out of date browser. This explosively showy and colorful plant is a popular fixture in gardens throughout the South and Southwest, but it is one that chickens should never eat due to its toxicity. We arent perfect at this. Avoid feeding them green potatoes at any cost, or green potato skins peeled from otherwise good potatoes, or else it will attack their nervous system and lead to some horrible things such as paralysis. Lawn clippings can contain pesticides and other chemicals that can be harmful to chickens. Wormwood is the traditional companion plant for chickens; as they peck it, the plant helps them cleanse themselves of internal parasites such as worms. Youll keep your chickens away from holly plants if you know what is good for them. Is there any worries of them coming in to lay eggs after you have sprayed coop down? McGie advises researching an oil before using it, looking at the quality, purity and potency. How to use it: Mix about 30 drops Lemon oil with 8 oz. The following plants are appropriate and worry-freefor the areas chickens roam. Does it give off its aroma? This sugar alcohol can be found in a variety of products, including chewing gum, candy, and baked goods. Like apple seeds, these contain cyanide. Once again, these are no good for chickens to eat and can cause substantial health problems. mine perch under a burning bush which is toxic for them to eat . The occasional apple seed still gets in there. Just because something is labeled 'herbal' or 'natural' doesn't mean it's safe. Lantana can cause liver damage and death in chickens, so it is best to avoid feeding it to them. While you might like the smell, eucalyptus isn't safe to keep around cats whether it's dried or fresh. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. It's no surprise that an herb called "henbane" would be potentially risky to use around chickens! They are part of Gods medicine cabinet! Chickens, and other animals, cannot eat eucalyptus leaves because they contain a number of toxins, one such toxin is prussic acid. #February #imadethat #easyrecipeschallenge #followmeformore #fromscratch #homemadecooking #easyrecipes #recipeidea #farmlifeisthebestlife #fromscratchcooking #recipeshare #dinnerideas, Built to last, these galvanized planters add a distinct farmhouse style to any outdoor space. Better used as an external poultice to reduce swelling or inflammation and help to heal wounds, comfrey tea is widely enjoyed by humans and many long-time chicken keepers swear by comfrey as chicken fodder. Heliotrope, Hyacinth, Lily of the Valley, Solomons Seal, Butterfly Ginger, Daphne, Sweet William Nicotiana, Sweet Woodruff, Woodland Phlox, Wood Hyacinth & Four Oclocks. In general, leafy greens are a good source of vitamins and minerals, while root vegetables like carrots provide a good source of energy. Autumn Long-McGie keeps an array of large fowl and bantam chickens at her home just south of Minneapolis. Eucalyptus plants contain eucalyptus oil which is highly dangerous to chickens and other birds. She turned 10 in June of this year so I must be doing something right. Your chickens should instinctively avoid it, but it is best to not let them go near it and you definitely dont want to serve it to them. In addition, the acidity of soda and juice can damage a chickens digestive system. Baking Soda tsp. If you have a suggestion for a plant to be listed, let me know in the comments below. Tansy should be avoided around chickens. I think a perimeter fence might be the only way to keep them out. Make sure its smooth and flat on the bottom. Rabbit meat is popular among homesteaders because rabbits are easy to raise, and they breed easily and birth in less time than other traditional homestead livestock like sheep, goats, pigs, and cows. Foods and beverages like alcohol, salty treats, sweet desserts, or fried food fall into this category. Raw potato peels, especially green ones, can contain a toxic substance called solanine. Why not let your chickens prune for you? When you clean your coop, deep clean while spicing things up with a homemade cleaning solution featuring lemon, grapefruit, lime, peppermint, lavender, rosemary, thyme, cinnamon, eucalyptus or tea tree essential oils. "Cats are not able to metabolize chemicals found in the plant; therefore, those chemicals can damage your cat's internal organs.". While it`s heating up, cook bacon to crisp.In a medium size bowl, stir together the flour, baking soda, vanilla pudding mix, and salt with a whisk.In a large bowl, cream the butter, bacon grease, and both sugars with a hand mixer or a stand mixer. kisha e shen palit en rochester. Before using essential oils on your flock, follow a few basic rules. Hi. Diffusing water droplets, that contain eucalyptus essential oil, into the air is also not recommended as the birds can inhale the droplets and develop negative respiratory effects. Eucalyptus leaves contain toxins that can cause chickens to become sick and even die. Your local feed or farm supply store will often carry poultry feed specifically made for laying chickens. Filed Under: Homestead Animals Tagged With: Chickens, trending. Chickens make a daily walk over the pile. Here's a list of some of the potentially toxic herbs I try to stay away from. Even a small amount of xylitol can lead to liver failure, so its important to avoid feeding it to your chickens. Be sure to check out this big list of poisonous plants if you are worried about a plant already located on your homestead. It also goes by the name Malabar. Essential oils are extremely concentrated and powerful and can be very easily misused or given in too large amounts unless you have specific training in using them or are using precise dosages, so I always opt for fresh or dried herbs instead of using oils. Ash 2-9Citrus (all) Keep in mind that too much citrus may cause weak eggshells because it affects calcium absorption. Unlike most dairy products, which are good for your chickens, you should avoid butter, since it is high in fat and low in other nutrients. 25 Ways to Keep Chickens Warm in the Winter Without Electricity. This is the list I commonly refer to (, but keep in mind that it isnt detailed. Hello! Pyramid schemes are illegal. You can feed your chickens cherry fruits, but you need to avoid feeding them the pits of the cherries. Many people believe that feeding amaranth to their chickens is a great way of providing them with healthy grains. its currently 20 degrees out right now! A powerful antibacterial, tea tree essential oil can be used to clean out the chicken coop and also treat bird wounds. [click the link in my bio for detailed recipe instructions and tips for amping up your chocolate chip cookies] #recipe #baking #bakinglove #cookies #cookierecipes #chocolatechips #chocolatechipcookie #recipeoftheday, If you want to breed rabbits for a sustainable meat supply, there are a few things to take into consideration before beginning a rabbitry. Here are some articles that you may be interested in: Do chickens eat wheat?, Do chickens eat wild strawberries?, Do chickens eat wild mushrooms?. Click the link in my bio and search "planters" to learn how to make and care for them. We just started raising chickens but love essential oils and use them fit my family all the time. Geranium Oil is great to deter mosquitoes also. The information in the Holistic Henhouse column is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional veterinarian advice, diagnosis or treatment. Also, if someone notices their chickens are acting cannibalistic, I would assume first that its either a methionine deficiency and they need some mealworms or other insects in their diet. Peppermint works well for gnats on people, so I imagine it would help with chickens too. Safe oils to begin with would be lemon and frankincense. You can safely feed your chickens lawn clippings or weeds in fact, theyll love them! Also full-strength eucalyptus oil is toxic to both humans and animals. Has anyone successfully kept 1 rooster with 3 hens? We have giant ant hills in our yard and field. He`s my sweet guy and I adore him. They offer shade in the summer and die back to allow for light in the winter. My short, practical ebook is packed with 100+ recipes to diffuse for immune support, sleep & relaxation, energy & good mood, focus & concentration, holiday & seasonal aromas, and more! Okay, so you might not think of mealworms as being good for you thats probably the one exception to this statement. As you might have guessed by now, it is also toxic for your chickens. rice crispy breakfast cereal and scrambled eggs ? These birds can usually tell which foods are edible and which arent, because of this, the bird will usually ignore the plant. Animals like koalas which have evolved to be able to eat these leaves can eat eucalyptus leaves. Chickens not being able to eat this plant is not a disaster. This is the compound that makes dogs sick, and it can also make your poultry sick, too. Privacy | Disclosure. First, alcohol can cause dehydration, which can lead to death in chickens. Essential oils are fat-soluble, hydrophobic phytochemicalsbiologically active compounds found in plants. in Chickens, If you do nothing else besides feed your chickens, fill their waterers and collect their eggs, adding these two things to their water will reap you tremendous health benefits for your flock. We carry dried lemongrass in the store here and its also a main ingredient in PestsBGone, which I developed specifically to keep pests away in coops. Instead, you can just throw these into your compost pile. We havent tried this spray yet, but plan to keep it handy the next time we introduce new chicks or hens to our flock. The most common foods chickens shouldnt eat include raw potato peels, citrus fruits, uncooked rice, onion, garlic, avocado, raw eggs, potato greens, uncooked pasta, or cherry pits. Salt6 slices Regular Bacon2 c. Bittersweet Chocolate ChipsPreheat the oven to 350F. I like your post.I think i will try rooting some forsythia next spring for my chicken run for some added shade.,,,,, 10+ Ways to Figure out if Chicks will be Hens or Roosters, 9 Tips to Keep Snakes out of your Chicken Coop. I wanted to add a few points you mentioned that feeding eggs can cause egg eaters and this is so true! Can I have eucalyptus in my shower if I have cats? I change their water every day so I dont use them for my chickens but could if I needed to. Add the room-temperature eggs and vanilla extract. Absolutely not. Eucalyptus. Feeding chickens these items by accident will probably NOT hurt your flock. They tend to perform better and get bushier with regular pruning. We try to make sure the seeds from the cores do NOT make it to the chicken bucket. No need to be concerned about the fruit, nuts, and leaves of these trees dropping. There are tons of treats you can spoil your chicks with, things like berries, leafy greens, bananas, and even citrus fruits. If you are concerned about the safety of specific plants not . I want to put a tree in their run. They may be beneficial when used topically, but are poisonous to humans and many animals when ingested. Just a few beans can cause severe illness or death. Ensure your chickens do not have ready access to such plants, especially if you are free ranging your chickens ARUM LILY AMARYLLIS ARALIA ARROWHEAD VINE AUTUMN CROCUS AUSTRALIAN FLAMETREE AUSTRALIAN UMBRELLA TREE And Simply Earth is not a MLM or pyramid scheme. There are many species of mushrooms that are safe for chickens to eat, so there is no need to take the risk of offering them mushrooms that may be harmful. Signs of prussic acid poisoning in animals include salivation, labored breathing, seizures, diarrhea, vomiting, staggering, weakness, confusion, andcollapse. Luckily, chickens will rarely give these any attention assuming they have anything else to eat but you shouldnt take chances. Queen Annes lace is a delicate and pretty plant but one that appears commonly on lists of toxic plants for various animal species. Please introduce Azolla, to the group. When it comes to potatoes, it may be better to err on the safe side and never feed them to your . You can make a wound care ointment with essential oils for chicken care. I wonder if it would be bad for them like cedar is. My friend has a horse, goat. Hope somebody can help you. This article originally appeared in the May/June 2017 issue ofChickens. Please use the knowledge acquired from this site responsibly. Heathers homesteading journey started in 2006, with baby steps: first, she got a few raised beds, some chickens, and rabbits. This might be okay in small quantities, but if there is any caffeine in the tea you need to steer clear. They go everywhere, eating falling fruit, going through the garden and pecking whatever they want. That being said, our chickens have never liked it anyway. Your email address will not be published. Hyacinth, on the other hand, contains a compound called lycorine that can cause respiratory problems. Or download them all in our Resource Library, COPYRIGHT 2023 ROOTS & BOOTS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SITE DESIGN BY CASCADE VALLEY DESIGNS Oak contains high levels of tannins, which can be toxic to chickens in large quantities. Store essential oils in a cool place out of direct sunlight and safely out of the hands of young children. They have found that oregano oil and cinnamon specifically seem to work best at keeping pathogens at bay. nice article but would be nice to know where you compiled the list from? Get your free copy of 100+ Amazing Diffuser Recipes today! Many different birds feed on them but I want to be sure. Is Eucalyptus safe for chickens? Lavender is a natural stress reliever which can be beneficial to laying and sitting hens.
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