This article series includes a photo-gallery of pictures of floor coverings submitted for identification along with comments on findings, recommendations, & asbestos content. I have a baby is 9 month old crawling around the house. Looks like it was all 1 piece. Angie take a look at the simple questions at DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS? 4 different tiles. The safest removal option is to have an asbestos remediation contractor remove the old tiles at a cost of between $6 and $10 per square foot, depending on where you live, the condition of the tiles, and whether local regulations require extra steps to protect the rest of the house. He has now been diagnosed with Parkinson's. Asbestos related? Your site is different than any I've seen. U.S.) - what we learn will help others. in the list of photo guides found at CONTINUE READING below. Find licensed asbestos abatement experts in your area and get free, no-commitment estimates for your project. Testing for asbestos was completed on a fragment of this flooring material. Now we are concerned that we have been potentially breathing in this loose dust (as has our 1 year old child). The house was built in 1965. [28] Stanton, .F., et al., National Bureau of Standards Special Publication 506: 143-151, [20] Pott, F., Staub-Reinhalf Luft 38, 486-490 (1978) cited by McCrone, Asbestos products and their history and use in various building materials such as asphalt and vinyl flooring includes discussion which draws on, Our recommended books about building & mechanical systems design, inspection, problem diagnosis, and repair, and about indoor environment and IAQ testing, diagnosis, and cleanup are at the. I suspect that these are asbestos tiles. materials are in good condition and the asbestos can not be released into the air, On 2022-06-29 by InspectApedia (mod) - save and seal nice turquoise tile, @Jeff Koenig, October 2010. Once asbestos regulations arose in the 1970s and 1980s, companies stopped using asbestos in their products. ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE ID REQUESTS 1960's at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice. While some states and communities prohibit the removal of asbestos flooring, many areas do permit homeowners to do so. For colors for which a link is not provided below, see the earlier occurrence of that tile color in a previous year. 04. Asbestos is safe and legal to remain in homes or public buildings as long as the asbestos materials are in good condition and the asbestos can not be released into the air. Molly,We can understand your concern but honestly it's not reasonable or possible to assess the level of exposure to a hazardous material from an e text.You might however collect some settled dust from the occupied spaces. We pulled the carpet in the dining room & discovered the original pebble-style sheet linoleum underneath (fortunately oak graces the bulk of the living areas). Much appreciated. I hate to admit this but it took me a while for it to hit me that the tiles were probably asbestos. Etched of some sort. By Glenda Taylor and Bob Vila Updated Sep 24, 2020 5:34 PM. I had been cutting it with a bandsaw over the last 4 or 5 days (without any kind of mask). 1960 - 1969 Armstrong Excelon Floor Vinyl Plastic Asbestos Floor Tiles, 9" x 9" & beginning in 1960 available in 12" x 12" size you'll see some similar but not matching patterns such as the Coda Bisque design or Nice Gold design. I am very doubtful of the large sheets containing asbestos due to the size, looks as if it came off a roll and the fact it is cut around a wall that is part of of a post millennium open plan making job. But based on the floor tile age and pattern, it's reasonable to presume that these tiles contain asbestos fibers and filler. "The interaction of asbestos and iron in lung tissue revealed by synchrotron-based scanning X-ray microscopy." by Inspectapedia Com Moderator, @Kathy, SENECA WHITE 770 standard straight grain Armstrong floor tile, shown above. - US EPA I just purchased a house built in 1961, the kitchen, den and main living room all have what looks to be asbestos tile. Original filing 16 March 1950. Do you think they contain asbestos? I would appreciate it. If you can identify your floor tile collection name or model number, laboratory testing of the sample to screen for asbestos may be unnecessary. by Inspectapedia Com Moderator. This flooring has not been identified for sure, but it resembles an Armstrong tile (See the Armstrong Craftlon Collection 12" x 12" Adelphi II Aalst54431 (showing a second color, Aalst). Curious if you recognize it. Asbestos, a heat-resistant fibrous silicate mineral,was a common element in construction materials due to its resilient, durable natureuntil the 1980s, anyway, when it was banned due to the discovery of considerable associated health risks. I have not seen this specific pattern of flooring and the packaging photo you included did not mention asbestos - not all does even when the flooring contains that material. This photograph of sheet flooring was identified by a reader in a 1964 home. Asbestos Floor Ceiling Tiles Usage Dangers And Removal. Excelon Vinyl Asbestos Tiles were produced in 1963 in both 9" x 9" and for order quantities over 9,000 sq.ft. Our opinion includes the consideration that while foremost it is important to avoid creating an asbestos hazard by improper handling, and while it is usually reasonable to cover over asbestos floor tiles with a new layer of flooring, it is also important that you proceed properly, with local expert advice, so as to avoid creating inappropriate fear on the part of other users of the building. That should be your assumption. January 2011. That's not a pattern that I am familiar with. These tiles contain asphalt and gilsonite as the main binding agents. smiles. But when the tiles begin to come loose and in particular if they are breaking up into multiple pieces, each of those breaks has the potential of releasing a small amount of dust. Excelon Vinyl Asbestos Tiles were produced in 1961 in both 9" x 9" and for order quantities over 9,000 sq.ft. U.S. Patent 2,914,807, issued December 1, 1959. Be Lurking in Your Home. Hillerdal, Gunnar, J. Lee, A. Blomkvist, Anna Rask-Andersen, M. Uddenfeldt, Hemin Koyi, and E. Rasmussen. EVER WEAR TILE CO is currently (2009) in the Terrazzo, Tile, Marble, and Mosaic Work industry in Fallon, NV. This article contains flooring identification requests for floor tiles or sheet flooring believed to date from the 1960's. About your metaphysical question of why it was installed, having not a shred of contextual information about your building any reply I might infer would be baseless speculation. also in 12" x 12" size. CENTENNIAL style (Nocturne black 817(above left), CENTENNIAL II style sold in Metallic white 1191 1/16" only, DRIFTSTONE style (Maya glow 1163) vinyl asbestos floor tile photo library from 1964, METALLIC floor tile patterns, (see 1960-1962 photo examples), STANDARD straight grain (Catawba yellow 712), STYLETONE floor tiles in Mossstone 827, PEACHTONE 837. The attached picture is what's left of the box that the tile was in, alongside the tile in question. A list below each group of photos includes the names of and links to additional photos for other colors of these styles. They go through the whole house. Asbestos is safe and legal to remain in homes or public buildings as long as the asbestos Cant seem to find anything similar on here, Hello. She found remnants in the bottom of a kitchen cabinet on which was imprinted "Armstrong". 03, a gray, tan & green floor tile installed in a Two Harbors MN home ca 1960 was tested for asbestos using Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) by EMSL. That looks like a vinyl floor tile in a wood grain pattern, though from just your photo I'm unsure. See the patent citation and below. Here is an additional photo for the 1965 vinyl flooring, On 2021-08-29 The likelihood of 1950s and 60s floor tiles containing asbestos is very high, however that asbestos content is not hazardous unless the tiles are disturbed by cutting or grinding, which can. I like that flooring too. Wear a respirator mask, goggles that form a seal around your eyes, a hat, and old clothing you will dispose of when the job is done. Many homes have asbestos-containing floor tiles, especially those built or updated in the 1970s and before. Common in homes built in the 20th century, black mastic was used as an adhesive for ceramic tile, linoleum, and other resilient flooring materials. Also, my tiles don't seem like vinyl to me. We removed all the other carpeting and tack strips in the house and luckily found hard wood but this one gave us pause. However, stockpiled asbestos flooring materials may have been installed in homes even after production ceased. That means either having loose tiles removed and feeling in those openings with new floor tile or better is removing all of a loose tile and then covering over the floor with a new material. We have seen that floor tile before, Tammy, identifed by a reader as a 1973 "Pebble Peoples" floor tile, treated as presumed to contain asbestos, On 2018-03-10 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator, @Bea, Typically the floating floor will use a rosin paper or other underlayment as well. A vintage, vinyl asbestos floor tile sales-sample showing a distinctive retro pattern. On 2022-04-24 When we moved in, there was carpet covering all floors except the kitchen. You can glue in floor tiles or use a leveling compound to make the floor smooth before installing a floating wood floor atop. There you will find a whole library of photos and descriptions of various kinds of "sheet" flooring including linoleum. COMMENT BOXto submit photos of flooring to get help in identifying floor tiles or sheet flooring that might contain asbestos. " 775) 423-6221. - information courtesy of Armstrong Corporation. Asbestos Floor Tiles And Containing Sheet Flooring Vintec. This floor is under carpet in a sunroom addition that showed up on a plat of survey from 84. Photo above: a gray, green, and light tan asphalt-asbestos floor tile installed in a northern Minnesota home in 1962. The lab found. From your text I don't know what the sound is that you are describing but if the sound is one that suggests that the tiles are not well at heared then you may need to remove them before installing another layer of flooring. The asbestos test lab found 3% chrysotile asbestos in this floor tile sample. Have you seen this style before from the 60s? RELATED: 9 Places Asbestos May (Still!) EXCELON CORKSTYLE was sold in all three: Light, Medium, Dark shades - Colors: for details. Unless tests are performed (usually not necessary) and results indicate otherwise, I would treat this flooring as PACM presumed asbestos containing material and handle it accordingly. European Respiratory Journal 10, no. U.S. Patent 3,386,001, issued May 28, 1968. Between 1960 and 1980, mastic adhesives were most commonly used with a specific type of vinyl flooring tile. Asphalt Tile (asphalt-asbestos tile): Is a type of tile that contains asbestos used predominately between the 1920s-1960s. InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. May I make a donation to your website for all you've done?. for asbestos materials testing. See details, TIDESTONE style asbestos vinyl floor tiles (Malibu beige 51764) shown above, TRAVERTEX style (Briar tan 51130, Mist white51135, WOODTONE (standard tile, wood tone: Light oak 56850), Custom vinyl cork floor tile ingredients: raw cork & vinyl resins (literature does not cite asbestos), Cork floor tile ingredients: raw cork, resins, and CORK PARQUET floor tiles, in both material types, Also see the 1960's Armstrongs red and white brick flooring patterns illustrated, at SHEET & TILE FLOORING ASBESTOS ID-BRICK PATTERN ID, The 1960s & 1970s motif floor tiles shown above have been reported by readers in homes dating from 1968 and 1973 and are also shown at, Embossed (9 x 9 & 12" x 12")(See 1965-1966 styles of embossed floor tiles), CUSTOM SHALESTONE (Bushkill white - left) 12" x 12" x 1/16" floor tile images from 1969, Imperial Modern (9 x 9 & 12" x 12") (see 1968). Descendents of Linoleum include Anaglypta and Lincrusta (many writers spell it "Linocrusta or linacrusta", an embossed patterned covering used on walls and ceilings. The same is true in the bath: pebble style underneath a newer layer, except there is no wood layer between.The closest I could find in your list to the lowest layer is Styletone 838 Glaciertone.Thanks for the amazing list. the basis for current work by asbestos identification laboratories. If removing the tiles is legal in your community, and you choose to do the work yourself, your local building authority or hazardous waste utility will often provide a list of procedures to follow. millimeters) and then a mortar or something similar. For colors for which a link is not provided below, see the earlier occurrence of that tile color in a previous year. I will do that. Seeing as I have three other rooms with tile I think this is the easiest fix for me. the tile is one of a kind. We have tiles like the top ones. EriAsphalt asbestos or vinyl asbestos floor tiles, when they are intact, are not friable and so are not easily made into hazardous Airborne dust. for a more-complete understanding of the same question and our answer that you'll find there. Colors: DARK CORK STYLE 842 shown from Armstrong's 1962 tile catalog, (above) (see other colors, photos earlier years), EXCELON IMPERIAL style vinyl asbestos floor tiles in 1962, sold in. Though I don't see tiles that look exactly like this, the tiles look similar to the asbestos tiles in your picture library. Do you think these vinyl tiles have asbestos? by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - red and cream floor tiles and red sheet flooring may all contain asbestos. Even ceramic, slate, and stone tiles can be installed on top, as long as a fiber-cement backer is installed first. Above: probably 1970s or later sheet vinyl flooring from reader Nicole. I started to peel away at it before I thought to check if it could contain asbestos. Found these layers during a kitchen demo. This morning, before I continued cutting, it dawned on me that it might contain asbestos. Pittsburgh, PA 15227, Asbestos Floor Tiles Textiles And Composites. Above: Sample 06 New York floor tile examined by PLM. This will give the buyers a heads up so they dont start tearing out the tiles should they wish to install new flooring. If, which I now doubt, you were asking about mosaic flooring, That would be ceramic floor tile laid in a pattern, often to form an image. Whats the chances it has asbestos? at ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE IDENTIFICATION - (floor tiles) Popular flooring patterns were continued, without asbestos, after 1986. Hi, ThaneI would treat the floor as presumed to contain asbestos, based on your notes on home age and floor appearance.At DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS?I pose 5 simple questions that you can try to answer to make a reasonable guess at whether or not the floor in your photo contains asbestos. But the colors in your floor tiles (above left) resemble some hues found, in Kentiles (KENTILE KENFLEX ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE GUIDE. for the photo and test information documenting chrysotile asbestos in a vinyl-asbestos floor tile from a 1969 home. In some instances, we have seen up to six layers of asbestos floor tiles. CERAMIC TILE, ASBESTOS Anyone else have that problem from asbestos? We just bought this home. It is very common to find multiple layers of asbestos floor tiles as they may have been added over time. I researched the patents cited on the box. Where It Is Located Due to their durability, asbestos tiles are often found in high-traffic spaces such as hallways and kitchens. Photo ID guide to 1960's Asbestos-Containing floor tiles: This article provides flooring identification requests and represeentative photographs of 1960's floor tiles to help identify flooring that contains asbestos. Sure, glad to: take a look at SHEET & TILE FLOORING ASBESTOS ID-BRICK PATTERN ID where you'll see more of that white brick pattern sheet flooring. Someday we will put down new vinyl throughout. Also see asphalt and vinyl asbestos-suspect flooring test results at, [1] Armstrong Residential Flooring - Website 05/15/2010 lists current flooring products provided by the Armstrong Corporation, including Armstrong's current vinyl floor tile products at, [2] Armstrong Corporation, Corporate History - - Web Search 05/19/2010, [3] Armstrong vinyl asbestos floor tiles: photos of asbestos-vinyl floor tiles as catalog pages (PDF form) are at, [5] "Asbestos in your home or at work," Forsyth County Environmental Affairs Department, Winston-Salem NC, [6] "Asbestos Floor Tile Removal", the University of Minnesota's advice on removing VAT (vinyl asbestos or asphalt asbestos floor tile) can be read in detail at I found this site by accident and it's terrific. Mod. Sorry. We have found records only of 9" x 9" vinyl asbestos floor tiles for 1964, in 1/16", 3/32" or 1/8" gauges. Vinyl is durable, so asbestos-containing vinyl tiles and floor coverings are likely to still be in many Australian homes built prior 1990. METALLIC style flooring tiles shown above This article provides a guide to identifying asphalt-asbestos flooring in styles and colors sold between 1960 and 1969. Thank you for any information you may be able to share. If the floor is in poor condition or must be removed then see the asbestos floor removal and asbestos hazard reduction articles found in the ARTICLE INDEX at the end of any of these pages. Besides insulation, floor tiles were some of the most popular asbestos-containing materials manufactured a few decades ago. Thank you for the quick response. We are dedicated to making our information as accurate, complete, useful, and unbiased as possible: we very much welcome critique, questions, or content suggestions. Feature Strips solid color vinyl-asbestos flooring accent strips were sold in 1", 2", and 3" widths and 24" in length, in solid colors in vinyl-asbetstos flooring for 1962, in 1/16" and 1/8" gauge thicknesses. The wondrous new "no-wax" flooring sold by companies such as Congoleum and Armstrong put a glossy sheen on post-war American prosperity. I don't know where I would trust answers as much as I do from this site. For a 1960's vintage asbestos-containing floor tile photo guide, please also Some localities restrict asbestos testing to licensed asbestos remediation experts. 1/16" was referred to as service gauge. Readers can use our page bottom COMMENT BOXto submit photos of flooring to get help in identifying floor tiles or sheet flooring that might contain asbestos. Brown asphalt tiles were also produced, and contained a fair amount . Some sheet flooring or resilient flooring also contained asbestos, as did floor tile mastics. One suggests we test the material. on this page you'll see a link to RESILIENT SHEET FLOORING ID GUIDE STYLETONE floor tiles were sold in these colors: Woodtone vinyl asbestos floor tiles in 1962 sold 9" x 9" x 1/8" & 1/16" thicknessesColors: Light Oak 850, MEDIUM OAK 851, Dark Oak 852 (see the 1961 photos). With the photo and years guide, you'll know which sheet floors have these chemicals. Using the historical info like the dates of manufacture, you can know if the sheets have asbestos. at FLOORING MATERIALS, Age, Types and also, Take a look at ASBESTOS FLOORING HAZARD REDUCTION and alsosee MASTIC, CUTBACK ADHESIVE, FLASHING CEMENT ASBESTOS. My first question was, what the heck is it? One or two broken floor tiles in my experience is not going to produce even a measurable level of Airborne asbestos but as the floor continues to deteriorate and in particular if it's breaking up in normal use then it does need to be addressed. Has anyone come across this tile design before? greatly appreciated. The tiles are 12"x12" and are approximately 1.6 mm in thickness. I really did not even know if it is vinyl or other material, I can not distinguish. - 5 easy questions to tell if your FLOOR probably contains asbestos - @Geraint, Our house was built around 1945 but we don't know for sure when these tiles were installed. The most popular size was. CUSTOM IMPERIAL style flooring tiles (White sea gray 1112, above left) floor tile images from 1966, IMPERIAL style Coppetone beige 865, Terrace white 880, IMPERIAL MODERN style vinyl asbestos floor tiles, STANDARD GRAIN vinyl floor tiles - White bayberry 710 shown above, TRAVERTEX style (Teal green 1136) shown above, TRAVERTINE EMBOSSED asbestos floor tiles (Vetralla 4221) (also see 1965 Embossed styles), CALIGULA style (Dianna white 51202, above left) all vinyl asbestos floor tile images from 1968, CUSTOM SHALESTONE flooring (Tioga beige 57001), EMBOSSED EXCELON(See 1965-1966 styles of embossed floor tiles), FEATURE style (colid color floor tiles & strips - color chart), IMPERIAL style Mint green 56871, shown above, IMPERIAL MODERN style (Shadow brown 51853, above left, not produced in 1973), METRIC CHIP (Palma beige 54281) [Compare with Shattered Stone - 1973] See details, at MARBLE / STONE CHIP PATTERN FLOORING ASBESTOS, PALATIALstyle (Royal rouge 51600, also in lighter colors, 7 colors total), POLISHED MARBLE vinyl asbestos floor tiles (Meadow white 54193, above), POMPEII style shown in Dianna white 51201 - above, RANDOM MOSAIC style Terra cotta red 54262 shown above, STANDARD STRAIGHT GRAIN vinyl asbestos flooring (Smooth Surface) (Bayberry beige 56721) above, SWIRL CHIP style floor tiles (Rheims beige 54272) above. These flooring products typically contain chrysotile asbestos, and possibly other asbestos forms. They're not dark inside though. Nikita Kruschev banging his shoe on the table at the United Nations, shouting "We will bury you", the Cuban Missle crisis nor the Kennedy Assassination did not deter the production of the wide variety of vinyl-asbestos flooring products described below for 1962. For this reason, many homeowners sit unsuspectingly on materials that can be especially hazardous when unearthed duringremoval and renovation. Personal correspondence with DF, 10/22/2012, Asbestos Identification and Testing References. Above: photos of mastic removed from the back of our tile sample No. The particle shape or pattern in your floor tiles is similar to the Armstrong floor tile Imperial pattern from 1963, see ARMSTRONG FLOOR TILES and scroll down to 1963). It means a lot that you took the time and trouble to comment as you did, and of course I'm very happy that our information proved helpful to you.Indeed we have worked hard for over fifteen years to make information at accurate, in-depth, and without bias, so I am of course very grateful when a reader reports that our website has been useful.To that end, I would much appreciate hearing any comments, critique, suggestions, or further questions that you may have about any of our diagnosis/repair articles. You may also have to pay a hazardous waste disposal fee, which ranges from $35 to $75 or more, depending on the facility. if you think we find this person, are there such people around? And of course you would choose a clear sealant when you are preserving and retaining the original floor. So not sure when the room was added or when this floor was laid. My questions to you: a, do you think that these look enough like the tiles that have asbestos that we really don't have to test? How can I submit a photo of a tile to see if it might contain asbestos? Or see ASBESTOS FLOOR IDENTIFICATION FAQs 1960-1969 - questions & answers & ID photos of 1960's era flooring suspected of containing asbestos, posted originally on this page. I'm not sure my ground detected on your site, but I send two photos if you are able to recognize or catalog. It's not a pattern that I've seen before. - G.M. Do you have any thoughts/opinions? If you decide to have the flooring tested for asbestos see ASBESTOS TESTING LAB LIST for some suggestions. In a Tri-level home on the ground floor. Asbestos Identification, Walter C.McCrone, McCrone Research Institute, Chicago, IL.1987 ISBN 0-904962-11-3. I am concerned if this sheet flooring contains asbesto. Knoop, Christiane, Michel Mairesse, Christine Lenclud, Pierre-Alain Gevenois, and Paul De Vuyst. But its ban from production didnt necessarily mean that all products, including floor tiles, had been ripped out of homes or even completely removed from shelves. Tel: 412-207-7237 and email: Thanks to reader R.M. Step 4 - Laboratory Testing Can you please identify this tile? For colors for which a link is not provided below, see the earlier occurrence of that tile color in a previous year. According to everything I've read containment is the best way to go. The safest and least costly approach is to leave the flooring alone, in place, and to cover it with new material. and if so, what's the best way to find a reputable company and how much should we expect to pay for removal for an area approx 400 sq feet. However if such flooring installed in North America before the early 1980's is in very poor condition or if it must be demolished as part of building renovations, it should be treated as presumed to contain asbestos and handled accordingly. This house in the tri state area is an older family member's, so the rest of the family got together to discuss. Asbestos is safe and legal to remain in homes or public buildings as long as the asbestos CENTENNIAL style vinyl asbestos flooring images from 1962 (above). It that a safe alternative to removing? I hope you can advise me on the matter, think that contain asbestos? I saw part of the word "strong" so I believe itArmstrong, Covering asbestos suspect flooring is the safest and most-recommended procedure, Nikki.Also seeASBESTOS FLOORING HAZARD REDUCTION.
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