Despite being a monster of legends, just like its cousin the werewolf, the Rougarou has its weakness. Children are told by their elders to behave or else the Rougarou will get them. The Rougarou Supernatural Cameo Explained, Legend of the Rougarou: The Complete Loup-garou Guide. According to the deputies, the Honey Island Swamp was a hellhole where criminals and monsters thrived. Mr. Nameless is still is not 100% sure what he saw that evening down Peavine Road, but from time to time he still thinks, and wonders what that large dark figure that crossed his path could be. This terrifying creature has evolved over millenniabut never lost the need to feed. Across French Louisiana, it is a very common legend, and most Louisiana natives are very familiar with at least the name, if nothing else. We know what you are probably thinking. The Same LObservateur article that mentioned the Laplace mans sighting near Ruddock in 1983, also makes mention of another Laplace man that had a strange encounter on top of the levee near Bayou Steel. Before we get too far into an explanation let's first say it correctly, the proper pronunciation is, "Roo-Ga-Roo.". The Rougarou, Beast of the Louisiana Bayou, Gets a Makeover. Lover of writing, learning and teaching others about new things. A recent novel called The Sentence by Louise Erdrich. Not in the Pacific Northwest, but right there in Laplace! Legend says that the Rougarou will hunt these individuals down and suck their blood, feeding on their energy for up to 101 days. While the officers were talking to the lady, a K-9 unit arrived on scene and when they began their search the dog alerted to something. In this article, were going to highlight the top 9 Louisiana monsters from folklore and legends. How does it differ from a traditional werewolf? According to Breaux, as Hubert retold the story, he began clenching his teeth and breathing rapidly as if he were reliving a terrifying experience. The cryptid, usually described as a towering, hairy monster, is allegedly a human cursed to take beastly form. You interact with them, theyre dancing and theyre nice. Honey Island Swamp Monster Werewolves have transformed, too, and not just into the Teen Wolf tv show and movie. Full report can be found on Report # 56107. It was enough just enough working knowledge for me to form an opinion. How did one Louisiana town's name get a bizarre pronunciation? However embracing legends, customs and tradition is the very foundation of culture. In a new subdivision that was still being developed named Sheryls Meadows, a 12 year old riding their mini-bike along with their cousin saw a lumbering creature approximately 500 yards away. A human would have a substantial amount of trouble walking through the terrain. People claim he leaves behind webbed footprints (presumably to navigate the swamps effectively) and mutilates wild boars. The article contained a short anecdotal account of an unnamed Laplace man that in 1983 saw something correlates with what Mr. Nameless saw. No purchase necessary. The New Orleans Pelicans had originally thought about changing their names from the Hornets to the Rougarous at one point! A few seconds passes and she started to feel a fear building inside. These canine-humanoid shapeshifters travel between worlds using magical doors. The different versions of the Rougarou beast are as many as reported sightings of the beast. The rougarou is like our Smokey the Bear, says Foret. Sightings have given rise to a number of stories describing creepy things that hide in the dark and dont play nice. According to the woman, "The next day a prominent physician appeared in town with his right arm cut and in a sling. We can only hope Ruston, LA never decides to build a Grunch Road. Dragons, once the ultimate test of a heros courage, have been effectively domesticated. This is similar to that of a traditional werewolf, however, unlike a werewolf, the Rougarou during the day appears weak, sickly, and vulnerable. Another telling of the story says that the Rougarou is under a 101-day curse, unless the affected person can transfer the curse to another human being. Is there a Louisiana werewolf? The New Orleans Pelicans, Louisiana's NBA team, were formerly known as the Hornets. Follow us on Twitter to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. A spell that as you will soon find out is not that easy to break. We do have water spirits, such as Leviathan, a giant alligator spirit, who is actually mentioned in the Bible. Near Avenue A around 9pm, He arrived at the scene and spoke to the lady that called it in. Over the last century, hurricanes, sea level rise, and problematic development projects, such as damming the Mississippi River, have caused Louisiana to lose more than 2,000 square miles of land. The rougarou once served to scare adults into being good Catholics, and children into staying home after dark, Rabalais says, adding, Now there are other things to be scared of, like rising water levels and hurricanes.. Many rumors haunt this road, also known as LA-57. Some months prior to this her entire family told her they hear a woman screaming at the top of her lungs, followed by a gurgling noise coming from the woods. Your email address will not be published. In 1989 this man was alone on top of the levee near Bayou Steel; He was waiting for his brother to meet him to go hunting behind the levee. At this point, you are probably wondering just how the legend began. About half way back to the railroad crossing, 100 yards up the road. This is why I always read terms and conditions. A 1926 article in the New Orleans States juxtaposes scenes of the wild honeysuckle and vibrant Southern foliage of the area against bushes used as hiding spots for murderers to ambush victims. The Rougarou of the Bayou Louisiana is a fascinating place whose history is rich with legends from long ago. The two children ran the entire way home, about of a mile. With the head of a werewolf and the body of a man, the creature is said to prey on misbehaving children and dates back to medieval France. The tales of the Rougarou have many variations, but it is mostly described as being a hulking beast, up to 10 feet tall, with the hair covered body of a human and the head of a wolf or in some cases a . Lapin, the trickster rabbit rooted in African folklore traditions that were brought to Louisiana by enslaved people, has also seen a transformation. In an attempt to keep occupied and at home during these various phases of the Covid-19 pandemic, on a whim I decided to search out Louisiana based Bigfoot sightings. The question nagged him into adulthood. In the swamps within the Greater New Orleans area and the Acadiana is where this beast has come to live. Once the rougarou settled into southern Louisianas swampy shadows, it took on some aspects of local Native American cryptids, such as a legendary Choctaw shapeshifting owl-witch. The Rougarou is often also associated with the Skunk Ape or the Honey Island Swamp Monster, likely due to another variation of the myth that states the creature is a shapeshifter that can change forms between human and animal at will, sometimes making it seem more like a swamp Sasquatch than a werewolf. The Rougarou is also thought to be nothing more than a bogeyman story to scare children or Catholics into obedience. A cattle bridge that crossed the Yellow Water River was mentioned as a landmark in the report. A woman reports that several nights before the actual sighting there was something rummaging around underneath ther house. The Rougarou is a legendary creature that is often depicted on shirts, cups, and other forms of merchandise. I dont remember verbatim what he told me that day but the gist of that conversation has stuck in my psyche with clarity for nearly 30 years. After Ford's death, a grainy film reel was found in his attic that shows a large and hairy figure shuffling upright between the trees. The student claimed it was the exact same sounds they heard during their encounter. There are documentaries about this you can easily find on YouTube. It was near 2am and both parties were hesitant to walk to the car to retrieve the purse. Thats no werewolf, though. He hides in tall grass near Grunch Road in New Orleans, LA, waiting to prey on teens who park there. The only one I say can I truly believe is the sighting told to me by Mr. Nameless and that is only because I have known him my entire life and trust him. Like the childhood game of telephone, the story morphs over the years as it gets passed down from generation to generation. When faced with a supernatural beast that has superhuman strength, speed, and sharp claws and teeth, chances are you wouldnt be feeling very lucky. The Rougarou will see the 13 objects, try to count them, and be unable to count them all. I suppose anything is possible, and while the Bigfoot sighting phenomena originated in the Pacific Northwest, it seems more than plausible that such a creature could exist here. Makes that morning commute not seem so bad, right? The same 12 year old child claims that about a month after, they were out with the same cousin in the woods that bordered their neighborhood, when they spotted a bush along the train track shake. A student attending St. Josephs seminary college had an experience that cannot be classified as a sighting, but rather and auditory experience. Since the migration, many of the legends began to change to match the times and the dialect. Foret grew up in southern Louisiana, between the Atchafalaya Basin and New Orleans, where stories of the rougarou are most often heardand he wouldnt venture into wooded areas at night because of them. Let us know in the comments below! Your email address will not be published. Our parents would say things like, you better behave or the rougarou is gonna get you, says Jonathan Foret, a native of Terrebonne Parish, a patchwork of bayou and lowlands on the Gulf shore. She described it also as being tall and hairy and went on to further say that it was almost so white it was glowing. She also described the creature to be staring in her direction. Over the decades, numerous people have talked of an ape-like creature or creatures living in swamps. I'm considering creating a documentary on the legend of the Rougarou when I get some more free time in the future. The Loupe Garou has to be based on stories told by parents wanting there children to behave and make there beds clean the dishes ect ect. It ended up passing within 15 yards of Mr. Klibert. The Rougarou, also known as the loup-garou, is essentially Louisiana's bayou-dwelling werewolf, and it's a prominent figure in Cajun folklore. After the initial sighting by the husband, the wife reported that a neighbor came by in an adjatated state. 1990-1992 (early 90s) St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana. A simple yet effective trick to protect oneself from the beast. We may never really find out.. Catholics are told it will hunt down and kill them if they don't obey Lent. Its fingernails are grisly claws. Considering how many hunters love senselessly killing wild boars, we really cant blame the swamp monster. No, you dont become a Rougarou from a bite or scratch, or from losing a bet. She finally located the purse she grabbed it and quickly ran inside the house. "I heard the story from veteran hunters. Also in Harvey, residents say they've seen it knocking over trashcans and chasing cats. There are many people in Louisiana who practice magic and wish curses upon us. Full report can be found at This suggests an explanation for the abundance of stories from locals about seeing a Rougarou for themselves. According to Cajun folklore, the monster is said to inhabit the swamps and sugar cane fields around the Acadiana and Greater New Orleans regions. 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The friend forgot her purse in the car. The legend is believed to have originated from French Canadian immigrants in the late 1700's. There are hundreds of light . I had almost forgot about it since no one answered phone when I wanted to tell someone what I just seen was so weird. There was a problem saving your notification. Back in the day of armor, swords and jousting, there was a lot more to fear than the plague and witches. The Bible tells us to test the spirit(s) to see if it (they) come from God. But now, the story of the once-terrifying rougarou is changing, along with the coastal wetlands it has long called home. The Rougarou will see the 13 objects, try to count them, and be unable to count them all. The Rougarou, Beast of the Louisiana Bayou, Gets a Makeover One man hopes to turn the wolfish cryptid into a mascot for saving the state's imperiled wetlands. 4. He was only about 100 yards away when it crossed so a person would not of had time to get far enough to disappear into the swamp. The name changed to rougarou in Cajun Louisiana because l and r are linguistically liquid consonants and they change places a lot, says Barry Jean Ancelet, a Cajun folklorist and professor emeritus with the University of Lafayette. In others, they are demonic forces that play tricks and lead you to your demise in the swamps. The commuter stated that the headlights of his car shined directly onto the creature so they got a pretty good look at it. In some cases, they are your loved ones coming to greet you and bring good fortune. People who didnt have a lot of physical or social power in society found a way to survive through being clever., Even Louisianas infamous and very real alligators have undergone a rebranding. And, if you know anything about sleep paralysis, you may have seen the culprit himself! French and Canadian settlers as they migrated brought with them the legend of the beast to Louisiana. Immense fear or indifference could be contributed to psychic phenomena that are sometimes reported with these types of sightings. The cousins decided to turn around and go back the direction they came to avoid a close encounter with this unknown, imposing, bipedal creature. Last but not least, the pinnacle of mythology in the bayou state and kingpin of all Louisiana monsters the Rougarou. I came across a LObservateur article that ran around Halloween 2002, titled: Let the haunting good times roll. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Overall, Weve seen the evolution of the werewolf become a more sophisticated, debonair character, Ancelet says. Witches?Witch doctors! Their property backs up to a vast cypress swamp. 1983 St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana. A year later the boy killed himself and left a letter that the family turned over to the sheriff. The basic tale of Rougarou is one of a half man, half wolf that prowls the Louisiana swamps, looking for Catholics that have broken Lent or broken Catholic rules in other ways. all proceeds from rougarou fest go to the south louisiana wetlands discovery center click here to learn more. I had been riding my bike through the trails in the woods that were in the back of Laplace Park. What I saw scared the life out of me. Bears can stand up and run on their hind legs, whereas, wolves cannot. They appear as fluorescent balls of light which loom over the marshlands of Louisiana. Loup is French for Wolf, and Garou refers to a man that transforms into an animal. Usually theyd find someone in the woods or someone in the village who was just acting strange.. Folklore will have us believe that a Rougarou has the opportunity to change back to a human after 101 days, but only after finding another human who is willing to have the curse transferred to them. ", This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. And then I realized that is what I saw! Feel free to email me at Thank you! The unfortunate person is under the spell for 101 days. Local sanitation workers have supposedly reported seeing them raiding garbage cans or chasing trucks. Loup is French for Wolf, and Garou refers to a man that transforms into an animal. Consider supporting our work by becoming a member for as little as $5 a month. Even the act of self-defense could be life-altering. They described it as a cross between a whimpering dog and human crying. As it gets to 13, it becomes confused. Stories of cajun folklore monsters have been passed down for decadescenturies even.