Is Matt presenting near you soon? All rights reserved. BONUS Google Slides Game Template: Use Google Slides to create a Family Feud-style game for your next class/PD. 18. Youve given me many ideas and inspired more to develop. 1. I got my feet wet last year and had my students create google slides presentations in groups. 10 Fun learning games to share in Google Classroom 1. This is certainly not a new idea, but publishingthe work electronically allows students to enhance the final product with the books cover image, a link to the books page on Amazon, and even links to other titles the author has written or articles on related topics. See what your assignments look like from the students' point-of-view. K-8 teachers, youll feel like superheroes when you assign math and science content through Legends of Learning. Google Classroom "Classwork" Page. I have another suggestion that I have used before- my students really liked it- a collaborative Google Slides presentation. Check out her post about the parent corner here. Easy to read and very helpful for teachers who often do not get the tutorials they need to instruct with GAFE. Great collection of resources! Quizizz is a nifty tool for helping students review what theyre learning in class. LOOKING FOR MORE PRACTICAL IDEAS LIKE THESE? There may be assessments to take as well. Play a "Jeopardy!" game. I would like one but with a lot more choices. Seesaw. Use one of the thousands of quizzes already available, or create your own. Have students gain a better understanding of how data can be represented visually by accepting responses (or entering their own fake ones) into aForm, then looking at how the numbers are represented in graphs. Here's another example, created by a student of Mandi Tolen's. Leave great instructions. This 100% free app that helps students learn a new language is ACTFL- and CEFR-aligned and comes with fun and personalized assignments that can be pushed right to your Google Classroom. Oh, and did we mention you can earn real-life rewards like classroom supplies just for doing what you need to do anyway? Here's another example, created by a student of Mandi Tolen's. Book ReviewInstead of a book report, have students write a book review instead. Get it: First Day of School Google Slides Templates. I saw your template but dont understand how it know which slide to go to next based on your choice. Boddles resources are free, though a Premium version is also available. In my district, students can access forms and create them but they cannot send them to other students. Click here to see that file (and feel free to make a copy and change the text for yourself!). This is also a terrific go-to during science fair season, with scientific method resources galore, science fair planning tools, and an enormous repository of project ideas. Whenever students need to gather data to support an. Teachers leave with loads of resources. The tracking features allow you to monitor their progress and comprehension and integrate easily with Google Classroom. Teacher collects assignment and provides feedback. But we dont want it to become a dumping ground for lots of stuff your students realistically wont use. This could be a pretty massive undertaking, but we all know students who would be totally up for the challenge. They can also create visually stimulating products to deliver a message and valuable content. ANOTHER FREE EBOOK -- I wrote an ebook called "101 Practical Ways to Ditch That Textbook" as a gift to my readers. Make some small changes and then duplicate that most recent slide. The same concept could easily be applied to a Google Slide presentation. If you dont want to mess with actual blogging platforms, but want students to be able to experience writing blog posts that contain images and hyperlinks to other websites, this could be accomplished easily in a single running Google Doc. They see tech use and teaching in a new light. [] [], [] Looking for even more ideas to use slides in creative ways? #ditchbook, Resource: Beginners Guide to Screencastify, A2 I've used slides lately to: - make interactive games- flashcards of facts (thanks to the slide randomizer tool idea I heard this week on the #gttribe podcast)- introduce the concept of #hyperdocs for interactive lessons #ditchbook, A2--Student Reflections @eduprotocols motion -Video-Group Projects-Presentations -Infographics #ditchbook, Resource: Student Reflection Newsletterby Stephanie Howell, A2: Besides Thin Slides, Iron Chef and Cyber Sandwich, I use em for #BookSnaps and as a base for student screencasting along with @Screencastify #ditchbook #EDUProtocols, Resource: #Booksnaps with Google Slidesby Tara Martin, A2: Do I have to pick just one? Tags: digital activities for google classroom, free google classroom activities, free google classroom activities for 4th grade, free google classroom activities for kindergarten, free google classroom worksheets, fun google classroom assignments for friends, google classroom activities for second grade, google classroom activity log Im having trouble finding the link. As other students view or the project, they can be sent to a form to offer praise or constructive criticism, which the creator would then be able to view privately and use to improve the project. These types of assignments are also more engaging, getting students excited to research and share their . Im definitely taking it one day at a time, will surely enjoy this CRUISE. And any tutorials students make could be stored for later, so other students can also benefit from them. The idea Jenn laid out here is to simply create a shared Google Doc where each student would basically be responsible for his/her own page (literally page 1, page 2, etc.). This helps you and students avoid assignments that dont reflect the most recent changes. (Feel free to make a copy by going to File > Make a copy but please don't click "Share" and ask for edit access.). Also with screencastify the time limit per video on the free version (5 min I think) was frustrating as my work was longer. The first slide can have links to the different modules of the course. I LOVE creating comic books and putting them in iBooks #ditchbook, Resource: Crash! And because students can work from any location with an Internet connection, collaboration isnt restricted to school hours; each group member can work on the project from any location whenever they have time. The login page will open in a new tab. I am thinking about doing a Rap Challenge in which they (as teams based on which class period they are in) create lyrics using WWII vocabulary we have used. Even better, there are lots of programs and apps designed to work with Google Classroom, making it easier to assign work, track progress, and communicate with students and parents online. 15. By continuing to use this site, you are accepting the use of these cookies. Classroom ideas, free printables, and great teacher ideas right here. I had always grown up using Word docs and I was a little hesitant to start using Google docs at first. Any kind of research paper can be given a big boost when done in a Google Doc, because students can insert images, drawings, and links to other relevant resources, like articles and videos. Helps get the creative juices flowing! My district uses Google Classroom, but the forms app is blocked on student accounts- I think because its a perfect medium for under-the-radar cyberbullying (How much do you hate Linda?A little, a lot, a ton). In one paragraph you mention an example of an impromptu decide-on-a-whim vacation trip and a link to see it. I am grateful for this feature, especially working in a middle school where it is easy for students to forget to save something before exiting out. Boom! This technology is wonderful but without the ability to navigate the site independently, my students are at a lost. During recess breaks, students click a board game shelved in a virtual recess room, which creates their own copy of the game. They participate. This is Holly Burcham, a Customer Experience Manager. Bang! Madison, I love the idea of using Google Slides for autobiography book report. They laugh. 23. These short audio lessons are great for morning meetings or starting general current events discussions. Students practice writing sentences by stretching them with these fun Google Classroom activities! Adobe Express is now available in Google Classroom, which makes it easier than ever to incorporate more opportunities for creative thinking and communication into your assignments. Thanks! Students can practice the skills theyre learning in class through interactive and fun games and simulations. Create #Booksnaps of current reading. Student completes assignment and turns it in. The two students at the board race to slap the correct word with their flyswatters. Create a PDF ebook 2. Teacher assigns a grade and returns the assignment. game was created.). You can share pictures too. I am a teacher of the blind and visually impaired. They also let students practice as much as they'd like without depending on the teacher. (Emojis make fun bullet points, and Classroom supports them!) Or, take a look at the original Google Slides file where I created it. Thanks a lot. Sometimes taking the talking out of an activity makes it easier for self-conscious middle schoolers to get involved. Find out more about them here: Flyswatter Game. Create another game-show-style review game. 2. Pear Deck uses proven formative assessment strategies to adapt instruction to meet student needs. If we understand its features and how they can support solid teaching and learning, we can create better learning experiences. They see tech use and teaching in a new light. I think this could be done in Google Docs pretty easily, as they are just writing a script, correct? Every student will get a different bingo sheet. I am wondering if I can find similar google instructions to send to my students now that we are teaching remotely and 90% of them probably dont know how to use Google. Try it: Adobe Express for Google Classroom. If your school uses Google Classroom or at least gives studentsaccess to Google Drive, your students are probably already using these tools to write papers or create slideshow presentations, but there are other projects they could be doing that you may not have thought of. When any student asks a question, type your response (and the question) in the document. For notifications of new Ditch That Textbook content and helpful links: Matt provides in-person and virtual keynotes, workshops and breakout sessions that equip, inspire and encourage teachers to create change in their classrooms. Using the. This is an especially cool app for students who are hesitant to speak up in front of a groupit gives everyone a chance to be heard. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. I create raps for my students and my though was that I would take parts of ALL of their submissions and create a WWII rap to add to the collection they have heard already. I guess it would be a matter of personal preference? This is one of the most popular online flash-card apps for use with Google Classroom, and its entirely free. The free basic program gives you lots of fun options; upgrade for even more features. To learn more about the possibilities, see my post from earlier this year on. @creativeedtech and @TeachingTechNix have created some amazing templates already. I use many already but havent tried Screencastify yet. They make the story options into small video clips and link them together with annotations in the video editor. Host live online quiz games in class or assign them as homework using Google Classroom. I can picture how that would work, yes, but I guess the aesthetic experience might be lacking in a Google Form. I think its got what youre looking for its for teachers and students! a survey-creation tool similar to Survey Monkey. Any clues/suggestions?? Yes, you could do these things yourself, print them, and have students fill them out, but why not have students practice creating the tables themselves? Click here to see my quick one-question self-grading quiz. Assignments is an application for your Learning Management System (LMS). When something changes with an assignment, update the instructions in Classroom. Los peces book with 2 levels of difficulty. Those callouts have speech bubbles and thought bubbles to add to a drawing. Thank you Jennifer. Click the link below to contact us and learn how you can bring Matt to your school or district! The Research Source. What does it mean to type I am from Germany? Check out our Gamification Pinterest board and see what might be relevant. Nearpod is an easy-to-use collaboration tool that has so many applications for education. Here is a link to a great stop motion science example (pictured below) showing how an electrical impulse in the body gets a muscle to contract, created by a student in Chris Bakers science class. Share, collaborate, communicate, and so much more. There are so many different ways to make learning fun with technology! This supplemental resource will provide your students with review and fun at the same time.This pack includes BOTH digital activities and printable activities.It has been updated to include digital slides that work inside of Google Slides. Or imagine an art show, where a self-running informational slideshow could be placed beside an art display to share the story behind the piece and photos of the work in progress? Finally, we love doing Meme Monday where they make a meme out of our LT and post it to the google slide. See an example of an "online course" template here. Thank you. Bang! Then, on each feedback slide, create a link to go on to the next question. Each getting their own slide. Start meaningful conversations and encourage student engagement with the online platform that "creates a powerful learning loop between students, teachers, and families.".
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