Now Pat was just talking about the cost of living. Your contact information may be used by ABC . So if we can make sure that other countries can fulfil their democratic aspirations, we will do everything we can to help them with those aspirations. Sign up for regular updates from ABC Perth, Published: WedWed 1 Mar 2023 at 5:30am/with Christine Layton, Published: TueTue 28 Feb 2023 at 4:30am/with Christine Layton. I wouldn't want to overstate the size of the issue in Australia and I'm limited in what I can say. So thats one of the points that were insisting on in this agreement. But we will absolutely make sure that there is an appropriate briefing of the Opposition. Please note that whilst anonymous complaints may be submitted, the ABC also cannot respond to anonymous correspondence. Interview with Greg Jennett, ABC Afternoon Briefing; Interview with Greg Jennett, ABC Afternoon Briefing. Top tools, not top guns, I think is how they've been described here. Interview on ABC News, Afternoon Briefing, with Patricia Karvelas Topics: trade relations with China, industrial relations reform, NZ backpackers. WhatsApp can be used to make secure phone calls. 25 March 2022 Press conference, opening of Blackrock Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Camp 14 March 2022 Opening of Blackrock Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Camp 14 March 2022 Its very clear that they were the two impediments blocking a free trade agreement. Thanks for joining us today on Afternoon Briefing. This service may include material from Agence France-Presse (AFP), APTN, Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. What does it fall to the Federal Government to do to address that? Some data is retained by WhatsApp. Many thanks. And certainly as you walk around the air show today, you see one technology after another, which is walking down that path. As a statutory corporation that relies on public funds, the ABC must aim to ensure that the time and resources used in dealing with audience complaints are proportionate to the circumstances. Published: ThuThu 2 Mar 2023 at 5:30am/with Christine Layton. I think there is actually a sense of excitement about the focus which is being brought to bear, both in terms of our nation's strategic posture, what we need to do in terms of procurement to give effect to that strategic posture, and how we want to make sure that our procurement processes are brought up to date with the current strategic environment that we're in right now. The Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Richard Marles is out at his home airport near Geelong, taking in the Avalon Air Show today. Interview - ABC Afternoon Briefing Press Conference - Civic Early Childhood Centre, Canberra SUBJECTS: Affordable early childhood education and care Transcript 23 November 2022 The Hon Jason Clare MP The Hon Dr Anne Aly MP Senator the Hon Anthony Chisholm Ms Alicia Payne MP Press Conference - Civic Early Childhood Centre, Canberra And so we want to make sure . You could develop heart disease earlier, Farmers say live ex ban will 'decimate' industry, Labor aims to phase out live sheep exports, Putin accuses Ukraine of terror attack inside Russia, DHS Director says she was verbally abused over Robodebt, Controversy over leadership of the Pacific Islands Forum. Would you be prepared to make decisions akin to what's happening in the U.S. and Canada for your department alone? E&OE. Alex Murdaugh found guilty of murdering wife and son, Not getting enough sleep? Welcome back, Deputy PM. Background Briefing's Signal number is (+61) 0491 750 876 WhatsApp This is a free messaging app with end-to-end encryption that also allows the transfer of documents, photos and videos. And they're the sorts of things that we're looking at as we build that budget towards the 25th of October. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Release Date. Matthew Doran, Host: Well the Federal Government is hopeful a deal on a free trade agreement with the European Union could be settled soon after years of negotiations, a political spat with the French over submarines and criticism over Australias climate change commitments. Greg Jennett comes to you from Parliament House with the latest news in politics and national affairs, plus interviews with key players on the issues and events making headlines. So, we're focusing on things where we know it will help, in particular working families, as we're doing with childcare, people who have higher medical costs, as we announced today. Linda, in this capacity on the West Australian panel, as we're calling it. They promised five years ago to build Metronet and I don't think we've seen a single train run on that yet. REYNOLDS: Yeah. First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we We've had some reporting this week about killer drones designed by BAE and the like. So there's already that gradation in the security applying to phones from various parts of the Australian Government. It does seem like there is a, shall we say thawing of the relationship between Australia and the EU now that there has been a change of Government. Joining us. James S. Brady Press Briefing Room. This service may include material from Agence France-Presse (AFP), APTN, Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. We produce food for 70 million people. This is a snapshot of our achievements, programs and personalities and celebrates the ABC's contribution to Australian life for more than 80 years. So, they can't keep going back and saying oh we inherited a particular set of circumstances because that's Government and Government means you take the circumstances as they come and you have to make decisions. JENNET: Right but thats the rub isn't it Patrick Gorman if you did more it risks being inflationary at present so I mean is there a middle path here that can be fashioned in the October budget that does deliver meaningful relief without tipping bucket loads of fuel? He joins us live from the airfield there. 22 July 2022. Speakers: Andrew McKellar, chief executive Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Greg Jennett, host ABC Afternoon Briefing. Labor MP for Perth, Patrick Gorman is back and Liberal Senator for WA. : there is a review going on. If you must remain anonymous, do not send us anything from a phone, phone number, computer or email address connected and traceable to you. I want to start by saying: Happy Women's . Thats a non-negotiable for Australia. Afternoon Briefing. : All right, fair enough. We want to join them. But I think the point here is what we really need is a review of this, which is what the Home Affairs Department is going to do, and it's their bailiwick to do that and to get proper advice from our experts, from the relevant intelligence agencies, about what platforms are appropriate on what phones. Welcome back, Deputy PM. Freedom of Information . Why don't we step it out a little more broadly. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn andwork. Afternoon news briefing - ABC News News Briefings Hobart audio AUDIO: Afternoon news briefing Lucy Shannon Posted Sun 24 Jul 2022 at 7:43pm Sorry, this audio is not yet available or has expired Regularly updated briefing from ABC News for Hobart More on: Hobart Tasmania closer than ever to entering the AFL 4m 16s In a speech today, the Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, Penny Wong, accused the Prime Minister of stoking tensions for . Along with RN Drive, which Karvelas has presented since 2015, for the past three years she has hosted Afternoon Briefing, which has grown to be one of the most popular programs on the ABC News Channel. JENNET: Well, that's the charge that Linda is making. Edge The White House on Thursday said the Biden administration does not know what is causing the apparent poisoning of schoolgirls in Iran and called for the Iranian government to conduct a . Would you want to buy the first Toyota Corolla out of a half million production run? So quite the opposite, actually I think there's been a real sense of positivity in the conversations I've had throughout the day with defence industry about what's happening in the field of defence and what the future holds. Interested in working at the nations largest national broadcaster, and the independent source of Australian conversations, culture and stories? PATRICK GORMAN, ASSISTANT MINISTER TO THE PRIME MINISTER: Well, firstly, Greg, I should say hello to all of your West Australian viewers, whether they be in the electorate of Perth or anywhere else across Western Australia. You flagged intensifying defence cooperation between Australia and a number of Pacific nations in an interview this morning in The Australian newspaper. That's going to be important for our Air Force to make sure that it is as modern as it can be. We've had four interest rate rises since they came to government and in fact Pat just mentioned the PBS announcement. : That is an occupational hazard at the air show. E&OE Greg Jennett, host ABC Afternoon Briefing: Australian Chamber of . Richard Marles, in view of the almost mach loop that's about to take place above you. But unfortunately, because of the circumstances, we inherit, and many of these problems were things that Linda and the former government knew before the election our hands are a little tied. But, look, the Home Affairs Minister is obviously conducting a review into this. Series, News. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Don Farrell, welcome to Afternoon Briefing. Our mission is to provide a television and digital . So, they have inherited very strong numbers and that's despite COVID and all of the measures that we put in place. Why don't we go to some regional issues now? 7 March 2022 Transcript: Interview ABC News Afternoon Briefing with Greg Jennett The Hon Stuart Robert MP Minister for Employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and Family Business Acting Minister for Education and Youth Topics: Higher childcare subsidy; Queensland and NSW floods; East Coast Submarine Base E&OE GREG JENNETT: At least 46 people were killed and more . It is a universal Australian value of democracy. He added investigators would likely be on site for several days before the wreckage of. Can more be done there to maybe even attract people in through promotion and resettlement? He points out that there are risks with the first model of a new type of production run and he still strongly favours the U.S. Virginia class subs for AUKUS. ABC Afternoon Briefing - Greg Jennett Subjects: Solomon Islands security agreement; China. REYNOLDS: Thank you. Shepherd of All God's Children Learning Center. Isn't he right? investigate) your complaint, question or comment and respond where required. More from WA Afternoons Afternoons AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time which is 10 hours ahead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). I've got no doubt there is capabilities which we've seen today which will form part of the future for the Australian Defence Force. 5:00PM. So it's kind of an insightful critique on the failures of the former government over the last ten years, which has indeed led to a lost decade at a time when we couldn't deal with it as a nation, and that is what we've inherited in terms of this program, in terms of trying to deal with potential capability gaps. Do you nevertheless, though, feel his remarks have been in any way unsettling in the perception that it might create with the AUKUS partners of a breakdown of bi-partisanship in this country? MARLES: Well, I saw those comments reported. You can email us your complaints using the Lodge a Complaint form. We might talk a little about Avalon in a moment, but why don't we go to Peter Dutton's remarks. JENNETT: Are there assets there that are definitely going to be included in the strategic review as future purchases? JENNETT: All right, fair enough. So this was, from our perspective, a complete own goal. One great example is the announcement that came out of the Jobs and Skills Summit which is the commitment for 180,000 fee free TAFE places starting in January next year. by this website which may effect your viewing experience. The response that she engendered, because Patrick is quite right, is that as part of our foreign development budget through DFAT and also the Defence regional support programs, we have for many, many elections in the region, in the Solomon Islands, in Papua New Guinea and elsewhere, supported their democracy building and election support programs. : I think I'll stick with the phrase on the verge. We just want to make sure we're doing that. In what way did the UK alert you to the dangers emerging among former Australian pilots? : Yeah, sure, all right. JENNETT: Yeah, all right. That's going to be important for our Air Force to make sure that it is as modern as it can be. I'm not critical of them but they're moving around the city and . Both groups were very, very positive about the prospects of a free trade agreement with the European Union. The daily destination for #auspol addicts. We've supported democratic elections in Papua New Guinea, in Indonesia, indeed, in the Solomon Islands previously in 2019. I think we saw the Prime Minister today say that Prime Minister Sogavare would be joining him for dinner at The Lodge in October. He has said, to be fair to Peter Dutton, he said he'll support whatever sub decision the government comes up with. Matthew Doran: Well, Don Farrell, well wait to see whether or not your optimism and confidence does, in fact, shine through in this situation. Recording Options. All of these are messages that I think are really welcome from defence industry. President Biden, in a recent interview with David Muir on ABC News, continued to deflect any specifics on his possible candidacy in 2024, saying, "I've got other things to finish before I get into a full-blown campaign." Political considerations aside, the president also Deputy Prime Minister. And we're really conscious of that. I'm confident, obviously, that our partners in the United Kingdom and the United States are completely sure about where we stand on this and know that there is full government support in relation to it. So hopefully, when it does come off, it's fallen even further. I've always know that. Is your side now trying to provoke that once again, domestically, by taking on, or at least criticising Penny Wong on this issue? Matthew Doran brings you news and interviews on the day in politics and national affairs, speaking with Katrina Bullock, Vishal Prasad, Dilip Rao, Linda Dare, plus a panel of Sara Tomevska, Mike Read and Chloe Bouras. ABC AFTERNOON BRIEFING WITH PATRICIA KARVELAS December 8 2021 Transcript SUBJECTS: Australia's Olympic Games diplomatic boycott; cryptocurrency regulation; Free TAFE; Australia's skills shortages; Labor's skills announcement; George Christensen; vaccine protests; federal election. Well thank you for your time and let you go get back to the Avalon Air Show on your home turf there. Minister Collins interview on ABC Afternoon Briefing Minister Collins discusses the Regional First Home Buyer Guarantee and the Government's housing agenda with Greg Jennett on ABC Afternoon Briefing. It's not far off. They'd have to be somewhere around a shortlist, would they? But it is an important issue. : Yeah, all right. So that's a benefit for people in cost of living next year and it's a benefit in terms of the long term skills available for the economy. We don't get the megaphone out a week after we have made that offer, before we've even, as it appears, before we've even checked with the head of state that we've made the offer to, that we're going to talk about it publicly. Filed Under: Uncategorized VIETNAMPLUS, Vietnam politics, express news, hot news, cybersecurity, update, e-newspaper, small ads, Vietnam News Agency, VNA, Vietnam News Daily, national., february 27 birthstone, afternoon briefing abc, afternoon briefing, 27 february 2021, where is afternoon briefing, alo chaya 27 february, mathijs gaat door 27 . It is owned by Facebook. Karvelas who worked for The Australian newspaper for 13 years before shifting to the ABC in 2015, hosting RN's Drive program said she was "honoured" to take over from Kelly, who .
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