To join this pilgrimage all attendees must be 18 years of age or older. Conrad gave the key to a fellow veteran who saw combat in Afghanistan and was then employed at a Franciscan college in western New York. . 1-800-447-3986;; Catholicism. The Wheaton Franciscans are the St. Clare Regional Community of an international congregation, the Franciscan Sisters, Daughters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary (FCJM). You'll have the opportunity to visit the birthplace of St. Francis and see where he began his ministry. We then have free time for lunch in the Vatican area. Franciscan Pilgrimage Program was asked to create an alternative pilgrimage due to the limitations of the COVID-19 pandemic. Day 7- Rome. 10 Days: A Pilgrimage Journey to Italy- Siena, Assisi, Florence, Rome, Naples, Pompeii A perfect itinerary for those wanting to stay in southern Italy. Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) concerns have always been part of the Wheaton Franciscan spirit. Conrad views sacred travel. Set within the thick woodland of mount Subasio, 4 km from Assisi, the Hermitage developed over centuries around the mountains natural caves and the chapel of Santa Maria, where Saint Francis and his first companions settled in isolation to lead a life of austerity and more intense prayer. Group reflection, dinner and social beginning at 5:30pm. These help encourage the kind of listening that prompts deeper understanding of your personal story and the ways in which it is woven into the universal story; the ways in which your being touches and impacts all other being and matter; and the ways in which all things are in relationship with each other. Dinner is at our hotel. Day 1 - Departure. Contemplative Pilgrimages. A once in a lifetime peace pilgrimage to Spirit filled Assisi with compassionate, vital leaders who have dedicated their whole lives to Peace and Justice , who inspired us, broadened our understanding of nonviolence, changed us and provided one on one help to realize our dreams of promoting nonviolence in our own hometowns. Tara C. Well organized, inspiring and insightful. Ken lives in Chicago with his spouse Cynthia Okayama Dopke and their daughter. On this pilgrimage, you are invited to nurture body, mind, and spirit by living into the wise ways of Francis and Clare. Married since 2002, and professed Secular Franciscans (Third Order Franciscans) since 2006, they currently live in Loreto, Italy with their three children. Emily Dykman, a 1998 Viterbo graduate who now is an associate professor of religious studies, led the 2022 tour sponsored by the alumni association and found there was a depth to it that transcended sightseeing. All around St. Peter Square are people struggling with destitution and homelessness. Something to consider: We recommend arriving early to Assisi. Mark. Lunch and afternoon free. Subasio. - C.C.I.A.A. Though completed centuries ago, the frescoes are still vibrant. Joining the team on the pilgrimage will also be Franciscan Action Network (FAN) Executive Director, Michele Dunne, a professed Secular Franciscan. The Assisi, Italy Peace & Justice Pilgrimage. . Theres a distinction between a pilgrimage and a tour, said Sr. Laura, who leads student pilgrimages every two years. . Melissa Growt, assistant director of Viterbos Academic Resource Center, said she came back from the 2022 pilgrimage with a much deeper understanding of Francis and Clare and their commitment to their vision, especially the emphasis on community that is central to Franciscan ideals. See where he heard his call to poverty, where he spoke to the Pope, where he received his vision and look at a letter written in his own hand. We are a welcoming community of faith striving to be a blessing in the heart of the world. We are a community of vowed sisters and covenant companions (lay women and men) who live the Gospel in the spirit of St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi and our foundress Mother M. Clara Pfaender. Join Pilgrimage Leaders Margaret Benefiel and Chuck McCorkle to experience the awe-inspiring town of Assisi where pilgrims have sought wisdom for centuries. Ground transportation to and from Assisi on June 23 and June 30 is also not provided though we will give you plenty of information about how to take trains from Rome to Assisi or meet up with other pilgrims traveling in the same direction together. Participation in pilgrimages to Assisi, Italy, bring a less visible connection to the university's Franciscan roots to campus. In Sanctitate et Doctrina In Holiness and Learning 5 Course Sequence Freshman Year Sequence Honors College Preparatory College/Career Honors English 9 CP English 9 English 9 We will then have a Mass that morning at Santa Maria degli Angeli inside the Porziuncola if possible. : 04207971005 - Cap. Rome & Assisi Pilgrimage. This week-long pilgrimage to Italy takes pilgrims to Benevento, San Giovanni Rotondo, Assisi, and Rome on a spiritual journey following in the footsteps of. Id never been able to go somewhere related to someone so important in my life. Dinner and overnight. . FPP also has offices in Rome and Assisi, Italy. We then continue to Assisi and our hotel. Peace be with you! : 102.000,00 i.v. This journey is a one-week pilgrimage to Assisi, Italy June 23 - June 30, 2024, to pray, study the lives of St. Francis and St. Clare, build community, and deepen our commitment to . For more information about this committee, please contact Colette Gelwicks at 15. During his life, Francis went to La Verna several times it therefore becomes one of the hermitages in which every year he loves to spend prolonged periods of retreat, in prayer and penance. Join us in prayer, learning, service, reflection, and more. The pilgrimage to Assisi felt like a week in heaven, surrounded by beauty, spirituality, and warm companionship. Conrad picked was Rick Trietley, now entrusted with leading Viterbo University as its 10th president. There will also be time for quiet reflection and group discussion, as well as personal check-ins. Mass with Friar Michael afterwards at San Damiano. Yoga and massage can be arranged. Buffet breakfast. Join Franciscan University Pilgrimages as we visit destinations throughout the world where faith is strengthened, spirits are encouraged, and souls are renewed. Cathedral of San Rufino Cathedral of San Rufino. We welcome you and pledge ourselves to. I decided then and there I needed to go back., A member of the FSPA Affiliation Community since 2001, Dykman returned to Assisi in 2016 as part of an FSPA leadership pilgrimage, and she immediately felt at home. Pilgrims will stay in a convent of Franciscan sisters in the historic center of Assisi. A pilgrimage is about entering into the experience and the depth of the experience.. Sede legale: 58, Via Cavour - 00184 - Roma - Italia - Tel. Its hard to deny that its a place that has some spiritual power. Dinner and overnight. The Office of Mission and Ministry invites any full-time Viterbo University employees to apply for the Franciscan Pilgrimage to Assisi in Rome May 14-24, 2023 as part of the Association of Franciscan Colleges and University pilgrimage. Viterbo is committed to keeping its Franciscan identity strong, and that includes offering Assisi pilgrimages for faculty, administration, staff, students, and alumni. A graduate of the Guilds AP XXVII, hesa former board member (twice!) Prior to that, Paul led a number of contemplative photography retreats and workshops at Holy Cross Monastery, West Park, NY, on the Highline in Manhattan, and at Little Portion Friary, LI, NY. Then we will gather for dinner and an evening check-in and prayer. Visit serene lakes and enjoy mountain vistas, then feel the mists of the thundering waters of the largest human-made waterfall. Each pilgrimage week starts with dinner and orientation on Sunday evening with departure on the following Saturday. After breakfast we transfer to the Rome airport for our return flight home. Conrad, who wrestles with PTSD himself because of his Iraq War combat experiences in Fallujah as a military chaplain. Lunch and afternoon at our leisure to walk the streets of this medieval town and absorb the spirit of Saints Francis and Clare. When St. Francis visited the Vatican back in the 12th century, he attended to the needs of those people, Sr. Laura said, and participants on a Franciscan pilgrimage should be as interested in those people on the margins as they are in seeing the treasures the Vatican holds. Louie . You cant help but get into it. Theres just this energy. Since completing his military service, Fr. In doing so, you can call forth what is deepest within you and begin to express that outwardly, within and around the medieval city of Assisi. Date. The trip to Italy was a gift to the kidney donor who saved my life, my brother. Overnight. Francis lived from the late 12th to the early 13th Centuries. A celebratory dinner on the last night of the pilgrimage. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Buffet Breakfast. The cost per person for this Young Adult Assisi Pilgrimage is $3,500 and $3,700 for double and single occupancy, respectively. 2018 Great Travel Service srl. Both Rev. Afterwards we will visit the Cathedral of San Rufino and Santa Maria Maggiore. In 2022, in response to the war in Ukraine, Friar Michael began organizing Franciscan Social Theatre Trainings in Poland, where Ukrainian actors and actresses were taught how to facilitate social theatre for children suffering from war trauma. Countless pilgrims come to the cradle of Franciscan spirituality every year to draw from the numerous sites in and around Assisi associated with the saints' lives. It certainly was magical for Patricia Rivera Torres, a senior theatre major (with a religious studies minor) who was one of 16 students who went on the pilgrimage last spring. When St. Francis visited the Vatican back in the 12, The pensione closes at 10 p.m., but many of the veterans dont want to turn in that early, so Fr. That audience proved especially impactful for Jenny Hedrick-Erickson, interim assistant dean of Viterbos College of Nursing and Health. He has been a journalist for more than 20 years and has travelled the world full time since 2011. He began his pastoral and . The JPIC Office endeavors to look at the most significant social and environmental justice issues of our time and discerns how we can best respond. Lunches and dinners on your own (except as noted). : 102.000,00 i.v. Aug. 16, 2015. Let the spirit of our Community support you on your journey. Group reflection, dinner and social beginning at 5:30pm, Tuesday, June 25, Presentation at the hotel with Ken Butigan on San Damiano. Once you have been selected to attend the Assisi Peace and Justice Pilgrimage we will ask you to prepare for the trip by taking extra time to read, pray and journal in the months ahead.
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